Chazan Yonasan Gavant - "A Taste of the Awe: Highlights of the Yamim Noraim Davening"

Chazan Yonasan Gavant - "A Taste of the Awe: Highlights of the Yamim Noraim Davening"

Beth Jacob Atlanta

3 года назад

21,380 Просмотров

This performance is sponsored by Dr. Moshe & Ann Ellen Gavant, in memory of their parents:
Mr. Jack Milton Gavant & Mrs. Janice Gavant - Atlanta, GA
Asher & Joyce Blockman - Memphis, TN

Order of Songs (In the order they appear in the Machzor)
00:01 - Maariv- Borchu
01:17 - Maariv- Ushmor Tzeiseinu
02:46 - Maariv & Mussaf- Final Kaddish
05:19 - Maariv- Adon Olam
07:00 - Hamelech & Start of Shacharis
09:49 - Shacharis- Hashem Hashem Keil Rachum V’Chanun
11:08 - Mussaf- Hineni
15:34 - Kaddish before Mussaf
18:40 - Mussaf- Unesaneh Tokef
27:47 - Mussaf- Ein Kitzvah
30:37 - Kedusa
33:54 - Mussaf- Chamol
36:09 - Mussaf- Veyesayu
38:12 - Mussaf- Aleinu
40:25 - Rosh Hoshanah Mussaf- End of Malchiyos / Shema Yisrael
42:48 - Mussaf- Hayom T’Amtzeinu
45:46 - Yom Kippur- Kol Nidrei
50:09 - Yom Kippur Maariv- Yaaleh
52:27 - Yom Kippur Maariv- Ki Hinei
53:54 - Yom Kippur Maariv- Mareh Cohen
55:37 - Yom Kippur Neila- Merubim
57:05 - Machnisei Rachamim

A Taste of The Awe
Highlights of the Yamim Noraim Davening
With Beth Jacob Chazan Yonasan Gavant & Pianist Yehudah Levine

As we all know, this Rosh Hoshanah and Yom Kippur 5781 will be different than any we have experienced.
The davening will need to be shorter than usual and we cannot all daven together.
Many will be unable to attend at all.

With that in mind, Beth Jacob is pleased to present this program in which our Chazan Yonasan Gavant sings many of the highlights of the nussach and piyutim of the Yamim Noraim, accompanied on piano by Yehudah Levine.

While nothing compares to the feeling of davening together with 600+ of our family and friends, we hope this program will help you experience a taste of the awe of these holy days.

Wishing you all a Kesiva V'Chasima Tova, a healthy and happy new year!
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