General Vlasov and massacre of Russian army in WWII

General Vlasov and massacre of Russian army in WWII


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Bulldog Kesel
Bulldog Kesel - 22.03.2022 22:13

Slava Rusia

Bulldog Kesel
Bulldog Kesel - 22.03.2022 22:13

Fuck fasistum nacizmusu

ramO 1995
ramO 1995 - 11.06.2020 14:24

Glory to the men of the ROA

Kermit - 12.03.2019 05:43

FDR announced in a speech publicly that most of Europe would just have to learn to live under Soviet rule for 20-30years until they can work it out. And he said this before a single Red Army soldier had stepped foot outside Russia’s borders. Oh and even Chruschev said they couldn’t have marched to Berlin without the 500,000 dodge jeeps the US gave them first in the 11 billion dollar arms GIFT they received to invade 1/2 of Europe which they never paid back or thanked the US for.

Vlad Gorky
Vlad Gorky - 02.02.2019 14:21

Certainly, Stalin was a ditator. But Stalin was more patriot then Vlasov, even more "Russian"

Alek Shukhevych
Alek Shukhevych - 23.08.2017 22:19

Poor horses!

deez nuts
deez nuts - 28.03.2017 09:18

look at them using horse and carriage..the Russians would have lost without us aid...the us have them many trucks to help move and supply their lines.

weirdshibainu - 07.03.2017 08:44

the abuse of the horses and the terror the animals endured sickens me

Otto Rocha
Otto Rocha - 19.09.2016 04:28

The White Russian should have fought with the Germans the rest of the Allies were on the wrong side and know it today

Otto Rocha
Otto Rocha - 19.09.2016 04:27

true enemies. were the communism Bolshevik

Bolshevik Carpetbagger
Bolshevik Carpetbagger - 15.05.2014 07:48

He was Stalin's favorite general, possibly the only one never suspected of treason. And in one of history's most twisted ironies, Andrey Vlasov ends up defecting and raises an army to establish a Nazi puppet state in Russia. He got what he deserved in the end.

martha Magda
martha Magda - 18.09.2013 04:08


K C Jones
K C Jones - 17.09.2013 03:34

Yes. And come to think of it, half of europe was sold to Stalin. I met Czech people from that generation who harbor ill will on the US for allowing their country to fall into the hands of the USSR even though the US Army under Patton liberated a large section of the country, including Pilsen, Cesky Budovice among other regions.

orangedac - 28.07.2013 12:43

he surrendered to the germans and then collaborated with them.

Wolfen443 - 26.06.2013 07:39

What was he supposed to do?. Die along with the remains of his army or keep them alive as German Allies against their former dictator serving another?.

Lars !
Lars ! - 02.08.2012 13:46

Well, one thing is certain, she is dead now.

K C Jones
K C Jones - 13.04.2012 11:27

Incidently, the woman at 1:25 is beatuiful. I wonder if if there were many women who were in Vlasov's army.

K C Jones
K C Jones - 13.04.2012 11:24

He chose one devil over the other. Of course, like all Soviet citizens who were captured by the Germans he was already considered to be guilty of a crime. Stalin's order was to save the last bullet for yourself. Ultimately Vlasov's Army turned on the Nazis and liberated Prague. But they were betrayed by the British and US forces and returned to Stalin to be murdered. IMHO the betrayal of the Russians was the biggest disgrace of the western allies.

Bill Blinky
Bill Blinky - 18.03.2012 04:53

@gat569 - Well that was always going to be a very risky game for him to play. I suppose he should be thankful that he can only be executed once.

gat569 - 17.03.2012 19:35

@BelloBudo007 Wikipedia says he hid out for 10 days in these woods after his army was destroyed. Then captured - as a German POW he came out against the communists and organized an anti-communist army mostly of Russian POW's to fight against the Soviets. They fought in '45 against Soviets - then actually turned back against the SS to defend Prague from destruction, then fleeing the Soviet army, tried to surrender to Patton's army - turned over and executed by Soviets for treason. Check it out :)

ThePantruca - 08.03.2012 08:55

He was guilty of cooperating with the Germans...a traitor to the USSR.

Bill Blinky
Bill Blinky - 05.03.2012 14:36

I don't understand the point of this video. What was General Vlasov guilty of?
