Shortwave: The Warlord's Radio

Shortwave: The Warlord's Radio

S2 Underground

1 год назад

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@xiior4039 - 05.02.2024 23:04

there are a few radios that does VHF/UHF encryption. with 4 or 33 digit ( numbers and letters ) encryption keys

@ragnvar2106 - 29.01.2024 20:19

Why take off to the woods everything you own is at your house? it would be better to prepare to hunker down. and what happens when you get too the woods what next

@scottc3165 - 24.01.2024 05:03

Man, you are a wealth of information. I am gearing up to get into HAM, but I find it a little daunting on what equipment to buy and where to start. I'll figure it out...

@butterbean4195 - 22.01.2024 02:50

dang non commo people, shortwave radios are receive only. HF armature radios transmit and receive thats why they are called "transmitters" a shortwave radio cannot transmit. I have a ? for anybody, what would be easer to track/triangle/find a hf station using voice for 30 seconds or using a digital mode for 30 seconds with same ..keep up the videos.

@gregz1455 - 17.01.2024 16:48

S2 UNDERGROUND - this is great material. Perhaps a join option to keep you funded doing your work?

@MrSwimmster - 29.12.2023 19:42

Don't care who you are, but if the shit hits the fan, I'll damn sure not be worried about the license. If I need to talk to you, I'm going to talk to you. Otherwise, I'll do what I've done for decades.. Listen. Don't take that to mean I'll be any kind of disrespectful and not communicate with at least SOME knowledge on the subject.. I don't have a need for a license at this time, so not pursuing one. I am however, setting up 2 long wave systems for myself and family on the other side of the coast in emergency fashion should anything ever happen, we can stay in touch.

@familypowergroup - 28.12.2023 23:38

The Cajun Nation located on Sacred Cajun Tribal lands with only a Louisiana Embassy on its territory needs an Intelligence & Communications Director

@familypowergroup - 28.12.2023 23:32

What’s the FCC’s legal definition of amateur?

@familypowergroup - 28.12.2023 23:22

Fuck the FCC

@nealfry2230 - 04.12.2023 13:38


@fatfreddyscat5173 - 04.12.2023 04:19

First RTTY msg: Be. sure. to. drink. your. Ovaltine. 🥴🤪
That looked like a lotta delicate, power hungry gear ta be humpin thru da woods.
Priorities may hafta shift for an "extended stay".. I ain't sayin, just sayin'.. 🤠

@ianxtreem - 01.12.2023 23:20

Haha, love the middle earth map. :)

@mr.lovell3645 - 01.12.2023 19:47

We need mass disobedience... The guys in ham are cucked by the government and act as an arm of's disgusting

@VictorJenks - 01.12.2023 02:39

You do the mod , you void any warranty.

@jan_harald - 28.11.2023 03:46

a seriously underappreciated in-development thing is Reticulum, which can work over radio, or anything else

@jan_harald - 28.11.2023 03:35

one useful, but alpha-status in-development mesh network, is yggdrasil network, which is an overlay network (all it needs is something your system presents as a network connection), that can work isolated, and can also peer over internet, and your node can also share a subnet to your LAN, so you don't need it on EVERY device, and, there's yggmail project that allows email over it
it's also encrypted and your address is based on the key, so nobody can fake being you, even if they very much want to, but similarly, if you lose the key, can't recover

@GaryAber - 27.11.2023 16:40

I used to buy US Army 12 series radios, MUXs and was one of the best OPFORCE guys in US Army Como until I retired in 2010.. I still have a pallet of PRC-77 and Multiplexers. and have tons of mods. Como freak 2023 LOL

@GaryAber - 27.11.2023 16:36

SDR2000 can do all and can do freq hops. can do Analog and Didital

@RoamingWhispers - 24.11.2023 03:41

Man… I hope your friends appreciate the value you bring to the table.

@brothertyler - 19.11.2023 08:26

"3rd reich use of hams bad" - shut up dude

@Hoptronics - 18.11.2023 04:31

I need one of these radios.. I want to be apart of this.

@Hoptronics - 18.11.2023 04:21

I posted on a local FB group as I'm interested in getting involved.

@nealfry2230 - 13.11.2023 21:39

I have a Viking Warlord Tattooed to

@little-wytch - 12.11.2023 02:12

This is some good info. I wish more people would talk about this stuff in terms of "what if" rather than pulling the FCC rulebook out of their butts any time someone tries to talk about what is possible or not. A lot of people just expect the internet and Cells to just work by magic all the time, forgetting that wifi, cell, and even satellites are still forms of radio communication.

@patring620 - 09.11.2023 05:15

I could barely listen to some of this. Call me when a ham is lugging his Elecraft K4 around in the field, at $5K a copy. Instead, almost every field operator I meet, and by that I mean those who get out of their shacks and vehicles to work a summit or park, use fairly inexpensive gear, the Elecraft KX2-like radios often being at the top end, but many times Venus SW-3Bs, Mountain Toppers, and QRP Labs-type kits that cost just a few hundred dollars for an entire station that will fit in a quart-sized sandwich bag and can communicate around the world. For four bills or less, you can be on the air using CW. Perhaps you can still buy a rifle from Palmetto State for $400, but I don't know anymore. Personally, I'd rather have a well-built, well-spec'd, reliable rifle than spend that kind of money on comms when it isn't necessary. Hams are still notoriously cheap, and like me, I think many have the mentality that a well-designed inexpensive radio in which you use 90% of the available functions is better than a $5K radio in which you may only use about 5% of the functionality. Simplicity is going to be the key, not digital modes. While it is getting easier to operate digitally from the field, there are still many moving parts to the equation. Morse code is always going to be the most simple and direct method, the easiest mode to deploy, the easiest to troubleshoot, and the most reliable form of comms. You keep saying, "fire up the app...," like to decode RTTY. Bud, with Morse, your decoder is between your ears. I can communicate with a 3-5W $250 Chinese CW-only transceiver and be just as effective, perhaps using coded transmissions, as any of the digital modes, and unless you spend pretty decent money for a unit with the digital modes and a method to display the data all built into the transceiver, a digital modes operator may need to carry a sound card device, cables, perhaps a laptop or tablet of some sort, in addition to the normal parts of ham radio; a transceiver, power, antenna, mic or key, associated cables, etc. I am not saying there isn't a place for digital comms in emcomm, just that lugging around the stuff required for digital comms in the field, and getting it to work properly, for extended periods while on the go, may be challenging with all of the, not so simple, extra moving parts. Safeguarding your equipment, field hardening cables, batteries, and the transceivers, will be imperative. I can't imagine traveling hundreds of miles of rough terrain and trying to protect SDR equipment. It can be done, if you are prepared and have the time to do so, but two good, somewhat hardened CW-only kits, the complete kits, can weigh as much as a single KX2 or KX3 transceiver only, and likely survive such a journey in much better shape. You are going to have to rethink that digital comms stuff, as much as the hams who enjoy those digital modes think otherwise. Relying on those modes in the field, unless well supported, is asking for failure. Works great on your camping trip, but hike across the state...Hell, hike across your county, and try stopping to deploy a digital station. I encourage you to check out a group of hams that do practice this type of field comms. Search for RaDAR, or Rapid Deployment Amateur Radio, an activity specifically designed to test skills of moving a specific distance, deploying a station, making contacts, and repeating the procedures after moving the station a few kilometers or miles, in a set amount of time. You quickly learn what equipment and modes are the most efficient and effective. Wait until you have to lug that fancy Pelican case "go kit" and a 3lb lithium battery up and down a mountain. You'll rethink a Bioenno 4ah LiFePO4 for power and figure out a 9v transistor battery solution pretty quickly. Maybe that Mountain Topper is easier to manage than that Xiegu G-90. Perhaps a wire you throw in a tree is as good as a Buddipole or DX Commander (even the "portable" kind). Learn Morse code, people. It's challenging and fun, it keeps your mind sharp, and it is a fairly interesting and somewhat unique talent that the chicks really dig.

@SmallCraftLifeNews - 06.11.2023 21:06

You can purchase short range VHF/UHF handheld radios that have HF/SSB receivers.

@dougbas3980 - 05.11.2023 21:41

Interesting. I have an IC-705 and just learned about Simplex D-Star. Going to try it with some friends. I noticed the bandwidth looked like 10kHz, so distance will be rather short. We will test that with NVIS and changing distance. It is intriguing and worth trying. The peer-peer Winlink we have done and just starting with js8call. Have you looked at varaAC? Just wondering what you think.
73 N8VY Doug

@RandyM5 - 01.11.2023 01:59

Thanks for these very helpful updates.

@alanbryant8245 - 28.10.2023 19:23

Mentioned before, and it is 70 plus years old experience, but WWII Australian Coast Watchers we’re the gold standard of radio reconnaissance for many years. Including many of the concerns, and precautions mentioned here: radio detection,constant movement,equipment weight ect. Lonely Vigil by Walter Lord is an excellent book which goes into all aspects.⚓️

@lycosa2000 - 25.10.2023 19:12

The Icom ID-52 handheld also has the ability to send pictures over the radio. Really great radio.

@VA7LFD - 16.10.2023 00:14

Is that the KVR railbed by the river?

@MisfitInfantry - 12.10.2023 12:18

I am become death

@soonersciencenerd383 - 10.10.2023 09:45

shortwave radio is not ham (amateur, licenced ) radio.

@TheWatchMker - 10.10.2023 03:50

After your ghost network video, I decided to buy an icom-705 and then found this video trying to learn about it. Super awesome info in this, thank you amigo.

@recon1986 - 03.10.2023 05:21

My county police frequencies are hidden from the civilian population...they have zero transparency and wont let anyone listen into their channels which could be a problem if something bad happens and we need info.... I can only get my county fire/ambulance channels

@garycook5125 - 28.09.2023 23:06

If you find yourself on the run, carrying a cell phone can get you killed. The enemy can track cell phones, so the need for a cell phone app in communications is not practical.

@Nostrildomus - 17.09.2023 21:00

The Australians taking it too the enimie WW2 is worth a deep study .

@TheWildSide369 - 17.09.2023 17:47

This video is pure gold. The type of information I wanted since I started this hobbie 3 months ago. As an electronic engineer always wanted to learn more about those long range communications. Here in Colombia in the 90s always was curious how the communications of FARC guerrilla were so fluid all about this full of mountains country. Army still didn’t have any digital comms system and they were listening one to each other all the time.

@guy4698 - 14.09.2023 14:00

fusion mode does pics to

@guy4698 - 14.09.2023 13:49

with portable operation a NVIS type antenna it is extremely difficult to rdf your location

@CharlesHarpolek4vud - 01.09.2023 13:16

a at all times, the content of ham radio transmissions must be judged to report all sides of any issue that has arisen/. If one official source reports 1000 buildings destroyed and another report the same buildings are still standing... Then the ham most reported both spirits of information and describe the source of each.
Hams must never use their transmit power to propagate a particular belief against another. Furthermore, it is vital that hams never report serious injury or death... Any information in the of this kind should be reported by telephone, not open radio, to an official such as a police chief or a Red Cross officer. It is always possible to report a situation as dangerous for death without citing any actual deaths.
One of ham radio's greatest services 2 Red Cross type activities are Acurate damage reports. A ham walking around with a portable transceiver can report actual damage by address of the property.... That should go to a Red Cross type operation and the expression of the damage should be all related to property and not to people. Hams will be addressed directly to go to a an address and report the health of the person living there---- tempting as ideas, it can cause great trouble and the report should go from the ham to authorized service and then out to the public if it necessary.
All use of radio including CB and personally owned items must be very careful about the kinds of news they propagate.

@government_costumes-ui5lx - 01.09.2023 10:48

Okay, proof America doesn't read dictionaries, I some of us do.

So insurgency means invader.
How can the Afghans be invaders of Afghanistan if well they're Afghans?

The USA was the invading force thus making our military the actual true insurgents!

We was the bringers of the insurgency!!

@brunswicksquaremusic5905 - 30.08.2023 20:37

> gets interested in radio
> realizes radio community is mostly violent prepper weirdos
> not interested in radio anymore

@vapolounge - 22.08.2023 04:42

heh, you said 'comshot' 🤪

@duanerice-mason2115 - 22.08.2023 00:39


@iivin4233 - 07.08.2023 08:11

All of your points are cogent. All of these community defense initiatives reek of step 1. thinking, though.

Step 1. Escape to the woods with weapons and communications and a few friends.

Step 2. .

Step 3. Starve in the woods or die challenging much larger and better equiped forces.

I also wonder what happens when government agencies are doing the right things and passing on the right information and we have a thousand groups confusing the narrative, holding up traffic, perhaps holding up Walmarts and just generally making everyone's job harder.

It seems like a better approach to community defense is to be proactive.

Go out and vote against laws and politicians who are going to harm your community. Ask yourself whether or not your community really is your community and if we cannot rather build bigger organizations for mutual benefit.

It seems like the consesus is we prepare for situations rather than working to prevent them.

@thetriode - 31.07.2023 16:31

I can't remember the name of it, but there was a book about the history of the Vietnam Era comms and the challenges accordingly.. There were definitely high end (like microwave links) and specialty radio gear but what was striking was a lot of it was done with basic Collins sets like KWM2s. What was also striking was they used as many scraps of spectrum as they could and scheduled heavily, just because they had so much traffic.

You mentioned antennas. Likely a good follow up video there. Something I'll say as a thought is that good coax is worth the money over cheap stuff, you'll end up with a lot better
