Good Enough to Start a Business? | #AskJoeGilder 181

Good Enough to Start a Business? | #AskJoeGilder 181

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@lincolnkenney8361 - 28.09.2016 00:29

Great insight on getting started with a business... and I have an acoustic string slap I've been fighting that I'm going to try a desser on tonight!

@eddiegibson3610 - 29.09.2016 00:45

I shop there all the time only 45 minutes from there.

@momoproductions1020 - 29.09.2016 23:46

awesome inspiring advice as always Joe. I used to be a hardcore musician but lately I've been getting more into recording and mixing and learning to master and aspire to start my own business soon. maybe one of the topics you could talk about is the hidden cost of losing time to be a musician to be an audio guy.

@LVTUD - 30.09.2016 22:32

This stuff is the best. Today is the day I start charging...I don't have any idea if I'll get anyone willing to pay, but I have to try! Kick fear in the face like you said. Thanks Joe

@BertBoerma - 01.10.2016 16:12

That was very inspiring Joe! Thank you for that. I might just follow your advice!

@meenasalamamusic - 06.10.2016 17:44

This is a great video on realistic expectations, thanks! I wanted to ask though, are there any specific licenses or permits needed to run a small studio from home? If so, do you know about any specific restrictions?

@vinylplay1 - 21.10.2016 00:58

any more places where i can advertise my services online ??? i am ready to start charging and have done LOADS of free over the years but now excited to go a step further but not sure where to advertise online, or where to advertise at all ?? thanks J

@victorlara99 - 15.11.2016 22:20

tx for this i got a lot out of this business talks

@jetdeleon - 12.03.2021 02:22

I absolutely enjoy these kind of talks. This video reminds me of Rush Limbaugh. Not for politics, but because Rush was a tremendously encouraging voice for both beginning and experienced entrepreneurs. He lifted so many people up from setbacks, layoffs, and general life difficulties. The stories of businesses being born and/or reaching massive success on account of being tuned in to his radio show are tear-jerkingly inspiring. I only started listening to him after he passed away and I'm now kicking myself in the butt for believing all the false rumors about him all these years. Anyway, your positive and encouraging talk is something that will never go out of style or out of business. People everywhere can find value in this. Thank you Joe!
