The Truth About Becoming a Web Developer 2023

The Truth About Becoming a Web Developer 2023

Chris Sean

10 месяцев назад

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JeyZoh - 30.09.2023 08:11

Idk why I thought like early 2000s when I seen “7 years too late”😂

Unknown Rebel
Unknown Rebel - 28.09.2023 08:30

Dont regret spending money, it's a lesson you grew from. It made you more aware, you know what is like to have toys and cars and now you can easily move on. Regret messes with our heads. It's nothing to regret if it makes us grow. Don't be hard on yourself :-) We've all been there! Nice Vid. Cheers!

Dyego Diniz
Dyego Diniz - 27.09.2023 19:41

Thanks a lot for your tips. I really appreciate it.

The Soul Crisis
The Soul Crisis - 27.09.2023 02:04

Great tips man, good stuff!

Gerald Maravanyika
Gerald Maravanyika - 24.09.2023 20:37

Technically you still only use things so you could sell some stuff and try to get them back some of that liquidity. Obviously, somethings will depreciate in value so it won’t be 100% back but you can get something.

YAHEBED YAH - 23.09.2023 04:08

I’m in community college which is free for cyber defense but I’m learning front end on my own I want to be very valuable in my cybersecurity career I know I could do it a different way but I understand that everyone’s journey is different and I am more comfortable this way like you stated when talking about the guy who quit to become a teacher it’s not going to be easy but it will be well worth it in a few years thanks for the motivation family

XAUCADTrader - 21.09.2023 08:07

You know much about the FIRE movement? Lot of software engineers "retired" in their 30's based off those salaries.

Andrew Brown
Andrew Brown - 20.09.2023 13:47

When I get my first job in tech I should learn and build as much as I can, sharpen my skills by taking on challenges, and prioritize saving as much as I can so that the first time I get laid off I will have the skills to get my next job and the money to make it to my next job and my second check at that job.

Mr. Charizard
Mr. Charizard - 17.09.2023 09:09

Bachelors degree in computer science or computer information systems? I can’t decide, I’ll be starting college in January

Rasha Nour EL-Din
Rasha Nour EL-Din - 13.09.2023 12:57

I am broke , i am learning to code to find job or as a freelance , is it still worth it ?

RiggmundGames - 12.09.2023 22:25

i'm a junior web developer and i must say this video has been the most ispirational for me thanks man u r great.

As - 11.09.2023 03:51

You started at the age I’m turning and I’ve been trying for years. That was motivation enough. Hopefully this is my year

Chukuka Ogude
Chukuka Ogude - 11.09.2023 00:10

I've had the ability to make software for a while but I kept sabotaging myself. I tried to be perfect. Then I would notice my code was never good. So I kept wiping my githubs. I should have kept that there for people to see, but I knew the code wasnt good enough. I should have instead worked on making it more readable and better. So then I gave up for some years working jobs that I didn't care about. Then I lost that job during the pandemic. I picked up digital panting in 2020. I can't explain it but it was like I took a software approach to it. Then I realized it didn't matter if the beginning stages were perfect. As I change the paining over time it becomes the thing i want to accomplish. This is when I realized how stupid it was to give up. Would have I hit this realization 7 years ago?

It feels like I wasted time and possible income but at the same time, I learned a lot during this pandemic time. I also taught myself how to paint. I always wanted to do what FZD did. IF you watch his videos on YT, they are pretty similar to the way software works. It's so strange that I feel such a parallel between the two.

Anyways, I will start applying for jobs in 2024.

These last 4 months of this year, I have to take the rust off and learn some new stuff. I am starting with core java. I paid for ACM subscription to access their books.

The subjects are broken down into 4 parts. I tried to make it as if I was a person new to code. I READ. YES I READ!! I like trying to think about things in my own head before somebody shows me or explains it to me in a video.

Core java( backend)
Java Complete Reference ( for everything else)
Git and Github
good Software Practices ( need that foating in my head while reading other books)

Then I do the internet stuff and testing

Jakarta EE (just to be familiar with it)
Hibernate ( needed to use with databases )
Spring (the core, not the in depth stuff yet)
Microsoft Azure ( cloud)
Angular (front end)
Junit (testing)

Then I do Data Structures and Algorithms with Digital Patterns. So that I can start recognizing them in code.

Data Structures and Algorithms
Design Patterns

Then I do the rest of the spring stuff

Spring Boot
Spring Security
Spring Microservices

The most annoying part was trying to understand what as and how they all fit together. I hate not being able to see the whole big picture and my role in it.

After all of that I make 1 program that implements it all. I have a great software plan that's niche but could become a million-dollar idea. You know what I'll tell you. A social media where people post sales. I know reddit has r laptopdeals and r buildapcsales. However, a site dedicated to it.....yeah it can be a flop but it's something I'd like to make lol.

Edcel Estadola
Edcel Estadola - 09.09.2023 15:30

Hi Chris, I've been watching your videos since my college days. You are one of the people who have inspired me. I've now been a web developer for 5 years. Thank you; I really appreciate you.

Stashia Mass
Stashia Mass - 09.09.2023 12:26

This is so real. Appreciated.

Aljon - 08.09.2023 17:48

Why did you leave the $180k company?

Ben - 08.09.2023 16:59

Thanks for being so transparent. This has definitely boosted my confidence to learn. Thank you.

Lizard Beatz
Lizard Beatz - 08.09.2023 08:56

the legend speaks 👤

BobbyGGezs - 07.09.2023 21:11

I am 32 and looking to getting into this, when I was in hs I did a trainer program for HTML and been doing HTML and CSS on and off, I really want make web development my career, I just been having confidence issues and switching between so many career options

Richard Suchovský
Richard Suchovský - 07.09.2023 20:26

Cool content, thanks for sharing your experience.

BASIC Programmer
BASIC Programmer - 07.09.2023 20:02

So, are you saying the shift is now more towards UX/UI design than it is about the actual programming?

In otherwords, a company could choose from 100s of programmers to write the actual program, but that same company may have a difficult time finding someone who knows what an interface should look like.

In fact, I see a plethora of very formal, high level websites with typos! And lots of websites are just too difficult to use/find what you're looking for.

Especially with governments and the court system.

LAKO2023 - 06.09.2023 22:52

7 years? I started in tech before there was a Google.

C P - 06.09.2023 18:07

For me at 38, im finally exhausted of working low paying jobs especially in todays economy. Thats why i im self teaching programming and aspire to be a full stack dev.

Definitely being aware of the realities of the tech sector i know its a tough market rn but at least i can say i have some programming knowledge now.

Soulandbone - 06.09.2023 16:51

the last piece advice was unexpected, and SO damn true. At the end of the day there are a lot of things we buy that dont really give us much happyness, but theres nothing better than feel SECURE with savings. As someone living alone almost laid off without any savings the amount of stress I was subjected to was indescribable

Burner YouTube Account
Burner YouTube Account - 05.09.2023 02:00

Lmfao they said this same stuff ten years ago. Lol pick something and devote yourself with a passion. When the economy is doing good so will you lol and keep upskilling along the way to expand your horizons. Definitely helps in a tough job market like tech rn

Olaoluwa Oyerinde
Olaoluwa Oyerinde - 03.09.2023 02:30

I’m young and aspiring to become a web developer.
I’m just 14 and I’m halfway done with learn all I need to know about HTML & CSS

A word of advice pls😁?

Sean Kiong
Sean Kiong - 02.09.2023 18:47

i have been doing programming since god knows when (apple 2e).
i love it and it is either you love it or not.
and a lot of common sense involved

jerry jsx
jerry jsx - 01.09.2023 09:29

You like my cyber tech uncle

Miles Patterson
Miles Patterson - 31.08.2023 19:03

2 pre-rolls and in video sponsorshop < 1 minute in, I'm not sticking around for this

bla7091 - 31.08.2023 17:32

I'd add this to the money point: you don't know how long you can keep up with new technology coming out. I'm not expecting my career to last as long as I want to, I expect it to be cut short one day when I can't keep up the learning. And that's the day I'm saving my money for :)

C-y Bueze
C-y Bueze - 30.08.2023 18:16

You blessed me sir. Thank you so much. You really spoke from your heart

A - 30.08.2023 13:05

Why are you pursuing data engineer role not machine learning engineer role? We are waiting you to talk about it.

Obiajulu Onwuegbuzie
Obiajulu Onwuegbuzie - 30.08.2023 04:22

What if what I love is to reach that particular number 😢

The Casual PKM
The Casual PKM - 29.08.2023 17:10

Don’t join a company for the money. This is only true if you already have money. Most people would love to simply make 70k a year.

Roseklay Nk
Roseklay Nk - 28.08.2023 22:16

I started watching your vid this year and you’ve been extremely helpful literally after 5 month i got my first job and so glad basically from April to August i thank you

DeniTech - 23.08.2023 21:47

Made it to the last part and love this video. 100% true especially the money part.

Nagazacky Ishida
Nagazacky Ishida - 23.08.2023 09:05

Not only do you teach us about your tech journey, but you also show us the importance of financial education when you're up there.

Luna G
Luna G - 22.08.2023 23:09

Any suggestions for free resources for someone with zero knowledge and experience??

BeasenBear - 22.08.2023 22:34

So Python and what else are the most used by freelancers today. That's what I would like to get into. Also marketing and sales.

Nava 02
Nava 02 - 21.08.2023 05:00

I’m about to start a coding boot camp and man I hope that in a year I can come back to this exact comment and say that I made it

nebiyu dawit
nebiyu dawit - 20.08.2023 10:18

thanks so much

Jeffery Muter
Jeffery Muter - 20.08.2023 03:39

Chris! It took way too long. However, I accepted my first offer as a developer!

Your first few videos really inspired me. I gave up more than once, however, I'm very thankful for your videos to always reignite my desire!
Thank you thank you thank you.
For the first time in my life, I love my work, i am paying all of my own bills. And Im excited for my future.

deboman81 - 19.08.2023 22:34

Hey you worked your ass to get to where you at so all these things you purchased is not a regret. Don’t tell yourself that. You bought those things, and now like you say, you learn to save it the right way. So good for you man and keep grinding.

Presy Lord Kidlat
Presy Lord Kidlat - 19.08.2023 03:41

I started watching your videos since late 2021. I'm a career shifter and successfully became a web developer since January 2022.

Your videos served as an inspiration and a motivation when I was still starting out. Thank you very much!

Mr Baldizon's
Mr Baldizon's - 18.08.2023 05:23

Im about to give up on frontend dev man, have almost a year since I started from literally not knowing what html was but im stuck on js and react. It happens that I understand the code and why it goes like that but if I have to write it on my own I just dont know where to start 😞😞(been making projects but still, progress is too slow).

Kyayi Joshua
Kyayi Joshua - 17.08.2023 20:04

Thank you for this wonderful advise, I really appreciate your videos but this has been really informative.
