5 HOT TAKES IN 7.35D - Secrets To Climb Rank Fast - Dota 2 Guide

5 HOT TAKES IN 7.35D - Secrets To Climb Rank Fast - Dota 2 Guide

GameLeap Dota 2 Pro Guides

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@Gherys26 - 14.04.2024 09:04

How come you choose only fail clips?

@kugelfisch2222222222 - 14.04.2024 08:19

had a drow yesterday that swapped to offlane to lane against luna. totally destroyed the luna! I think people stopped doing it because they forgot it, like solo offlane/trilane

@salad3955 - 14.04.2024 07:46

ok I remember there was a time the pos3 would get pipe or crimson and after the shroud buff if theres magic damage and big nuke abilities the pos3 doesnt care lol
hed rather get shroud and get mana back too

@johncrusade1270 - 14.04.2024 07:34

Time dilation is like a silence alternative.

@Ohanrahan - 14.04.2024 06:33

The last one is something i encounter many times. I play around Legend bracket myself and i see it quite often.
It almost automatically is a grief cause they almost all straight up feed.

For example (this was a while ago) I had a guy counterpicking Axe into enemy Dazzle. Great counterpick sure... but this guy had 12 games in total and last played 3 months ago... the result was him being pretty bad, not having farm. And so we lost.
All because in his mind counterpicking was a great idea... Its literally auto griefing almost. Might aswell have a bot in your team with people playing like that LMAO

@johnbentley2331 - 14.04.2024 05:05

Your first point is such a good point.

@djpnda-ed1dh - 14.04.2024 05:00

Lane swapping is boring and no one wants to do it. Let’s keep it that way

@ryanv5 - 14.04.2024 03:17

Love the advice on having a 5 hero pool on your arsenal since I do this also myself. Mastering a small pool of hero is kinda bad if you're going pro but for your usual MMR climb it should be enough. Knowing what your heroes are weak at is also crucial. I play offlane like speed and from what my 5 hero pool is (Primal Beast, Slardar, Mars, Viper and Razor) I already know what my bad matchups are so what I do is I itemize based on that weakness. Not to brag on anybody I was hard stuck and started Archon III last January then I adopted this 5 hero pool and have been gaining MMR, now I'm Ancient II. Just stay on the heroes you love and good at playing GL bois!

@sethholstein1505 - 14.04.2024 02:29

Small hero pool? You mean my hero puddle that is mostly Pudge and Undying 😅

@jackthurlby852 - 14.04.2024 02:15

i really like puck what’s some other mid heroes i should have in my hero pool? tryna get better and gain some mmr here

@peropero2307 - 14.04.2024 01:42

I think if Speeed gets good teammates, he could be in the strong team, if nothing he could analyze games on tournaments.

@just_shai - 14.04.2024 01:41

Meanwhile in SEA i get Offlane CM when team already has ZERO tank.

@mantistoboggan2676 - 14.04.2024 01:37

My mains are WD, Warlock, CM, DP, SS, dark seer if dp is banned.

@mantistoboggan2676 - 14.04.2024 01:30

At my scrub 2k mmr ive seen lane swaps happen if someones getting stomped, but it should happen more often.

@mantistoboggan2676 - 14.04.2024 01:28

Should i be playing dota naked?

@Dirkulos - 14.04.2024 01:16

Thank you for the crimson guard - Luna interaction

@Phike9391 - 14.04.2024 01:10

Only time i get someone to swap lanes is when im mid, losing and im the one offering up to someone. Even then they dont always take it which is fair enough but outside of that it never happens lol

@jongabalis5964 - 14.04.2024 00:26

How did you know im on drugs while i play

@elempresario2165 - 14.04.2024 00:02

i do the last, hahahah

@iwakuralain3064 - 13.04.2024 23:47

Two pos 4s > pos 3 + pos 4. It's actually insane how much better it is

@saeedminaee2894 - 13.04.2024 23:23

love your vids man
