How SunnyV2 Ruined Video Essays

How SunnyV2 Ruined Video Essays


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@linola644 - 01.12.2023 14:37

I watched some of those videos, and the thing that always jumped to me is how they end. It's always so abrupt and leaves me thinking that my wifi stopped because the video coudn't possible end like that, there's always something missing !

@azzarox6661 - 01.12.2023 14:28

gonna be honest the whole video about Chris kind of came across as intentionally sneakily transphobic to me. When I watched it I was like..."uh... what the fuck? This is uncomfortable"

@Dark3stOfSouls - 01.12.2023 14:17

The majority of the complaints in this video consist of - " his voice is annoying" and "i dont understand when someone builds a narrative in their video, he should have given all the facts and not been entertaining"

This video is a shideo essay about a guy who makes shideo essays, and this comment section is outrageous. I've never heard of this guy before but some of you are simping like he's mr beast 🤣

@KINGTHEYORKIE - 01.12.2023 03:38

Corporation ruin everything, food, entertainment housing everything! They are like insatiable sharks!

@toxicbot8687 - 30.11.2023 22:07

yall complain over everything on god

@rodeocat9161 - 30.11.2023 19:19

This comment section is full of “Popular thing bad”. I haven’t watched the video yet, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it echoed similar premises

@Monkeloid - 30.11.2023 18:45

Thank god I’m not the only one that despises his thumbnails. They look awful

@spaastizockt8413 - 30.11.2023 13:17

The Isaac music in the background 😅

@kittenpaw1023 - 30.11.2023 01:54

Hey, I know you probably didn’t mean to but Kris uses She/Her pronouns not He/Him.

@ShawnFX - 29.11.2023 20:19

Sunny's haters coming out of the wood works after he dropped the video on Chris😂 looks like Sunny hurt a lot of people's tiny wittle feewings

@LuluFluffs - 29.11.2023 19:09

SunnyV2 really seems to be just the 2020 equivalent to Leafy is Here. He makes a video on someone he dislikes in a bland manner using the same points each time. With Sunny, it's they fell off, and with Leafy, it's that their weird.

@gkrees9509 - 29.11.2023 16:17

Patrick cc is like the SunnyV1... They make very similar style videos, however pat just executes it so much better

@MandenTV - 29.11.2023 05:23

What gives you the right to give your opinion on Chris Tyson?

@MandenTV - 29.11.2023 05:17

All this goofy ahh talking just to say that social media should never have been invented

@LD_art - 29.11.2023 04:32

dude is paparazzi

the dude who looks dumpsters of people for content

@Smooth_Bandit0 - 28.11.2023 14:55

Sunny V2 has AI intellect

@growapair2023 - 28.11.2023 00:40

You take almost 6 minutes to get to the point, while trying to sound smart just like sv2, so how are you complaining? You're two of the same then.

@valeriecherish449 - 27.11.2023 08:19

While you have good points, you consistently misgender Kris as he/him in this video, which is certainly a choice.

@bananesalee7086 - 27.11.2023 04:50

Now this is meta

@braydensmith6555 - 26.11.2023 21:01

this video sucks

@kyarumomochi5146 - 26.11.2023 18:49

I still remember how he tried to portray george as the bad guy in his podcast video

@unitydev457 - 26.11.2023 18:13

While using the word sapient you made some really salient points

@Ovle. - 26.11.2023 18:07

love the video but i personally think it got messy and tangled up

@sarahughes2083 - 26.11.2023 16:58

Throwing stones in a glass house with this one eh? HOW IS THIS DIFFERENT 😂

@Alphoric - 26.11.2023 13:57

It’s doomsday content, everything is bad and everyone hates everyone, etc.

I really dislike the whole era of doomsday channels with channels based around sport doing it (like HITC Sevens or TIFO), channels based around long form ‘documentaries’ (like sunnyv2), channels based around politics (like TLDR), then there’s basically every other shorts video. It’s all just part of this weird doomsday culture where everything is either the worst thing to ever happen or is the worst thing YOU never heard of. It’s boring conflicts and straight up misinterpreting reality. We do not live in a dystopia

@Gixsir - 26.11.2023 05:53

Wow dude can you talk faster? Are you stretching this out or is it me?

@wolfdude7777 - 25.11.2023 19:13

thanks for this video man

@nevaminddd - 25.11.2023 18:03

Wait is this a video essay about video essays 😳

@atkhodier - 25.11.2023 04:00

Dudes H3 video was so shit. Mfs are mad women watch his content now lmao…the dude grew up and started a family. H3 never had a downfall they’re bigger then ever. Sunny a straight pandering clown

@recreant359 - 24.11.2023 23:01

It’s not an invasion of privacy when you choose to be a public figure, how can you people not understand that

@recreant359 - 24.11.2023 22:58

I’m not sure how you don’t realize you are doing the exact same thing

@dickpunchlollipop - 24.11.2023 22:12

As someone with an actual "cultivated" Australian accent, I can tell you he actually has what's referred to as a "standard" accent. It sits between The Vaping Bogan and Geoffrey Rush. As an Australian though, I feel especially qualified to refer to SunnyV2 as "a bit of a cunt".

@user-ih7yn6zn7j - 24.11.2023 14:56

Where does sunny claim any of this stuff? This is just a video bring a hater, doing what you claim sunny does. Which would be fine e but don’t make a hit piece doing the thing you claim someone else is doing.

@JamieCrookes - 24.11.2023 13:04

Two words describe the content producers you talk of.... "Bottom feeders".

@SeenSven - 23.11.2023 15:14

this is the first video essay ive seen so far that useed a song from the binding of isaac. loved it :D

@kencochrane2885 - 22.11.2023 22:40

Want to watch an essay on video essays watch Pinely

@SeeMeRolling - 22.11.2023 17:34

I loved ur pickle rick video and I would love to see more videos like that

@portaldash - 22.11.2023 01:26

how pinely ruined video essays

@MandrakeGuy - 21.11.2023 22:11


@phillipreed6599 - 21.11.2023 18:40

Very meta. A video essay on the dead video essay genre

@gilbertl.680 - 21.11.2023 07:52

You made a really good point and then blabbered for an extra 30 minutes. Hilarious that you continued by “gossiping” about other creators.

@anonymouse9833 - 21.11.2023 05:38

Sunny took the 'devils advocate' role too far

@BungLer - 21.11.2023 05:13

Yeah, you really hit a lot of the reasons why I don't watch sunnyV2 anymore. It started with him making a video about chris and I ended up not watching him anymore after I saw he click baited the Stephanie actress from Lazy Town in one of his thumbnails.

@OmtayFC - 21.11.2023 02:39

Sunnyv2 is good

@NanaJerome - 21.11.2023 01:46


@freyak5401 - 21.11.2023 01:43

Huge Joel stan. Free Palestine 🍉
