The Most Commonly Misplayed Blackjack Hands

The Most Commonly Misplayed Blackjack Hands

Blackjack Apprenticeship

1 год назад

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JennNJ10 - 21.09.2023 03:07

I cannot stand when ppl SPLIT 2 picture cards.. JUST STICK!!!!!! Your gonna lose at least 1.. I’ve stood on 12 13 14 15 and up …. He’s right if the dealer is showing a 2 so I hit on 12.. totally agree .. insurance is a SCAM!!!

Chris G.
Chris G. - 19.09.2023 21:43

At pretty much every table I've ever played at, I'm the only person that hits a 12 against a 2 or 3. It's a little maddening. :)

Dennis - 14.09.2023 01:11

What's the torque specifications on those that's why I watched this instead of reading specs book

Jacqueline Adams
Jacqueline Adams - 08.09.2023 20:19

Your advice about hitting on 15 and hitting on 12 to lose less. More often than not, my next card put me in a better position. I got a pair of 9's that I did not split, kept the 18 and won! I stayed away from insurance and side bets. I won $300. And most of all I didn't try to chase more money after a few losses. I left the casino as soon as I had a profit.

Angel's Acres
Angel's Acres - 07.09.2023 03:36

16 is the mother in law hand. You want to hit it, but you cant

NightRome - 06.09.2023 11:03

my mistakes are staying on soft 18 and staying on 12 vs 2/3, i used to 12 hit but 22 has burned me so many times. but at least i wont be doing these mistakes anymore

Luis Argoth
Luis Argoth - 06.09.2023 05:30

I win 70 percent of time when I stay on 12 vs a dealer 2 or 3 js

Igor Gerlovin
Igor Gerlovin - 05.09.2023 21:18

I once split 9's against a small up card (I think it was a 3);and someone said, " what the hell are you doing splitting 9's???"

BurgerMane - 05.09.2023 00:48

i play live blackjack on stake and i keep a basic stratagy chart on my other monitor and i make a shit ton of money i 5xed my deposit 2 nights in a row this week

david Davian
david Davian - 04.09.2023 22:27

This was sponsored by casino lol

Ted Osmundson
Ted Osmundson - 04.09.2023 12:15

What about the push bet offered at Palace Station that pays 10 to one odds in Black jack? Example... If you bet $50 they allow you to bet half that amount on a push bet ( $25 that will pay $250 0n a push ). Is a high 10 count a favorable condition for the push bet? The dealer could end up with 20 just as you could get a two car 20. Your thoughts?

Al Groulx
Al Groulx - 02.09.2023 04:44

I'm not splitting 9s ever.

Just The Lyrics Baby
Just The Lyrics Baby - 01.09.2023 14:21

In New Zealand though, the hard 15/16 rule is different in a way because our casinos don't put a card under their card. They only have one face up card and the next card that comes out of the shoe will be the dealers. So if we hit on a 16 and get a 3, great, but the dealer will have a picture card and that 3 would have been more detrimental to the dealers hand than helpful as the next card will most likely be a picture card and I have just given the dealer a 20 against my 19. We're also not allowed to double down on a soft number in New Zealand. Lame, but that is the rule.

Justin Simmonds
Justin Simmonds - 30.08.2023 14:17

“Following the algorithm” is code for “flow of the cards”… There’s no such thing. Gambler’s fallacy.

Thomas - 25.08.2023 07:05

His videos helped me a lot

agent 69
agent 69 - 22.08.2023 07:47

Not supposed to split 6’s on a dealer’s 9 or 10???? I always split.

ImYourProEvY - 21.08.2023 12:21

Im applying martindale into blackjack with resetting bet method after few hands because it comes a time when you have to risk to much in order to get what u put and plus a little bit

daccatube Co-OMG!
daccatube Co-OMG! - 21.08.2023 00:05

I enjoyed the 1st part about hitting a 12 vs. 2 etc but.. was hoping you pointed out that really dumb players then think you are supposed to hit a 13 vs. a 2, nope ! Are they simply dyslexic?

Rare Form
Rare Form - 20.08.2023 00:24

Can I buy your strategy card ? Been playing long time and improve ?

Joe - 19.08.2023 22:57

Someone explain why you Double an Ace 7 against dealer 2? All strategy cards I've seen say to stay.

guest man
guest man - 16.08.2023 04:05

I’ve doubled on 12 depending on card count and what dealer is showing. If he’s showing 6 and the count is +5, you have great chances.

Mock Grift Clowns
Mock Grift Clowns - 15.08.2023 05:33

I have never seen somone double a 12, like where did he come up with that as a thing?

Joe Don
Joe Don - 13.08.2023 23:00

Do not play this game. You cannot win and here is why. The house plays last.

Ruan Oosthuysen
Ruan Oosthuysen - 08.08.2023 18:37

What is the progression you guys use? Up on wins? flat bets?

tonyalvaresjr - 08.08.2023 04:15

No one has ever doubled a 12 against a 2

Rodney Kantorski
Rodney Kantorski - 06.08.2023 21:19

Soft 18 in a dealer stands on all 17's game is double 3-6, stand 2, 7 & 8, otherwise hit

Jeremy Hill
Jeremy Hill - 06.08.2023 17:20

About 20 years ago when I first started playing blackjack I would ask others at the table what their thoughts were when I wasn’t sure what to do. This one older lady told me on soft 18 you play with it till it’s hard 😂

Jake Oberhand
Jake Oberhand - 05.08.2023 11:57

The soft 19 double vs a 6 is one that’s rarely talked about …

Luis P
Luis P - 04.08.2023 04:40

The best move is to stay away from the tables. 100% winner.

SI Rich
SI Rich - 02.08.2023 21:29

On occasion, I forget what the "book" says so I keep a picture of it on my phone and open it up to reference. Maybe once or twice when playing. I know I should know it cold but what can I say. If they don't care they I look

Capper2227 - 02.08.2023 14:46

Euro Style (no peek) you dont double vs the 10 right?

ramello77 - 02.08.2023 07:02

I get a lot of side-eye for hitting my 12 against a 2 or 3 but the very same people are scared to hit their 16 LOL

Tom Schaefer
Tom Schaefer - 02.08.2023 02:43

I take my basic strategy card and put it right in front of me on the table. I know most of the plays but there is no reason to rely upon my memory. No issues with the card on the table.

Kalabria Music
Kalabria Music - 31.07.2023 06:16

Who tf double down on 12 😂

peterk814 - 29.07.2023 20:33

Standing on a 12 is not a mis play. It’s nearly 50\50. This is incorrect information

mike kinsella
mike kinsella - 28.07.2023 16:27

Casinos have changed the rules so much even perfect card counting with flexable betting to increase according to the count ( which the Casino will stop you from playing if they know you are doing it)don't give you a advantage anymore. 6-5 payout on blackjack instead of 3-2 being the worst change in gambling history.

Ellazybone - 27.07.2023 17:01


Dee Lo
Dee Lo - 27.07.2023 08:19

Crazy to think the casino actually hands out the blackjack strategy charts and it tells you what to do! And people still don’t follow it!

Dee Lo
Dee Lo - 27.07.2023 08:17

This guy speaks the truth

Paragrin - 27.07.2023 03:09

i think a big thing with thinking i am going to lose so much if i do this wrong if you are playing not to lose instead of playing to win

virgilio1956 - 25.07.2023 19:05

with a 12, you hit it always and keep hitting it seeing more cards to help your count unless you are near the shuffle card, insurance- only take it when count is high, always split nines except 7, 11 versus ten is double when count is high, if count is really low you keep hitting get more of low cards out of way, only hit 15 or 16 when count is really low, or better yet throw them in and take 1/2 bet off if casino surrounds, soft 18 - double down when count is really really low - or hit it to get low cards out. If you hold your cards in hand, and count goes low, keep hitting to get low cards out even if you go over 21. Just to get the low cards out of way. Then throw cards away so dealer can't see them.

virgilio1956 - 25.07.2023 18:57

why get 3 to 2 if you have blackjack, rather than double down and get 2 for 1 if there are only tens left in the deck ?? Common sense.

joe hiller
joe hiller - 25.07.2023 17:36

Great video. Thank you i was playing soft 18 wrong

One hand i hate is 17 vs a 10. I really want to hit cause i know im dead in the water. Its amazing howxmany times i fid mot hit it and a 4 was the next card.bim hitting it from now on

xXxQtipxXx - 25.07.2023 09:17

Beautiful video. Thank you.

Grease WILD
Grease WILD - 25.07.2023 01:25

One time I had a soft 18 vs. dealer 10. Dealer looked at me strange when I chose to hit, and said multiple times "that is 18" before she dealt the card. I ended up having to get dealt 4 more cards, and got to 21. The entire table, including the dealer, looked at me like I was a magician lmao
