Google Is Destroying Its Search Engine…

Google Is Destroying Its Search Engine…


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@angelmessenger8240 - 29.05.2024 10:10

It's not ai, it's an aggregator, that's all. Just like any aggregator news website.

@pingas6429 - 29.05.2024 06:36

If It Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It.

@ViceMeister - 28.05.2024 21:07


@baklulu7392 - 28.05.2024 20:52

I add "reddit" in the end of my search terms more and more nowadays

@baklulu7392 - 28.05.2024 20:50

It also ruined Quora.

@moriahchandler6866 - 28.05.2024 19:57

When google - ai is better than google + ai, we need to question if ai was needed in the first place.

@kevinleach305 - 28.05.2024 19:04

yandex is a great engine

@mike406 - 28.05.2024 18:17

The implications of Google’s AI providing medical advice is absolutely horrific.

@nerdyberi - 28.05.2024 17:16

Bing did this nonsense first and its infuriating

@jc7997aj - 28.05.2024 16:36

You know what i do ? I just ignore the ai result. 😮 crazy i know.
Also i use duck duck go. More and more now

@izaiahsundquist6877 - 28.05.2024 15:14

Whenever I use Google, I now have to scroll a little bit lower before finding my search results.

@WaveOfDestiny - 28.05.2024 14:24

Google is gatekeeping internet search and forcing you to use AI

@trias418 - 28.05.2024 14:19

It was absolutely terrible well before the recent AI boom. Incredibly poor at any niche topic, refuses to actually show you relevant results.

@-win- - 28.05.2024 14:19

Let's Demonetarise Google. I'm going to help you stop Google advertising to you. I can't stop Google collecting your information. That's what Google does. However, I can stop it throwing it back in your face (Demonetarise). This is what you need to do. Open up Google Chrome home page. In the top right is the nine squares of Google. Click on them and click on account. Working from the bottom, go to people and sharing. Turn off all "business features" and turn off "shared recommendation in ads". well done Go to data and privacy. turn off "my ad centre" and "personal results in search". well done. Lastly, to get rid of sponsored web sites in your Google search load any advertising block Extension in chrome. EOF. If you want to know more, Google it. It's a great company. I find their searches very successful.

@amorphousblob2721 - 28.05.2024 12:27

Google search has been useless for 10 years.

@Yulenka- - 28.05.2024 07:48

Calling this technology "AI" is the biggest misnomer imaginable. It's not intelligent, not even close. It's just autocomplete, generating new plausible examples based on training data. And sending users examples of "what an answer to your query could look like" is between next to useless and downright harmful, because it's not factual at all and just mimics the structure of a hypothetical answer. Google is a joke 🤦🏽‍♀️

@least.insane.femboy - 28.05.2024 05:19

simple fix, vivaldi+startpage

@adamtajhassam9188 - 28.05.2024 03:09

Ai is more like not smart basically it needs time to develop .

@VelociraptorX - 28.05.2024 02:44

Actually I already got no results for my searches 3 times, then I used yandex and got what I needed. Google is REALLY degrading.

@toolfan113 - 28.05.2024 01:40

Not no joke but a fact Chickens are to stupid to die

@bent540 - 27.05.2024 23:07

no, they are destroying white culture

@UniversalistSon9 - 27.05.2024 20:04

You could just use another search engine…well Google owns all of them lol

@UniversalistSon9 - 27.05.2024 19:51

They’re over censoring themselves out of existence…they won’t go away though since they own everything, kinda like Apple

@LeeroyGgJenkins - 27.05.2024 19:17

I'm a full Stack developer my job is litterally to google shit effectively and I 100% agree that search results have been going downhill Fast over the past 3years

@ManiacRacing - 27.05.2024 18:01

The Enshittification of The Internet proceeds apace

@kotorybeusz7246 - 27.05.2024 17:38

I switched to firefox

@turculaurentiu91 - 27.05.2024 17:05

I am a proud Kagi customer, they also have the AI searching bullcrap but it's not that bad and you are an actual customer!

@jameskearney1185 - 27.05.2024 14:17

They googled it, it’s ok

@MWileY-nj1yb - 27.05.2024 08:20


@suwietch7783 - 27.05.2024 07:44

Yacy is the best search engine. It has it's crawler. I can even start it's server on android via termux.

@JJSquirtle - 27.05.2024 05:09

Reminder Google's popularity came from. Yahoo having too many ads...

@teresashinkansen9402 - 27.05.2024 04:49

Google is too big to fail and 80% of internet users are too mentally feeble to realize they sustain a monopoly that feeds them piss. I hope some short of Internet 2.0 gets invented and by that I mean something somewhat technically challenging to access so it becomes what internet was in the early 2000s.

@PopLadd - 27.05.2024 04:27

Muta said "actual" 35 times in this video

@brycebailey7215 - 27.05.2024 01:28

The most annoying thing is the Bing banners that get in the way off the search. 😡😡 Is there any way to get rid of them?

@20windfisch11 - 26.05.2024 23:49

When I really want information today, I prompt ChatGPT for it, and ask it to ground its answer in a web search. This uses Bing (as OpenAI is very close with MS) but I have been getting a lot of good results that way. Somehow this also manages to get behind some paywalls. I saw results from Medium that, when clicked, were hidden beyond the paywall but ChatGPT still provided me a correct answer off of that.
Google’s biggest problem is SEO. And today, those SEO networks are so big that Google’s search spiders lose themselves in them so they get caught and never find the real stuff. Up until about 3 to 4 years ago Google was still the way to go to search for error messages when programming. You could put the exact wording in quotes and search for it and you would get results that helped you to solve your problem. Nowadays I already saw SEO link farms that linked these error message texts to their spam they want to push up in the index. I think they just extract the strings out of .net DLLs or JVM JARs and link them. Here, ChatGPT is also becoming more and more useful as this will most often browse the official documentation or GitHub sites of the library you are using. And you don’t need to make do with crappy answers of toxic users on StackOverflow.

@skyirwin1445 - 26.05.2024 23:39

Google has been ruining it's search engine for a long time. It used to be way more comprehensive. It's pretty much just greed driven payola crap now. The main reasons for AI is laziness and greed. If you can fire half, or more, of your staff and just use computers to do the job, companies will do it. It's what they did with automation, and outsourcing. Thousands of workers lost their manufacturing jobs. Greed ruins everything.

@lemon.1036 - 26.05.2024 21:09

I fell like companies are using the same principles of technology from 1990s that not ready yet for public. But at today's world.

@jaronzundel8758 - 26.05.2024 19:49

It's weird watching the entire internet literally rotting in real time

@eheheheheheeeh - 26.05.2024 19:36

Looks like we're going back to library databases and journals for our information B)

@Fernandosampaio_ - 26.05.2024 19:10

I never knew that reddit was so useful when searching for something, like "what's the best CPU reddit"

@MawdyDev - 26.05.2024 18:53

You've only realized this now? Google hasn't been helpful for like 2 years, at least

@maryannortiz2695 - 26.05.2024 18:49

I was googling emu oil and google AI said that the Emus are killed after they die and that's still not funny to me.

@maridiancrest243 - 26.05.2024 18:16

Would be a shame if someone poisoned this AI by including terrible answers to questions. Such a shame it would be.

@TheKimieko - 26.05.2024 18:11

My son is experiencing issues with Google. He has gotten into some trouble unfortunately and is currently in jail. When I googled his name the top result came up with his booking information but also included the conviction of the person displayed below him. So the way they smashed it together it looked like the end of the information was a continuation of his but it was not. It was the next person in line. The person listed below him was a prohibited person from carrying weapons. My son only had misdemeanors and was not a prohibited person. But when you looked at the first search result that came up the information was crammed together. You have to click the link to see that those were in fact somebody else's charges not his.

@mollusckscramp4124 - 26.05.2024 17:01

I feel like Mutahar is the yin-yang side to Charlie. If you start a Charlie video and he's emotional, you know it's about to be serious. The only time a Mutahar video would ever start without him laughing and be completely monotone would be right after a national tragedy

@larrywilliams9139 - 26.05.2024 14:16

Corporations have a fiduciary obligation to do evil....

@johanea - 26.05.2024 11:51

Nothing beats Google come to porn searches.
Best, simply.
