How I Plan To Build Up My TFSA Portfolio (Tax-Free Savings Account) | STOCKS I'M BUYING

How I Plan To Build Up My TFSA Portfolio (Tax-Free Savings Account) | STOCKS I'M BUYING

Beavis Wealth

2 года назад

88,346 Просмотров

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Ryan Vanderheyden
Ryan Vanderheyden - 05.10.2023 03:40

Brandon can u do a video on a lira account
20 yr time frame
120k cnd
50k usd
To start.
Need growth and divends

Howard Betts
Howard Betts - 19.09.2023 01:46

I always take into account whether a company lines up with my values, before I buy their stock. MacDonalds, for example, does not line up with my values, no matter how much money I might make. Thanks for another great video!

Hermes - 18.09.2023 05:54

When you are referring to cash versus stocks, bonds versus stocks etc, I suggest that you speak in percentages rather than total. Some of us have less savings than you do.

Random Content
Random Content - 10.09.2023 03:58

If you put US dividend into TFSA, won't that make it taxable?!

ssid - 04.06.2023 00:03

Hi Brandon
What's the best way to buy US stocks from Canada? TIA

romeyfrmnorth - 11.04.2023 00:48

are you a filipino

JIM HAZE - 10.03.2023 00:12

I actually bought 7 meta at 88 bucks now its tripple in value in three months but i sold at 120 i should of held ! I think im going to buy it agian tho when it drops agian thanks for the tips awesome video i have very similar ideas !!!

Teriyakicat - 09.03.2023 15:55

I don't pick stocks; stocks pick me.

vera brunobossio
vera brunobossio - 01.03.2023 17:53


vera brunobossio
vera brunobossio - 01.03.2023 17:51

Say if you did today..Today this would cost you monthly or compound?

Julian Butcher
Julian Butcher - 23.12.2022 10:55

Do you have two TFSA accounts? one for USD and one for CDN? thnx

The Walias
The Walias - 12.12.2022 23:59

How are you avoiding currency exchange fees while buying US stocks in TFSA account?

Carlos O.
Carlos O. - 18.10.2022 00:45

why no tesla if ok to ask?

Thinking Outside The Box
Thinking Outside The Box - 16.10.2022 02:32

Brandon, what about the US withholding tax? Isn’t it better to keep Canadian dividend stocks in the TFSA?

IcarusFlying - 18.09.2022 04:28

He talks about it like hes wine tasting

Sanjay Duggal
Sanjay Duggal - 12.06.2022 04:46

how is your porfolio performing compared to using simple ETF funds?

Pam Trace
Pam Trace - 04.06.2022 18:54

Nice video! Question, why are you starting a TFSA account now after all these years of potential tax free gains?

Dan - 30.05.2022 13:44

I baught a decent amount of Meta and I too dislike the platform. And will happily get rid of it if it does go up to my sell piont. I think Canadian banks are very good investments and would build my own etf buy buying 3 o4 Canadian banks. I think if you young folks were to simplii invest in Canadian banks over time you will have a good chunk of money along with a healthy dividend income.

Mortimer Snerd
Mortimer Snerd - 19.05.2022 22:21

I've been following your channel and find you don't follow your own advise. In another video on TFSA's, you advise "don't invest in US stocks within the TFSA because the US will withhold 15% tax on your dividends". And yet here you go buying US stocks and holding them in your TFSA. Aren't you concerned that you're not getting all that you could from your investments? Or maybe you have a workaround on this tax situation?

Rig Rat Medic
Rig Rat Medic - 08.05.2022 20:01

What do you do when you have maxed your RRSP and TFSA acount?

Owen Kwong
Owen Kwong - 07.05.2022 08:35


Owen Kwong
Owen Kwong - 07.05.2022 08:35

Liked 👍

J M - 19.04.2022 11:07

what do you think about Tesla

The Chronic Thumb
The Chronic Thumb - 15.04.2022 03:44

Hey Brandon. What is you're opinion on index funds?

Scorzi - 04.04.2022 20:21

what price to u like lockheed at?

Cheyne Best
Cheyne Best - 03.04.2022 19:29

I would like to add crispr this year from this recent price drop as it has become a deal. Long term has very big implications. I'm only into growth at this point for my tfsa portfolio. I am fortunate and have come a long way managing my portfolio. Learning from Brandon, Marc and getting as much prospective is imperative to be successful.

DavincisGirl66 - 01.04.2022 13:27

Liked the editorial content about Facebook.

Burbz - 31.03.2022 20:27

If you're not investing in Tesla you're investing wrong.

Sid Saxena
Sid Saxena - 30.03.2022 23:05

Limit of TFSA

Sanjeev DD
Sanjeev DD - 29.03.2022 07:47

Why J&J? Is ABT a better option?
Have you considered MSCI and Costco?

TheGrapplingNinja - 29.03.2022 04:18

What is Brookfield like which one what’s the ticker

Fandom Finance
Fandom Finance - 28.03.2022 15:15

Brandon, stand by your morality. If you feel Facebook is bad for society don’t put your money there. Helps to keep your character and integrity in tacked, which I bet means more to your channel, courses and other businesses than just simply pouncing on a cheap stock.

Mike Heller
Mike Heller - 28.03.2022 07:28

I have a different strategy for my TFSA and I have only one holding: $TSLA. So far so good :)

Serenity and Relaxation Now
Serenity and Relaxation Now - 28.03.2022 04:51

I liked this video because you created chapters. I ended up watching the whole thing and enjoyed the content. Great organization of a video.

Robert O. Ogunbanwo
Robert O. Ogunbanwo - 27.03.2022 11:51

Hi Brandon, I really find your videos especially the ones on RRSP and TFSA very useful & informative. i have a TFSA account with TD Bank that i put in $400 a month. Relating to this current video post, should i continue with TD Bank or i should liquidate it and trade by myself using either wealth simple or quest trade. Thanks Brandon

Albertino Romita
Albertino Romita - 27.03.2022 08:25

Well done Brandon 👏👏👏👏👏

Scorzi - 27.03.2022 05:43

what about reits?? riocan? primaris? h&r reit?

Naithan Fyfe
Naithan Fyfe - 27.03.2022 02:31

It makes more sense to have dividend stocks in your TSFA to maximize dividend capital by not paying taxes once you withdrawl like RRSP. Obviously if they are foreign stocks they should be in your RRSP.

Jeyaprakash Joseph
Jeyaprakash Joseph - 27.03.2022 00:55

All good stocks. Good Vedio. Tencent won’t fit into my strategy.

Mark VanderLugt
Mark VanderLugt - 27.03.2022 00:39

AAPL and KO should be in here too. AAPL has $170billion cash on hand. They’re AirPods alone make more money than some companies do with their own net profits lol
KO owns a number of companies and has pricing power with inflation. Add in the fact they are a steady dividend grower. AAPL is a great capital appreciation stock to hold as well. They have so much cash to really do anything they want- buybacks, dividend raises etc

Got2Learn - 26.03.2022 21:35

What is your opinion on the WEF/future of investing?

Bruce Lee Hee
Bruce Lee Hee - 26.03.2022 18:42


Sean Bowen
Sean Bowen - 26.03.2022 16:02

This may be a dumb question but how are you managing to invest in these companies given the yearly TFSA cap? Sorry, I am new to Canada and still not 100% clear on how to effectively manage TFSA accounts

T A - 26.03.2022 15:06

Warren Buffett is 91 years old. What do you think will happen emotionally to their stock when he dies? I believe it will take a huge dip whether it should or not because he is the face of the company. Munger is 98!

Phil l
Phil l - 26.03.2022 03:06

MP stock? MP Materials Corp. thoughts?

david barlow
david barlow - 25.03.2022 23:26

i opened a TSFA ACCOUNT..AND I GUESS YOU CAN.say i am new at investing in stocks..i have got some good info from your videos........i started about 4 to 5 months and as of today i have 10 stocks and up just over 19 per cent... i guess having 5 of my 10 stocks in the energy have helped out a lot..... i wonder if i am too much in energy even thou it is hot right now

Florendo Gomez Casuga
Florendo Gomez Casuga - 25.03.2022 05:21

Microsoft, Berkshire, Google, Costco, Apple, United Health, Bell, Telus and Fortis

Sascha Seyschab
Sascha Seyschab - 25.03.2022 00:39

So am I getting this right? If you own US stocks in your TFSA, they should be ones that don't pay dividends ideally as they are subject to the withholding tax?

L K - 24.03.2022 23:33

Hey Brandon thanks so much for the video its been very informative for me. Is there any chance you have a spreadsheet template I could get started on? Either way thanks again
