ignorance bliss paradox - Explained

ignorance bliss paradox - Explained

Derpland security

3 года назад

354 Просмотров

the “ignorant bliss paradox,” depicted by the situation of a single person hanging off a roof. They call their three best friends to help save them, but the friends choose to let you drop, out of a fear that pulling you up may pull them over the side. You drop from the building but miraculously survive. Was it better that you never found out your friends would betray you and stayed ignorant forever? This was just one of many interesting questions posed throughout.
rational ignorance theory- the idea that sometimes the effort required to gain knowledge is not worth the benefit the knowledge would bring.
Knowledge is power yet ignorance is bliss, how can this be? At first glance these two quotes don’t have anything to do with each other but if you dig deeper you will unveil the truth- these quotes are extremely paradoxical.

Lets begin with “knowledge is power”. I think the best way to start is by defining “power”- it is the ability to control outcomes. What does this have to do with the ignorance quote you ask? The fact that controlling outcomes produces happiness as you would cause the outcome that most suits your wants or needs. Therefore having a better understanding, or more knowledge, allows you to create the outcome that most suits you. If you think “I wouldn’t want to manipulate or control outcomes” you are most likely wrong. Have you ever had a fantasy? I think most people would reply “yes”, and do you know what a fantasy is? It is a controlled reality.

So we’ve already reasoned why these quotes are paradoxical, but just for kicks, let’s further drive home the point. The quote “ignorance is bliss” (at least in my understanding) refers to the fact that if you do not have knowledge of a subject you can not be upset about that subject (let me know if you have a different perception, I would love to talk about it). This is true, you simply can not be upset about something you have never heard of.

So what does this paradox mean? What effect does it have, and how can you use the knowledge of those effects to better yourself or others? Here’s your two options- either know nothing about anything, which as a sentient being is impossible, or know everything about everything, which also is impossible because our brains cannot comprehend all that knowledge. Here’s what I recommend- you already cannot know nothing about anything because you know how to read so that’s not really on the table. What you can do, however, is live to learn. Seek questions to obtain answers, strive to understand what you thought you could not, and (I cannot stress this enough) diversify your perspectives- about religion, politics, economics, and anything th


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