Mansions No One Wants to Buy for Any Price

Mansions No One Wants to Buy for Any Price


2 года назад

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Endless Univese
Endless Univese - 24.11.2023 19:07

these houses should be more expensive because the ghost comes in the price too by selling the ghost with the house

Endless Univese
Endless Univese - 24.11.2023 19:01

so much free mansions and so many peoples homeless out there on the streets

Dove Blue
Dove Blue - 23.11.2023 14:44

Some of these mansions appear to be very Haunting, therefore, should Not be disturbed 😮😮

An De
An De - 23.11.2023 00:07

... and then comes tax

Emily Hedges
Emily Hedges - 22.11.2023 17:15

A Jack the Ripper suspect was into house design??

Roy Anacion
Roy Anacion - 21.11.2023 16:54


Roy Anacion
Roy Anacion - 21.11.2023 16:49


Sue Ton
Sue Ton - 21.11.2023 07:48

$0 home doesn't seem too particularly bad considering there's no haunting. If I could get Development Application pass through I'll grab (with the owner's permission) to break up for materials for build on another place and cheaper moving costs.

Interesting Barbs stately home which recieved threats of demolishing by council Is just idle threats because I checked it out on and it's still there!

I go for the $1K too with the same caveat the owner has to allow me to break it down into raw material and rebuild from scratch.

rene engelhardt
rene engelhardt - 21.11.2023 05:49

Very cool homes I would buy if I had money

Kati k
Kati k - 20.11.2023 22:31

I wonder why the first house was moved by the grandmother in the first place next to the road? Seems strange.

Dora Grant
Dora Grant - 16.11.2023 11:53

I lived in a haunted house with my family grewing up and i can tell you its only around certain times you will experience the ghost/ghosts its not a everyday thing, the home i grew up in was a home owned by a elderly couple who had the home first in 1970 they children abandoned them once they got grown and one of their kids was trying to put them in senior citizen apartments because she was about to put the home up for collateral to get a loan to help with a business she was trying to start so the parents had to deal with her which caused them both to stress because they had to put a stop against their daughter since the bank had notified them that someone was trying to us e their home as collateral for a loan. The elderly couple died a year apart in 1992 both in the home which my grandmother purchased in 1993 when it went up for sale, she was told that the owners of the home had both died in it but my grandmother didn't mind because she was too excited about buying her first home so she purchased it and we moved in, and about 4 months into moving in my mother and her sister were downstairs in the living room watching tv when they both saw what appeared to be a old man going up the stairs and then disappearing into thin air, they both ran out of the house and didn't go back in until my grandmother came home from work and she asked them why was they outside in the dark and they told her they saw a old man go upstairs while they were both downstairs watching tv so my grandmother told them she forgot to tell them the history of the home and when she told them i can remember my mom saying im not staying in this house which she moved me and her into an apartment days later. My aunt was there and she would always tell my mom, sis its a ghost and i think its 2 because she said one day she was upstairs in her room and a lady figure just walked past her room and she said it was like a mist with a human shape and she told my mother she gotta get from out of the house because she said it was messing with her mentally because she was so scared of what she was actually seeing, she told my grandmother and my grandmother told her she had encounters with the ghost too but it didn't bother her because she said ghost cant hurt you and besides my grandmother was barely there since she was a surgical technician which she worked sometimes 12-24hr shifts back to back, she mostly stayed at the hospital and slept in the rooms they had only for doctors and nurses. As i got older in my teens i started to go to my grandmother's house and stay which by that time my aunt had moved out so there was nobody else in the house, i just loved being there with my grandmother and i had my encounters with the ghosts. My first experience i was so shocked and scared at the same time i was watching richie rich in my mothers old bedroom when the tv just went off and then i heard what sound like a mans voice say you can't have my home in a kind of angry manner so i just immediately went in shock i couldn't move for a few seconds because i was so scared. I told my grandma what had happened and she told me that the people that owned the home before she purchased it had a long battle with one of their kids who was trying to get them put into senior living places so the home could be used as collateral for a bank loan and she said the father and mother were so upset that the daughter was trying to steal their home from them while they were still living she also said the couples 6 children had abandoned them, they would never go visit their parents nor check on them as they aged which caused the both of them to stress and worry wondering what did they do wrong for their children to not want to visit nor keep in touch. They both died angry and heartbroken in the home that she purchased the realtor that sold it to her told her the history of the home but she was never told that it was haunted. I had multiple encounters over the years as i was growing up but it got to a point where i was use to it and it didn't bother me, my grandma mortgage the house off in 2005 for 60k and she losted it in 2007 during the real estate crisis. I ride pass the home every now and then with my grandma whose retired now and she always say she wish she had never mortgage it off because it would have been paid off by now even though it was haunted, when she said that it brought back memories and i told her remember that man and woman that we would encounter from time to time in there and she said yeah they had your mother scared to the point she moved out days later and your aunt barely got sleep because she was seeing the ghosts and you actually getting use to it to the point it didn't bother you just like it didn't bother me, i just laughed. Now in todays era she was able to purchase another home which was not haunted but she said she'll be paying on it until the end, i live with her and she has let me take over the notes which i am able to pay triple of what she was paying monthly so instead of 15 years its just 9 years to pay off and she has since told her lawyer that the house belongs to me so if anything happens i have a home. So to those of you that are skeptical about haunted houses its not what you see in horror movies, you wont be attacked by the ghosts and they wont take over your body.

Jillie-Rie - 15.11.2023 21:50

damn, for the first (mini) mansion, she could easily open a business and be able to keep her family’s home

Sue George
Sue George - 14.11.2023 11:08

The house in the beginning of the video could remain in place if the lower floor would be made over into a restaurant and the upper floor could be a B&B. If I understood it correctly, that should qualify the house to be commercial. The location along the highway would be easy access for patrons.

Gristle Von Raben
Gristle Von Raben - 12.11.2023 18:37

this makes me angry, realators lie their faces off and almost never tell you about murders and ghosts.

Mario Martinez
Mario Martinez - 12.11.2023 07:22

I'd rather buy one, I thaught of moving mu house once.

roycroft ki
roycroft ki - 11.11.2023 19:06

The anne starrett mansion is georgeous.

scott - 11.11.2023 09:06


Kim Martin
Kim Martin - 10.11.2023 18:39

One of the things Barb could do is open up a home business than she could live in it.

JustBullst - 10.11.2023 00:02

All the houses build before 2000s are undoubtedly horrendous than modern ones😨

Casserole 🥘
Casserole 🥘 - 08.11.2023 19:04

If I could buy a haunted mansion for like 2 bucks. Them ghosts better be ready for a roomie.

Maria Harrison
Maria Harrison - 08.11.2023 02:30

Oh, the Ann Starrett house is so beautiful, it's the most amazing house, like something from a Disney movie.

Sainted Heathen
Sainted Heathen - 06.11.2023 02:38

I'd hate to own a mansion, imagine the gas & electricity bill. Imagine cleaning day. No thanks

Pepe The Patriot
Pepe The Patriot - 06.11.2023 02:04

Oh look, another dishonest title in a dishonest video. F your clickbait.

Jazzy Jeff
Jazzy Jeff - 06.11.2023 00:22

All of them were money pits.

Debra Riccio
Debra Riccio - 05.11.2023 23:22

The Great Depression was in the 30's, it started in 1929.

11 Yazmin
11 Yazmin - 03.11.2023 04:16

I as well dislike property hoarders

Traci Mangham
Traci Mangham - 31.10.2023 08:06

I think the neighborhood I grew up in might have been built over a burial ground or something. I know of several houses on my block alone that were haunted. One house 2 doors down from mine was definitely haunted, no one ever stayed there longer than a month or two, ever. Another down the street where I had friends was haunted because one day while playing after school in their house all the cabinet doors in the kitchen started opening and slamming shut on their own - I freaked out and wouldn’t go back inside, ever. We were the only ones there that day, their parents were still at work. The house beside mine on the corner caught fire about 5 times while I lived there. I lived there the first 22 years of my life and my mom went through high school living in that house and she said that house caught fire many times before I was even born. That was just my little 600 block (22 houses) of that division, I can imagine that whole area experienced things.

Margaret McDonald
Margaret McDonald - 31.10.2023 00:29

Tim ID X2J1Y6

Zunilda Martinez
Zunilda Martinez - 30.10.2023 04:58

Even if I were the richest person on earth, I still wouldn’t buy any of this mansions, they are not my taste, they do not appeal to me. And being hunted??? Hell NO! Not even if it is a studio that is hunted, wouldn’t live in it. I don’t blame people for not wanting to buy these places……having ghosts. I run out of those places like I saw the devil. Thanks but no thanks. 😊

Ryan Spangler
Ryan Spangler - 30.10.2023 02:36

Oh yeah by the way exorcism isn’t real, grow up

Ryan Spangler
Ryan Spangler - 30.10.2023 02:33

I’m sorry I was mean. Is there ANY evidence of anything supernatural? If so, I’m pretty sure we would all know about it

Peter Griffinson
Peter Griffinson - 26.10.2023 02:58

OoOoof that castle is hideous…

Kim van der Linden
Kim van der Linden - 25.10.2023 15:46

Carleton Island Villa is just a skeleton of a house. That is not livable. Why won't they just take it down? Or better; make it a historic sight seeing thing. idk.

Terri Hartbarger
Terri Hartbarger - 25.10.2023 05:46

Hey, if you get enough people together, why not?

Terri Hartbarger
Terri Hartbarger - 25.10.2023 05:45

Having ghosts is very economical 😅

The Deathly Whisper
The Deathly Whisper - 25.10.2023 00:43

I would buy the Chrismark Castle if I had the cash and get rid the stuff in the basement

Tyler Thompson
Tyler Thompson - 24.10.2023 12:53

Lol yea those ppl who got a book deal about their haunted house look credible.

Tyler Thompson
Tyler Thompson - 24.10.2023 12:43

Hold up.. lol guy renovated a 250’ tower into a hotel with no elevator?

James Stewart
James Stewart - 23.10.2023 05:35

For the SK Mansion, I've seen the episode of Ghost Adventures where they investigated the mansion, and interviewed the owners, who you mentioned in the video, and the hauntings are attributed to all the deaths that occurred inside it, including a WW2 veteran who supposedly died from spontaneous combustion, and the fact there was a tunnel in the basement that connected to SK's factory across the street. The tunnel had closed off entrances on both sides and has since collapsed. And because it's collapsed, it may never be known what occurred in that tunnel. Who knows, there could be bodies buried under it. And no one can explain the little boy that is the most seen ghost in the house is. It's not a member of the Pierce family, that they know for sure. But all the death and illegal activity that took place inside the mansion, yeah, no one would want that house. But because it's historic, not just because of the ghosts, it can't be torn down, unless it poses a potential safety hazard. So it could sit abandoned for many more years, and yet, it will always be taken care of to appease the spirits that still call it home.

Through His Eyes
Through His Eyes - 19.10.2023 20:54

Funny video 😆

JERRY WILSON - 19.10.2023 11:39

You can't take this guy seriously how he acts

Elaine Brabant
Elaine Brabant - 18.10.2023 06:11

ChrisMark Castle, you could not give it to me, nightmares just looking at it,…..yikes , not to mention all his evilness….no thank you.

KrazyKuno - 17.10.2023 06:36

I have always wanted a Second Empire style home! If I could get someone to drive out the evil spirits I'd take that place in a heartbeat!

muttbone01 - 17.10.2023 06:06

Are you kidding?! I would throw myself at a $1000 home in NY AS IS. Even if I never did anything with it, if i had power an water, I'd live in it for as long as it took to be unlivable an still make profit.

muttbone01 - 17.10.2023 05:54

Why? Property taxes, land disputes, an lawsuits.

Tim Bango
Tim Bango - 16.10.2023 20:26

How she just move it to someones else property on the side of road?
