Scandal 3x18 Fitz learns a truth about Mellie

Scandal 3x18 Fitz learns a truth about Mellie

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Debby - 08.06.2023 10:56

This show was so somehow

Chayenne Charles
Chayenne Charles - 14.05.2023 22:50

This show was so toxic

Regine Jones
Regine Jones - 09.05.2023 17:26

Her being raped. Was that the reason she stopped having sex with her husband ? She probably kept seeing or smelling his father when she would see him. I say smell because sometimes when you hug someone their smell stays on your clothes whether you wanted it to or not. And idk i feel like some ppl be smelling the same when they are close lol anyway if thats the case thats messed up and i see why communication is important. I also see why she wouldn't tell him while he was running. It would have broken him and/or landed him in prison for hurting his father. Ruining a family and him not being president. Sad she had to keep that in and still had to present herself as a good wife while even in front of the man who raped her

Soc Ahha
Soc Ahha - 07.05.2023 02:55

The only forn of healing in their entire relationship.

Shweta S
Shweta S - 04.05.2023 13:18

She should have told him - Fitz was a very supportive husband , he would have understood

Aleshia Washington
Aleshia Washington - 29.04.2023 20:09

This whole time Fitz thought his wife just didn’t love him but the whole time she was going through it and didn’t know how to tell him. Fitz wasn’t wrong and neither was Mellie.

Edna Mode
Edna Mode - 22.04.2023 07:54

mellie been a real one like she really held it down after everything

Gabby Showalter
Gabby Showalter - 24.03.2023 22:34

who does he think he is saying “she told you a lie”?????

Jamey St. Peters
Jamey St. Peters - 24.03.2023 18:00

His father stole ao much joy from so many people.

tommygirl123able - 13.03.2023 08:26

Even before we all knew about the assault, I never saw Millie as a villain. Knowing your partner is sleeping around whenever they want would make anyone not be the best person to be around all by itself.

Lutannia Graham
Lutannia Graham - 08.03.2023 17:09

The only time in the entire scandal that Mellie had my sympathy

Sushii - 25.02.2023 19:31

Aside from the cases they have and b613 , the rest of the plot just disgusts me at this point. I love the show but i cringe everytime Fitz and liv hook up like a bunch of teenagers while everyone else works to solve his problems, his presidency. Mellie, Cyrus everyone does the dirty work while he’s always tryna get in her pants. The most undeserving president ever in my pov.

Baki Muçaj
Baki Muçaj - 20.02.2023 02:24

Une nuk jetoj ketu per Emer apo per perfitim une jetoj te fal dashuri miresi pasterti miresi sinqeritet e lumturi qe kur te iki ke Ati te kem fytyre ta shoh e te me shohi e ti pergjigjem per cdo gje

Megan - 27.01.2023 12:38

i’m so happy Mellie got everything she wanted at the end 🥹🥹

Millie Reed
Millie Reed - 16.11.2022 00:12

I felt so bad for Mille

Ntwari - 11.04.2022 20:18

They should have put a part where Mellie revenge on Fitz for the time where he blamed her of how she's the own who ruined their marriage, and kept asking her what she had sacrificed for them!!

N Jael
N Jael - 11.04.2022 02:44

I love Mellie, she’s so strong 😢

Chassidy Small
Chassidy Small - 04.04.2022 11:46

This is the only time Fitz saw Mellie as human and it sucks because you realize all this time she wasn’t villain

Ilona - 17.02.2022 16:41

Both of these women deserve so much better.

RedSapphires - 10.11.2021 05:51

I don't think it was right for Mellie not to have told Fitz what happened to her or not to have sought out help for what happened to her. She withheld herself sexually from Fitz all those years. Sex is part of marriage, and if she wasn't able to have it with him, she should have told him why or got some help because all these years later, along comes another man with whom she quite easily has sex, and he later describes the kind of rough sex that Mellie likes. The worst part is that it was Olivia, not Fitz, that Mellie finally told about what happened to her; the same Olivia that Mellie didn't mind Fitz having sex with when it suited Mellie's purpose. As difficult as it would have been for her to tell him, if she loved him, if his happiness, if their happiness mattered to her, she should have found a way to tell him or gotten help. For my part, if she hadn't been so ready to jump in bed with the VP and if she had told Fitz herself that she was now capable of sex, even if not with him, I could have been more understanding but under the circumstances, I'm not. I'm guessing Mellie didn't want sex with Fitz because he reminded her too much of his father, in which case, she should have gotten help or asked for a divorce. She didn't do either because of her own personal and political ambitions. She was willing to keep him chained to their marriage for the sake of being First Lady and then moving on to President. I'm sorry she was raped. I saw the clip and it was a terrible thing; even without seeing it happen, I think it was a terrible thing, but it didn't give her the right to behave like she did for so long and to be forever talking about what she sacrificed, because it's just possible that if she had given her and Fitz a real chance, they could have loved each other and had a good marriage.

Roddie62 - 04.11.2021 20:47

Tony Goldwyn does painful face so good. You can feel the disgust, the horror, the shock, and the will to, for once, do the right thing and support his wife.

Alex Kelly
Alex Kelly - 20.08.2021 14:51

I think back and I wonder if that moment didn’t happen they probably would’ve been happily married

Darcell Dowdell
Darcell Dowdell - 11.08.2021 14:58

That was so sad 😭 she said I fought him, I fought .. I got chills and teary eyed OMGosh!!

Arezu E
Arezu E - 04.08.2021 19:55

When she said, "I fought him," I got chills. Heartbreaking...

Lily - 27.06.2021 14:04

It was a good thing that Olivia believed mellie

Greeneyelove - 26.06.2021 12:49

Such am intense sense. As the truth really hits Fitz you can see the shock and horror in his eyes. He always knew his father was a mean, hateful person but in that moment, he realizes he was more than just mean and hateful, he was a monster. And for years Mellie had carried that knowledge alone.

angel pilot
angel pilot - 16.06.2021 18:11

She believes her because Fitz also tried to force himself on Liv in the elevator

Keshara A
Keshara A - 06.06.2021 05:25

Mellie was suffering silently for years. This is just so sad.
He respected her up to a point & he would have been there for her but she just couldn't bring herself to tell him.

Diamond Gamer
Diamond Gamer - 21.05.2021 05:16

Sorry 🤭 Olitz forever 👍😃

mercy mallari
mercy mallari - 28.04.2021 05:22

The honesty of liv is the best for me who didn't took advantage to hide the truth even she in a relationship with fitz ..nd fitz showed emphaty to mellie even he cant sometimes understand mellie

Michelle Abad
Michelle Abad - 18.04.2021 01:13

It's funny how it appears he was so sorry for hapoened to Millie even though he never would have believed it if olivia wasn't the one who told him. Then right after that Fitz scuttles some bill to help victims of sex crimes and he pulls a " we're not gonna talk about it again" attitude with Millie. Which btw olivia didn't call him out on. When they first got tigether Fitz & Olivia made a great team & yes, they were in love. Then big jerry raped Millie and everything changed for her. That's when their marriage started to fall apart. She spent years nearly 2 decades traumatized from the rape and even after fitz finds out why she turned away from him. He & olivia just wanted to brush it aside so they could still screw each other with a clear conscience. Millie brought so much to her scenes...olivia would often get in my last nerve & fitz was her whipped dog.

Marge Bouvier
Marge Bouvier - 07.04.2021 17:00

I’ve been assaulted and I thank ms. Bellamy for portraying Mellie Bc that’s how I have been.

Jacqueline van Drogenbroek
Jacqueline van Drogenbroek - 02.04.2021 03:24

I do like fitz, yes he is manipulative and narcissistic but let's be honest, so are Mellie and Olivia, Mellie indirectly is responsible for 18 murders, Olivia threatens a girl that later tries to commit suicide.
They al did despicable things, expect for David Rosen.
But it's a show, so we can like or dislike we want, even if they commit heinous crimes, that's the beauty of tv

Sweena Harvey
Sweena Harvey - 30.03.2021 22:57


Drew Chris Charles
Drew Chris Charles - 11.03.2021 14:27

It was this episode that clarified the reason for Mellie's attitude and behaviors from the start of the series and allowed Fitz to realize how wrong his understanding of her and the time that she became distant

Ellen Coleman
Ellen Coleman - 08.03.2021 04:50

I fought him. Me too Mellie

christian kelly
christian kelly - 01.03.2021 22:33

Good scene.

christian kelly
christian kelly - 01.03.2021 22:32

Through all Mellies drama ... She's one I have the most respect for through the entire cat

Ashley Hines
Ashley Hines - 15.02.2021 20:30

Bitch when I tell you I cried watching this clip. Ugly cried too. Tears running down my neck and shit. To be raped by someone you call family and keep it to yourself for a multitude of reasons.. then to watch the love of your life fall out of love with you and in love with someone else while your trauma is holding you captive... fucking no one deserves that.
I hate that this happened.

nelly - 09.02.2021 22:59

She’s been through the Su*ide attempt and then that and him being unfaithful she’s so strong

Rahnuma Islam
Rahnuma Islam - 06.02.2021 07:24

I hated how this show glorified Fitz and Olivia when the real strong person was Mellie.

Randy Givens
Randy Givens - 01.01.2021 04:25

Jerry was devil incarnate!🤬😡

Jeanne Haligah
Jeanne Haligah - 21.12.2020 14:59

The audacity to say that’s a lie homegirl has been keeping this from you for how long 😭😭

MicahiLove - 09.12.2020 08:51

It's so sad that Mellie felt like she had to mention that she fought him :(

Moh shii
Moh shii - 29.11.2020 23:36

Best scene ever

SwannyRiver75 - 17.11.2020 10:28

Scandal had the best actors around this time nothing on TV was better.

Diego Rodriguez
Diego Rodriguez - 06.11.2020 23:45

I feel if Gerry hadn’t died, Mellie and Fitz would’ve been in a great relationship during the second term, preparing to get Mellie to run the next term. And I think while Fitz would’ve rather be with Olivia, I think he’d learn to live Mellie in a different way, and they would have a healthier relationship filled with honesty.

Christelle Biansueki
Christelle Biansueki - 22.10.2020 08:40

But why would Mellie keep the fact that Big Jerry raped her from Fitz, her husband? If she had just tell him the truth, things could have turn different!!! I still blame Mellie for the fail of their marriage.

Key Sims Universe
Key Sims Universe - 05.09.2020 18:43

Y’all are not going to sit here and make it seem like Fitz is the big bad wolf and he DIDNT KNOW his father raped Mellie.

Moh shii
Moh shii - 09.08.2020 23:07

First of all I love Fitz...but I've always wished they mended things with Mellie coz I ship them
