Why Mudrunner is praised to this day | Snowrunner vs Mudrunner

Why Mudrunner is praised to this day | Snowrunner vs Mudrunner


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Smayky - 25.11.2023 10:17

And what about matchmaking for mp co-op. In MR i can chose map,settings etc. In SR is only to join and hope. 10+ join and leave until i find someone on the same wave. MR is the better game SR have more content to pay for. Just jike Gta.

Alexsandr Kulishenko
Alexsandr Kulishenko - 24.11.2023 21:23

Mudrunner более проработанный, особенно видно по Кировцу 700, у него настоящий прямоточный свистящий тепловозный выхлоп без глушителя чего нет в Snowrunner. Проработка физики, вой ходовой передачи, трансмиссии , геометрия и артикуляция подвески, она должна быть эластичной и на отбойниках только поднимать машину, а не как в Snowrunner на половину задралась и подняла машину, это хорошо видно по балансирной подвеске MAZ 537. Вся красота в мелочах и деталях)

BudlikyCZ - 24.11.2023 09:08

I am fine with missing these small little details for overall much bigger game. Id rather have a new map with 30+ tasks than a wiggly frame on a truck

Jan Kadeřábek
Jan Kadeřábek - 21.11.2023 17:46

Try to destroy a stump with any car.

brandon comeault
brandon comeault - 18.11.2023 19:42

what about the og spintires no one talkes about that no more i say it was better then both mud and snow runner less content maybe but way better everything else lol i miss spintires

Ярость - 16.11.2023 16:39

So, 5 months have passed. Did they fix these problems?

Simon - 15.11.2023 01:30

Mudrunner plays badly, this strange gear knob, these strange missions, I've tried to play it probably 4-5 times in 10 years and it's just strange and not particularly good to use

Diego Godoy
Diego Godoy - 12.11.2023 20:00

tá na cara que MudRunner é muito superior a SnowRunner

Toby - 12.11.2023 15:57

Damn I was looking forward to Snowrunner being an expanded Mudrunner. I found myself physically repulsed at the Snowrunner side of the screen. I wonder what the devs were thinking making it so arcade-y? I figured the draw of the game was the sheer realism and depth of immersion of the whole thing. Like, the simulation of every little detail is the game. The majority of comparisons I see of the two games, people commend snowrunner because it's "prettier" and "more JEABS to do". Blah. SOOO DISAPPOINTING

Jay - 12.11.2023 06:15

Point less nitpicking 😅

Jay - 12.11.2023 06:11

Love both Mud runners and snow runners . Great pc 4x4 sims

シャドー - 11.11.2023 19:59

Wtf happened

Vzeq - 10.11.2023 12:28

If they added the GUI and other quality of life from Snowrunner to MR then it would be an amazing game

Baskom Nasi
Baskom Nasi - 05.11.2023 12:24

So they downgrade the physic just to upgrade the graphic? XD

Youtube-Rebell1988 - 03.11.2023 03:01

but mudrunner feels somehow strange and a bit wrong in a way i can't describe it. I could never get used to it and I tried to play it years before Snowrunner several times.

Fran Milošević
Fran Milošević - 02.11.2023 12:36

Anyone know how te get the game if u havent bought it yet

Muhammad Dendar
Muhammad Dendar - 31.10.2023 14:14

I'm not saying anything bad but if you'll don't like how the games are made, don't play it, don't complain, there's thousands of games out there, choose another one, same like me buying something I don't like eating and I still complain about it. It just doesn't make any sense

Mo Kanic
Mo Kanic - 30.10.2023 14:37

the frame flex is unrealistic if your frame flexed like that it would snap after a few back and forth

Smoerz - 30.10.2023 04:26

The hopping is the biggest drawdown I have with snowrunner. If you drive with a trailer slowly over the logs on the streets in Taimyr, the trailer jumps 0.5 meter in the air. It is similar for the caterpillar 770G. Such a huge and heavy truck and it jumps through the air like a balloon.

Christian Cruz MDPD
Christian Cruz MDPD - 28.10.2023 09:42

Snowrunner was a lazy production something quick for try substitute Mr that failed

SHIBA320 - 25.10.2023 12:27

This video makes me sad :(((( I really am enjoying snowrunner but now I see that I should buy mudrunner!

supastar434 - 24.10.2023 09:03

i think i agree with everything here, except for the terrain, i love the crazy SR terrain.

CRICKS - 20.10.2023 17:25

this guy naming so stupid things truck boucing off when drive into thats realistic in real life if drove 60MPH into soemthiong u think car just gonna stop no it will go flying also said the trailer saddle does not have animation but muddrunner does not have mudd gurds animated lmao snowrunner better in every way

Gee Casso
Gee Casso - 20.10.2023 15:27

its good but destroy stumbs are unrealistc

old H
old H - 14.10.2023 16:14

i don't think you can easily destroy stumps in real life

AsmuprogamerHUN - 14.10.2023 00:48

theres been a new update and in snowrunner there is flex rn

LANDROVERGAMING‼️ - 10.10.2023 20:30

Frame flex is in both games, but doesn't really happen until the frame is loaded down with heavy materials in SR. this is realistic because normally without weight stress, the frame shouldn't flex. MR seems more realistic in that aspect, but SR does it better. Second, it's not transmission whine, the sound you hear is the radiator fans spooling up to help cool the truck.

Albert Pietrosanu
Albert Pietrosanu - 09.10.2023 23:52

After I saw these I think I will play mudrunner, I hope have update as snowrunner.

Jarek - 09.10.2023 23:39

Mudrunner is better than Snowrunner

Vanal1337 - 06.10.2023 14:57

Just started playing snowrunner and vehicles strangely jump on road and off road seems very disturbing and unrealistic to me maybe i dont get something or physics are really bad. Seems like its not the case for mudrunner so i will try it instead

cram1nblaze - 06.10.2023 04:16

Man Snowrunner looks like absolute shit. Just bought Mudrunner and the DLC.

infopackrat - 05.10.2023 01:43

Mudrunner looks like the colour saturation is turned way down.

Child_of_woe_1994 - 03.10.2023 21:52

you'd think snow would have the better stuff as it's newer but all it really has over mud is graphics 😕

huge balls
huge balls - 02.10.2023 05:23

There has been so much progress in the last decade in video game graphics. Photorealistic graphics look great, until things move. Physics and realistic motion have taken a back seat in most modern games.

KRAZY-_- - 30.09.2023 18:05

Can someone please buy me sowrunner...my mother wont buy it for me because i already have mudrunner...and im getting bored of mudrunner

Tuan Vo
Tuan Vo - 29.09.2023 13:09

Snowrunner is a game that only has beautiful graphics, but everything else is terrible, especially the engine sound (worst among car games). It is far inferior to Mudrunner.

B6_RUBY - 29.09.2023 08:10

Snowrunner trucks are so NERFED when it comes to offroad capability. You can really only get anywhere if you get a truck with special tires made for that truck. Only around 5 trucks are useful

Nor101 - 28.09.2023 02:27

Wasn't the Fireproof Exhaust only for the Russian trucks while the American Wilds trucks could have the Fuel Tanker without changing the exhaust?

Светлана Зоричева
Светлана Зоричева - 27.09.2023 14:57

Snow Runner больше аркада, но если к ее графике добавить физику Mud Runner то будет лучшая игра про офроад

rayn - 26.09.2023 08:13

the criticisms are fair, but you have to consider the roadmap they set for themselves. they knew they were going to be releasing a lot more maps and a lot more vehicles, so fine-tuning each different vehicle's mechanics as well or better than they did in mudrunner would mean it would take far longer to release each expansion/DLC.

also, snowrunner's graphics are just ten times better. like, the mud in mudrunner just looks terrible.

Renbloew - 25.09.2023 07:32

cherrypicking example video

Ludvig - 24.09.2023 22:41

the suspension is bad for both games. Mudrunners is way too flexy and has way too much travel, old russian trucks were not that smooth and could had nowhere near those levels of suspension travel

the zimra
the zimra - 23.09.2023 23:58

never played em ... but always wanted the mechanics into an actual "game" its so pretty and good mechanics

HMS Hood
HMS Hood - 23.09.2023 08:53

I miss being able to use diff lock in High gear.

Jonathan's War Zone
Jonathan's War Zone - 22.09.2023 14:46

mud in mudrunner are small grey hexagons in the ground

Lane Davidson
Lane Davidson - 20.09.2023 10:01

only disagreement is stumps. A tree stump will rip apart a truck easy.

T 25
T 25 - 20.09.2023 09:01

MR is great

Caffeinated DaVinci
Caffeinated DaVinci - 20.09.2023 06:19

Mudrunner was a labor of love to complete the game they set out to make with Spintires. Snowrunner is a AA game made for the lowest common denominator (causal players on console) designed to sell DLCs. I mean hell, look at SnowRunner's season passes, they literally locked BUG FIXES FOR THE BASE GAME behind buying the current season pass. They got rid of Steam Workshop which means no more branded vehicles allowed in mods, just because consoles aren't allowed to use them. Snowrunner is a downgrade in every possible way except for graphics.
