Stop Taking 'Nice' Photos

Stop Taking 'Nice' Photos

Max Kent

1 месяц назад

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@mlneale1959 - 07.07.2024 17:01

This is what bothers me about the modern trend of copying the exact image of famous photographs. Don't be a clone, learn the techniques and then put your spin on the image. Try a different angle, different time of day, change things up and be you. If people are putting your work on their walls then you're succeeding.

@vitriolicAmaranth - 10.07.2024 17:53

The actual secret is pointing the camera at something cool-looking and pressing the button, everything else is at best like a high-quality cover on a book. It enhances the experience, it influences how people perceive the contents, but it doesn't actually enhance the contents themselves, which are universally agreed to be the most important thing.

@RealMooMan - 11.07.2024 01:15

So it's basically just take pictures that you think look nice

@nisornt - 11.07.2024 07:08

Great video!

@atononmymind - 11.07.2024 17:41

One thing I absolutely love about photography is that there is less of a "good" or "bad", an image is good when you yourself as an artist decide so — it's good when the image makes you feel something and you connect with it and harsh guidelines don’t matter as much. Of course that is present in pretty much any art form, but especially in photography I feel like. 
I have been a music producer for years and in music you could say the same but I feel like there are a lot more things to mess up. Maybe I’m tripping tho lmao

@atononmymind - 11.07.2024 17:44

such a valuable message you are conveying right here, this applies to any art form really

@atononmymind - 11.07.2024 17:53

also don't try to chase an identity, just doing what you're deeply passionate about is what your identity actually is (not what's supposed to be "nice").
And when you think you have developed a style/identity don't harshly stick to it all the time, that's what gets you burned out after some time. Still always try to experiment, it's about lifelong evolving

@silvansky - 11.07.2024 18:44

Applies to any art.

@davidmullett2340 - 12.07.2024 04:21

I remember joining a photography discord a while back, ended up leaving after realizing photography isnt for me with how much these people overthink photos and piss and moan about rules and sharpness and all that shit.
I am not a professional and never will be, i cannot care that much about that shit. I don't want to tske souless stock photos i want to take photos that have meaning to me and maybe help tell a story or bring back a memory. Rules are stupid for art. Art is subjective.

@peldridge2627 - 12.07.2024 04:30

you are right!

@robinthesky6728 - 12.07.2024 06:09

The “they suck” in the thumbnail is killing me 😂 love it

@ebinrock - 12.07.2024 06:59

Okay, so you fill the whole video with vague language concerning unique style. Examples?

@broncoxy - 13.07.2024 16:00

let me just say that you look like the guy from Mehnersmoos - don't ask just look them up and be amazed

@memahselfni - 14.07.2024 21:16

This video is incredibly reassuring. I’m still quite a novice but the way I’d been looking at it was just like any art, every photographer should have a personal style rather than adhere to a super rigid set of rules. I’ve been approaching my shots from the perspective of how can I show people the world as I see it? It’s the only art I’ve tried taking up where I feel a sense of satisfaction, as a result.

@smiththewright - 14.07.2024 22:53

I absolutely think taking 'Nice' photos is a crucial step in a photographer's creative process. Imitating photographers you enjoy makes you understand them better; it's analogous to an active reader — a determination to understand and evaluate it for its relevance to your needs.

@BrianGeorgeGaming - 14.07.2024 23:03

Great stuff. Short and sweet. I'm grateful to say that I don't find myself too worried about doing things a certain way when I'm out shooting. I just do my thing the best I can with whatever conditions I'm in. It's very low-pressure while still striving for great quality.

@CoultanLucas - 17.07.2024 04:20

Great reminder!

@sam3drinks - 17.07.2024 07:26

this kind of advice can apply to any creative hobby or profession, great video

@martinserrano1959 - 17.07.2024 08:00

Bro, thanks for the reality check

@olge1355 - 17.07.2024 12:12

good take, wise words. felt the same along the way and it underlines that no one is ever done learning and evolving in photography.

@dovakhiin8097 - 17.07.2024 21:15

Hey Max, where did you get that shirt from? Its very nice!

@hiw9528 - 18.07.2024 00:06

I agree with what you say. It is logical. But I don't like the background music. It is a nuisance. If I want to listen to music I watch a music video.

@jonah37_ - 18.07.2024 01:33

I was so confused because I’m in St Ives right now and did very similar shots haha

@cre8tive_tv236 - 18.07.2024 13:06

Bro just subtly stated the rule of all art: do it your way 💯

@rei-danielilunga9319 - 18.07.2024 13:07

Nice is the enemy of great

@MyNameJeff.. - 18.07.2024 17:15

Take a shite and take an abstract pic of it

@lapluieledimanche - 18.07.2024 23:59

Your video popped up in my recommendations today and that's crazy because that's exactly what I was thinking about yesterday. I went on a nostalgic trip looking at some old photos and I realised that they had so much soul, much more than my photography nowadays. I actually took a break from photography because I felt like I was only creating cold and soulless images. Going back to images I captured years ago (way before I learned all there is to learn about the technical parts of photography) showed me what I've been looking for and lost over the years. Your words hit home and resonated a lot with what I'm feeling right now so thank you!

@user-it9jq2xi5m - 19.07.2024 09:29

It is not about “nice”. It is about formulation… Masters like Saul Leiter or Haas they all shot nice photos. They just formed their own styles which differentiate them from others.

@MWSCologne - 19.07.2024 14:45

Nice is Terrible ´s little sister.

@frick9838 - 19.07.2024 14:59

Finally someone said it

@nataranja3030 - 19.07.2024 19:19

dude i love your style

@point73. - 19.07.2024 23:09

Great vid.

@josephkreissphotography - 20.07.2024 00:55

I’ve been shooting photos professionally for more than 40 years and I still feel my “style” is continuing to evolve as a photographer. At times I wonder if I have an identifiable style even though I do have a style… As we grow our way of making images changes and our “style” changes in the process. Good video for making us all look at ourselves.

@HiCZoK - 20.07.2024 10:59

I will say something controversial. getting old ancient digital camera is so much fun. And by old I mean OLD. Less than 2megapixels. hopefully even LESS. All modern photos look similar. Super clean, super shallow colors (realistic) and you take 50 photos of every subject.
Meanwhile I am out here, taking pictures on a floppy disk camera at 640x480 or slightly above that... and the pics are so grainy, so unique. The colors are so wrong yet so amazing and the picture taking MATTERS. These cameras are so slow, I can't take 50 pics of 1 subject. I can take 1pic every 5-10 seconds. And I don't have a lot of settings.
So what ends up happening is that I take care, shoot and take what I get. Love it. And the upside is - cheap and no 10 lenses. The grain, artifacts, wrong colors. It's what stands out to me nowadays. And not achieved through editing for me

@damianociucciovino7875 - 20.07.2024 11:16

Is this Bob Ross of photography?

@_qw3rtyXxYz_ - 20.07.2024 14:39

yeah i fully agree. i have a background in film and i think this applies very well to my workflow too. the media landscape has become very oversaturated especially with colorful lighting, symmetrical composition and analog or old formats (film, vhs). we are at the point at which something that was considered beautiful 10 to 15 years ago is now used by people for their instagram reels and truthfully, it still looks nice and stylish, but it's also a sign of empty and shallow art. perhaps i watch too much experimental stuff, but i absolutely prefer when something looks more raw and unadulterated. i'll always have a deep respect for the movies of dogma 95 and those inspired by neorealism for rejecting what's considered conventionally beautiful in art.

@dalianmoya - 20.07.2024 18:56

I love me an ugly photo

@kirtisozgur - 21.07.2024 14:35

"Nice" or "Excellent" is defined by "rules" and AI will know that rules better than every single photographer very soon. If something is very strict, ordered, solid, mechanic, there is no actual art. Art is all about breaking, disrupting, fucking and throwing all the rules away. Scorcese is not a great director because he uses rule of thirds great. Nah, he is great because of his understanding. Because he fucks the church, religions and governments while underneath, while you watch a very "nice" Italian mafia story. Van Gogh isn't a great painter because of his talent. It's because he fucked up the painting art completely (himself included) and saw the stars 100 years ago with his naked eyes. That's why, I think photography is maybe the hardest discipline in art, because you actually shoot things are "100% real". But somehow you need to embed a feeling into that "reality" by disrupting it. And that's hard. So I totally agree with you. Wish the best.

@kekmaestro3627 - 21.07.2024 23:49

great video my man

@pchabanowich - 22.07.2024 04:19

No. You go ahead and like what you like. Have rules. I love my photos. Bad and good.

@draugnaustaunikunhymnphoo6978 - 22.07.2024 07:43

I've always avoided professional wisdom of photography except for absolute fundamentals. The number One thing I tell everyone to make a good photo no matter the skill is context. Make sure you have enough material in the background to tell the viewer how big, detailed and close the subject is. A grass hill and a cloudless sky doesn't matter much, but if you have animals on the hill showing the scale and size of the hill, then you've got something to work on.

@trippwilsonphoto - 22.07.2024 08:58

What's the point in a nice photo if it doesn't serve a purpose or contribute to something larger

@GianiMartin - 22.07.2024 21:19

Love this!! 🔥

@Bmontepeque11 - 22.07.2024 21:52

This is very neat, I have recently remembered that I take photos because I enjoy it, not to please others or get higher numbers on social media.

And this video reminding me that I should have my style and stick to that came just in time!

And I can confirm, people who come to me to take photos do it because they like the way I take photos. :)

@folhren - 23.07.2024 08:06

unrelated, but where is that shirt from? great video btw :)

@SchmartinSchampus - 23.07.2024 19:32

great video

@pruett89 - 23.07.2024 21:53

Sometimes you just find the videos you need and the thoughts you need to express so that you can grow as a creative. This video came at just the right time
