The PERFECT Monohull to SAIL THE WORLD? [Full Tour] Learning the Lines

The PERFECT Monohull to SAIL THE WORLD? [Full Tour] Learning the Lines

Learning the Lines

2 года назад

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@fernandoec6587 - 08.04.2024 23:14

If price is the oumost important issue when buying a boat, why nos disclose it straight forward? Just a thought

@davidfrancis7430 - 19.10.2023 01:20

Nice boat severely overpriced in this market today.

@williamstreet4304 - 26.08.2023 05:35

Unlike Luke, I would not opt for a catamaran. I just love the way monohulls respond to the wind and the helm. I absolutely love the saloon of an Oyster. They are amazing. But I would not compare them to Nator Swans. The Oysters are a bit heavier and have more protected rudders. And the Swans will sail circles around the Oysters because of their light weight and strong rigs. Oyster or Swan? I'd take either in the 56 version. And I wouldn't worry about most weather or sea state.

@tmsact - 28.06.2023 22:11

My dream!!

@Taboloncawonthemasters - 24.06.2023 05:46

Stupid little sayings

@TheKruner1 - 12.06.2023 01:35

Oyster is the rolls royce of sailing yachts .... absolutely nothing in the world is better.......

@darnell866 - 09.04.2023 03:14

Great video, thanks for sharing!! I am suprised that you haven't researched S M Z E U S!!!

@bertohlsson6921 - 01.04.2023 19:48

If you say storage again I'll scream!😢

@danapted - 29.03.2023 09:28

Nice for .5% of the elite class. Not viable for you or me or 99.5% of those who watch your channel.

@dylankrivoshein8651 - 23.02.2023 00:06

His buddy bet him he couldn’t say aft 300 times in the first 4 minutes of this video

@robertfrawley1433 - 22.02.2023 21:33

Are used to clean a boat in downtown Chicago. It was by Navy pier name of the boat was Princess nice to clean the same exact one or something similar to that they sold your book about two years ago.

@henrykprzychodzki4034 - 20.02.2023 00:16

This hard top bimini looks like crap

@brownnoise357 - 18.02.2023 12:57

Loveky boat for sone. Not for me though, as Centre Cockpit and Ketch rigged boats Mostly due to disability the majority I can't even get on or off them from a dinghy, plus both seriously Suck for Solar Panel installations and mean oretty much having to have another heavy maintenance and running expense Generator (frequently the Centre Cockpit boats seriously Suck below decks in hot places, they get like Compartmentalised Ovens in living and sleeping spaces, plus the Cockpits themselves are seriously lacking as outdoor living living spaces at Anchorvin Hot places as well. Plus, so many have really steep companionways withnlotsvif steps, so how fast are you going to get fed up with Skinned and bruised Shins and knees from going up and down them ? Safer for children, or are Centre Cockpits just really boring for children with no practical Safety advantage for children or anyone else over an aft Cockpit Boat ? Actually there is one CC Boat I've seen recently, which if younger and not disabled, I think I could enjoy living with. But it's not made by Oyster, and it isn't stupidly oversized, it's a Hunter 45 (always a very good idea to keep below 50ft unless rolling in money, as costs skyrocket from 50ft and up. Best wishes and Fair Winds. Bob. 👍⛵️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️

@Eddybarrett84 - 16.02.2023 15:53

Get an AMEL for 1/2 the asking price… and for 750k boat should be spotless

@RobbieBobbie98 - 15.02.2023 21:57

Beautiful boat but I think if blue water cruising was the goal and for much cheaper I’d apt for a Amel Super Maramu for around $200,000 to $300,000

@sicchuckie - 13.02.2023 00:24

Not a full keel 😢

@marktumelson2202 - 12.02.2023 23:28

Did you win the lottery why torture yourself

@Truckingskills101 - 10.02.2023 23:11

I'll tell ya, for $750K one can obtain a lot more boat. I've been looking at pre-owned Amel's and I find them to be even more seaworthy than this boat and at this price point the used Amel market has some VERY nice boats.

@lukehayvaz9194 - 10.02.2023 17:29

The Oyster is the top of my list of monohulls but if I had enough money for an Oyster I would probably buy a catamaran.

@MrDavedraver888 - 09.02.2023 01:06

one for me & one for the wife !!!! NICEEE BOAT

@RommelCart - 08.02.2023 23:59

Be interesting to know the true performance sailing with no motorsailing,,,they heavy boats,,,expensive to maintain

@cappymac3136 - 07.02.2023 03:39

It is impresive but 700K+???. There are numerous options in a declining sellers market.

@stallion78 - 05.02.2023 10:11

James from sailing zingaro has an older version of this. Has so many through holes he nearly sunk it. I do like these but hate that they have those dinky keels
Dude you’re starting to look like Hanson

@johnestanillo4264 - 05.02.2023 08:14

Wash the boat ffs

@penguinpringles - 04.02.2023 14:05

A jet wash before videoing would have been a smart move. Lazy system 2 thinking

@richardspacetimeuhrensamml4236 - 02.02.2023 01:37

Ein wunderbares Boot, gratuliere zu dem gesamt Design.
Mit dieser Segel Jacht wird es eine Freude die Meere zu Erkunden 🌝

@iCitizenTube - 31.01.2023 14:34

Stricly zero technical interesting comments and info about this boat. Its all about describing what we can see on the video and detailing storage here and there. 👎🏽

@kensyikosia1657 - 30.01.2023 05:36

I think it's overpriced. I'll rather spend that kind of money on a nice catamaran like lagoon 45

@andrewlabat9963 - 29.01.2023 23:00

The world would open up to you in this beautiful, go everywhere, Oyster..

@robertfontaine3650 - 29.01.2023 20:18

A lot of boat for the money but starting to feel a little dated. 750k will get you a pretty amazing newer 40 footer though. Someone will love it.

@kaufmanjeffreys - 29.01.2023 07:03

I think I fault the owners for the sloppy presentation…. I think 750k is a bit much to ask but I am sure it wn’t last long.

@id10tcertified - 28.01.2023 07:22

Even in Aussie $'s it's a bit rich but I s'pose at 56' nothing half decent is cheap and the fit and finish of Oyster's will suit the most OCD of us all just trailers and the same inside layout

@ripharwood4138 - 26.01.2023 05:15

I used to consider Oysters custom sailboats but now they’re just higher end production yachts. I’m not saying that’s bad, but they’re no longer custom. They’re well designed but the detail quality and execution just isn’t what it used to be.

@Wv8675 - 26.01.2023 03:47

Nice bronco in the parking lot

@ArtHelm - 25.01.2023 09:30

You are so impressed that someone let you on their Oyster. You are shouting praises for this boat without even surveying it first.

@karaDee2363 - 24.01.2023 22:10

Wow, such a fantastic price!.. I'd like to buy 2, one for the East coast and one for the West

@RockDocNeal - 24.01.2023 11:22

The en-suite in the aft owner’s suite has a bidet…….I’m sold!

@metalupman - 24.01.2023 04:52

My friend thanks for this tour. I WANT this boat. It's just amazing. I will make this my life goal. Thanks for all you do!!

@iainhunneybell - 24.01.2023 01:00

Interesting comparison to the Discovery 55, but then both Ron Holland designs

@loripeaceandlove6391 - 23.01.2023 22:42

Oh my gosh, that boat is absolutely beautiful. And thanks for the sponsor for today. I’m gonna go on and check that out for my daughter.

@michaelmurawka5730 - 23.01.2023 18:18

750k!!! No way! Most people watching your videos are not close to buying a sailboat at this price!

@deepeddysf - 23.01.2023 07:49

It looks well maintained. Engine, woodwork, newer b&g instruments etc. The small shaded outdoor space on center cockpit boats of this vintage is a major compromise tho.

@treywest268 - 23.01.2023 07:27

Beautiful boat and great presentation on the video!!! I think you may have missed the single berth in the sta-brd aft utility room. It appears that there is a sleeping area just above the lower cabinets.

@richardherndon - 23.01.2023 06:42

Video would be better if it just had a few more commercials.

@mikemendes7598 - 22.01.2023 21:55

Base price on a new Oyster 565 is $1.9M US, at today's exchange rate. You could reasonably expect to add at least another $200K - $300K in upgrades and add-on equipment. $750K for a well sorted used boat, even one that is 17 years old, doesn't seem that bad. I DO NOT understand owners who won't completely tidy up the boat for a video shoot! Remove the cushions, make sure everything is in it's proper place, etc. Saying it's "on the hard for the winter" seems lazy to me. If you want top dollar, you better make it look like it's worth it!

@RickMentore - 21.01.2023 22:33

This in not so awful an asking price, when one take into consideration what a new Oyster of similar dimensions cost. A further investment of say 20 K in modernization and cleanup, renders this practically a new Boat!

@dap777754 - 21.01.2023 22:17

Very nice; Oyster's have a fine reputation. However, if my goal was to sail the Seven Seas, with a family, a stouter, more bulletproof and ultimately safer boat would be my preference. Needs a longer keel, needs better protection for the rudder from flotsam and jetsam. Sure, a quick sail to Bermuda, cruise the Grenadines. But sailing the world? The Roaring Forties? I doubt that's what this vessel is really intended for.

@jefflloyd394 - 21.01.2023 21:34

Too much for me but nice to dream. Thanks !

@roymcclung253 - 21.01.2023 20:42

All that info at the end of the video and not a word about specs. How about telling me how long the boat is, how wide it is, what the length overall and the length of the waterline are. But no, I have to go from my tv to a mobile device.
