North Korea Launches Missiles From Trains, Seeking U.S. Attention | WSJ

North Korea Launches Missiles From Trains, Seeking U.S. Attention | WSJ

The Wall Street Journal

2 года назад

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Dand - 31.05.2023 12:42

you know this idea has been used by soviet back then?

E J - 02.11.2022 14:59

He he he ... never try to barter with a north koreaman

fusemalaysia - 19.06.2022 15:20

Wooohoooo !!!!

special soldier
special soldier - 23.04.2022 16:44

ก่อนอื่นเลยโจมตีรถไฟมันก่อนค่อยไป เรดาอาวุธป้องกันทางอากาศ ดาวเทียมเรือดำน้ำ เรือรบ เครื่องบินรบ และก็โจมตีนิวเคลียร์มัน แค่นี้จบแล้วสำหรับเกาเหลาเนื้อ

Jeff Kim
Jeff Kim - 17.04.2022 22:24

Let N Korea fire nuclear missiles at Japan and the US destroy N Korea and later S Korea control both countries. Picture looks great for S Korean government. Seoul should adapt to Washington policy. Henry Kissinger once said "America has no permanent friends or enemies, only interests".

Khaidar Bahar
Khaidar Bahar - 21.03.2022 07:23

Look's like metalslug

Deepak k
Deepak k - 10.03.2022 19:02

Why they have written to seek attention like come on🙄

Footzz - 24.02.2022 16:44

Japan and South Korea= worshippers of the USA, i feel bad for them. 🤣

bestamerica - 10.02.2022 08:05

where the NK rocket going to hit MOSCOW or what country or NK again

william ex Mormon
william ex Mormon - 08.02.2022 23:36

Boom boom boom here we go

Stewart Harvey-Wilson
Stewart Harvey-Wilson - 31.01.2022 23:29

I read North Korea have missiles that travel 2000 km off the surface of the planet

Sreekanth - 31.01.2022 13:40

Super Kim

jascam1 - 29.01.2022 01:47

Why is the West complaining about N Korea violations of UN sanctions. Have the West or the UN looked at Israel violations against the Palestinians.

tearl - 16.01.2022 13:38

So that was who bought President Reagan's 80's era Peacekeeper MX Rail Garrison system at the government surplus sale.

Seafood Fiesta
Seafood Fiesta - 12.01.2022 06:16

Why USA never attack North Korea like the way they did to Iraq??
This is clearly proven they have world disaster weapon
Why USA never attack...scare?

Barak Cobrama
Barak Cobrama - 07.01.2022 06:59

take it the hazmat is to say there full of chemicals?

Practical Philosophy
Practical Philosophy - 20.12.2021 19:31


Jeff Kim
Jeff Kim - 22.11.2021 01:54

S Korea has no problem N Korea nuke Japan. LOL

Jeff Kim
Jeff Kim - 14.11.2021 18:44

If Japan wants to continue GSOMIA then Japan should pay for radars in S Korea. They should not get free information after decided not to make full apology for war crimes against Korean.

WArthog Dicker
WArthog Dicker - 14.10.2021 23:46

North Korean Thomas the train nuclear carrier is ready for deployment!

Johnny jai
Johnny jai - 14.10.2021 18:21

a lot of westerner is democracy tyrants mindset but they don't feeling it today, therefore they see some countries have different social political systems is unacceptable and intolerable, they always trash and blaming these countries are dictatorship and tyrannical, in fact that its extremely dictatorship and tyrannical with western democracy countries ruler, these western democracy country rulers often say democracy, but they are always unacceptable and intolerable some countries have own social political systems, it's always force and seduce some countries follows their so call democracy systems, is it democracy? what is democracy systems? democracy systems is every country have right to choose a suitable own people political systems, it's really democracy, actually westerner always say democracy is fake as dictatorship and tyrannical is real

today, it's some countries and their social political systems not is democracy , for everybody has different opinions or view points, but at least these countries official don't takes own country's system and its defraud and force sell for people's of around the world, it's unlike America and western countries takes own democracy systems and it's defraud for people's of around the world everyday, if it's disobey and resist America instruction with some countries by label of the tyranny and dictator a country, western countries always take actions to some countries with economic terrorism sanctions, military intimidation and war invasions, then America and western countries are makeup myself to be image of justice international police to defend that it's mankind of democracy, freedom, human rights, in fact it's covering up own a tyranny and dictator of rule ambitious and hegemony to around the world

Johnny jai
Johnny jai - 14.10.2021 18:13

north Korea leader is bravely and never bow or obey anything come political pressure, sanction and military threat from America or United nations, it's not like spineless Australia, British and Canada leaders always bow or obey political pressure and order by America, in fact that many more democracy countries leaders is spineless with don't dare say no to America, they always force follow America instruction and look at American face do job, it's no sovereignty and no independent rule own country rights, who is a real leader ?

William Turner
William Turner - 13.10.2021 08:26

I was looking to see the missle that was out of control after it was launched.
Where is that video ?
I want to see that North Korean missile go off course.

Usain Tiu
Usain Tiu - 07.10.2021 19:48

good job DPRK..

B007 - 30.09.2021 13:17

Missile train sounds stupid, all you need to render it useless is blow up the tracks.

Joe Nichols
Joe Nichols - 30.09.2021 04:31

This is China's doing. They are trying to distract the world from themselves. Don't be naive

Willow Karver
Willow Karver - 29.09.2021 19:50

Nice body double Kim Jong Un!!
Edit: Not my words or opinion, go watch Naomi Park the North Korean defector and activist.

Phoenix Star
Phoenix Star - 29.09.2021 15:49

What is happening of an Ocarina that are Ahmedabad to promise that are so many times that are of that other Gosha Nation teller of a to North Korea to stop of a ballistic missile but this is the problems that are that are not going to keep your promise because of her well so many of General is or the top commanders are leaders that are of resume of a diplomatic measure or even a brand new one that because of the already been having so many strikes out of a strike 1 strike 2 strike 3 in the future that I have well then we'll be your strike $4 of the future is not moving to North Korea anyone to go stick onto the ballistic missile on it but he'll be around the world there is growing. The other peaceful prosperity and a better future to work together at the chance that a to having a good life love wind marriage start a family and to raise a family and to grow of the family but you know this anyway everyone around the world that one didn't move on to the peaceful way but no career. But they wanted to continue on well then ballistic missiles but that is the truth anyway everyone no excuses about it because ice keeps giving their style of so many of a different news that data is happening but time will tell again that are for next month or possible for it from five years or 20 30 years or even forever it is unknown threat to the future of North Korea time is running out because next year they got test out ballistic message again by next year and then next year and then next year and then the rest of that you already noticed everyone

Eduardo Villegas
Eduardo Villegas - 29.09.2021 03:43

North Korea has the right to defend itself from the South and the US constant threats.

Vallei - 29.09.2021 03:03

this is pretty tight honestly

van le
van le - 28.09.2021 08:42

the n.korea tested missiles again.
the us condemns.
in my opinion, moon jae in and joe biden should be smart, should be wise...
1. reconfirm the desire to declare the war ending with n.k
2. never n never attack n.k in advance.
3. the korean never want war, never kill the korean. like the chinese never kill the chinese.
4. united the two sides, and respect the existence of n.korea regime after negotiation. maybe one country with two regimes is an option.
5. so , neglect n.k test. china will be alone, no ally, in east Sea.
hope you all understand.

LKJ Ter - 28.09.2021 04:01

Japan seem to like making provocation in the region. Just remember Pyongyang has no hesitation to press that launch button especially when the just sense that something is not rights including against US. Don’t push your luck too far playing with fire when their closest friend is threaten by you.

Godslayer Tantya
Godslayer Tantya - 27.09.2021 05:18

A country with strong sanction producing such technology it is hard to believe . It is impossible without Chinese help . This test is Chinese warning to south Korea and Japan .

Mudasir shahid Rao
Mudasir shahid Rao - 27.09.2021 03:44


German Bueso
German Bueso - 24.09.2021 18:48

But do they know the Oppa Gangnam Style?

P. PHOeBE - 24.09.2021 10:22

Why it feels like I've seen this before...
wait!!! James Bond's movie!!!
The final reveal of an ultimate weapon of James's villain!!!

mellisakuntz - 24.09.2021 07:23

Dang the new call of duty looks cool

Kim Jong- Un
Kim Jong- Un - 23.09.2021 22:52

When you thought the trains were just for transportation. SIIIKKKEEEE

Funny and Interesting Videos
Funny and Interesting Videos - 23.09.2021 18:01

Biden: so what🥱? keep 😴😴😴

Carnosine Hobs
Carnosine Hobs - 23.09.2021 00:37

North Korea in a nutshell: “N-n-notice me Superpower senpai!”

Neil Nelson
Neil Nelson - 22.09.2021 15:39

Why is this Wall Street Journal lady sound like she's bored. Isn't WSJ paying her well? lol

rhysmuir - 22.09.2021 05:36

How about instead of spending their money on making things to get senpai to notice them and give them money, they work on making their country more prosperous??

கோ - 22.09.2021 04:17

"I want Schwerer Gustav!"
"We have Schwerer Gustav at home."
Schwerer Gustav at home:

Chris - 22.09.2021 01:09

Russia did this back in the day

Twilight Aesthetic
Twilight Aesthetic - 22.09.2021 00:27

North Korea be like:" Notice mee USA senpaiii (๑˃̵ ᴗ ˂̵)و "

khalid farah
khalid farah - 21.09.2021 21:01

Like a clingy girl/boyfriend.

Crazy J
Crazy J - 21.09.2021 20:47

I am very sure Kim will attack Japan first because he hates Japan. Did you know Kim's Grand Father was General who fought against Japanese troops during WW2? Millions innocent Korean people killed by Japanese soldiers and Japan never apologized to Korean for war crime this days.

T GM - 21.09.2021 15:33

If behemoth in bf1 can do this it would be scary
