Thunderstorms 101 | National Geographic

Thunderstorms 101 | National Geographic

National Geographic

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Mewt - 28.09.2023 23:38

I had to write a essay on thunderstorms this helped ALOT

Stephen Davol
Stephen Davol - 09.09.2023 06:27

The thunder is caused by the heat expansion of the air caused by the high temperature of the lightning, not the speed of the lightning, I thought...

Liam Porter
Liam Porter - 08.09.2023 10:16

There’s is nightmare’s castle

cattleNhay (aka Eggman)
cattleNhay (aka Eggman) - 06.09.2023 21:38

The best storms are capable of producing tomatoes

TheDanielcortez - 03.09.2023 20:54

In my experience fires happen more often by human hand than nature's hand.

gina hosang
gina hosang - 30.08.2023 05:15

My auntie has a category 3 Hurricane and she has a sleep at a hospital and the hospital lives by the ocean 😰

gina hosang
gina hosang - 30.08.2023 05:14


josé Vasquez
josé Vasquez - 29.08.2023 05:39

A big thank you to Nat Geo! I have a deep passion for studying storms and weather in all their forms. Your sharing is truly appreciated

Will Lopez
Will Lopez - 13.08.2023 19:46

My favorite thing in the whole world! I love it when there is a big thunder and it shakes the ground! Makes me go primal lol

Xian Chong
Xian Chong - 09.08.2023 10:43

Scary clouds

Amy Silva
Amy Silva - 25.07.2023 22:55

ibr7780m Al-iraqi
ibr7780m Al-iraqi - 17.07.2023 13:17

اللهم صلي على محمد وال محمد❤

Lupsor Ovidiu
Lupsor Ovidiu - 14.07.2023 01:15

In Romania was a multi-cell at 1 am and was a loudest thunder in Romania and i almost died during this thunder

Datchik - 26.06.2023 09:22

So a storm is like the earth sweating basically

Deanna Spencer
Deanna Spencer - 18.06.2023 17:22

All Stores Please Lower the price of all Military and Local for all Brands of Severe Storm Products and Accessories and Production Cost Now That's too much $$ The Whole World Now 🙏🙏🙏

Jéssica Simplício Reis
Jéssica Simplício Reis - 24.05.2023 13:17


Jéssica Simplício Reis
Jéssica Simplício Reis - 24.05.2023 13:17

Mt bom...🐳🌂❄

Arzish Fatima Fiqhi Masail_Fatima Islamic videos
Arzish Fatima Fiqhi Masail_Fatima Islamic videos - 19.05.2023 14:16

Wao thx to God(Allah) who made these beautiful clouds...

Pablo Diaz
Pablo Diaz - 18.05.2023 06:04

First and Foremost, thanks NatGeo for sharing such a priceless information. Secondly, for me one the best natural events that can exist. Whenever I imagine a storm or see a one, I wish I could be able to be laying down on my warm and comfortable bed. :)

Yuni - 17.05.2023 00:51

watching this and eating while it thunderstorms is a vibe ngl

Jess Gott Disney
Jess Gott Disney - 16.05.2023 21:31

Thx you so much I'm glad I found this Because I am trying to Overcome my Fear of Storms.

Muhammad Fahad Khan
Muhammad Fahad Khan - 06.05.2023 20:26

Thunderstorms are a common weather phenomenon that occur worldwide and come in four major types: single-cell, multi-cell, squall line, and supercells. They form when warm air rises, causing water to evaporate and form clouds that eventually produce rain. Thunderstorms help maintain the balance of energy and electricity in the atmosphere by releasing heat and regulating electrical charges. However, they can also be hazardous, causing fires, flash flooding, and tornadoes. Meteorologists study thunderstorms to predict their occurrence and ensure the safety of communities.

MEME - 30.04.2023 10:45

If you're reading this, I hope that day comes real soon where your wildest dreams come true. Where you finally feel that you are at peace with yourself and your surroundings. May your life be full of joy, strength, light, and ease. May you lead a life full of positivity and greatness. You got this.

Tucker Livingston
Tucker Livingston - 28.04.2023 15:18

the sound of thunder is not from breaking the sound barrier

General Skittle
General Skittle - 03.04.2023 06:31


why me
why me - 03.04.2023 00:01

In the southeastern US, there's random afternoon thunderstorms almost every other day of the week during the summertime. They can be relaxing and nuisances at the same time.

James Mallory
James Mallory - 16.03.2023 02:54

Funny thing is both my parents told me that I was born during a thunderstorm so I guess you could say that I came into this world in style lol. Could be why I'm so drawn to them a lot.

eratical♪ - 08.03.2023 22:37

Usually kids don't like to learn about the weather but this kid does

LJayy97 - 24.02.2023 09:59

“The clouds then build and grow, sometimes as tall as 10 miles high”

10 miles = 52,800 feet 😳😳

Kathryn Hornibrook
Kathryn Hornibrook - 18.02.2023 14:43

Isn't thunder the sound of the lightning hitting the ground? That's what I've heard. Also, you count between lightning and thunder divide by two and that's how far away from you the strike was (because light travels faster than sound). Can you confirm?

michallesz2 - 08.02.2023 06:44

Storms don't come from clouds. The proof of this is that there is more water in the oceans and yet there are no storms in the oceans. Thunderstorms are the result of a discharge of tension between the Earth and the Sun. During this discharge, the Earth's ionosphere is charged with voltage and when there are no clouds and the voltage is charged to a critical state, then lightning can strike even on a cloudless day. On the other hand, clouds accelerate the discharge of the Earth's ionosphere, because then the clouds behave like a condenser lining. Such a discharge takes place simultaneously between the ionosphere and the clouds and between the clouds and the Earth. This is evidenced by the visible flash of the cloud before the lightning strikes the Earth.

𝒜𝑒𝓈𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓉𝒾𝒸 𝒰𝒩𝑀𝐸♡
𝒜𝑒𝓈𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓉𝒾𝒸 𝒰𝒩𝑀𝐸♡ - 04.02.2023 10:58


Head of Jupiter
Head of Jupiter - 01.02.2023 06:40


attitude cool
attitude cool - 27.01.2023 23:55

this>>>> school

Suvi-Tuuli Reenkola
Suvi-Tuuli Reenkola - 24.12.2022 00:33

😍so beautiful,

Troi Ayanda Justin Nhlapo
Troi Ayanda Justin Nhlapo - 14.12.2022 21:22

I'm sitting right here through a viscous, viscous thunderstorm

دوکتور مولانا عبدالحی ذوالقرنین
دوکتور مولانا عبدالحی ذوالقرنین - 05.12.2022 05:51

هل ينظرون الا ان ياتيهم الله في ظلل من الغمام والملاءكة وقضي الامر

Muhammad Nazeel
Muhammad Nazeel - 13.10.2022 08:28

Please upload full documentary

Angelin oliva Presana shiny
Angelin oliva Presana shiny - 07.10.2022 00:56

So simple..that our clouds are simply sponge which absorbs from evaporation and cools down and come as rain when cool air blows on it and drys it

geometry dash is cool
geometry dash is cool - 29.09.2022 02:11

This video made me pass out for like 5 seconds

Todays a Good Day
Todays a Good Day - 13.09.2022 01:40

This video needs updating

Yair Rivenson
Yair Rivenson - 12.09.2022 05:35

The women is saying when the music is playing and that is stupid

kateeb Ameer
kateeb Ameer - 09.09.2022 21:32

That's scary

Eddie Holmes
Eddie Holmes - 06.09.2022 01:09


Macz RG
Macz RG - 06.09.2022 00:41

you’re here cos UK just had a thunderstorm
