Alexander GRACE (Dating, Attraction, and Emotional Vulnerability)

Alexander GRACE (Dating, Attraction, and Emotional Vulnerability)


1 год назад

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@daveware4117 - 03.12.2023 04:44

Cant belive this has been up for 4 months

@tamasgyorffy1 - 30.11.2023 19:08

telling your problem to a woman: a borderline women will interpret ANY weakness on you side as a prelude to an abandonment, because thats her childhood trauma. she wont stand by your side, wont reflect as an adult, but run away. sur many of you know that situation

@AdoboFlashShorts - 28.11.2023 19:05

I think Mr. Grace missed the point that women are not like men who want to fix things... Women are addicted to drama like men are addicted to sex. Being emotional to women will only create an impression to her man that he is like a child needs mommy

@clownphabetstrongwoman7305 - 28.11.2023 14:39

Wow, what a nice combo! Better an ideas festival than a cheap whinning porn. There is enough of that.

@ajayfoster4428 - 22.11.2023 22:39

@psychacks; Am I the only one sensing the plethora of subtexts? I really enjoy the depth of this dialogue but I can’t help the feeling that the ingenuity isn’t as mural? Nd yes I agree “it’s always easy to let stuff go.”

@Killane10 - 22.11.2023 13:46

I think you are both incredibly wise but can I add a new perspective

The fundamental reason why relationship issues are now surfacing is because the vast knowledge and discussion on the net is raising awareness of a problem that has been getting worse because of the transaction based, consumerist, religion of western capitalism.

Your wisdom influencing men and women will start to transform consumers into beautiful beings.

All the emphasis in our society has been to make people feel anxious, controlled, frustrated, and ultimately "Not Good Enough" Thats what makes them buy pleasure. This is inversely proportional to the sales of consumer goods, porn etc.

Just imagine the chunk of the GDP of US economy based on divorce and the need for that divorce rate to increase anually

@CSmania1991 - 22.11.2023 11:56

Alxander grace , i unsub years ago cause my dude cried being demonetized and he was fuckin blue pilled at this moment, to the point to moderate comment...

Nah without me, this dude only look after money on men issues.

@juggernaut3299 - 22.11.2023 06:39

This chat was totally enjoyable. I have been following you both for a while. Listening to you together🤯

@bedaorama - 16.11.2023 20:22

On the vulnerability discussion, thanks for that exchange! Caveat: without work on yourself and understanding your deeper issues, throwing your unprocessed problems at a partner will outsource your responsibility. Your partner needs to trust you to take responsibility for your shit. If you’re lucky enough to have a high quality relationship based on mutual earned(!) trust and faith in each others capabilities to figure things out, it can be beautiful to feel that bond of mutual support. It all comes down to your history together and whether you have earned the trust through actions and showing that you can be held accountable for your promises.

@michaelsimmons8450 - 16.11.2023 07:44

I think the juice not worth the squeeze thing is more along the lines of - My fantasy is mild and low in requirement's. I have to do MORE to get LESS.

@michaelsimmons8450 - 16.11.2023 07:29

I will say, those channels do have a role to play, albeit a limited and overplayed one. I can say, in my youth, the talking points of the Red Pill content seemed obvious. But men, women, media, songs and books all seemed to state the opposite. I lived most of my life in a gridlock between my perceived reality and a entire world screaming what I am seeing isnt correct. I've come a long way and I've learned to largely trust my own judgement but every so often, I check back in, and I use those channels to combat a lifetime of what people call Blue Pill training. It doenst just go away, you manage it, you accept reality and you grow in a right direction, but every once in a while, those reminders are helpful. As well as seeing men check those kinds of women and stay in frame is a mental image I reference when I mentally train myself for scenarios where I (in my youth) would slip out of frame. Every year it gets easier but its still an ongoing process.

@Jollygreengeocentric - 16.11.2023 00:00

Less of an interview and more of a monologue. Be careful.

@andi8489 - 14.11.2023 01:31

At 46 minutes they're speaking about the fightclub. Remember rule 1.

@andi8489 - 14.11.2023 01:01

Best quote i ever heard on this topic : "men might have to pass through the death of the dream". Yes. I have this little romantic inside of me that did nothing but cause me pain and suffering. i'm almost 40 and about to give up women once and for all. Had enough relationships and i had just one heartbrake too much now. if women are really this shallow and "programmed" like you suggest (which is my judgement) - and according to my own analysis it seems to be the case - then what's the point? Adapting behavior like a clown only to never let your guard down in fear of them losing attraction? it all comes down to one bitter truth. humans don't want to have what they can get, they want to have what they can't get (or who seems to be indifferent about them). at the roots of this is human nature and i think this is why we as a species are innovative and exploring. if we'd be happy with whats given to us, we'd probably go nowhere. the bible would be very short if eve just did not eat that apple, right? INTP checking out.

@strikingitrich7630 - 09.11.2023 02:25

“You’re not gonna keep women if you do that” Alexander Grace 2023

@humanyoda - 31.10.2023 07:29

For about 3 minutes, I thought that Alexander was wearing a backpack :)

@jessemiller3108 - 31.10.2023 02:27

I like Alexander, but he's definitely got some feminist takes that I'm not on-board with.

Talk therapy: Men need something actionable, at least in my experience.
Sex, money, and exercise: It may not solve ALL your mental problems, but it will put you in a confident place which takes away much of a man's insecurity. And a man who is not insecure is a man in a much better position to be competent with his mental health.

@alexwelts2553 - 30.10.2023 06:35

Wow you guys,. So I'm one of the ones who is dumping a purse full of trauma on the table. Only because it's been ongoing and anyone I approach with the issues invalidates and gaslights. I'm concerned about trauma bonding with the first nice person and perhaps that being a hands clean method of getting like a hostage to the second location. Note the slim chances of surviving the next place. So I refuse to entertain any invitations from men. And I'm not comfortable contacting a therapist because they trained to pull people into the margins of programmed society and label those who perceive outside of the sliver of human perception as mentally ill. Is there an outlet for trained therapists that deal with cptsd and subversive spiritual warfare carried out thru the people you're supposed to be able to trust? And successive narcissist veterans? Or a place people who are experiencing this tend to gravitate towards? Like it's weird to think people wanting to date someone who is stuck in fight or flight and unable to communicate that they aren't on the same page, chapter, or even section of the library.

@alexwelts2553 - 30.10.2023 05:44

Do you guys think bulls attack red instinctively or conditioned? And if it is instinctively, is it resulting from the time before the farmers realized butchering required a different setting than the herd? So gore the red guy

@Robemikor - 29.10.2023 00:56

Best two mates meeting on podcast, that are almost red pill, but actually help. Wish to see you Guys talking to Todd @ToddVDating, curios about the dynamic between ya'll

@builderbob3149 - 28.10.2023 22:19

I loved this interview. Thank you for uploading this... 👍

@keithmoriyama5421 - 27.10.2023 21:16

I've never approached a woman in my life, but I've had multiple harems since the age of 17 ending with my last harem of 25 year old's at age 60. By that I don't mean an endless supply of sex-- I've never slept with any of them. That's part of the formula. I'm just the kind of guy that the girls want to be around and it's always been a mystery to me as to why. I'm above average in the looks department but, not not gorgeous. I'm above average in height but, not tall. A good income but, not rich. They all think I'm a cool guy-- whatever that means to the female mind. What I do have going for me is I can talk to women in their language and most important-- I don't care; they mean nothing to me, I never put them on a pedestal. The result: I feel extremely comfortable around women and it is easy to find the right one.
p.s. Once one girl starts hanging around a second one shows up... then the rest of them seem to think their missing out on something. The opposite of us.

@alexwelts2553 - 25.10.2023 00:36

Gahh!! Those echo chambers,. Have you ever noticed something that someone posts entirely too recently to have thousands of likes? Botted likes, mass approval, literally creates mass, like church and abnormal cell growth, and can used with momentum to build more echo chambers. And those masses of cells are where those guys bounce around their malignancy and have their circle jerks. Those masses don't have to be malignant, the potential goes any way it's directed. Also botted peer reviews are being weaponized. I'm a woman, don't hate me for saying this, but there's so many hidden things that make society not worth the squeeze 😉. When I hear someone else touch on it I'm all over it, like you don't like it? Hear here peer peer or whatever to offer as much objective game changer fuel as I have

@Wolf88888 - 23.10.2023 07:14

You should both team up and write a book. I would buy it immediately.

@BC-hmm - 19.10.2023 04:09

Dr. T, please please please interview Sadia Khan!

@idolbass - 18.10.2023 09:41

Being a fellow Aussie it's great to be introduced to Alexander Grace. I've been following PsycHacks for a while. Death of a Dream really hit home in explaining what I went through about 10 years ago which put me on this journey of self-discovery. Enjoying the channel, thanks.

@swimmerwolf5 - 18.10.2023 03:42

Thank you both for a deep and true conversation.

@harlanhock6486 - 14.10.2023 03:38

🎶 "She's crafty! She's just my type!" 🎶

@jdheryos4910 - 13.10.2023 13:31

After listening to you both.
I was transported to the 20th century.
As if genetic anthropology was not a discipline.
That the Earth was still the centre of the Solar System.
Steve Stewart-Williams : The Ape that Understood the Universe.
Robert Sapolsky : Determined - life without free will.
Humans do have full autonomy.
They do not free will.
Prove the this new scientific research wrong.

@karmad.twelve6613 - 12.10.2023 23:50

Yo I love Alexander Grace! Been watching his content for many years now! Just found your channel somewhat recently, in the past few weeks, Orion! This was awesome!

@bannistergb - 11.10.2023 16:53

Consider that neither of you are married or have children - so I'm guessing your viewpoint is somewhere between pick 'em up if they are worth a shit, estimating shelf life.

@DevidSword - 11.10.2023 10:31

You guys are both Orange Fives. Does anyone know that reference?

@thomasmann4536 - 05.10.2023 13:13

Great talk. here's a little correction though: The sun is actually feminine in German, while the moon is masculine. In Polish, the sun is neutral and the moon is masculine.

@JDmix123 - 03.10.2023 14:38

I completely agree with the doctor on this one, It’s not always best to or advantageous to share everything with your partner, especially fear and stress.

@im_that_guy - 28.09.2023 21:58

Please don't bring wheat waffles on. He's the fucking worst. I don't know why Alexander gives him the time of day

@JT-wc7me - 27.09.2023 19:17

Its a real shame in reality that your wife will treat the stranger and especially a person who is feared or dangerous on the bus, better than her own boyfriend/husband

@JT-wc7me - 27.09.2023 16:35

These two guys do not disagree; from watching both their videos. They are both correct. You shouldn't be sharing your weakness with your kids or your wife; unless you honestly, really, are not able to resolve it on your own. BUT, you have to actually do the work to not be weak. Be yourself; and when you see your weakness, change those things. If you wouldn't want the entire world to know about it, get rid of it. Don't do it. If you need help, seek help to be taught how to overcome; but after that, you should find a lady who can handle that youre not perfect. And if shes rude, YOU DUMP HER! ANd feel okay bout it.

@leopardsbasketball - 26.09.2023 03:13

This felt like the Pat Stedman Dating and Relationship podcast, which is a huge compliment

@fastheartmartvideos - 22.09.2023 23:12

I am a fan of both of these guys and this conversation is helping humanity more than any of us probably realize.

@jonathanrabbitt - 19.09.2023 15:56

This was a wonderful conversation. Thanks Orion and Alexander for sharing your insight and experience.

@bayareaomg - 18.09.2023 21:19

This is exactly what I needed to hear. I'm in a new relationship, the first one that actually is stable and improving my life. And yet I still feel me being uncomfortable with her stability. But it really is just my emotional issues showing themselves. Incredible podcast

@icarusi - 17.09.2023 03:21

I was attracted to a woman who had an amalgam of a lot of the traits of my close family members, often the worst or unattractive features, but entertaining ones. She did also have good attributes, and I was probably thinking I could get her out of those traits, but eventually they weren't entertaining and the balance wasn't working. I thought we were both using each other as a safe harbour, but also looking for a better match, so I backed off and she didn't press me, and so it ended.

@tensaijuusan4653 - 13.09.2023 14:16

It is fascinating to listen to the many debates on this subject of the deterioration of male - female relationships in Western society and I am so grateful to have been born in the early 1950's and avoided most of the effects of increasing toxic femininity and "woke" insanity that poisoned the beauty and natural joy of dating, marriage, and family life. One solution is to find yourself a "traditional woman" from Asia or Latin America - you will never regret it. These women embrace their femininity unlike Western women that have been completely brainwashed to hate theirs.
