DOT Return to Safety Sensitive Duty After Completing SAP on Refusal or Positive Alcohol or Drug Test

DOT Return to Safety Sensitive Duty After Completing SAP on Refusal or Positive Alcohol or Drug Test


54 года назад

1,791 Просмотров

The FMCSA’s RTD process is an important mechanism that ensures commercial truck drivers, who violated the FMCSA’s drug and alcohol testing program, return to safety-sensitive duties only after completing necessary SAP initial assessment, drug and alcohol education or rehabilitation programs related to SAP recommendations, follow-up SAP assessment and clearing RTD tests. A new process for completing step 5 is the return to duty test.

Employer Roles in the FMSCA Return to Duty Process and FMSCA Clearinghouse Data Entry, Step 5 and 6.

Step 5: The driver must be sent for an RTD test by his or her current employer.

Step 6: Any employer that employs this driver during the prescribed period must complete the follow-up testing plan as specified by the SAP.


#DOT #FMSCA #CDL #Truck #Driver #Positive #Drug #Test #Step_5 #Step_6 #Return #To #Duty #SAP #Safety #Sensitive #Failed #Refusal #Employer #Owner #Operator #Department #of #Transportation #Federal #Clearinhouse #Mona #Ellis #Substance #Abuse #Professional #Arizona #Utah #Houston #Beaumont #Austin #Phoenix #Salt_Lake_City
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