Nana Akua: You cannot fix racism with more racism

Nana Akua: You cannot fix racism with more racism


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Debbie Haha
Debbie Haha - 21.09.2023 00:39

Omg Nana, you are so right. You can’t get rid of racism with racism.
When will people realise this and change their way of thinking.
You do a fantastic job Nana , please keep going because you certainly do make a difference.

Katie Marshall
Katie Marshall - 03.09.2023 16:53

You're an amazing woman, intelligent and beautiful.
I used to think and call racism in employment, in cafes when it happened and people would laugh and say 'but they are white', apparently it was reverse racism. Racism is racism.
It sucks. 😟

Oriental, African, Middle Eastern or White/Black whatever. It's all racism when it comes to hate or prejudice behaviour.

Chris Clarke
Chris Clarke - 02.09.2023 20:00

Don't these people carping on about slavery and reparations nonsense realise that they are fostering racism with their madcap views.?

Chris Clarke
Chris Clarke - 02.09.2023 19:57

So so lovely to see Nana Akua back on GB news. What a delightful lady. Is she black? to be honest i haven't noticed.. just not important to me .

Robin Hollingbury
Robin Hollingbury - 31.08.2023 14:51

Nana, what you said about Notting Hill Carnival and it is an insult to call this a celebration of black culture. Nana, I left London a long time ago, I was lucky to inherit a grand house on the beautiful Island of Jamaica, at a place called Flint River. I would spend 3 months each year there always returning in time for the carnival weekend. I stopped going when violence began to escalate. I remember during the late Queen's visit to Jamaica to celebrate Ja's indpendence, I was in Sam Sharpe Square, Mo.Bay, with tens of thousands of Jamaicans packing the streets and roof tops. The atmosphere was electric with joy, love, peace and happiness, I was the only white face and I was considered just one of the crowd at NO TIME was there even the smallest sign of annoyance at anything or anyone, it was all peace and harmony and excitement. Black people, be they from Africa, Jamaica or anywhere else in the world are such beautiful people, they bring a diversity we should all embrace. Why is it that a minority of black gangs (no different to the white or Latino gangs) spoil Carnivals and large gatherings, cause mayhem, killings and assaults. This is exactly what fuels racism, because the press seem to make a point of exposing every black misdemenor and incidence of trouble and violence, seldom the white equivalent, in consequence black people are seen as thugs, bullies and gang members. By the way, I love GB news.

Jan Hudson
Jan Hudson - 30.08.2023 19:58

Nana I keep writing this, please, please, please get in to politics and stand for PM. You have my vote every time.

Happinc - 27.08.2023 14:10

Soooo chilling… so racist! 😟🤯

Samantha McGahan
Samantha McGahan - 24.08.2023 15:15

Imagine if this was a white person saying these things ...

Rosemary Melling
Rosemary Melling - 24.08.2023 04:09

😮😮😮. Unbelievable.

agnes14ish - 24.08.2023 02:28

Listen to this mess of a woman. Talking about racism when she herself goes against the grain.
And fix your fake wig or sack your stylist its embrassing at this point.

Deadmau5_l - 10.08.2023 22:31

She nailed it people do forget black people had slaves including white slaves. Eyy white boyy giz ya pud pud

Carl Seward
Carl Seward - 09.08.2023 11:17

So powerful (you can't get rid of racism with racism). Thank you

T LAIDA - 08.08.2023 20:37

Pound per head excellent hehe🤗

Private - 08.08.2023 17:59

I totally agree with Nana Akua

D Canes
D Canes - 08.08.2023 06:50

U want to own blackness when it suits u, u damn hypocrite. While u have participate in the disgusting public racial abuse of Ms Markle. I don't even know how people deal with ur awful voice or hideous Adams family visage

coors one
coors one - 06.08.2023 11:47

Someone that actually talks sense.

Mark Stephens
Mark Stephens - 06.08.2023 03:23

Thank you for saying what should be bleeding obvious, but in today's world of obsoluteism, it is not . If you believe that you can use racism to fix racism you are actually saying racism is fine so long as you are on the right side of it , otherwise known as" losing the moral high ground " or if you like a " bl--dy hypocrite ".

Critt5Dog - 05.08.2023 09:40

Cooperations like BLM don’t want everyone treated evenly because they are better off financially with the devide so what better way than to teach black children at a very early age about slavery and so called white privileged to keep the money coming in for the future. This will devide black and white children in the playgrounds.

tigertiger - 31.07.2023 10:07

Divide and rule, God bless Martin Luther king 💕

tigertiger - 31.07.2023 10:04

An audience who identify as black, what does that mean 😀

tigertiger - 31.07.2023 10:01

That's clearly rasist, well said mam.

MH - 29.07.2023 11:38

Divide and conquer... :/

Jersey Pooh
Jersey Pooh - 29.07.2023 01:24

Well said.

francis8 - 27.07.2023 03:43

My family are of mixed white and afro carribean, and some of us look white! So how would that pan out? Would they demand to see a birth certificate. Who allows these people to put these types of event's on? They're adding fuel to the fire.

Thefoodnerd - 23.07.2023 18:25

It's revenge...

No Thanks
No Thanks - 22.07.2023 11:06

These Muppets are setting racism back 40 years how stupid ask your self who are the racist with a sinister agenda How would you alienate a certain demographic from another demographic and its amazing how some of the black community are going along with this

David - 22.07.2023 10:24

Well said Nana ❤

Sally Redden
Sally Redden - 20.07.2023 20:52

Nana i love your logical and sane view of life
.You are full of love and goodness!

MiniAXE - 19.07.2023 09:39

Thank god someone actually sees the truth!!! You can’t solve racism with racism. BLM is a racist movement, and now it feels like people are building a anti-white movement…what is this world coming too?

Roxanne Lavender
Roxanne Lavender - 18.07.2023 18:46

You know what's funny, as a mixed-Indian/Jamaican/English woman, they probably wouldn't want me in that all-black-audience play, they'd probably look at me with more judgement than a room full of white people, and i'm not white-passing or anything like that, i look a little ambiguous, but the 'whitest' anyone has ever described the way i look is asking me if i'm a full Native-American person, which was weird, but perhaps you get my point. I'm part black and identify as such, but the black community has never welcomed me off-the-bat because i look different to them, the white community welcomes me off-the-bat even though i look different to them. And i'm including my huge Jamaican/Caribbean/African family in this too, i was never dark enough to be accepted by them, hair not afro enough to be accepted by them, kinda sad. My own grandfather from Jamaica didn't even recognize me, but he recognized my sister because my sister's hair is more afro-like. And actually add to that, my Indian family also didn't know who the hell i was at my own father's funeral walking behind his coffin, they shook my sibling's hands either side of me and ignored me. Yet all of my English relatives remember who i am, and i spent an equal amount of time with all sides of my family. Imo, white communities are incredibly welcoming and accepting of others compared to black and Asian communities.

Samuel G
Samuel G - 18.07.2023 11:43

You see that a lot, ask for examples of the racist acts encountered and then you never get an answer. It’s like some people just want to force the notion of ‘racism’.
Which I find disrespectful to the ‘actual’ victims of racism.
Why couldn’t the lady give some examples 🤔

Robert Reeves
Robert Reeves - 18.07.2023 11:25

They are not looking to fix racism. They want power and to punish people that disagree.

berner - 18.07.2023 10:05

So... being a school in the U.K. and teaching about black history, they're going to teach the children about the West Africa blockade and how white nations had such a minor role in the slave trade yet were the first ones to actually start the ball rolling on ending the slave trade all while there were Africans who ran to Germany and Britain to escape it and actually weren't turned away or assimilated?

Nah probably not because then it makes the tiny chapter in the history of slavery where white persons in America had slaves all the less impactful and exciting.

Anthony Castallano
Anthony Castallano - 18.07.2023 09:35

The entire subject of racism as become so subject please!!!

Oceanfox - 18.07.2023 03:56

Wise words

Inquiring Minds
Inquiring Minds - 17.07.2023 15:41

If you stopped going on about it that might help! The media are the worst pushers of racism, it doesn’t matter which side of the fence you sit you are still pushing it! Just stop!

Elmar Hasler
Elmar Hasler - 16.07.2023 18:42

No wonder the same people scream for tolerance - they need it. Without our tolerance for their absurd nonsense they would be horsewhipped out of society. But we can name and shame them. Actions that harm society without benefit of the actor are commonly known to be perpretated by HOMO STUPIDUS, a species known for its specially high danger.

Rafaello Dimarzo
Rafaello Dimarzo - 16.07.2023 18:25

I LOVE YOU NANA........Keep up the good work, regards all the way here in Australia

C Will
C Will - 14.07.2023 17:43

To be honest I’m at this point where I don’t even care if white people are racist. Imma be racist too. Segregation is not the worst thing in the world. The problem is that white people wanna take what black people have. That’s the real problem. That’s why black people are like let’s segregate. So we can have more. White people can have their thing.

Michael M
Michael M - 14.07.2023 10:54

Spittin fax

Gary Francis
Gary Francis - 14.07.2023 08:03

OK I will fly to London and give white children literacy lessons better than you can. When I retired as a university lecturer in ESL grammar and pronunciation in 2015, I had 30,000 hours of classroom teaching experience since 1990. Since then I have co-written and authored over a dozen books on English grammar and pronunciation mostly in Korean and English. My latest book, all in English, is being published this month. I am conversing with Cambridge about joining their branch of the International Phonetic Association to also teach them English. You may not think that is possible but it is. No one knows everything. I just know some things they definitely do not know. I have helped thousands of people to learn or improve their English either in British or American accents. This nonsense needs to stop.

Vlad Impaler
Vlad Impaler - 14.07.2023 06:46

No, but you can divide people and conquer them.

Margaret Connolly
Margaret Connolly - 13.07.2023 20:24

How does this blackout only work when you're of mixed race? and what do they class as mixed race I won't to know, racist bigots should go back and check history nearly all nations had slaves, Africa was the enslavers and seller of slaves themselves,

julie holden
julie holden - 13.07.2023 19:14

Over promoted people in so called responsible jobs deliberately causing division, these people should be sacked and some black people should re enter the real world and not promote racism against white people, they've lost the right to cry victim.

Barbara Halkyard
Barbara Halkyard - 13.07.2023 18:08

Racism is just ignorance.

Royston Fender
Royston Fender - 13.07.2023 17:11

Ms Nana How can one fix a problem that is so complex no one understands it? Basic problem solving approaches demand that you analyse the issue or issues before thinking about remedy. Racism is a domestic cancer embedded in European managed Jurisdictions. You cannot pick out a part cure that then say yah mon everything is good. It requires work of academics, Sociologists, Urban Planners and Government Officials to provide the historical background of the continuance of Racism and why it exists. Anything else is a waste of time. The Royal Family even though the majority Commonwealth Countries could be deemed black was a Racist Family. Only in 1979 a promise was made to change, it took near 40 years for that to be sparsely implemented. What is this Shame about?;The RF refused to come clean and if you are hiding operating in the dark it means you have something to hide.

Gabrielle Redford
Gabrielle Redford - 13.07.2023 16:16

I give you full support. You seem to be the only one who makes sense. Keep it up Nana.

Harold Pearson
Harold Pearson - 13.07.2023 12:14

It's very simple, they can go back to their black countries of origin.

Laird Kilbarchan
Laird Kilbarchan - 13.07.2023 11:41

They're not trying to FIX racism, they're trying to USE racism

3rdeye Zero31
3rdeye Zero31 - 13.07.2023 10:51

This bs started in south africa about 25 years ago, and i always prayed that one day 1st world countries would come in and save us from this reverse racism and affirmative action that so badly destroyed our beautiful im starting to see it was all just hopes and dreams ☹️
