How to get noticed as a photographer

How to get noticed as a photographer

Tin House Studio

4 года назад

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@anujchaman151 - 01.07.2023 13:43

Thank you for your thoughts and advice Tim

@philliphickox4023 - 20.05.2023 01:37

Rejection can be the hardest, but it also the greatest learning tool. Today if an image is rejected I move on. I was told that by a company that they didn't have any vacancies for my particular expertise. Listening to what you said put's a different spin on how I interrupted it.

@johnhagen31 - 06.05.2023 10:27

What sets your posts apart is the sheer, real-life brutality of being a professional. It's not easy and it's not fun (a lot of the time). All prospective snappers should watch your channel!

@ravholly - 05.05.2023 04:45

Geesh I had forgotten about Joey L

@eliseenvisionz7588 - 23.04.2023 18:17

Ive been doing photography for 9 months and i havent done solid photography in like 4 months. Gotta get back on it and make that portfolio. Plus its real businesses in my city thats hiring. I let the lack of equipment and not having a car limit my growth.

@antoinelapeyre - 28.02.2023 07:07

This is brilliant ! Just made me realise how failure is actually a great thing. Was looking to get a photo pass for the Arctic Monkeys Singapore Concert and miserably failed, no one answered me despite 50 emails, linkedin invits... just gotta keep on grinding. See you in this comment section in 10 years when I'll get one 😊

@cheryselee2307 - 04.02.2023 15:53

Thank you for that information I love it

@jamiekenleyuk - 03.12.2022 18:08

One way to become yourself is to not watch tutorials and replicate people. Just go and do it

@lssantore - 04.11.2022 21:15

Awesome video. I’m trying to redefine my work and continue my journey. I had some hardships come up this passed year but I’m trying to put my nose to the ground and work.

Your video was very motivating and insightful.

@broskies2598 - 05.08.2022 10:17

The city I'm from is so damn hot 110 at night and 150-120 for 6 months out of the year. It sucks so bad and taking photos during summer is a no. So its hard to stay motivated😕😪

@martinreynolds560 - 04.08.2022 00:39

Time affects us all just new to you very encouraging .

@gchristopherklug - 18.07.2022 21:12

Again, truth.

@jakesteurrys4225 - 13.05.2022 02:19

Hey man thank you for this. I really needed it

@joshuagharis9017 - 27.03.2022 17:58

My late Mother always told us growing up that everyone, each and every one of us, has a unique gift to the world. Some of us are socially great, some are athletic, some are creative, some can network, some can sell, some can problem solve, some are musically 🎼 gifted, true 👍

@joshuagharis9017 - 27.03.2022 17:53

The rejection is so hard.

@kaitlinmontgomery2750 - 26.03.2022 20:52

I've been a photographer for 6 months and am already published. I didn't even try to get in; the universe just worked itself out for me! I've received no rejections thus far; I'm not asking , I'm simply creating my art and it's drawing people in like fish! I don't think it necessarily has to take 10 whole years to start becoming noticed. Im so shocked and over the moon and can't believe I'm already receiving success... I haven't even had my first payed client yet 🤣😍🥰 I think it's officially time to start charging! 😁

@raywalteroutdoors - 04.03.2022 00:11

I noticed you because you made a video about being noticed

@simonrhys - 01.03.2022 14:55

This is reassuring ! Thank you man !

@martin-steiner-photography - 23.01.2022 02:51

Hi Scott... don't know what to say, 5 years doing wedding photography, thousands of hours in LR, Photoshop, tutorials, creating better myself as a photographer and going for the best portfolio in my country from the very beginning. I do not use Instagram, I do not use FB. And I dont have to. I charge top prices because I deliver top work and top client's journey. It is kind of easy to achieve, but it does take time and commitment. Like crazy lot. I can sign what you have said, great vid, great content, beautiful photography, well done, really. Take care my friend, wish you the very best and sorry for my english, not a native speaker :)) And I forgot the important thing - I do not copy anyone. I make my own presets, my own PS workflow, ideas, I shoot my own style, dont care about an inspiration from others. I respect them highly, but as you said, if you want to be a true artist, you follow your vision.

@andrefelixstudio2833 - 23.12.2021 17:11

I have been a professional photographer for 30 years here’s some tips meet people especially models that are working if you get to shoot them they will put your name out there or least they’ll be showing your pictures you’ve shot of them on your behalf

@MrJamPolio - 21.12.2021 08:29

This is so inspiring. Today I had an epiphany and discovered why I loved photography in the first place. I sort of lost it when I got caught in the chaotic stream of social media, specifically Instagram. I felt like my work needed to look lol everyone else’s, and man is that a recipe for disaster. I’m finally liberated. I am the story teller, and my photos are a document to that

@tedsmith_photography - 28.10.2021 22:19

Great words man. I can see from the comments that many can relate. I've nearly given up many times too. I've done all the usual modern things like e-mails and DM's and then even extended to actual written letters with examples and self addressed reply envelopes! Still nothing. But, I am starting, now, after several years, to get the odd person who (as you say) does at least reply, even if its a "We will keep you in mind for when we need a photographer". As you say, small wins! I am more recently getting a bit confident and actually saying to people "I could do your photography" when I am at certain places. But it is a crushing journey of brutal rejection. No doubt about that.

@DH-kx7ej - 15.10.2021 19:28

10 thumps up.

@comptonstills - 19.09.2021 12:48

Great tips Scott! Joey L had been shooting for 10 year before he got an agent...

@Blake-gh8xl - 17.09.2021 02:52

Great advice, no bullshit, just honest open advice

@ConsoleAuthority - 11.09.2021 11:19

This is soo helpful

@ltigard34 - 16.08.2021 02:17

There is a reason this video only has two thumbs down. THIS. IS. GREAT. Brutal honesty and the right advice.

@AlexArdenti - 13.07.2021 01:24

Appreciate your videos very much! Would you recommend investing in platforms like WORKBOOK or Production Paradise? The rates are pricey so I am trying to decide where it is worth the financial investment. thx!

@daveaufsee - 01.07.2021 07:37

If you read all the comments below, its like.....yeah thats it, exactly...and it really is. Its like all the thoughts you have on your career, all the doubt, all the fear, finally spoken out. And this is great...because now you realize that you are not alone in this. You work your ass off, make good to great photos and still other photographers get the jobs you want. And you beginn to think that you are not good enough. But its so dosnt come over night and it takes a lot...A LOT...of patience. Even if the work is great and unique. Thanks for this great video

@subanamafer9673 - 25.06.2021 17:14


@qaiszureikat7146 - 29.05.2021 10:18

This softbox is so distracting in the background

@joostmak - 21.02.2021 22:50

glad I viewed this video too ...... !!!! (see my comment with your video what is helding us back ...... 😅)

@xxxyyyxxx9 - 28.01.2021 06:29

Love that I can watch your videos and not be assaulted with all manner of ads. Love that you end with a quick signoff and not fancy music and splashy trailer-like fluff.

@israelgamas9542 - 13.01.2021 15:50

Thanks for the great advice!

@ThePhysicalMediaFan - 14.12.2020 23:46

So well said!! Love your explanation on this topic.

@dougstreichan850 - 14.11.2020 05:07

Man, thank you for this video. You mention 10 years, and I've only been at it for four years. I had one rather exciting publication last year, and things just went dead and I sank into depression. A few months ago I got connected with a makeup artist who does so much work and she's constantly being published, and the shoots we've worked together on have been published in six different magazines, and for the last few weeks, things have been cold again. The other night I emailed 8 different galleries in my area with appropriate portfolios for each one, 2 got back to me and said I'm not what they're looking for, and 1 is setting me up for the application process as we speak, and one said "We would love to have you ASAP. I've done a lot of photography in the last four years, from real estate to cars, and portraits. I've found my niche which is natural light portraiture. I've gotten a lot of flack from other photographers that say I need to learn how to use studio lighting. But my first photography instructor told me "Make light look like it should be there." One idea I had was to use a bonfire at the beach during a sunset engagement session in place of a soft box or strobe. That's just my thought process behind lighting, and I'm not saying everyone should do it.

@duodua4130 - 14.10.2020 04:14

Once you spend some time in the industry you see that those who got an early break usually have some kind of close family connection. That is just the way the world works. For everyone one else it takes a lot more hard work. Decades.

@huskydog1231 - 12.10.2020 07:10

This just really help me out a lot. I haven’t been in the photography world that long only been in it for 8 months and I was feeling a little jealous on how other photographers get notice and I’m over here spending many hours editing and making them turn out nice and get little to no recognition and I was feeling little down about my work but after hear you talk about this. It made me realize it’s not how I finish but it’s about the journey. I appreciate hearing your story and hardship and it just gave me that drive to work even harder. Thank you!

@katiagourmandpixels2785 - 01.10.2020 12:16

Loved this video and started going through ur videos in the morning. Also enjoyed the comments and ur replies... i keep looking for a magic formula with marketing and get noticed but u r right its about persistence and maybe doing one platform and then direct pitching.... I m only 2 years into it and find it very frustrating that it is sooo hard to get clients but also not to get demotivated by that. My career before was very different and as u said i might be still living with the result driven expectations to myself. So just need to keep going?! :) I think i might get you to look at my portfolio first to have an external opinion about what i need to have in it to attract :) Any more advice on marketing?!

@mathieurabary - 26.08.2020 18:03

You are such a breath of fresh air, Scott!
Not only you are a photographer but more so a business professional.
Really appreciates your hands-on real-life experience, I've only been doing photography for 2 years, and listening to your life experience makes me even more excited for the future to come!

@brettgaramella - 22.07.2020 00:13

This is one of your best videos yet 👍 are there any companies you recommend for compiling a list of agencies and directors to contact? Or do you do that all yourself manually?

@TheKentg01 - 20.07.2020 16:21

This was exactly what I needed this morning. Thank you Scott. I'm gonna have to watch this again in like a week. Hahaha

@gregthompson7018 - 20.07.2020 12:29

Great stuff. Makes sense.

@ChrisBoultonPhotography - 19.07.2020 13:08

Man, you're a breath of fresh air, I'm 5 years in and only just starting to turn the corner - I can now have 2 poached eggs on toast as opposed to one for my breakfast :) Keep up these vids, I love the transparency and real-world advice you give. Cheers Chris B

@DanAndreiKluska - 16.07.2020 11:17

The most common sense advices are usually the most overseen ... Creating a style, a personal image, a network and so on takes a lot of work. And yes, it is frustrating to see how a "genius" goes like fish in the water and it hearts to be rejected but what I have learned all my life is that work gives results - when you work long enough, hard enough and put passion in it. Lovely and soul useful video as always. Thank you Scott!
