Earth's REAL Lost Continents

Earth's REAL Lost Continents

Atlas Pro

3 года назад

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@behnamzadeh1936 - 23.01.2024 00:14

very good subject good voice

@bhupinderkumar5091 - 21.01.2024 18:15

I am seeing three years old Pro Atlas videos since morning... continuously.... everything is tremendous and commendable except one thing...the speed of narration is somewhat fast... love and regards from Punjab (North West, India)...❤😊

@user-ng6ti9iq9q - 20.01.2024 11:01

yow forget doggerland between spain and united kingdom

@RrDude - 16.01.2024 22:27

Wouldnt new zealand be its own continent anyways then since.its in zealandia ? And not part of the oceanic/Australian plate

@Srimuncivladimirterjjerandelmi - 06.01.2024 17:51

What about greater aidria

@cyandood583 - 05.01.2024 03:23

What were the flags of the lost continent’s than?

@Srimuncivladimirterjjerandelmi - 04.01.2024 01:12

What about Greater aidria

@freethinker3338 - 31.12.2023 03:12

Read your Bible! You can not go through the firmament until you die.

@TheAnarchitek - 27.12.2023 12:34

I think some of your assumptions fit the definition. Earth of only 10,000 years ago would have been wildly different than most assume. You assume North America was assembled long ago, but it wasn't. South America was wider, Europe and Asia further apart, separated by an inland sea. Besides India, Arabia and the horn of Africa were driven into the underbelly of the Eurasian Plate. Something twisted Iran like a pretzel.

A similar twist is evident, centering on Fiji, and the entirety of the Micronesia/Vanuatu/New Zealand region shows the kind of tweaking caused by massive plate shifts, not the ordinary, or the 1,000-year event, but something extraterrestrial, something with an atmosphere, bow shock doing strenuous damage to each in turn, without the principals actually touching. Great tongues of lighting connected, though, reaching out in forks of wicked fire.

The approach of the bodies increased atmospheric pressure, producing whipping rains and slashing winds, building in intensity to the point of nearest contact, receding to restless norms in the wake of the savagery of the moment. Whatever had existed, before, was reduced to splinters and shards, long ago, but it probably didn't resemble anything we'd recognize. Earth grew in size, and acquired oceans, sorta like a teenager going through puberty, arriving at its latest configuration very recently.

@dand6298 - 21.12.2023 02:03

I got dibs on the next tropical land mass that protrudes from the ocean! 😂

@tylermanzi2190 - 11.12.2023 03:56

Just land and sea! Lol.....

@GanonJr - 06.12.2023 11:33

🖕—From the Portuguese speaking world :)

@user-cx7kg6ok9b - 05.12.2023 14:19

AI voice overs earn a thumb down for laziness.

@Tganz754 - 02.12.2023 16:25

It's still there idiots, it's under water, better know as H2O!

@warjacare - 27.11.2023 00:49


@arjayalarcon3457 - 25.11.2023 04:45

Thats Why, they create anime HunterXHunter the Dark Continent,😁🤣

@CacalacaCuManera - 21.11.2023 18:04

The Kerguelen landmass would probably resemble something like modern day NZ. Most population living up north, probably colonized by Britain, temperate climate and having a Anglo-Austronesian culture mix (only if the U.K encouraged settlement which it probably would have due to its proximity to Antarctica and Antarctican exploration being one of the big things at the time).

@LyleFrancisDelp - 13.11.2023 15:09

I wonder how much of this land was above water during the various Ice Ages.

@LyleFrancisDelp - 13.11.2023 15:08

I know The Ring of Fire very well! Ate jalapeños yesterday.

@georgejenkins3371 - 12.11.2023 17:05

Forget the fanciful "perhaps", guesses, and imaginations and stick to the observable facts.

@Anedoje - 12.11.2023 16:50

Bruh literally can’t talk of a possible continent or island without mentioning Europeans being the ones that would discover it ignoring how these continents would likely change up a lot about general human development

@enamweaknopahknop9661 - 05.11.2023 16:47

100% sure there is someone trying to make theory about how Azores Plateau is Atlantis.

@davidgalangue2563 - 30.10.2023 10:02

I know the purpose..However it has been published in many reference the Theory of Alfred Wegener of Continental Drift Theory. Continent was called Pangea or the Super Continent. ..Due the movements of tectonic plates the supercontinents were moved and separated to 7 continents .

@SilkandScrooge - 26.10.2023 02:58

There’s water at the bottom of the ocean-talking heads

@user-bn7uf9bz7r - 20.10.2023 20:00

The earth people might as well to find ways living on top of the water while there's still materials available, before the whole world sinks to the bottom of the oceans, I might be a little too sensitive about all the events happen around us, if people think hard enough, they might be able to make suitable environment to live on top of the ocean! can they?

@gotguts4931 - 20.10.2023 11:59

South America can have !!!!DEEZ NUTZ!!! if they want them

@bucketgarden - 20.10.2023 05:20

Anyone else notice that a computer must have made this audio because it is saying "thee" way too often when it should be saying "tha" at least some of the time. Once I heard it I can't un hear it and it's irking me

@johnwauters8576 - 16.10.2023 01:49

Cut hand band-aid same Earth 🌎

@2RANbit - 09.10.2023 03:56

This isn't quite what I was looking for, but it sure is more promising than what I saw elsewhere. At least what cocerns hotspots. So thank you for that!
By the way, Madagaskar was obviously geologically long ago a part of India before being left in front of the east African coast. It would also seem that Australia, east Antarctica, India and Madagaskar were neighbors to - North America?!
Also, when sea levels were lower during the Pleistocene Ice Age, the British Isles were connected to continental Europe via the Doggerland, and who knows if Svalbard was accessable by land from Norway because th continental shelf from Norway extends that far.

@user-wc6eu5cg6u - 08.10.2023 22:30

I feel like one way it could become a “lost content” is by submerging under community guidelines

@primodernious - 02.10.2023 19:04

why are people still defending the Alfred Wegener myth. continents does not move like that. Pangaea never existed. the myth of a water world with single island there are many fairy tales about such a world but is not reality. there is no continents. they do not exist. the earth is a single crust. not many pieces. part of the ocean sink and get deeper where part of the land get taller. the earth is getting colder. it was much hotter in its beginning. its slowly cooling down. as it does it shrink. that is why continents in the past sank into the ocean. there is no other theory that explain lost continents and the Pangaea does not even cover these continents as they do not fit the current faulty model. continents are Fairy tale pieces that fits fantasy not reality. you remove all the water from the sea and there is no continents as there never was and never will be. there is no planets in the universe that has continents. that the world is made of continents only deluded people buy that nonsense.

@van-vanfernandezmanlegro8699 - 02.10.2023 16:35


@dex1lsp - 01.10.2023 12:33

That giant J-shaped Japan is SO COOL. 😮

@yvonneschermerhorn866 - 01.10.2023 05:09

Well done! Enjoyed the added humor!

@justeatingchipsandwatching - 28.09.2023 20:46

So 71% of the surface of the Earth is covered by water but 100% of the surface of the Earth is land, got it.

@NidhiSingh-fh6qy - 28.09.2023 18:49

8 continents ,?! Oh yeah that yesterday the news said that there is hidden continent name is Zealandia 170 million years ago

@rokawahakim6817 - 26.09.2023 11:08

Fun Fact: Most world maps dont have new zealand

@user-ye1ii9zh7d - 25.09.2023 20:03

i mean this makes sense because why are we called mammals if we are not born under water/into and when ur born u come in an bubble full of water and u notice how animals/humans get dehydrated when they dont drink water so maybe we are the actual lost animals but well never know our full body and our abilites because we only have access to 20% of our brain which blocks out all of our senses to our abilites.

@ViellaRushie - 25.09.2023 15:08

In oceans vast, where continents once stood tall,
Earth now wears a different face, a mighty change for all.
Lost are the lands that once so boldly rose,
A shifting, drifting journey, where every story flows.

Gone are the mountains, the valleys, and the plains,
Their ancient tales now buried beneath the watery chains.
Continents adrift, on tectonic plates they roam,
In a cosmic dance, seeking a new earthly home.

Yet in this great upheaval, a beauty does unfold,
A world of hidden wonders, in depths untold.
Coral gardens bloom, beneath the ocean's blue,
Invisible kingdoms thrive, where once deserts grew.

The creatures of the deep, from krill to giant whale,
Adapt to changing currents, in this watery travail.
For Earth may have lost her continents of yore,
But life persists and thrives, on this evolving shore.

Though continents may wander, in a timeless quest,
Our love for Earth, unwavering, remains the best.
To cherish her as one, united, we'll defend,
For Earth, with or without continents, will endure till the end.

@derrikpeterson5393 - 24.09.2023 05:05

You use Greenland as a reference often but it always looks bigger on a map than it really is so it hard to reference.

@blastermonkey5780 - 17.09.2023 12:58

When a plate is forced under another, it is called "subduction" NOT "subsidence"

@pallejensen9484 - 16.09.2023 10:04

U completely went besides all the platetectonics and vulkanoes all over philippines 😢

@matthewbutts2062 - 15.09.2023 07:37

I was hoping you would talk about Doggerland.

@ShrekOfficial2001 - 12.09.2023 06:33

This video is good for trying to find the location of Ye Olde Zealand

@itallia666 - 05.09.2023 23:32

🇬🇧 As i live on the far north eastern coast of Britain & being intensely interested in the Earths history of super continents, land masses that used to be visable & thus maybe inhabited, to emerging volcanic land masses
Yeah im a Geography nut!

However i was really excited when fairly recently alot came to light about Dogger Land between the United Kingdom stretching across the North Sea to Norway/ Sweden, Scandinavian land mass

There was always speculation as to just how much was once exposed around the Dogger Bank

They knew that area had once been land above the sea
But, they never realised just how sizable this land mass was

I went to see a lecture at my cities University of Newcastle Upon Tyne re; The newly discovered size of Doggerland.

It was really substantial & there was evidence of long term habitation & just how the land had been utilised.
With Hunter Gatherers, Agriculture well established.

It still hasnt been ascertained just how the land became submerged but my feeling goes back to the Younger Dryas period

Having read about the northern hemispheres ice covered land mass & the suspected meteor detonation & following land trauma with sudden massive defrosting of the ice mixed with earth & boulders resulting in an onslaught of mud, boulder flood so destructive it changed vast areas geographically esp in Canada & North America.

I think part of this destructive force or the tail end of it flowed from the arctic regions down towards the North Sea & covering any above water land separate from mainland Britain & Scotland.

The reason being the experts have said it wasnt a slow coverage of land, too much was preserved & buried in silt & clay & peaty substance which was how
They knew Doggerland had been cultivated & habitable.

All of this has been quite recent & i wondered what your take on it was?
The whole northern part of the British Isles facinates me.
Esp the the Scottish Highland
North of Loch Ness which isnt attached to the rest of the country but once... was attached to the Newfoundland coast..
So the experts have said!!

Not sure i believe that but as you pointed out on this video there was an island land mass just out beyond the Outer Hebrides
Thats where i think the land above Loch Ness originated!

Sorry this is long but this kind of topic just ignites my curiosity
If anyone else has any info or theories id be interested to hear
About it.

@Lazyskeleton1995 - 02.09.2023 09:45

I thought that picture with Fortnite map on earth was real.
