MYERS REWORK IDEAS | Bran Reacts to Seriously Casual's "How I would Rework Michael Myers"

MYERS REWORK IDEAS | Bran Reacts to Seriously Casual's "How I would Rework Michael Myers"


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@OnlyDess - 11.02.2023 01:35

I was there for the Live. 💕 commenting for the engagement! Cant wait until next Tuesday for the next live react!

@unkownperson9250 - 11.02.2023 01:53

myers is fine to me. ive never lost with em tbh. id support a buff not a rework

@aliencreative9360 - 11.02.2023 03:32

Thank for video. I do feel bad for stunning myers it sounds like it hurts his soul

@aliencreative9360 - 11.02.2023 03:32

Why don’t we have weekly free characters and killers???

@ShuriKennn - 11.02.2023 03:58

Could you maybe give me feedback on my Deathslinger rework? You don’t have to record or stream, but feedback would be nice! I posted it like 3 weeks ago.

@smush12 - 11.02.2023 04:04

Love you’re content ❤ keep it coming

@hakeem7523 - 11.02.2023 04:55

What about giving myers a speed boost when hes either not in chase or being observed by a surviour for x amount of secs

@ax7player728 - 11.02.2023 08:02

I would add that if he picks up like oni that is his teir 3 pauses as well. This would also make it so he doesnt have to stalk up all the way back to teir 3.

@ax7player728 - 11.02.2023 08:03

So the only issue is that he still would have no mobility.

@ax7player728 - 11.02.2023 08:09

Ooo i love the idea of making people with less stalking points perinoid in which they have red stain or random chase music or something to freak people out mahahaa

@thegame346 - 12.02.2023 05:01

I will not support any of this until his bullshit, archaic insta-mori add ons are completely removed from the game

@yuhboiijay3003 - 21.02.2023 10:30

Myers rework

as a Myers main this is how I rework him
stalk mechanic: survivors start with 100% stalk and Myers can stalk at a base speed regardless of distance…. the more the survivor is stalked the slower Myers gain evil within when survivor is stalked 50% the speed which Myers gain evil is reduced to 25%-30%…. the stalk meter refills by time after tier 3 ends to tier up you should be able to press the power trigger button…and even when the stalk bar fills up Myers can still stalk but wont drain survivors. The player would need to press a prompt in order to Tier up.

in Myers T1 (Tier 1) no speed penalty normal m1 killer no Terror Radius or stupid baby lunge.

Tier 2 10% vault and pallet break speed and 5%haste for 10 seconds after leveling up from T1 to T2.

Tier 3 25% vault and pallet break speed with
enduring (this makes Myers the unstoppable evil like he is in the movies.)

to be loyal to the movies Myers will go back to tier 1 after tier 3 ends…. the very way that Myers goes on a rampage then disappears into shadows…. this will make for a variety of different play styles, stealth plays and new strategies.

Myers can stalk even if the bar is full ( making use of
mirror shards aura reading addons in tier 2 and 1)
and the scratched mirror addon will be buffed by removing baby lunge and Myers will be 115% movement speed killer. Just without the buffs in T2 and T3 I mentioned before.

the red tombstone addon is at a good place not gonna lie but instead of making Myers 9% slower it makes survivors 9% faster and all of them would hear a more disturbing music when Myers goes into tier 3.…. Myers can mori survivors no matter what in the locker or out or on the ground with tombstone addons.
(This whole idea in subject for change, I didn’t exactly know what to do with Tombstone)

Now time for the tombstone piece. Survivors that are fully stalked in order to be moriable this makes it where you can’t stalk one survivor and go killer another survivor that hasn’t even been seen by the player all game and makes it move fair if only the survivor who has been stalked all game is killable.

survivor hears a different chase music and audio que when they are fully stalked by tombstone piece or going to die with tombstone in general. Myers and the
moriable survivor both get 7% haste when the
chase begins this makes it that the survivor can get to other tiles sooner and escape tier 3.

make it that tier 3 duration addons would not have stalk penalty and only the green, the purple and the iridescent addons would have it in a reduced amount.

(please… for the love of god… change the stun animation to a more brute like and more stoic Myers and remove the uhhhh sound effect.…. Myers doesn’t make noises besides breathing. current version is just derpy…and lets make it that he walks thru breakable walls in tier 3 of could there would be a animation and a short pause before he can move again or chase the survivor after walking through the wall.)

Last but not least let’s (MAYBE) remove his Tier up cure notification to survivors so it makes him all the more Terrifying like he is supposed to be.

@Bmanmike - 01.03.2023 07:31

Michael should be able to Mori survivors in lockers.

Edit: Maybe after being stalked long enough the survivors screens could have a dredge like effect to decrease vision. Possibly move their screens left to right. Please give me your thoughts on these ideas.

@Ugly_ChickenDbD - 26.03.2024 07:24

Here is my rework idea:

—Each Survivor will have 10 seconds worth of Stalk
—Stalking a Survivor for 0.5 seconds, you gain Evil Within Points
—1 point if Stalking Survivors from 2.5 Meters to 20 Meters
—2 points if Stalking Survivors from 20 Meters to 40 Meters
—Gain 1 Extra Evil Within Point per Stalk if the Survivor is performing an action such as Repairing Generators, Healing other Survivors, Cleaning/Blessing Dull/Hex Totems, Opening Chests, Opening the Exit Gates
–On average, you'll Gain 4 Evil Within Points per Second
—Survivors Gain One Second worth of Stalk for every 3 seconds of Repair Time
—Survivors Gain One Second worth of Stalk for every 4 seconds of Healing (others) Time
—QoL improvement: Every 2 seconds You gain 1 Evil Within Point while in Tier III, this will not fully complete Evil Within (maybe leave about 5 Evil Within Points left for you to Stalk for)
—QoL improvement: You may Stalk more than one Survivor at a time
—QoL improvement: Receive an option/prompt to move into another Tier through the Active Ability Button 1

Tier I:
Undetectable Status Effect
4.4 Meters per Second or 110% Movement Speed
Average Lunge Range
Stalk Survivors for a total of 40 Evil Within Points (roughly around 10 seconds worth of Stalk)

Tier II:
16 Meter Terror Radius
4.6 Meters per Second or 115% Movement Speed
Average Lunge Range
10% Vault Speed Increase
5% Breaking Action Speed
Stalk Survivors for a total of 120 Evil Within Points (roughly around 30 seconds worth of Stalk)

Tier III:
All Survivors are inflicted with the Exposed Status Effect
32 Meter Terror Radius
4.7 Meters per Second or 117.5% Movement Speed
Basic Attack Lunge Duration increased by 0.1 seconds
20% Vault Speed Increase
10% Breaking Action Speed Increase
25% Faster Stun Recovery (This does not apply while you are picking up or carrying a Survivor)
50% Flashlight Resistance (takes longer for Survivors to Blind You, This does not apply when picking up and carrying a Survivor)
15% Faster Flashlight Blind Recovery (This does not apply when picking up and carrying a Survivor)
Evil Within Tier III Duration is 60 seconds
Use 25% worth of Evil Within Tier III before you gain the ability to end Tier III, this action does not reset the Evil Within Points

—Ending Tier III will return you to Tier I and gain the ability to Stalk Survivors again. So you can cause Chaos then stealth back into the game
—However, You will not have to Stalk Survivors to return to Tier II, you will have to Stalk Survivors to refill the Evil Within Points for Tier III
—Instead, stay in Tier I for at least 10 seconds before you gain the prompt to return to Tier II
—Then stay in Tier II for at least 10 seconds before you gain the prompt to return to Tier III

This rework makes the task of Stalking Survivors a whole lot easier and turns Evil Within Tier III Myers into a stronger M1 Killer
