How to be a Traditional Wife | Part 2

How to be a Traditional Wife | Part 2

Estee Williams

1 год назад

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@moviesynopsis001 - 08.02.2024 21:40

Fake af, underneath that pearly white dress is a dirty feminist tattoo

@adrianarodriguez-espinosa - 05.02.2024 09:29


@melissamaldonado3484 - 15.01.2024 21:51

Mi esposo ama llegar a la casa, lo único que quiere hacer al salir del trabajo es llegar a la casa y estar con su familia. Hace 18 años decidimos que yo me quedaría en casa y él saldría a trabajar, la mejor decisión del mundo gracias a Dios. Trabajo feliz para mi familia. Saludos desde Paraguay.

@user-nb1oq4co1s - 06.01.2024 03:30

I ❤ her she is going to make all the feminist go ballistic 😂

@alexandermorschl7025 - 30.11.2023 23:11

This is young man asking advise here. I have been working hard to eventually live a simple, traditional, and down to earth life, but I am still a bachelor. My question is, what should I do, strive for, and improve upon to eventually attract a traditional women.

@dominaincharge - 27.11.2023 20:41

Usually, I wouldn't have watched this type of video or agreed with the concept, but damn you make it sound pretty good if you are with the right partner.

@JaiUneGuruDeja - 17.11.2023 21:16

Way to dail down the makeup. More authentic.

@loryaneguizzetti3547 - 13.11.2023 23:29

Alot of women have forgotten that they have always had power. It's not a masculime power It's a feminine power. I love being a traditional wife.

@princesaamyii - 10.11.2023 16:42

Im 19 and a housewife is best decision ever

@N0p3er5 - 11.10.2023 22:11

I get this!! I live this way and love it. Especially the learning part. I get to think all day!! And my family is so happy. I am loved here (:

@michellethiesen7972 - 17.09.2023 02:46

I'm so grateful for this. I am disabled and can't work the same way most women my age can so taking on a more traditional role is a way that I can contribute. Because, unlike a typical work environment I can take as many breaks as I need to and pace myself better.

@MR.G_T_R - 15.09.2023 16:34


@Fitnessefficient88 - 09.09.2023 09:19

Why are feminst triggered by her content 🤣 She seems so lovely. Her husband is a lucky man.

@vikib1758 - 29.08.2023 05:14

Can I say something here, I'm not from the USA and I'm not even married, but all of this advice is great for everyone, not only tradwifes, I also live on a budget, have a schedule, this is how life should be live, with order and music, tying to do the best of it and I absolutely agree with her, always learning.

@helenhenninger835 - 28.08.2023 17:08

I can remember my mother being bullied by the other 'school moms' for being a traditional wife, asking her 'don't you get bored/what do you do all day/don't you do anything'? It was really harsh and cruel, your mentioning that traditional wives get endless intellectual stimulation because they can read up on and pursue whatever they want in their spare time...was exactly her response when she told me about it, 'can't these people read'?!

@RayMak - 20.08.2023 10:36

This is everyday in Asia

@nailsdeb - 09.08.2023 21:20

Gen X here. I absolutely love this trend. Marriage and family, traditional roles in the service of one another. Still feels a little sad that young people should need a trend or instructional video to do what is truly a natural thing in life. What ever it takes !!keep it going .

@samst-louis9389 - 31.07.2023 10:44

My dear goodness, you are so graceful and beautiful...I'm just speechless. 😯

@IndigenousKate - 29.07.2023 21:45

I just found your channel, and it is changing my life. I was raised as a traditional Indigenous woman, and a lot of what you are saying goes hand in hand with how I was raised. However, I strayed away from my values ans it has caused me a lot of pain. I gor married in January to a man who changed the moment I said I do. He is smoking weed and loves being on his phone. Sometimes I feel I overreact to how he acts, but my heart tells me otherwise. I want a man who is a gentleman and does not make me feel insecure to what they are doing. Sometimes he makes me feel like I overreact and I'm too sensitive. I was just looking for some advice. Sending love❤️

@missygonzales4790 - 26.07.2023 21:34

you are a real life disney princess

@jesusjazzyogaspicytuna - 20.07.2023 05:02

Domestic Engineering for the win!

@Cyril376444 - 12.07.2023 17:34

Rule 1: A traditional wife doesn’t make videos of herself cashing in on her looks. This woman is cosplaying, and definitely NOT traditional.

@lunaisnotcool8424 - 26.06.2023 17:09

The more i watch her the more i realise that there's not much going on in her brain.... like all you can come up with in life is wearing make-up and dresses and cooking and cleaning? Sounds like you'd be great at interesting conversations or intellectual debates.... are you educated? Do you have any ambition outside of the home? Do you have dreams and goals? It facinates me that people can be happy with such a shallow life.

@alisonpatterson7539 - 12.06.2023 11:48

You could present this in a much more authentic and less cringey way.. you sound super ‘girly’ it’s ridiculous honestly.. and very naive. Perhaps consider just being more real. Your overly cutesy ‘Marilyn’ and 1950’s persona is see through able. Cmon. Nothing wrong with promoting home traditions; but really get with the times? You can do this.. it would be refreshing vs all the harsh stuff out there. Imo try to be more honest. I think your trying to present yourself in a way that isn’t very authentic.

@luisakop5631 - 10.06.2023 12:26

I love your energy ❤ you're such an inspiration. I am married and expecting our first child now! We're struggling a bit financially because finding a house in the Netherlands is very difficult and expensive and we're living on my husband's income (he's young, just graduated) and I don' t make much money as a (pregnant) musician. But I'm looking forward to being a fulltime housewive and mother.

@BB_Axolotl - 10.06.2023 07:22

When I became pregnant I stopped working at about 5 months and my partner wanted me to be a stay at home mom. I had expressed that I also wanted this just like my mom had been. I can’t remember how many times I was made to feel guilty or a certain way because I “wasn’t working” and just a mom of 2.
It really got ridiculous and I wish I didn’t let it bother me as much as it did. Now that my kids are 10 & 13 and my youngest nearly passed away 2 years ago, I don’t REGRET a damn second I was with them instead of working for some company.

Unfortunately, my kids dad passed away, but such is life. He gave me the gift of 2 beautiful boys and all the time with them.

@MeadeSkeltonMusic - 08.06.2023 09:49

She is well spoken and has great feminine energy. Thats what men are attracted to. Today's women folk have lost their femininity.

@brittanyanderson325 - 07.06.2023 16:21

Everything she says is practical, solid advice that my grandparents used to do without even thinking otherwise.

@ladybethia5457 - 07.06.2023 06:08

AMEN!!🙏🏻Beautifully stated!💖

@bus2122 - 06.06.2023 16:36

To people that are interested here's the truth about her: she doesn’t have kids. She stays at home and says she cooks for her and her huby and clean the house. That's all. And film herself doing her make up and getting dressed. Like millions of other women do the same but she very much market herself as a traditional wife instead to get views and attention. In reality you can imagine how she doesnt do much all day long and that it does not take her 5 hours to cook any of the meal. It is just for the badbuzz, she's not even a mom. While there are real bad ass women and men doing it all everyday and work their as* off for real and not tik tok buiness girl. She is a privileged girl that's all, good for her but she's just a seller who understood how to make money and create buzz online out of it. Having zero kids, zero jobs zero responsability, while being in perfect health physically and mentally, having zero financial struggle and entertaining yourself filming your makeup tutorials and dresses and cooking and cleaning your own space, having zero responsability. Obviously is not a accomplishment for anybody since most people already do that and more. It would be nore appropriate and less silly to just make a video call "my fried rice recipe" or "how I do my make up" "my breast surgery" "my favorite shop for dresses I wear in my videos". But her label of a fake Traditional Wife as she calls attracts more attention including haters, misogynist, feminist, conservative, fetishist, idealism of the past etc.

@AH-em3zl - 06.06.2023 06:40


@Kpleaides - 06.06.2023 00:10

Modern woman thinks that getting a "career" is upward social mobility.

But becoming a waged servant is actually downward social mobility.

Being free and independent to manage the home affairs of a household and large family and relatives is the duty of a noble woman.

Going to work is for female slaves.

Women and wives go to work because they have been lied to that they need it in order to uphold a living standard that they don't need in order to be secure and happy.

So if you are a young man or woman, choose your path and your mate carefully. Before ending up indentured to a lifetime of unnecessary debt, to maintain a lifestyle that fundamentally makes you and your very limited offspring sick.


You are better off having a smaller house, further away from the hive and being a free woman with a loving husband, a large loving family, and plenty of household duties and hobbies to carefully master. Than wasting your life and personal creative energy serving the beast system for extra handbags and a broken home.

- Tom Sewell

@philliparanza491 - 05.06.2023 02:14

NOW THIS IS THE BEST PORTAIT OF AN IDEAL AMERICAN WOMAN, THUMBS UP. and i see why a lot of Americans and black Americans going here in the PH because trad wives are scares in america.

@mrsherwood2599 - 04.06.2023 05:22

You are super, super creepy but man, those melons!

@sitizuhairahh.a.s8694 - 03.06.2023 11:58

Thank you.. Love your sharing..

@nicolevose3066 - 31.05.2023 22:43

I hate wearing make up, I got married, so I would never have to do it again.

@dancingcloud8557 - 31.05.2023 00:24

Thank God for women like your self helping us women make our ways back to what is truly important. My feminity was sacrificed at the altar of "higher ed" when naively took a feminist studies course (it was about women, right? 😒)
It has been a very long journey to reclaim but traditional partner dancing (learning to follow)
becoming a mom helped
And most importantly knowing Christ

@Ironman4u - 27.05.2023 12:27

Just be.........." yourself!"

@GloriaW888 - 26.05.2023 20:48

How do you cook, clean and garden in your dresses without dirtying them. 😢

@christinacarlson123 - 26.05.2023 04:13

@df2dot - 24.05.2023 14:30

Modern femoid souls just lit on fire. Remember a strong family is what they fear. I'm Godly free people is what they fear most.

@mshowell6264 - 23.05.2023 21:08

Your Darling!! & So correct!! Life is FUN & Marriage is a Blast with the right Husband & Wife!! Pick wisely!! 💅🙏🥳

@nicobasst - 23.05.2023 20:57

How to be a traditional wife; dont post yourself all over the internet in reveling clothing.
So failure

@ralucasimpleliving - 23.05.2023 13:48

Number 1, find a traditional husband 🙏

@user-rj7ti7ny8l - 23.05.2023 06:07

Every man wants a woman like you. Every man.

@thomasjorge4734 - 23.05.2023 04:14

Obedience to God is
Resistance to Tyranny.

@Maryam07 - 22.05.2023 18:43

I wish I could live like this. Me and my fiancé aren’t financially stable enough to do this yet but we’re both working towards this because I feel happier being home and taking care of him.

@TheNeonRabbit - 21.05.2023 19:01


@LeftHanded-RightWinger - 21.05.2023 13:43

The problem is too many incorrectly assume that being a traditional wife means being a "slave" to your husband. The truth is if you want a "family" someone needs to be the traditional wife and someone needs to be the traditional husband. Are there $#!++y husbands? Are there $#!++y wives? Yes on both counts, but being traditional has nothing to do with it. You can be traditional and not treat your partner like $#!+. Your partner is not your slave and just because you are traditional doesn't make you a slave. "Team work makes the dream work." His life can't rock, if yours doesn't, but you both have a job to do. One has to be at home most the time, the other has to be working most the time. Again that is if you want to have a family. Im sorry if you want to have a family, only one of you can be the primary bread winner. You can't have it both ways, someone needs to be at home to take care of the home and the children for the majority of the time. If you dont want that, you don't want a family.

@blacksheepwall79 - 19.05.2023 00:41

My Job is to kill dragons,
Her job is to manage my spoils.
