Gun violence: An American epidemic? l ABC News

Gun violence: An American epidemic? l ABC News

ABC News

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Marc - 21.09.2023 04:24

Funny how in the UK we banned handguns after the dunblaine school massacre and guess what? We've had barely any gun problems since apart from a few gang people shooting each other which is no loss to the world. Americans say "well you have loads of knife crime in the UK"...yea in parts of London and some big cities but the only "gun crime" I know of in my area is people shooting their neighbours cats with BB guns because they're stealing their cats food, that's how safe it is here. We don't have to worry about our kids being shot at school or our people being robbed and killed by blacks. America is the third world, I just don't think a lot of them realise it.

James Waters
James Waters - 18.09.2023 07:08

Sick f country, armed. America the ridiculous. USA - you shot again?

Art Proulx
Art Proulx - 02.09.2023 07:09

Gun violence is an oxymoron. Guns are inaninate and incapble of violence. Now, people are something else!

Michael R Murphy
Michael R Murphy - 01.08.2023 19:23

In the 1980s Ted Koppel on Nightline has an episode about gun violence and compared Detroit with Windsor, Ontario.
The crime and disorder in Michigan compared to the safe streets and better life in Windsor. Its not just not having guns,
it is a better social safety net. No guns and better social supports in a country mean less crime and violence and chances for people to better their lives. Something America can only dream about.

cmcer1995 - 22.07.2023 03:45

I myself am tired of hearing this same distorted video blaming "Guns" as the problem instead of addressing the real problem, the Criminal doing the violence in the first place. Why wouldn't Americans want the government to take care of those Who do the violence, the Evil people in our country that will use "Any" weapon to bring harm to another human being they choose to victimize. Nobody wants to address the real problem, the person doing the crime. The real reason the Government wants you to focus on the guns as being evil is because they want to disarm Americans so they can exercise Total control of you and force you to do what they want you to do, period.

sean berthiaume
sean berthiaume - 17.07.2023 16:33

And the odds climb of a drowning if you have a swimming pool!HAHA...

sean berthiaume
sean berthiaume - 17.07.2023 16:27

It's NOT "gun" violence it's people violence get over it!

Sgr 7
Sgr 7 - 02.07.2023 19:13

In 2021 in the U.S. there were 48,830 deaths from gun violence. In 2021 in the U.S. there were 42.939 deaths from fatal motor vehicle crashes. In both instances some are responsible and licensed, some are not for various reasons. In both instances there are those that are accountable and those that are victims. In both instances families suffer. It also makes sense that property damaged costs are higher with motor vehicle crashes than with gun violence. However, gun violence deaths seem to prioritize fatal motor vehicle deaths as far as an issue that needs to be resolved. I don't hear Biden talking about, passing laws, introducing bills, banning driving, etc. Why is that?

Jacob Nash
Jacob Nash - 05.06.2023 11:34

This contains so many fallacies and outright lies.

90% of gun owners do NOT support universal background checks, and there are no universal background checks in the U.S.

Every time she uses that term, she is probably referring to background checks. Someone that is actually knowledgeable on the topic and not just reading off a screen would not make that mistake unless they are trying to purposely mislead people. Its a very important distinction.

The major difference is that a universal background check can be reversed to create a registry that all NAZI supporters would love the government to have.

Correlation is not causation.

They also did not draw any parallel correlations to give any basis to their claims.

Access to guns makes gun suicide counts go up...

What they don't go into is how that impacts actual suicide rates.

Guns are a better too so of course having better access leads to more usage.

That doesn't mean that having more access to guns is having much of an impact on total suicides/attempts.

Same with other forms of violence. They are not showing how having a gun is increasing violence overall.

Just that if people have access to a better tool they will use the better tool.

They do not do any helpful comparisons. They don't even cover how many victims of violence owe their lives to some citizen with a gun stopping an attack.

Including how often people showing their weapon has led to aggressive people backing down from instigating physical violence.

So they just talk about having guns means more gun violence compared to not having guns... brilliant.

If bats were the best weapon, then having access to bats would increase bat violence.

However weaker people wouldn't be able to anywhere near as equally protect themselves with a bat as they can with a gun.

Making it far less apt to save someone's life than a gun vs an attacker armed with a gun.

Overall, this was a disgusting piece of propaganda

Even the opening statements. If gun violence was an "epidemic" then there being more guns than people would not allow hardly for anyone to go through life without facing gun violence first hand.

The numbers they present in this video clearly contradict their claim.

Either hardly anyone owns guns and it's an epidemic, or there are hundreds of millions of guns and its a problem... but not by any proportion that is close to being an epidemic.

Now I would agree in certain cultures, it is an epidemic... but that suggests cultural issues instead of the issue being the guns themselves.

The attempt to look reasonable while passing total BS is strong in this video.

Hugh_Jorgan - 31.05.2023 12:07

Why is this even out there this thing is all lies Nana statistics the numbers on your even close to real why is there some chick on here that can't even speak English preaching to me about my second amendment rights she has no clue about Second Amendment never about hunting ever no American would say that stupidest thing I ever heard coming from a foreigner + 40000a year this number is ridiculous more than double what it normally would it's only 80% because the suicide's 20000 -16000 suicide number don't change without guns's just absurd to keep those numbers now include black on black gang crime thats something that wouldn't change with guns going away this gets us down around 2500...! And some of those are accidents

Gregg Roberts
Gregg Roberts - 29.05.2023 23:13

I debunked over half of this video just by referring to the FBI stats. You people need to stop lying to people and at minimum provide citation backing your claims. And hiring airheads to deliver the message further destroys your credibility.

Roger Valdez
Roger Valdez - 22.05.2023 00:15

It will get so out of hand ,they won't have choice but to take action,war zone like

Dmitry Karkov
Dmitry Karkov - 20.05.2023 22:52

Homicides are the only gun deaths that matter to me

somewhat informed
somewhat informed - 14.05.2023 19:29

Schools had guns in them everyday before they were made gun free zones and we started having mass shootings.

Jake Wright
Jake Wright - 13.05.2023 07:30

Gun control will never ever work in America it will only restrict those who are lawful gun owners the criminals do not obay the law of the land and they will always get guns the biggest problem in America is Mental Health and the drug and poverty problem the gun is only a tool of choice

ben hauger
ben hauger - 07.05.2023 09:58

I love listening to Europeans talk about Gun Control. Even though their governments were mostly responsible for the deaths of MILLIONS during the early 20th century.

ben hauger
ben hauger - 07.05.2023 09:55

more guns than people.....good

ChaineTordue - 02.05.2023 05:45

Its decreased. These people are pushing propaganda. Firearms are a necessity for Americans. Guns sales are good and tax money is racking up for the economy. Plus, terrorists will rethink about committing terrorism because most people will exercise their second amendment rights. The constitution is a right thats meant to protect all Americans. NO ATF OR FBI will take away those rights not with our congress! Our congress will protect us!

martin frederik sørensen
martin frederik sørensen - 30.04.2023 05:25

Raise the taxes on guns and ammo so it gets to expensive,so it like yes you can get guns but not afford them...i know it won’t fly but you know🤘😈

Donius Belgius
Donius Belgius - 30.04.2023 01:48

Oct 12 , 1021

james djon
james djon - 28.04.2023 11:57

"It's my amendment it's my amendment...". They were very different times those amendments were written in. Think about the advancement of guns since that time period. We aren't using flintlock rifles anymore. Most certainly we are not in the 1700s anymore and there is no need for the average citizen to bear arms that are capable of mass murder in a very short amount of time. This is the problem with most society/religion these days. Keep up with the times we are living in 2023.

Phlash the Band
Phlash the Band - 27.04.2023 13:07

OH B.S!!!!!!

Bimbo23 - 21.04.2023 16:21

Please you guys are doing nothing at all

MaestroKong - 21.04.2023 00:11

The only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun is no guns at all.

Jasenlen Truckee95.
Jasenlen Truckee95. - 19.04.2023 22:54

Meanwhile, Biden sends weapons of mass destruction to Europe and allows poverty to escalate in USA 🇺🇸 😢 😕 😞 😑

James Kelly
James Kelly - 16.04.2023 20:40

Epidemic of media bias.

Avram Wurf
Avram Wurf - 16.04.2023 12:23

My grandfather was a gun owner, no one got harmed.

Chris - 10.04.2023 20:22

Let's disarm law abiding citizens, that will stop lunatics, criminals, and foreign invaders from harming us! 71,000 deaths in the US from fentanyl, not including the collateral damage and there is screaming about disarming lawful citizens? What the hell?!

John Russelman
John Russelman - 10.04.2023 20:05

Having 10 anti-gun women and men present this program as if it’s not a biased anti-gun report is typical of leftists at ABC and all other corporate media stations.

John Russelman
John Russelman - 10.04.2023 19:56

Everyone has the right to bear 🐻 arms everyone needs to buy rifles and handguns now and tomorrow, there’s a war coming, there’s a Marxist insurgency forming and we believe in our right to keep and bear arms.

Saxon - 10.04.2023 19:53

In the history of guns, not one ever got mad at a human. Think about that, lefties.

Johnny Thunder
Johnny Thunder - 06.04.2023 06:57

Well at least they didn't say something stupid like an "Assault Weapons Ban" would have any significant effect on gun violence.

I wanna see a reduction in gun violence, but as American's Democrats need to respect the 2nd Amendment, which is an extinction of the common law right to self defense. It's a way of enforcing democracy, the government trusts us with a little bit of sovereignty, that's what makes us Americans.

sabari - 29.03.2023 08:44

More circulation of gun among people, more easy it is to get one and go for a mass shooting by ill minded people or mentally challenged people.
Having a gun is not a self defence. It's so simple, yet everybody seems to ignore it and shed some crocodile tears when some terrible incidents happens.

Bruiser G
Bruiser G - 28.02.2023 22:49

Nothing is wrong with guns only the people that handle them poorly every man and woman needs to step up and take care of their people, show them gun discipline and how to and when to use a gun quit blaming the guns guns aren't the problem it's people

YVONNE LEWIS - 20.02.2023 21:43

Individual states must enact gun laws, including banning assault, weapons if the US Congress cannot manage to stop this violent assault upon US citizens. The NRA’s greed should not have more weight than the value of human life. Continuing to allow the gun culture present in America today, is like allowing the 1930s gangsters to have more Tommy machine-guns. We stopped it then, we must stop it now.

Wheel of Life
Wheel of Life - 27.01.2023 12:46

Simply bring a law which takes away guns from people

Mayito - 24.01.2023 20:12

The greatest challenge of this world is knowing enough about a subject to think you are right, but not knowing enough about the subject to know you are wrong…

grudzz 70
grudzz 70 - 21.01.2023 16:16

Its the normality of it all that im baffled by? Guns are designed to kill, period.

Love Lin
Love Lin - 21.01.2023 09:10

Why do you even need to own a gun? What America Need is to ban the ownership of gun by every single individual, until and unless he's a law enforcement individual. I think the problem lies with the mindset of the people there, owning a gun seems like a natural thing, it should not, ban it completely

Van's Best Friend
Van's Best Friend - 19.01.2023 21:19

Imagine that... a bunch of liberals - and even individuals from other countries who can barely speak English - cite mounds of self-serving research pointing toward more gun control. Can you say self-fulfilling prophecy??? SMH

수호 장
수호 장 - 18.01.2023 07:55

USA people think that holding a gun is a symbol of freedom right? So regardless of home many innocent people have died so far by gunshot, they have to accept it cuz guys said holding a gun is a symbol of freedom? Huh?

Albert Kirui
Albert Kirui - 10.01.2023 15:29

When the love of violence dorminate the hearts of many, guns become their god and the same god is demanding the blood of the many Americans. Very sad😔😪😔....When will the society wake up and say no to the politics of guns? Can't you see it is eating up our children and the gun manufacturers are smiling🙂🙂 all the way to the bank?

Andy Brown
Andy Brown - 30.12.2022 13:25

Time to amend the amendment

Pablo Galindo
Pablo Galindo - 27.12.2022 16:07

Gun suicides is not a gun issue. It's a mental issue. The same 2/3 of people would have attempted suicide one way or another. So only 1/3 of deaths represent a gun problem. And the majority of these deaths are gang related so how about our govt does something about these gangs?? They know where they live and operate. And most crime occurs in cities with strict gun laws so clearly gun laws don't make people safer. Bad people will have guns either way. It's only good people who get screwed by the gun laws, specifically those that aim to BAN or restrict 2A. I would support laws that require training or education for first-time owners to teach them how to safely operate firearms as well as teach them self defense law.

Thomas & Pamela Washington
Thomas & Pamela Washington - 27.12.2022 14:54

If you keep giving leniency to the thugs, they keep murdering people. The justice system has served no purpose for the law abiding, too busy trying to take away our rights. It’s the truth the US justice system must face. Tougher laws on the lawless, stop letting them bail out after shooting or injuring people. Bail system is for the criminals to keep up their terrorizing ways.

DJ Pomare
DJ Pomare - 20.12.2022 00:36

Uvalde was the 7th, UVA was 41st and Chicago school the 42nd US school shooting this year.
611 US mass shootings this year with 12 days to go.
46 Ukrainian deaths each day from 291 days of another senseless European war.
44 Americans are shot by other Americans each day. Are Americans at war with themselves?
