An Unusual Horror Movie Filled With Controversy | Incident In A Ghostland

An Unusual Horror Movie Filled With Controversy | Incident In A Ghostland

Mista GG

1 год назад

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Mortuus Cerebri
Mortuus Cerebri - 05.08.2022 22:43

Chinese homie reporting in! Yeah... you were right. A Chinese puzzle box is exactly what it sounds like. A sort of puzzle mirror could be made to work with a secret compartment behind it in similar ways to puzzle boxes, but it would no longer be a CHINESE puzzle box. At that point both the chinese and the box are missing, and calling it a Chinese puzzle box just feels like "Ooh it's mysterious, lets call it something foreign!"

Chi_ria18th - 04.11.2023 18:36

It’s funny you mentioned that these no motive or bad stories of the baddies who are they are they related are they inbred? I would have loved to see some background information on them. It would have made the movie much better. As a matter of fact that’s why I’m watching your video I’m looking for a deep dive or explanation lol

LainDarko - 03.11.2023 14:43

I think people are just tired of seeing trans/crossdressing characters as villains. For a long time in film history, the only time you'd see trans women or crossdressing men on screen was as predators and killers who preyed on cis women (think Silence of the Lambs, Psycho, etc) and since this is legitimately how many transphobic people paint trans women out to be, these kinds of representations ring alarm bells for a lot of people whether intentionally transphobic or not. At worst it's maliciously transphobic and at best it's lazy, cliche writing imo.

Johnny Johnster
Johnny Johnster - 01.11.2023 09:40

Das da guy from Cult of Chucky :O

angela f
angela f - 23.10.2023 13:27

A polterpimp. 🤣🤣

kristin pankow
kristin pankow - 22.10.2023 23:54

You should do those who call

Anthony Ralph
Anthony Ralph - 21.10.2023 06:51

I think a better explanation of why we see adult Vera in Beth's delusion but we don't see an aged version of her mother is NOT because Beth is unable to imagine what her mother would look like in the future since she never got to see her in the future. She's able to imagine herself as an adult, which makes sense why she's able to imagine Vera as an adult also. I think it makes the most sense to assume that Beth actually REFUSED to imagine her mother in any way other than what she remembered her as before her death. The delusion is designed to give Beth comfort, and it makes sense that she'd include a version of her mother that is immune to aging and therefore removed from mortality.

neala xR
neala xR - 16.10.2023 17:14

My theory is that the two murderers have been rejected from world around them and kind of found each other as the only person who would accept them. Like bhaddie 1 was obsessed with them being "dolled up" and I was wondering if they were jealous of other womens beauty? Idk seemed like they tried to achieve that beauty? And the big guy has a scene where the dolls start to laugh at him. I felt like he was going for dolls/small children to 1. Revenge some sort of childhood trauma and 2. Because he did not want the other person to respond

Mary Lee the Fox 🦊
Mary Lee the Fox 🦊 - 10.10.2023 09:04

I was 4 minutes into their video before I realized that I have watched this movie before, it was okay but I don't think it has any rewatch value.

Moonxtal Star
Moonxtal Star - 02.10.2023 02:07

Every time the purple light reflected from mistake ggs glasses it looked like he had purple eye shadow on. He looks good in purple!

Florian Studer
Florian Studer - 01.10.2023 12:48

watched it in the cinema
thought it was amazing :)

R Z - 29.09.2023 04:29

Oh boy horror movie with drag queen/ trans woman? And an autistic man… how original (they still did bad things obvi but it was chosen for them to have those characteristics.)

Wolf Hreda
Wolf Hreda - 28.09.2023 09:36

I know HP Lovecraft was a bit off-looking with that jaw of his, but that dude looks horrendous.

Eve Lerma
Eve Lerma - 27.09.2023 09:12

It's a 10❤

arthrfleck - 24.09.2023 19:15

I’m so sick of the same tropes in movies like these. Either “oooo the villain is a cross-dresser so that explains why he’s a creep!!!!!”, or “oooo the villain is mentally disabled so that explains why he’s a creep!!!!!!” And we got BOTH of those in this movie.

Plus- bold opinion, but I just don’t trust men that love making horror movies about young girls getting sexually/physically/mentally abused. Plus the ending is shot to make you go “wait, this could also still be her imagination that she got out safe again” and I just hate those endings. All in all, I’m no critic, but the director pretends to be this artistic genius when really it just has the same boring tropes to me.

Enclave Communications Officer
Enclave Communications Officer - 24.09.2023 07:06

A tranny being an unhinged sex pest? Say it ain't so!

Antonio Santoro
Antonio Santoro - 23.09.2023 01:29

Why does the outro music sound like a soft jazz rendition of the beat to Kim by Eminem....? Am I the only one who hears that?

MoistPalm - 22.09.2023 16:29

Watching this while it has 666k views, Not really relevant but kinda fun

memoryhero - 20.09.2023 15:01

You legitimately not being able to identify Harlequin as a type of novel (that Beth, the writer, would ostensibly be interested in) - as opposed to a comic book character named after it - is like when a younger generation grows up with a remake of a song.

James Horne
James Horne - 18.09.2023 01:06

Wait a minute that’s Alison from teen wolf

Trashdoge - 16.09.2023 23:03

Hey mista GG! I had a similar experience like you seem to have often with tiktok reccomendations. it's frontiers somehow people claim that frontiers is like martyrs but I couldn't stand that absolute dogshit pile of trash worthless waste of nonsensical shitstain movie. please I want to feel like I'm not going insane frontiers is a trash moive
