What is Happening to New World?

What is Happening to New World?


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@Eli9A - 30.12.2023 11:04

from the experience we all had when shit content comes out we play it for a week or four then we slam our hand hand down and call bullshit. many will move on to the next game and some would come back to see what has updated. we this is repeated this is how less and less people comes back until the game dies. the big studios are taken advantage of this to launched a new game that was the game as last years but changed the appearance enough to be seen as a new game but in reality is the same game as the last one but with new make up. call of duty charges $60 for their dlc every year

@markbernard8312 - 29.12.2023 21:28

They have to make the game a little more alt friendly

@ddyang9172 - 28.12.2023 15:21

I mean all they do is say we are right you are wrong we aren't going to do anything to the game that will change it based on a question from the q and a

@milesmorales2722 - 26.12.2023 05:09

come back when a pug finder is up

@pickle7769 - 24.12.2023 08:15

mad respect for the devs sitting in the hot seat. regardless of how accurate their views are

@HadesThaCat - 21.12.2023 20:36

They should limit faction numbers to 1/3 of max server population. So if the max pop is 6k, each faction, syndicate, covenant etc can only have 2k players. It would increase territory battles. And if players don't participate in a certain amount of faction events every season, they are removed until they wign back up.

@HadesThaCat - 21.12.2023 20:18

Can we have a swim animation yet?

@kaspertroelsen5821 - 21.12.2023 13:52

Haven't been up to date on this game, is chest run still a thing? or any plans to remove that brainless feature from the game?

@xredrum41x - 21.12.2023 05:33

Recycle world

@wwjj64 - 17.12.2023 03:22

AGS bit off more than they can chew.

@anthonystark123 - 15.12.2023 15:30

The point of the gold sink is to slow down the bis weapon builds so you have to grind more it’s pretty simple.

@anthonystark123 - 15.12.2023 15:29

The problem with half you gamers you complain to much. One min your like shirking heals is to OP then your like you nerfed it to much! While most of us are just tying to get in a fing dungeon to play the game! Stop standing around and griping and play the damn game. If you don’t like it then go play something else. I’m only gripe of the game is the bugs.

@rashash9954 - 14.12.2023 07:02

New World is a niche game unfortunately its not a game that provides what people love in MMOs, I feel like the PvE in NW can't and won't compete with any PvE content in any other MMO such as Lost Ark, WoW, FFXIV. Its feels like the game was designed to be a PvP game in mind and PvP communities in MMOs are the smallest communities in games look at Arena/BGs in WoW its def not popular, pvp in Lost Ark is dead, pvp in GW2 is super dead, pvp in FFXIV is a joke. In my opinion they really need to rework the combat to be more engaging and make way more dungeons and raids and open world PvE content cause those are the pieces of content that have the most replayability and engagement in all the different MMOs.

Deep down I feel like NW deserves a lot of love and I feel like the team is kinda transparent with the player base the real issue is the Fundamental design of the game, I've never seen an expansion launch of an MMO that had so little engagement like NW expansion if we take Asmongold from the equasion then the hype around the expantion was non existent

@kwoowoo828 - 14.12.2023 01:18

I seriously don't mind going fishing if I can fish out a 700 gs gear or artifact. But can I?

@kwoowoo828 - 14.12.2023 01:07

IF they want to go slow about they way they handle thing, my wish is they go slow on their joke and start to take their job seriously.

You can go slow but don't do it the 'Star Citizen' way. That is way too slow.

I guess the equitable way to handle such slowness is to peg their salary to the same pace. Instead of drawing salary per month, draw the same amount bi-monthly instead. Go slow on your salary too. That is leveling the 'playing' field.

@kwoowoo828 - 14.12.2023 01:01

AND I don't like the way they make a 'joke' about the question before they answer it. That is disrespectful to the player. Player ask you a SERIOUS quesiton and they deserve a SERIOUS answer. No less. That is call RESPECT. Do you joke about the question that your BOSS ask you before you answer them? Are the player your real ultimate BOSS who pays your salary? You want player to ask ridiculous silly question, so then you can do your usual 'joke', then you are belittling your game. You are being disrespectful to your game, to your players and ultimately to yourself. Get serious.

And detecting game breaking bug at the FINAL test is unacceptable. The FINAL test should only be for confirmation of quality and if otherwise to remedy the most minor bugs. GAME BREAKING bugs should be detected at the earlier test phase. Else what the fcuk are they testing in the earlier test phases? Testing how many mouse clicks players has to go through to achieve an objective so as to implement the goal of 'punishing' them? As in implementing their perverted version of MMO (Many Mouse-click OMFG) game.

@kwoowoo828 - 14.12.2023 00:50

Some of the things they implemented are mind boggling. Other MMOs has since removed such 'punitive' idiotic implement from their games century ago and yet for New World as a new game, they implement the mistake that other MMOs has learnt their lesson and discarded.

For example, implementing a mount-up time. What is that for?

For example, not being able to craft from your storage that is not local to the crafting town. Player will STILL craft where they want to craft, they just has to do the tedious step to move their stuffs to local storage or inventory. Player STILL ACHIEVE what they want to achieve but have to be 'punished' to do more steps. Again what is the real objective and purpose of such design that they are trying to achieve? You still cannot stop player from crafting where they want to craft, so what are they trying to achieve? To PUNISH the player?

@Rudbeckbitten - 13.12.2023 05:59

After logging in to New World as a returning player, the world map and stuff to do just felt overwhelming

@mathmatics8034 - 10.12.2023 03:25

Nice seeing u again. Hope doing well. If ever off work in time will stop by stream again. All the best and well wishes gangster.

@bbmack6144 - 09.12.2023 21:56

Okay, so tired of these videos its exhausting watching them skirt around just accepting how bad things are. It would be okay if they were honest and accepted what they do is wrong, but they don't. What change, update, or patch have they made that was not bugged or game breaking. Dude its 2023 there are MMOs that are out there that have already made all the mistakes for you to learn from and avoid. The Angry Earth patch I will not even call it an expansion was the most broken thing I have seen put into a live version of a game. The content lasted 1 month and the game population died off. You want to fix this game really? Open up, be honest, commutate the true state of the development team, and for the love of god put your players to work for you. ALLOW MODS in your game. Allow players to support the game by creating a mod community like every other MMO. This would fix so many damn issues that have been stated sense launch. O your idea is to develop slower so its not broke. Your development is slower than anything I have ever seen and is always broke no matter what pace.

@user-mb6lr9gs8o - 09.12.2023 03:33

It is special when you get screwed every loot drip

@xQTx - 08.12.2023 07:06

I fished every fish in the game, there are no more fishes, why should i continue to fish?

@braydenjj1163 - 06.12.2023 22:35

The luck loot discussion = screw your time and life

@braydenjj1163 - 06.12.2023 22:08

2 mins in = go slow and still fuck it up

@brandonlamb5694 - 06.12.2023 18:11

Questions? Sure. Answers? Eh

@ihatesnickersTSD - 06.12.2023 17:26

Too many ad's man, get a job. This should be a a hobby for you.

@TroyChristensen - 04.12.2023 18:08

Luck is utter trash

@flix1179 - 04.12.2023 13:22

"It will take us longer to release more polished content."

I know that there will almost always be one bug or another, but, knowing AGS, this seems like another excuse for their incompetence.

@bigbsumm7501 - 03.12.2023 17:54

big meta shift? i do not think there has ever been a meta change...always been great axe great hammer or great sword for the most part every other weapon gets nerfed if its better than them great weapons in my opinion...they also need to add at least another tree to each weapon got more versatility

@dopeness5848 - 03.12.2023 11:31

These guys are fuckin clueless😂

@darenhorne9723 - 03.12.2023 07:29

They need to make servers more worldwide

@nighttt9178 - 03.12.2023 00:52

The game is slowly dying

@royces7101 - 02.12.2023 22:35

This was as boring as the game.

@sambei3294 - 02.12.2023 21:33

the devs are becomming a joke i use to love the game

@HuRrDuR - 02.12.2023 17:57

Magnify is good for the game, If you have something as powerful as a artifact with 4 perks then your attributes losing one perk should be the trade off. This seems fine.

@cdiff07 - 02.12.2023 17:48

The problem with new world is individualized loot, hold your hand mechanics. The whole armor and weapon system on how you obtain them is completely flawed. There should be equal ways to obtain weapons and armor that are viable via PvE RNG drops as there is to be crafting. I am not talking about 1k people standing at an elite NPC and spawn killing him over and over again until you get a dumb artifact. That takes no skill to do! Also, do not force me to PVP to get PvE gear, WTF? Also, even though it says it is an MMO, online etc. It is not really an MMO, it is a lot of single player games going on at the same time online with each other. When will new world have more than one weapon that can heal, please do not say that other weapons that can do some heals are the same as the life staff because they are not. This game was and is a waste of time if you want a true MMO. It ultimately has a surface that is shiny and cool, but once you spend a lot of time in it you see just how flawed it is!

@Shade04rek - 02.12.2023 17:34

I quit eso years ago, but I feel that if I went back I would be able to progress to a good spot faster that continuing with constantly shifting meta that wastes all my 700 gs crafts. What really hit me the last time I played though was that I had around 200k when the expansion came and I used easily 150k of it on things that are now outclassed by trash I just happen to have save. Now I'm back to ~35k and trying to sustain every day, which would be fine if I had something to show for it like a somewhat largely-finished build, like I had before. It's a total pain to still be so far away from progressing, specially after the expansion's inherent reset of progress. Maybe make it way less of a waste while they all figure their balance out? It's ironic though, the only fun I honestly see myself having if I go back is just playing nw like an economics sim and not spend gold on actual gear nor play the actual content.

@iansoliz1992 - 02.12.2023 16:22

He just said it. It's what they like. They don't care what we like or what we need. It's what works for them. The only reason why something changes is because it suddenly didn't work for them. They need to be brought back down to reality. They think their game is so good. It could be, from the people that playtest this game. Hate to admit it but this game is still in beta.

@ggoddkkiller1342 - 02.12.2023 14:49

They are just a bunch of morons to be honest, there are ALWAYS whales in MMOs buying their way into bis gear. Even if there is no crafting at all only drops they are still buying raid drops and runs! They have some fantasy about stopping gold sales which is only possible if nobody plays their game and we are going to that way really. Right now you can craft any bis gear around 40-50k which is significantly cheaper than before but people are always forgetting where exactly we will get that 40-50k from!! There were farms paying 20-30k a hour only few months ago but now at best you can get 5k a hour because entire crafting economy is collapsed and nothing is worth a penny. People could earn several k from daily crafting alone while now you are lucky if you earn few hundred and not actually loose gold. They completely annihilated player driven economy and for somebody who doesn't buy gold nothing is changed. While bis was ''expensive'' you could still buy it with 10 hours farming while now bis is ''cheap'' and it still requires 10 hours of farming!! The absolute morons in AGS somehow don't realize it perhaps because they never play their own game. Bis is not cheaper for who play the game, rather bis is cheaper for who is buying gold and gold sales accordingly gold value higher than ever. Lets call a spade a spade, AGS doesn't have any capacity to develop a game therefore New world will be always same struggling game until it is called off by amazon...

@stuyrides5144 - 02.12.2023 12:14

I had the frame rate and crash issue. in town i had about 2 fps at some points. Reinstalled, no more problem.
I will say as an older player and more casual. Stop abbreviating everything you talk about. because not all of us know what the hell your talking about. i Dont want to keep googling what you just said!

@boon6848 - 02.12.2023 11:54

i feel like majority of the players are going to abandon it once thrones and liberty given its not that p2w(here's to hoping) releases.

@elhamriothman - 02.12.2023 10:56

Going slower aren't they going slower already ? lmao

@XxrollforeverxX - 02.12.2023 09:33

Where can we make suggestions for these things? I would like to know why we can’t have the same issue with magnify so it keeps them happy with only being able to use a few magnify items, or even limit the amount of magnify gear to only allow to have 3 or 4or what ever number they like equipped as a hard limiter. Then they could have it so once you go in and lock your stats in the way you would like To have them distributed it’s locked and other temporary buffs don’t count as points used so that the magnify gear doesn’t flip flop all over the place

@braydopaintrain4346 - 02.12.2023 09:05

"I still find chest runs fun" says the lead dev. Enough said.

@braydopaintrain4346 - 02.12.2023 09:04

Its a shame they cant give us more pvp modes or role based ques. Its a good thing season of discovery will keep us busy until the devs get their shit together

@danborg1228 - 02.12.2023 04:52

And why do they seem supriced people are using /report? it has been 2 years now people exploited and shasing people with this ? we had an old company comming back and the first week the shotcaller got 7 days cd i got only a warning because he did say you have terrorist every wheir now days in the open chat like wtf it´s facts no one can denay he was live streaming most of them start playing d2 again and balders gate haha omg it´s like this guys hear know nothing about new worlds history at all they even diabled it several times in the past because it was abused ???????

@danborg1228 - 02.12.2023 04:42

That gray old fart in mittle is new ore what, i have 3 accounts why because then we can exploit and own the whole freaking map witch people have been doing for a long time ore do he really think covinent 123 is not same guys as marador123 ore syndicate 123 atm people are playing on alts on other faction blocking other players like back in the day when you atacked your self so people could not make war u did make war with you´r self ore you´r frends this answer are so freaking bad

@danborg1228 - 02.12.2023 04:29

Saying opr is shanging? no new map and same one sided content meaning premate crush the other side = no value wheir is the solo q for arena and opr?.
