Is wanting everything too much? I jumped from landscape photography to architecture photography and back again, and to round things off I also tried my hand at astrophotography.
In theory, a photographic paradise for me, you might think. On location however, I couldn't really focus on any of the genres.
In any case, it was a wonderful hike to an amazing photo location. Unfortunately, word has already spread and - as a local told me - it became an Insta-spot two years ago.
When I pitched my tent, I was alone. The next morning I counted 21 tents!! If I go up again to take photos, it will only be when the weather is too cold or too bad for the crowds :)
Thanks for watching!
My Website:
- Fresh Dream by Mike B Fort
- Reservoir Sunset by Axletree
- Yodelling Walmart Kid by Drake Stafford
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#inspirational #landscape_photography #architecture_photography #astrophotography #hiking #wild_camping #camping #switzerland #swiss_alps