The Baltic Vikings: Curonians

The Baltic Vikings: Curonians

Irish in Finland

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Hindustann Times
Hindustann Times - 11.09.2023 00:17

Dont know much aboit them, but most history enthusiasts and lithuanians should be proud to be the last christianized people in europe.
Few could resist continous christian raids to convert. The baltic people were really strong but another factor were the thick baltic forests.

Ego Death
Ego Death - 10.09.2023 01:44

The Curonians from the Land of Amber are one of the most interesting ancient peoples that I've learned about. Thank you for the video.

MEAT DEPARTMENT - 30.08.2023 22:51

I got a tattoo of Vytis on my upper arm. Now getting a tattoo of a curonian on my lower arm. Baltic ancestry - almost like a timeline in honor of it. It's so hard finding details on their armor since the crusaders destroyed so many historical references.

Ben Denton
Ben Denton - 13.08.2023 02:25

I found out I have Baltic and Celtic DNA. However it's hard to tell what parts specifically. I hope it's Irish and curonian. Badass mix.

Briedys101 - 12.08.2023 11:58

I'm Lithuanian and I'm so happy that I found this video. Instant subscribe, our history is so scatered around the Europe. It is really hard to find such information. Video is great from the begining to the end. That background music creates amazing atmosphere, you just dive yourself into the past...

Al Viktorovich
Al Viktorovich - 04.08.2023 20:31

We still have our pagan traditions, we know the religious beliefs and gods, even if we don't believe it so much, but we have pagan celebrations like Jani where we dance around fires and so on. Also some Curonian language pieces still exist just not completely. My grandma was from Kurzeme (Curonia) and she spoke some words that were very unique to Latvian.

Naktis Naktiss
Naktis Naktiss - 30.07.2023 03:22

Surprisingly there is nothing about Ragnar Lodbrok having been beaten by curonians twice in famous THE VIKINGS serial movie.

tritonmole - 17.07.2023 22:35

Im from Kurzeme, modern name for the land of Curonians. There is an old saying of Kurši putting up cut off legs of invaders on sticks on the Baltic sea shores. Most invaders thought it was a warning to stay away from these lands, but actually the warriors were drying up the legs in the seashore winds and sun to be able to pull off the fine leather boots from the cutoff legs.

GAR MONINGTON - 14.07.2023 22:57

I’m glad I came across your video. I found out I have Baltic DNA as well as Swedish and Germanic. I enjoy learning about my heritage. Thank you.

Uhuuhuu - 13.07.2023 18:16

Do oselians video also please.

Geir Dalheim
Geir Dalheim - 03.07.2023 09:51

Vikings are originally from Skandinavia. In this video we see desigs of Viking drakkars of Norway and Denmark. Axe designs from same countries and all the other hardware. haha Funny video.. Vikings of Scandinavia had Viking kings. It is the center of our culture and history. Can anyone show me the family trees of these Vikings in Estonia? And if they were from Scandinavia ? The word Viking only stems from Scandinavia.

wanderer47 - 30.05.2023 06:02

All my ancestors got from the northern region. From sweden to lithuania, up to northern poland my ancestry is from

Wilhelm Reis
Wilhelm Reis - 27.05.2023 03:51

hell yeah,great info

Jacob McGill
Jacob McGill - 27.05.2023 00:42

It’s really sad and unfortunate how European tribes lose their native identity after Christianization.

Dille - 12.05.2023 08:04

Kurši= Kurshi

Rūdolfs Tīkmanis
Rūdolfs Tīkmanis - 01.05.2023 15:16

Amazing video. One mistake that I think you mentioned was that the Curonians were the last to be conqered by the Brother of the Sword (Livonians). In fact, the last of them were the Semigallians, neighbors of the Curonians. These 2 tribes were both enemies and friends on many occasions. If I remember correctly the attack on Daugavgrīva monastery in 1228, which you mentioned, was conducted by both the Curonians and Semigallians.

Christine Williams
Christine Williams - 28.04.2023 00:11

I just found out that my father is mainly Lithuanian. This explains a lot about me and things I am drawn to. Thank you so much for this!

ginters zurovskis
ginters zurovskis - 21.04.2023 18:14

you say it wrong its kurši and its kurland in latvian kurzeme.

Elisabeth Fransson
Elisabeth Fransson - 18.04.2023 18:08


oleks poleks
oleks poleks - 06.04.2023 00:51

Curonians and baltic tribe... maiby not. The Curonians were part of the Livonians, it means Balto-Finnic people. Related to Estonians, Seto and Fins.

Student Student
Student Student - 29.03.2023 17:03

I am from Sweden

Lina Grincelaityt
Lina Grincelaityt - 27.03.2023 01:38

My grandmother used some words in her language which were curonian origin and her family home was close by Apuole. We are still here just under different names.

Justin Sane
Justin Sane - 23.03.2023 00:32

Curonians .. Kujonerne? meaning the cowards? kujon / curon ... as a danish guy it kinda sounds the same.. :D by the way .. they wasnt vikings ;)

Alban Fisher
Alban Fisher - 21.03.2023 19:56

Can you post some of your sources 🙏 I would love to read more on thistopic

Holy Knight
Holy Knight - 21.03.2023 06:32


Holy Knight
Holy Knight - 21.03.2023 06:31


Holy Knight
Holy Knight - 21.03.2023 06:29

Norse pagan trash rats were scared of Curonian infidel savages so bad that they got their Norse asses kicked!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Seems like those Viking savages are only effective against defenseless Christian monks!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Kajus - 19.03.2023 12:23

Worth mentioning that not all of the Curonians were conquered. The most Southern parts of Curonia joined the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and ended up assimilating into the neighboring Samogitian tribe. This includes the aforementioned Apuolė hillfort. It's believed to be the reason why the local dialect/language is so different from the rest, due to the Curonian influence.(e.g word for duck is Pylė, believed to be a curonianism and not seen in any other Lith dialect, they preserved the diphong ei instead of the diphong ie, which was only done by western balts etc)

Xcrypt Games
Xcrypt Games - 19.03.2023 01:30


Dainis Janums
Dainis Janums - 10.03.2023 14:38

But last pagans is Semigalls not Curonians. I proud with my ancestors. Im Latvian!

Pagonis Drūts
Pagonis Drūts - 05.03.2023 11:38

In Lithuania Curonian descends used and worshiped pagan traditions till 19th century!

Pagonis Drūts
Pagonis Drūts - 05.03.2023 11:33

Baltic Amber till this day are found in the whole world that dates BC. Curonians also traded with Native Americans.

Kristobliss - 10.02.2023 19:29

That Baltic Bloodline runs deep in my Veins!!

ansabits - 28.01.2023 22:48

Yeah boyyyy 🇱🇻

Forest Finn Automotive
Forest Finn Automotive - 28.12.2022 07:44

Irish in Finland. I got a somewhat mythological bloodline. I'm a direct decendent of forest Finn's that decended from Viking kings and princes in northern Sweden burea and includes the Bure kinship. I can send the geneology tables I got. Like 30 pages back 1000 years.

AxionXIII - 15.12.2022 06:59

When the whole world feared the Norse, the Norse feared the Kurs.

Marcus Arques
Marcus Arques - 15.12.2022 00:40

I love theese videos. Very informative and enjoyable!
I find ancient Baltic aswell as Finno-Ugric mythology and history very fascinating. But I think it's a bit misleading to use an Old Norse word (Vikingr) to describe a people with a very different and unique language, religion, culture and traditions. I seriously doubt that any Curonian would have described themselves or their "job description" with a North Germanic/Old Norse word (a language that is completely unrelated to their own).
Using boats to raid people in different lands doesn't turn you into a Viking in my opinion, in that case almost every civilization in the world would have had Vikings too.
The Word Viking is something deeply tied to Norse culture and it can even be found used on Runestones that are still around today, so it's quite obvious that Norse people used that specific word to describe themselves when they raided with their boats.
However, it shouldn't be that surprising that two peoples that have encountered and fought eachother numerous times (they are neighbors afterall) would have had similar weapon and boat technologies and used them in similar ways.
We should celebrate and enjoy theese unique and fascinating cultures as they are and encourage people to learn more about them. I don't think we're being fair or doing them any justice by bunching them up together with the Vikings and basically calling them Scandinavians. It's about as accurate as calling Irish, Scottish or Welsh people English.

Geoff Aldwinckle
Geoff Aldwinckle - 10.12.2022 08:40

I remember reading a 1950s book about this, in the general library of the University of Auckland, NZ, in about 1990. Wish i could remember the author.

Dainius M
Dainius M - 01.12.2022 20:51 that’s where my name comes from

Simkunas Kestutis
Simkunas Kestutis - 28.11.2022 18:58

Toponims of Curonians in Lithuania and Latvia with "- ga": Kretinga. Palanga. Neringa. Kuldiga...

Cilindras - 19.11.2022 00:24

As a Lithuanian I am deeply greatful to you for making this video. Since baltic pagan religion and history is so obscure and most of our older history is only found in sources from other cultures and countries, we ourselves miss out on alot of it. I always used to be really frustrated at how much of our ancestor's history and culture went unrecorded in any way, but your video has made me realise that there is so much more invaluable pieces of information left to discover than I first thought, it's just that they are all scattered across other cultures. Now I'm hell-bent on searching for it.

linas ma
linas ma - 18.11.2022 14:41

Lithuania was the last pagan state in Europe. Almost 1,000 years after the official conversion of the Roman Empire facilitated the gradual spread of Christianity, the Lithuanians continued to perform their ancient animist rituals and worship their gods in sacred groves. By the 13th Century, modern-day Estonia and Latvia were overrun and forcibly converted by crusaders, but the Lithuanians successfully resisted their attacks. Eventually, the state became Christian of its own accord: Grand Duke Jogaila converted to Catholicism in 1386 in order to marry the Queen of Poland

Ēriks Račiks
Ēriks Račiks - 27.10.2022 22:03

There are so many mistakes at first 45 seconds already that I can not watch it any farther. 🤕

Ralf Skrabs
Ralf Skrabs - 21.10.2022 13:18

Thank you for the english version. I saw it in lituanian, but dont understand.

Ning3n - 10.10.2022 03:20

Explains the meaning of my given name Dain (song). I know not of Latvian or Slavic language, but the elder songs resonate my soul.

Ra - 09.09.2022 16:58

Funny thing lithuanians called vikings "žuvėdos" wich translates as "fish eaters" and Curonians "kuršiai" wich probably is a fish called "karšis" Abramis brama - common bream, that's because with the dialect vowels change and no one understood how similar words can actually be, also there is "kuršių marios" the Cronian lagoon at lithuanian coas side, and it is full of bream ,so probably Curonians were called by this fish name and viking were called fish eaters.

Dave Strasburg
Dave Strasburg - 15.08.2022 05:47

Fascinating! Shows how monotheism has been the misfortune of the world.
