EASY Inpainting in ComfyUI with SAM (segment Anything) | Creative Workflow Tutorial

EASY Inpainting in ComfyUI with SAM (segment Anything) | Creative Workflow Tutorial


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@simondiaz184 - 21.01.2024 10:48

Outpainting please

@amarillosebas - 06.01.2024 07:37

what would be the best way to use this to correct badly generated hands? When I try to use this workflow, it's still generating bad hands, even if the masking and everything else is working perfectly xD

@Shafly_ - 27.12.2023 20:44

Great tutorial, simple and easy to understand, thank you so much!

@eckhardEhm - 25.12.2023 20:22

good clip, thanks, it is funny the load image node is not to be found under loaders if you dont have that node search plugin installed...

i played around with successfully with clipsegs txt2mask, your approach looks much more interesting.

@none76ui - 12.12.2023 08:20

The whole point of comfy is to be able to reproduce workflows by simply importing a json or photo w/ metadata. So tired of seeing tutorials and guides that don't have the file attached.

@fariborznajafi3810 - 01.12.2023 10:38

hi thank you soo much for creating this awesome tutorial is there any way to tell that it generate more than one resault ? (like Empty Latent Image node )

@achimstromberger - 13.11.2023 15:55

also, music is great!

@iresolvers - 22.10.2023 14:16

never mind I found it didn't know it was built in to comfyui, to change this just goto settings at the bottom under link render mode select straight

@iresolvers - 22.10.2023 14:11

how did you get your Node Lines to be striaght like that as you create the connections? thanks

@Make_a_Splash - 22.10.2023 11:31

Nice and simple, Thanks. Subscribed. Could you explain how to save this workflow so i can pull it out everytime is needed, please? And any other simple additional workflows such as Controlnet, Image to image etc? Thanks and keep them coming

@arcangeel4828 - 11.10.2023 12:04

What a great video!

@aminbenhassin561 - 08.10.2023 02:03

awesome ! can you share your Json worfklow file ?

@ricardocosta9336 - 24.09.2023 00:41

Please for all that is holy, the new and old gods. please make a tutorial in how to create custom addons/nodes. I searching and did not yet found good docs.

@Satscape - 14.09.2023 00:23

Great stuff, I saw an alternate way where you can use a word instead of dots, so "T-shirt" to get the SAM to select the T-shirt and change it's colour.
Has anyone asked yet...What are you using to make the AI generated voice-over....it's very good, but not perfect 😉
(don't be saying....damn! that my real voice dude!)😁

@pruebalandia5189 - 12.09.2023 19:10

Is there a way to do inpaint with Comfyui using Automatic1111's technique in which it allows you to apply a resolution only to the mask and not to the whole image to improve the quality of the result?

@miracle__worker - 08.09.2023 15:33

К сожалению, это несколько не то, чего бы мне хотелось. Как сделать так, чтобы именно дорисовать. Например, у меня есть арт, где нарисован ковер. И я хочу, чтобы с помощью inpaint можно было выделить область, прописать туда "человека сидящий на ковре" и нейросеть нарисовала его в том же стиле, что и основной арт. Пока у меня не получается достичь результатов, которые выходили, когда я пользовался Автоматиком.

@cXrisp - 08.09.2023 01:29

This looks great! I will come back when I am ready to fully embrace ComfyUI. Invoke has nodes now so I'm uncommitted.. And thank you for NOT adding music to your videos while the instruction is happening.

@jeterpilled_memester - 06.09.2023 02:01

i installed the comfyUI impact pack but the SAm detector does not seem to be working. Is there any fixes you would suggest for this?

@musicandhappinessbyjo795 - 02.09.2023 22:31

You know in A1111, the inpaint is such that only a portion of image is inpainted while nothing is done to rest of the image but in comfy The whole image is rendered even though only a small part is changed.

Is it possible to do A1111 like inpaint in comfy?

@rsunghun - 02.09.2023 03:44

This is going to be so useful. Thank 😊 you!

@hakandurgut - 02.09.2023 01:06

Great video, thanks
