Why Nikita is wrong about SPT - Single Player Tarkov - Escape from Tarkov

Why Nikita is wrong about SPT - Single Player Tarkov - Escape from Tarkov


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SqueezeAlicious - 04.03.2023 14:30

i play spt because i am a disabled vet that has had major spinal sugary that resulted in loss of feeling and hand eye coordination. S.P.T gives me the opportunity to play the game that i love and not die in the first 5 min every game because of my disability and this they should be praised for not condemned. I fought and was injured in the name of freedom i deserve the right and ability to play just like every one .

GrayFox - 30.10.2023 20:39

Spt was a good thing for me, it allowed me to learn the game in a non stressfull way which makes a huge difference and as a result I can go into live now and whip ass more often than not, and like most people I work full time and keeping up during wipes is really hard for me simply because of time constraints.

AkumaGuts - 30.10.2023 19:34

nikita doesnt care about this game, he is making and testing everything he wants to so he can make his single player game (stalker copy).
What proves this is that they dont add ANYTHING the community asks for, dont solve cheaters (dont even try imo) and dont even get me started on the sound.

Dukep6 - 29.10.2023 14:10

When the esp doesn't work 😂

Justino - 28.10.2023 09:31

Great video. I really hope the developers will watch it and reflect on your take of SPT. I bought the game when it first came out and haven't touched it since because it felt so overwhelming and the gear fear in me wouldn't go away. Not to mention the recent hackers too. If they ever impliment SPT or allow it in the future, I wouldn't hesitate reinstalling the game and having another go at it.

TheD3V - 27.10.2023 23:17

and nikita is right ... fuckers copy the game .. i would sue the hell out of em

Ghetta - 27.10.2023 07:45

I bought the game and I can't barely play it due to a number of mostly personal reasons. I prefer playing on my own pace without the fear of cheaters. If not for SPT I'd have a crappy masterpiece game that I bought that I would barely ever touch

Tman2bard - 25.10.2023 21:17

I got a feeling that SPT is really hated because it shows what's actually possible with the game, and that Nikita and his team are always give us half baked ideas. SPT is the only fun I can even have these days. If I know BSG, they will eventually make their own single player and sell it back to just like they're going to sell us advanced trajectory models and maps/features that were promised to us at launch. No I didn't need any more money, they make so many on cheaters rebuying access...

Jacob Robinson
Jacob Robinson - 25.10.2023 19:02

I really love games like Tarkov and dark and darker but god do i hate the communities behind them.

Lucas - 24.10.2023 07:01

SPT is literally the only part of Tarkov I play considering the rampant cheating and otherwise incredibly sweaty nerds who play all day every day and can just outbuy anyone who plays casually.

Vlctuss - 23.10.2023 20:08

I bought EFT a long time ago but always felt the tryhardness of it online. With work and kids I just ditched it and never hopped on. I like a lot about the game but will not play it unless an actual SP mode or even better Co-op mode gets introduced. Love the vids! Keep em coming.

Cripstopher III
Cripstopher III - 23.10.2023 06:51

I think another aspect SPT opens is the modding potential with the few on the mod workshop putting out some dope ass mods, custom calibers, weapons, ammo types, gear, and an improved ai over what comes with spt out of the box, it’s so fun to run around with silly guns and blasting infinite bosses

Mission Quasar
Mission Quasar - 23.10.2023 00:31

Does that mean, you as a content creator have bad or no internet, why you chose to play SPT? Asking for a friend

Baconious - 22.10.2023 23:19

I travel for work, living in hotels for months at a time. Have you tried gaming with hotel Wi-Fi? It’s not happening. This has driven me away from tarkov and other games as such.

HossChaos - 22.10.2023 20:51

SPT is the only reason I still have tarkov installed. BSG has fostered an online community that is impossible to enjoy unless you play EFT every single day for many hours.

Last Shinobi
Last Shinobi - 22.10.2023 20:27

Spt ruins what is left of the main game drawing more legit players away from the main game, so I can see that being a big issue.

HP_Headdesk - 22.10.2023 06:51

SPT is a great experience. The ability to customize your AI to be as hard or easy as you want, the ability to add custom traders offering custom things you couldn't otherwise get from online and the ability to customize literally anything about EFT is what keeps me coming back to SPT instead of EFT. EFT was great for the first 5-6 wipes I played. I stopped EFT just after the Goons update and started SPT around then and haven't stopped playing since. SPT is a great addition to the community and in my opinion should be supported by BSG. Great video and great format.

the quiet gamer
the quiet gamer - 21.10.2023 23:31

i started playing spt this wipe, and since i started i couldn't stop. haven't touch the "normal" version of tarkov ever since. and the reason why? welp, here are some:
1 - you don't need to deal with desync,
2 - no cheaters;
3 - SO. MUCH. CUSTOM. THINGS. THAT. I. CAN. DO. LIKE: new guns, new quests, new mechanics, new traders, SO MUCH QoL tweaks.
and i mean: i am only messing with my own game, not no one elses. and, since i bought it and am just playing by myself, i think its pretty fair that i could do whatever i want w it...

Petr Holý
Petr Holý - 21.10.2023 11:21

Time - This is the reason I haven't played it in two years. I have a lot of work to do and the whole house is hanging over me. I need to pause and run away and then maybe continue. The second thing why I don't play it is that due to the less time I can devote to it, I don't know how to play it much. I mean better aiming and my slow reactions and color vision disorder. I can't see the color red. Collimators are useless to me because I can't see the dot. I want SP because I can learn everything beautifully and train myself.

Ken Anderson
Ken Anderson - 20.10.2023 22:54

After 3K hours, I'm finally downloading SPT. I'm sick of all the cheaters as well as desync and nothing being done about it.

ImDarthGamer - 19.10.2023 17:19

Glad I quit this game. 3 hackers back to back a month ago. Now Labs and Shoreline are unplayable due to hackers. And the creators giving more of a fuck about SPT instead of fixing the issues. Just cringe.
