PANEL: SEXUAL REVOLUTION | Louise Perry, Jordan Peterson, Mary Harrington, Stephen Blackwood

PANEL: SEXUAL REVOLUTION | Louise Perry, Jordan Peterson, Mary Harrington, Stephen Blackwood

Alliance for Responsible Citizenship

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@kylelangton2718 - 05.12.2023 12:03

Jordan Peterson the trandcon simp.

@mountain85 - 05.12.2023 08:15

"Behave like the pill doesn't exit"- Make better choices for yourself because we need to stop bringing children in the world without both the parents invested in them.

@ThatSomGuy - 05.12.2023 02:48

Every major religion in the world talks about the importance of chastity with women. If the woman is unstable, or raises her children as a single mother then the family structure is corrupt. If the family structure is corrupt then society will be corrupt. In Hinduism, one of the first lessons is that,
- "Arjun became concerned and started comprehending, “What would happen to the society in the absence of guidance and protection of elders? The women of the family may get misled.” Therefore, Arjun said to Shree Krishna that if the women of the family turn towards immorality, and commit adultery, they would bear illegitimate children. This would not only destroy peace and happiness of the future generations but also deprive the ancestors of their Vedic rites. Family traditions will be abandoned and the welfare of society will be at stake."

This is just one example. Muslims have their conservative views on women as well as Buddhist. Every major religion says near the same thing in this topic.

@MinomeEslinde - 04.12.2023 23:17

If you're having seggs with someone on the condition that she doesn't become the father of your children, well that's easy to put in practice. Most lesbians do have seggs with their girlfriends on a regular basis. Sometimes casual, sometimes in a vacation affair, sometimes in longterm relationships. Sure, the asexuals don' 't and they find other ways to have a good time together. So the mystery becomes: why do hetero people find it so very difficult to have seggs in ways that have no risk of pregnancy, when queer folks are capable of doing seggs in ways that is pleasurable and bonding, without that pregnancy risk? Could the extremely narrow and uncreative view of heteros on what seggs must be, be the real underlying problem why the pill and IUDs get implemented as pregnancy prevention, with all the downsides of those preventive measures? There is more in the world than abstinence.

@crosstudio - 04.12.2023 21:37

the winners of the sexual revolution are rich and good looking men. they get to sleep around with a plethora of women, who feel empowered for having made the choice to cavort with these men, and relish in those "situationships" until they reach a certain age, or have a child with a good looking man who has no substance (i.e. resources) to go with his style.

@willakerlund4191 - 04.12.2023 19:59

I think this is an interesting topic both on the individual and societal level. However I feel this conversation would have benefitted greatly from a moderator and/or opponent to challenge some of the posed problems and solutions. I think a number of statements were lazily constructed, possibly precisely because they were expecting not to have any immediate criticism.

@notaspacemonkey - 04.12.2023 19:54

We are rediscovering reality, folks.

@34straw - 04.12.2023 19:13

Brave new world

@CX0909 - 04.12.2023 18:10

I suspect there’s just conservatives commenting here. So here’s two cents from the left. As a man in his mid 50’s who’s had numerous sexual partners and a lifestyle of hedonistic kinky sex… I’m not happy. I’m currently dating a girl who was a sex worker in her early years and now insists on an open relationship. She had abuse trauma when she was young and I believe is affected by attachment disorder. I would love to find one girl who isn’t screaming about some patriarchal conspiracy of men against women. But at my age everyone that’s single is single for a reason. Me included. Yes yes I’m dating someone. But it doesn’t feel like a flourishing relationship. It’s just a warm body so I don’t feel utterly alone.

I will not ever believe in some imaginary deity or a 2000 year old rule book that has been rewritten so many times by the power hungry to suit their gluttonous games of control and forbids simply asking questions. However the left has not provided any better answers either. I can’t go back in time to choose parents to model a successful marriage. I can’t undo all the mistakes that have lead me to feeling alone in a relationship with a girl who’s so afraid of commitment that she must have the option to date and sleep around in case any one relationship threatens to break her heart… or her arm. And dating apps are a dumpster fire. So where does this all leave me? Or us for that matter? The left and the right both believe the other to be some evil cabal and not humans searching for peace that are writhing in so much ideological and metaphysical pain that they sound crazy.


Resident of the island of misfit toys

@HipHopSavesLivestv - 04.12.2023 16:58

There are some very good points here. One thing I find Eurocentric culture forgets is that THEY ARE NOT THE FIRST OR ONlY CULTURE ON THE PLANET. Indigenous tribes for thousands of years have had different sexual rules and practices. YOUR CULTURE IS NOT THE WORLD’S CULTURE. To be exact people of European origin make up less then 10% of the world. So please realized you’re only speaking about YOUR HISTORY, NOT WORLD HISTORY. With that being said why don’t all of you on stage study sexual practices of the WORLD. The Industrial Revolution was a EURO THING. Europe used it to conquer the world but your history is not the worlds history! There are black and brown tribes that are very conservative sexually and other that are very sexually open. Culture rules our minds. Your issue is that YOUR culture is changing and you have an issue with it. Culture in the Black and Brown world doesn’t change nearly as much with technology because our family structure rules our culture. The issue is Euro culture is ruled by technology. This is your issue.

@olorunostable - 04.12.2023 10:13

The moment sex is democratised,that is when the very foundations of family institutions are broken and in turn the breakdown of the society at large.
The European and American need to move back from these materialistic mentality that everything they want can be achieved or they should be allowed to do anything they want at any point in time, absolute pleasure and freedom does not define human essence,in fact there's nothing like thatb

@gungfugilman9529 - 03.12.2023 23:02

"Psychopathic, narcissistic, machiavellian, and sadistic. Exactly the sort of men you wouldn't want to win." I'm going to remember that qoute a long time.

@alanalycan3986 - 03.12.2023 22:52

I'm 35. Some of Today's generation of women are mega hoes 🤦🏼‍♀️ social media & music videos doesn't help either

@dannyphantom3090 - 03.12.2023 18:09

Waiting for marriage in 2023 sucks especially as a guy but I'll take this over potentially catching a std, unwanted pregnancy and bonding with multiple people who won't be my wife.

@roberttrisca8210 - 03.12.2023 17:06

it's annoying to have whoamoan talk, they're stupid they should shut up. or at least , be ignored.

@frankthetank6364 - 03.12.2023 15:51

No matter where Jordan is makes everyone else look dumb

@user-PyR064 - 03.12.2023 14:17

The end is just gold

@ROCdave5861 - 03.12.2023 09:32

We’re familiar with the risk of physical STDs, but no one is aware of spiritual STDs, especially with multiple casual sex partners.

@jnanesh05 - 03.12.2023 02:59

"Traditions are the experiments that worked!"

@rodrigoribeiro387 - 03.12.2023 01:01

Marx and Engels wrote a book called origin of family, private property and the state; i have read it in diferent languages.
So it is very clear to me what people from Karl Marx to Hillary comunist Clinton wish.

@beatricenicholas6257 - 02.12.2023 23:23


@pauldlubaciv2867 - 02.12.2023 21:15

So the women want to be whores but the men have values and can't handle it. Modern dating in a nutshell

@MoralGovernment - 02.12.2023 20:37

Couldn't afford good sound? smh

@clara4942 - 02.12.2023 08:55

I’m an elder millennial and the casual-sex revolution aided by dating apps was and remains the scourge of my generation. I refused to go along with it and it’s been a lonely 20 years when you’re not willing to have sex outside of marriage, but my soul isn’t shredded by casual sex, and I’ll always be thankful to God for that (and many other things).

@atthecore4560 - 02.12.2023 02:25

Culture is garbage. The Philosophical search for betterment is what we're lacking.

@duggiedude - 02.12.2023 00:11

This is wonderful. I enjoyed the conversation very much. I do think many people confuse sex with love. They certainly aren’t the same.

@straytarnish9443 - 01.12.2023 19:25

If people can be irresponsible pigs then people should be allowed to not engage in sexual activity with other people❤

@straytarnish9443 - 01.12.2023 19:22

❤ since people have been so incredibly disgustingly promiscuous throughout all of history why don't we just make it where everyone gets fixed in the incubator❤ and you're not allowed to have your reversal surgery until you have demonstrated that you've secured an education a career I'm home and Offspring expense account including money for college❤ perhaps that's a level of responsibility the children were producing deserve considering how we've argued for eons that unwanted pregnancy should be aborted even after they're born If the parents aren't ready for the consequences of their night time Pinterest I mean why did we start spaying and neutering our pets if it's such a horrible idea sounds more civil than arguing we should continue to act like pets that aren't❤

@Grimwyrd - 01.12.2023 18:48

It's fascinating listening to intelligent, educated people arguing against straw men. I'm always trying to tease out how much of it is intentional and how much is genuine confirmation bias.

@johnfort8465 - 01.12.2023 16:28

Incredibly intelligent people not saying much.

@truthonly6986 - 01.12.2023 16:17

I’ve said this from the beginning, the only thing that I don’t agree with is her saying men a winning. Total rubbish, men have lost massively in every way.

@shriker5969 - 01.12.2023 16:14

I'm not a conservative, but the advice only to have sex with people you are willing to have a child with sounds very reasonable to me.

@ShiniGuraiJoker - 01.12.2023 15:58

Sex isn't the problem. The problem is those who judge others for living their lives. If society as a whole would stop trying to force the idea of sex only in marriage, much of the negativity of sex will slowly die off.

@liquiddddd - 01.12.2023 15:58

this channel has a surprisingly low number of subscribers. This really makes me said and concerned about humanity's future.

@ericsill7314 - 01.12.2023 03:19

THIS is awesome ..sexual revolution started transhumanism..costs and benefits of technology revolutions in terms of slowing the abuse of traditional (well tested) values and redefining 'progress' based on bettering community outcomes without dispensing with freedom. Sorry for the long sentence...

@DreadNawght - 30.11.2023 22:30

there's no fixing this issue. bad people will do bad things, good people will do good things. read some bible when you're distressed and keep going

@kwesisalim - 30.11.2023 21:06

Nature doesn't care about your modernity. DNA will always win the conversation in the end. What arrogance to assume billions of years of evolution means nothing.

@gbedumallam - 30.11.2023 17:12

The main beneficiary of sexual revolution are men, women giving it out freely has been a pleasure. The society ultimately is the loser. Women have a very important role, child bearing and nurturing. Sadly, women fail to realize and accept that, but rather want to pretend to be men. Women, your importance is why you and children are given priority to safety and life.

@kashemvai5025 - 30.11.2023 09:06

Such a great video, such a great video 💯

@glundgren2097 - 30.11.2023 08:30

Nature is cyclical. Humans have a natural subconscious need for structure and predictable cycles that have been the central tenants of humanity for millennia. Chaos is terrifying to our subconscious.

@TheAncientOnes-wp4hy - 30.11.2023 06:07

It's really too bad that the revolutionaries destroyed the Holy Roman Empire. But you know we must worship whatever jooz want as God's will, so whatever, right?

@kokoyaro - 30.11.2023 05:25

How people fall for the consequences of civilization-induced excessive knowledge is beyond me. The same people talk about the "apple of the garden of eden" in the context of their own religion yet they don't understand how it ties to their Western Civilization/Values of so-called "progress", "advancement", "technology", etc.
Like we say in my language, the person watching the board game sees more than the people playing it. Unfortunately, the perspective of the person watching them from outside of that paradigm, to them, is either unintelligent or invalid.
Your people perish for lack of knowledge. Not lack of the knowledge to go into space looking for answers that we already had on earth thousands of years ago, but the knowledge to realize that going to space is unnecessary, as is many of the artificial civilization-induced missions

@rodneyhimes8689 - 30.11.2023 03:49

May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you all

@GundamChief - 30.11.2023 01:43

The only Transhumanism I want is the one where we can become cyborgs. The Flesh is weak 😛

@slowdown7276 - 29.11.2023 23:45

You should be polyamorous Louise.

@Symphocal - 29.11.2023 19:29

This conversation is so retro. It took us 300,000 years to get out of the forest and now we should be here arguing about what human nature is with a view to reintegration into more natural structures, as if also the abuse of minors, rape, gang violence, etc. etc. were not natural manifestations of human nature from which, thank God and with great difficulty, we are detaching ourselves thanks to culture (in the broad sense). Unfortunately, perfection is not of this world and great "humanological" changes often require centuries, but if the pill is part of the emancipation of human beings from nature, despite all the limitations and connected problems (many perhaps correctable), long live the pill!

@thenavajoknow - 29.11.2023 18:50

Who's the self-indulgent jerk in the clown suit?
