Tarkov's New Arena Shooter Has MAJOR Flaws - EFT Arena

Tarkov's New Arena Shooter Has MAJOR Flaws - EFT Arena


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@SPITSPHIRE - 19.12.2023 22:18

this video brought to you by: Chromatic Aberration

@GrimmFilmEnt - 20.12.2023 21:07

It's a hot mess right now.

It took over 30 minutes to get in the first match. First, we kept getting kicked on the now infamous Accept screen. When we managed to someone get over that "simple left click" hurdle, spent over 18 minutes waiting for the game to load... because reasons. When I finally got in, having totalled 32 minutes of waiting time, the round itself was crazy fun. Quick, fun, missing that personal feeling of running your favorite kit, but it had that something. I can see myself thoroughly enjoying Arena when I'm on sick leave or have few extra hours of my life to throw away to watch a round load.

This thing required a ton more testing and tweaking before being released. It's damn near unplayable.

@evrythingis1 - 20.12.2023 21:06

Giving people instant access to Tarkov's actual core-gameplay is only going to doom both arena and normal EFT. As soon as people can discover how terrible the game is in 15 minutes, instead of it taking 150 hours, no one will ever play EFT again.

@frozenxgls3708 - 20.12.2023 21:06

I value your opinions and videos but your knowledge on Tarkov shows. its a niche game thats supposed to be more realistic than playable and i know its just as game breaking as it is realistic but you put so much intent on wanting it to be perfectly balanced. which is just an idea but never a reality. Especially in a game that wants to focus on immersion and realism more than the amount of fun you are having. only in certain situations will your KEDIR beat an M4. when you said Kiver face mask lol. this is why it isn't for everyone. its for people who want an immersive experience that is equally hard as it is rewarding. love your videos btw. and also we all expected this to be a broken mess because of battlestate games failure to achieve their vision.

@iTomBass - 20.12.2023 21:05

The announcer reminds me of the announcer for the arena in Rostok on Stalker

@goodsir2610 - 20.12.2023 20:58

the matching system sounds like Comp CS:GO or CS2 now I guess

@meow4meplsdiscord - 20.12.2023 20:55

I was half-expecting a customizable preset...everyone gets to make a kit with heals, good armor, good gun with attachments then you use that for ranked

@petertakacs7895 - 20.12.2023 20:53

i watched this whole video in one go while "looking for server" in arena

@SLXailion - 20.12.2023 20:49

Yay, now you can play Tarkov without an 8 minute queue per map. Still just gonna be dumpstered though.

@notchs0son - 20.12.2023 20:45

Oh flawed game has flawed gameplay when shoved into a new flow

@markilleen4027 - 20.12.2023 20:39

battlefield pre 5, had the best maps and best frontlines, a proper clash

@SuicidalChocolateSK - 20.12.2023 20:18

Tbh, contract wars was really fun and could have been something great. Im sad it never took off.

@Swarm509 - 20.12.2023 20:15

After playing it the game really feels like BSG/Nikita purposely ignored all the advances and good systems that many other competitive shooters have brought in, from Rainbow Six Siege to CS, just so they could do their own thing. This worked in EFT because it is so unique and has so many ways to play the game but doesn't fly in something like this. Just things like being able to see teammates loadouts, being able to change them after "buying" in a match are huge.

On top of this they are pushing in free to play mechanics but once again ignoring what those games have done to make those systems work. Many times I may not know what my teammates are bringing in, but at least know there will a class/tier balance across most games. There is nothing fun about getting stomped by a stacked team randomly assigned, and on top of this these better classes winning just snow-balls into more wins and better equipment. I fully expect there will be a group of players will that simply lose so much they will never be able to play with anything but free/ultra cheap kits.

I really don't think BSG knows what they are getting into with this game. There are companies that only have a single competitive game to design around and still get things wrong but now we have EFT and Arena both needing development time, balancing, and everything else to keep it going. How the hell will that even work? Should we expect both games to completely diverge now or will one game dictate the balance of the other?

@jamespfp - 20.12.2023 20:00

RE: Uptiers, as with War Thunder; Uptiering isn't necessarily a bad thing, depending on a couple of factors. For example, if a player wants or needs to play with a handicap to make things more fair, then fair enough. Or, if a player doesn't care about the handicap and will be rewarded with more points because of the increased difficulty, then fair enough as well. But in either case that needs to be a voluntarily action of the player, not an arbitrary decision by the matchmaker alone.

@lusty_norsemen - 20.12.2023 19:58

Arena really needs the tier matchmaking. I was T2 CQB going against T5 CQB. I'd get 8-12 hits and not kill the guy and he'd 2 tap my chest with t-45 ammo.

@nAsTeGaming - 20.12.2023 19:57

I mostly see people, especially streamers just shitting on arena. I agree, it needs some polishing but man, its so much fun. I just dont understand the hate.

@OvernightFelon - 20.12.2023 19:57

Did we really expect BSG to drop a new thing without it having to go through years of patching? 😂

@jamespfp - 20.12.2023 19:55

RE: PLEASE CLICK ACCEPT; Funny, but I got distracted a little as you were talking because it suddenly occurred to me that "Escape from Tarkov" has had a major marketing problem in the past 12 months or more, namely that it had become known as a haven for cheating. So then, is this a bid by the developer to present Tarkov as an E-Sports Title even though they know the proverbial horse has already run from the barn? I mean to say, they also know that they don't have to start with a fully working makes-perfect-sense Arena shooter.

@falcononpc - 20.12.2023 19:54

What?! MORE floaty head indicators?

PS love to see the TF|2 clips. Top tier game right there.

@oXoChEzZaoXo - 20.12.2023 19:43

Guy plays the game for 8 hours and has a whole video to put out with mkstly irrelevent feedback i get you dont understand how the tier system/rank system works 😂 it is designed to balance itself over time the only reaaon its scuffed atm is because they gave people access in waves and not everyone has started on an even playing field and the people with more time than other are progressing faster through the classes, just like any other game. Bad takes here sir

@oXoChEzZaoXo - 20.12.2023 19:33

Stop crying about the state of matchmaking you big goober the game just launched and 70% of player base arnt even on the game, SBMM is in the game through the APR system not the class tiers so if you are sun 2k APR runningntier 4s then its obvious you suck and shouldnt be on peoples team with 2k+ APR using the same tier as you as you will be outskilled and need to be carried the reason younare going against the m4 kit is because he is bad and needs the gear advantage when you get that class and are on an even playing field you will beat him thus earning APR until you rank up to thennext APR threshold and then you wont be in his matchmaking pool and he will stay bottom tier it just needs some time for people to unlock the better kits so the matchmaking will balance wach other out when ots not just a case of gear diff the 1 thing i will say is i think a wipe is needed so everyone had the same start amd i gautentee MM will be more balanced the only people who will have an advantage are pe9le with more free time to grind but if they arnt good you can still progress faster if your winming alot as you get over double thebXP for a win

@fred7436 - 20.12.2023 19:26

I have to say yes, tarkov arena may be unbalanced and hardcore but exactly thats what tarkov is. Its not fair and balanced its TARKOV either u use all ur knowledge of ammo, weapons, positioning, angles etc. or u r a noob who needs more experience

@Dooby0071 - 20.12.2023 19:15

Can anyone explain to me why I was playing with people 3 kits ahead of me in the skill tree? I couldn't even pen their armor lmao. Everyone should select from the same pool of kits. Or atleast be given shit to customize their own kits

@Cudderx - 20.12.2023 19:05

An easy way to help with PID would be to have the team colors be independent of your arm bands...like league of legends friendlys are always blue regardless if i am technically red team or blue team.

My teams armbands should always be blue.

@MeatSnax - 20.12.2023 18:58

I don't really keep up with Tarkov but there was a thread on the Hunt Showdown Reddit a while ago that was talking about a more bite sized format like this, and everybody was talking about it as a training mode and not a direct competitor to bounty hunt. I have to think the Tarkov devs have the same train of thought, introduce a mode that will bring over the more fast paced FPS players and be great for streaming, to funnel them into the actual game of EFT.

I do really like this "competitive sport" vibe that some newer PvP games are going for, I forget the name of it (and FrankieOnPC deleted his video on it so I think there may be some fuck shit going on) but it reminds me of that shooter that's presented as a reality tv competition where coins burst out of you.

@uberade386 - 20.12.2023 18:55

Starts talking about CSGO meta
shows a clip of Titanfall 2
What did Drewski mean by this

@seandidsomething - 20.12.2023 18:54

CS uses the exact same system for loading into a competitive match. That is the one criticism I don't understand.

@alb9520 - 20.12.2023 18:53

The whole HUD thing is a great point, unlike EFT and Squad and etc, this is a close range 5v5 team death match. A HUD is immersive in those games because it’s a whole other genre; here its just a hinderance

@pitbgr - 20.12.2023 18:50

Good video bud , in no way I can agree with you on anything you said apart the Streamer Voice being too loud , I would say this is why there is ranking points so that better players would progress up to 5k+ MMR and everyone will stay where they belong :)

@cadencemaynard2449 - 20.12.2023 18:48

the medical aspect cant' be stressed enough. Should just have no bleeds and only an HP system. Having to figure out if I need to spam my hemlok or bandage keybind in confined spaces knowing I am about to get pushed is just infuriating. Half the time I just hobble around not using any meds because 99% of the time I do not have time to heal. Needs to just be medkits for HP and no bleeds and potentially no fracture. You just don't have time to heal.

@ceepert2153 - 20.12.2023 18:47

Though I do NOT understand why people complain about the "accept" button. It is literally standard in most if not all competitive team shooters. Its so you dont get AFK people in your lobby.

@WizzyBoy - 20.12.2023 18:44

why are you saying 56a1 in the 100 rnd m4? it's not..

@ceepert2153 - 20.12.2023 18:41

considering you choose your loadout AFTER you found a match, I would 100% say that there is currently no loadout based matchmaking

@BigBadBarghest - 20.12.2023 18:27

They have the "Accept" button when you queue in case someone queues and goes AFK or isn't paying attention. That way it minimizes the risk of having AFK teammates.

@balinthehater8205 - 20.12.2023 18:26

Honestly, most of these complaints are just skill issue with a few outright lies (calling 5.56 SOST out to be 856A1, claiming that the kiver faceshield cant be penned etc).

@ScrumpDiIIy - 20.12.2023 18:20

i wouldnt know

@JesseFicarra - 20.12.2023 18:20

Did this video go out early or did BSG shaft me? I have "Wait for the start of testing" instead of install on my arena

@Ihavenolifeish - 20.12.2023 18:08

there is no reason for tier based matchmaking. That is the purpose of the rating system. A bad player with face shield, full helmet, and 100 round m4 mag can be equivalent to a good player with kedr and sp8. That is why the ranking system exists. It takes time to people to settle in their proper rating. The game has been out for 5 days.

@TraVenci - 20.12.2023 17:55

Not to many ppl know bout contract wars on kongerate

@Htatoohlaing - 20.12.2023 17:52

You know what this reminds me of? Survarium.

@spf50sunscreen80 - 20.12.2023 17:43

What in the fuck is going on with the match making? It comes up saying x/10 accepted. 4 people accept. REstarts. Second time, same thing. But now it just sticks on looking for server for 20 minutes everytime. I bascially Can't get a game. Ever. Anytime of day.

@SuperPomidor4ik - 20.12.2023 17:40

Managed to watch this whole video while waiting for a game to play, smh

@DyS_AcTiv - 20.12.2023 17:38

Some of these things I feel like are needed in the game but others I feel like should just stay how they are it makes it what they want a hard competition fps game there’s nothing like this if your bad get good yes there is some balancing issues but it’s a beta calm down be happy you can play and enjoy it I lost 9 games in a row and still am enjoying it and even tho you lose you are still gaining just about the same amount of xp as long as your getting kills to get to your next kit

@Gogyanich - 20.12.2023 17:31

i really hope unranked will have gear score match making. That way we will level up the tree with people with similar loadouts and when we get to really good ones we hop on to ranked games. If it's not how the devs intended it to be i'll be really disapointed.
