The #1 Exercise to Lose Belly Fat (Easily)

The #1 Exercise to Lose Belly Fat (Easily)

Dr. Eric Berg DC

9 месяцев назад

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@nboukhar - 05.12.2023 22:00

Actually, according to fat specialist Dr. O'Mera, the best way to get rid of visceral fat is via high intensity workout such as sprinting or HIIT activity. It's the simplest way. One can lose subcutaneous fat (good fat) and stil retain visceral fat (deleterious fat). One can also be skinny but quite "fat" with lots of visceral fat! Amazing.

@maggiemirenda7146 - 05.12.2023 21:39

Dr Berg, what do you think about using the elliptical vs treadmill. My DPT advised me to use elliptical because of hip /low back issues.
Does the elliptical really help lose weight?

@du3lcitiz3n - 05.12.2023 17:40

put on some boots and a winter coat and walk in the snow.

@htetnaingkyaw_Overcome - 04.12.2023 15:06

I just walked inside my room and looked around to stimulate my parasympathetic nervous system but it gave me more stress. So messy.

@CommercialPorches-ti4ot - 04.12.2023 10:49

It's not about intermittent fasting. It's about eating no carbs, and ONCE per day and keeping the meal portion the same & not super sizing. Eating 3,500 calories in a 4-6 or 8 hour window does nothing! It's still 3,500 calories per day (with no autophagy).

@sureshiyer6136 - 04.12.2023 07:50

Photoshop is the fastest way😀

@jw9410 - 03.12.2023 21:57

What about apple cider pills? Is that as effective?

@mitchbguitars3433 - 03.12.2023 19:31

🤔Wow! That photo shop image. Nice hands 🙄
Good message though 😉👍🏼

@DrMetalpin - 03.12.2023 17:34

Apparently the number exercise is called photoshop and photo filters.

@kccochran9767 - 03.12.2023 16:51

He recommended one hour of walking. Is that cumulative or all at once?

@Truthseeker1977 - 03.12.2023 16:46

Set point theory, I learnt this in 2003 when I studied PT and sports massage therapy. I have accumulated fat and need to get get rid of it! Thanks for this video ❤

@SweeetSpice - 03.12.2023 16:35

Sprinting will also help lose belly fat (in my experience). And on top of that, it also helped me gain muscles and look very toned. Apparently it's also one of the most efficient way to get rid of visceral fat.

@gary8306 - 03.12.2023 15:49

A weighted Hula hoop is great for your waistline.

@krestdorl1697 - 03.12.2023 12:47

But if the body burns the fat on your body instead of the intaken sugar, isn’t the intaken sugar that the body didn’t use stoe as fat instead?

@joeyurkovich3272 - 03.12.2023 05:10

I am always torn between Low Carb or High Carb. Aren't there "healthy" carb rich foods? I hate to give up rice beans and fruit and starchy vegetables.

@zenabraithwaite1934 - 02.12.2023 13:33

Definitely gonna up my walking and exercise moving forward. I am not going to give up carbs or wine. I have cut down my carbs however.

@rconsigli59 - 02.12.2023 09:39

Walking improves insulin resistance or sensitivity?

@danielstevens3869 - 01.12.2023 19:44

You mentioned Apple Cider Vinegar also helps. Well, I found a pill form of it. Do you think that would be just as effective l?

@jeromej4483 - 01.12.2023 19:18

A little if my two meals are only 10g of carbs which is keto bread I should stop as well? I thought we could have either 50g or 20g of carbs a day? This totally confuses me..I have been doing 20g a day but I realized the snacking will stop. So just my two meals and that’s it then. My last meal is at 9pm at night and I don’t eat again until roughly 2pm is this wrong? A lots of questions sorry..

@The_deivid963 - 01.12.2023 08:40

Dr. If i walk 2 hours with 25 pounds, it provides better results in general or it’s better to walk without weight?

@nileshjdarji - 30.11.2023 16:52

what brand do you recommend for the apple cider vinegar?

@kenestra123 - 29.11.2023 02:46

Well what is 3-4 days of fasting if it isnt dieting? And to what end? There is fine line between dieting,fasting and good and safe health. In all honesty you dont look very healthy. Is ketosis a good and safe state of health?

@soundararajandaniel7054 - 28.11.2023 21:05

Thank you Dr.Berg for sharing your practical experience.

@shivammishra-wl4bq - 28.11.2023 16:34

sir u said walking helps so empty stomach on treadmill with 10 percent incline for 30 min will be helpful ?? if we see to exercise

@richardrapoport7137 - 28.11.2023 12:27

You MUST STRESS drinking Apple cider vinegar with a straw!!!!!
I'm a dentist. The damage done to teeth from drinking this acidic beverage is devastating. Follow up with a glass of water and do not brush your teeth for several hours after consuming any acidic foods and liquids.

@sadsciuidae3425 - 28.11.2023 06:39

two years been hacking away at a KETO diet. Disabled in a wheelchair all day is impossible to exercise or even be as diet strict as required. Progress has been slow ... down 66 tuff pounds to 400 ... three weeks ago started on a therapy machine at Planet Fitness now up to 3 X 30 minutes WK - a delicate balance of too much stress and joint damage/injury ... just makes me more hungry ... but I feel my back is thinning out ... baby "steps" ... trouble is have so much wrong ... watch your videos and eat this for "that" but not good for the other conditions. Bu am disciplined now to keep going.

@repentandknowjesus8674 - 26.11.2023 22:52

run 10 miles a day you will lose all your weight. Every see a fat marathon runner? I eat what I want. Went from 240 to 170.

@OKOKOKOKOKOKOK-zn2fy - 26.11.2023 16:38

1. Go keto to establish glucagon as your dominant hormone.
This will get you into fat burning mode.
If you keep making insulin because you are eating carbs, you will keep storing energy as fat.
2. Eat enough calories to provide 75% of the energy you need.
This will avoid having your set point and energy levels drop.
The balance of the calories will come from your body fat as ketones.
3. Do some cardio every day. (I like the bike and power walking because they are low impact.)
Carbon can only leave your body through your breath. Any exercise that increases your
breathing for an extended period of time will cause you to lose body fat.
4. Start small, but start today. (Start right now, while you are thinking about it.)
5. Play defense. Everything you do for your health is a precious victory that you need to defend.
Every time you face a choice, think of all you have invested in losing weight and defend your prior successes.
Humans are really good at playing defense.
If you make a mistake, don't jump off the wagon, claw your way back into your program and defend your hard work immediately.

@James-ql8bo - 26.11.2023 08:28

I'm going to try this

@ellpeesmom - 25.11.2023 21:52

So what’s your take on being an amputee, who hasn’t had great success with walking for exercising any longer, (I can walk, but definitely not sustained walking, however; instead rides their bike for 2-3 hours a day, or as many days in the week as one can. Hoping that all this sustained riding isn’t increasing the cortisol & thereby keeping the body in a flight & fight mode?

@gropeandchange5490 - 24.11.2023 21:49

Meh, the problem is sodas & wheat flour/gluten. Monsanto did this with their gmo wheat germ. The human bidy can't break it down.

@Sunny-bw1mo - 24.11.2023 21:02

Thank you!

@nariyahshouse1122 - 23.11.2023 23:58

Me 🙏🏼🙏🏽🙏🏿🙌🏽🙌🏽

@FutureITDoctor - 23.11.2023 12:16

This was helpful and I know I need more steps per day. Thank you.

@HayikelMulugeta - 23.11.2023 08:12

Hi doctor do you have any information about Korina whigt loss pill cara slim?

@Silvereagledude - 23.11.2023 07:34

I like to walk after I eat, because I feel far less full after taking a 45 minute walk

@damonoleskewicz4876 - 23.11.2023 03:36

Walking intermittent fasting once in awhile work out Two times a week we make our own bread veggies all i can eat ! I will be 66 in may full of energy 😊

@ashleyfieldsmusic - 23.11.2023 00:24

Brilliant picture in the thumbnail. Reminded me of the office.

@vasuvatsa6993 - 23.11.2023 00:05

Hi dr berg. Please answer one question for me.
Ive stopped eating sugar. Will ketchup or raisins hamper my progress?

@kahiakola8879 - 22.11.2023 21:22

Thank you doctor Berg,you are great.

@turbodpv5908 - 22.11.2023 19:39

Dr. Berg,

I just found this video of yours and it applies to me, I'm 62 and was 250 pounds in January 2022. I started fasting only eating a dinner meal each day, back in January of 2022, and going on long walks with my Hound dog Lulu. It started out with short walks only about half a mile and I was completely exhausted at the beginning.

But today I walk up to 20 miles with her without breaking a sweat on the week ends and I have lost 75 pounds now and I'm down to 175 pounds and feel terrific. My goal is to get down to 165, so I only have another 10 pounds to go. It takes me about 5 and a half hours to cover 20 miles with her so I only have time to go that far on the weekends since I'm still working. I also do 150 push-ups every day, 75 before bed, 75 before shower in the morning, to help tone up.

I shorten our walks to 5-10 miles or so during the week days. I've also cut back my carb intake significantly and believe this has contributed to losing nearly all of my "Love handles" my wife used to call them and she is thrilled and proud of the way I look now telling me I look like I did when she met me nearly 40 years ago. We've been married 33 years now.

@nilsistad9730 - 22.11.2023 15:36

Carivore plus OMAD will heal your body.

@anthonydefabees4417 - 22.11.2023 10:03

The real problem is how do you keep it off after you’ve lost what you want to lose? Because most of the time when you diet, you’re eating things you either don’t really like or. You like to eat them with other foods, that are unhealthy. Keto works, PERIOD. But what about when you’ve lost all the fat you set out to lose? It’s VERY hard to continue with keto, ( or any diet. ) I’ve been down that road. Did keto very strictly and lowered my daily calories as well. And I did hardcore keto. 5% carbs max. Worked great. Lost all the weight, felt the best I ever had before. It really did a ton of great things. But one day I just stopped. Got tired of the same foods over and over. I gained back a ton of weight. Was off keto for probably 3 years and just restarted 21 days ago. Again it’s working like crazy. Down 12 lbs and feel fantastic. All I need to do is figure out how to keep the weight off when I lose it all. It’s almost impossible for me to stay on this hardcore version of keto.

PS, I haven’t exercised one second either.

@CosmopolitanRider - 22.11.2023 07:04

Going on an everlasting intermittent fasting doesn't work to lose fat; you will hit a ceiling just after a very few months. So, you also need to know how to get your metabolism going faster...

@ssinistrari2257 - 21.11.2023 18:00

I used to workout with my cousin. Every day. Walking, weights, bikes, all of it. He never lost his body fat. It just stayed there. He tried various different eating habits, etc. Nothing changed. This was over the course of a few years. Just a slight up and down for him. Then he moved to Europe. I didn't see him again for another year or so. Then he came back over, and he was thin! I couldn't believe it, and had to question him: Do you work out? On some kind of diet? How did you lose so much weight you look normal?! He said he did -----> NOTHING. No working out, no special diet, nothing. He said he eats different because the food is different over there. To me, that is the BIG LIE that is going on over here in the USA. Our food is mostly crap. 90% of it. I looked at pictures of family from the turn of the century, they were all very thin. Nobody did diets. Nobody worked out or walked for miles or ran. But the did have REAL FOOD. No crap, just real. So for me, ALL of this talk of do this do that is worthless. A closer look at at food in general in the USA is what is needed. A friend has a roommate, she is from overseas. She was very thin. She is a dance instructor, so she is not lazy. She has only been here for about 5 months and she has a gut! The USA has a food problem.

@rudygarcia8436 - 21.11.2023 12:22

Did you burn more calories walking forward or backward?

@amirsiddiqui2209 - 21.11.2023 12:09


@kenarthur6253 - 21.11.2023 03:50

#1 exercise to lose weight is: Walking away from the refrigerator 😂😂

@GabiBliss - 21.11.2023 03:47

If it's raining outside use an umbrella dude ! More fun than walking around your house ! There also natural ways to increase stem cell activity, exercise, cold showers, ice baths. I think you are nuts getting fatter to get liposuction just to get stem cell therapy. Cold therapy and breathwork are much safer and effective and free.

@brob-zy8zi - 20.11.2023 22:38

I switched to one meal a day because I was hunting a lot. I didn't want to pack food into the woods with me. I'll go out in the mountains scouting and hunting, and walk miles per day. I just ate when I got home. I had been carnivore for 9 months when I started this and lost a lot of weight. But my weight loss slowed. In two weeks, I lost another 9lbs doing one meal a day and walking in the mountains a lot. It was effortless. If I can drop another 20lbs I'll be down to my goal weight so I'm going to continue getting out a lot and only eating one meal per day.
