Why did Soldiers Fight in Lines? | Animated History

Why did Soldiers Fight in Lines? | Animated History

The Armchair Historian

1 год назад

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SpecialTree - 09.10.2023 21:40

In a world where McCellan was actually not a bad leader:

Jake The snake
Jake The snake - 09.10.2023 18:09

Except the American militia defeated the British army, partly because of guerrilla warfare tactics. So this video still doesn’t make sense if they could’ve done that instead.

Brendol Breadwar
Brendol Breadwar - 07.10.2023 11:41

I feel like watching one of those battles would feel like a gambing match, you just keep sending one row at a time, you dont know how many will die or live, you could go on a massive bad luck streak and throw a 100k v 50k

Sointainer Antiquity
Sointainer Antiquity - 06.10.2023 11:58

Line Infantry: Can be weak to Artillery Fire

Since it's based to numbers and strategy, tactics can be implied in Line Battle.

And they're strong against Cavalry charge.

Militia: since they base on Guerilla tactics, they had some disadvantages against Cavalry charges since they're pretty much scattered.

They were effective on doing ambushes on a lined Company, the milita can go in Small numbers and will defeat a Well Disciplined Line Infantry if they stood their line.
The Militias Basically played a major role in Musket Era since they're pretty much a revolutionize Infantry that greatly Affected Opposing sides.

Idiot Engineer
Idiot Engineer - 29.09.2023 01:02

The funny thing is, we still fight in line formations, theyre just much more spread out

Partypoo - 25.09.2023 20:23

Being in a line is cool n all till you put to much blackpowder down the muzzle and turn your fire arm into a grenade

Justin Hensley
Justin Hensley - 23.09.2023 19:04

WOW this really made that strategy make sense.....everyone makes fun but there was advatages....Kudos for a great video explaining it.....

FrostOperator90 - 23.09.2023 00:52

Traditional army in line formation

Machinegunner: I'm going to ruin this regiments whole day

ANTIMATTER - 19.09.2023 18:43

Yeah sorry this seems like a lot of very weak excuses for a terrible tactic. There's no justification here that can't be overcome using simple solutions.

Worried about cavalry? Sharpen some sticks and stick them in the ground, use cover, shoot them.

Getting disorientated because of the smoke? Won't happen if you're not all standing in a line

Morale issues? I'm sure having everyone around you getting shot off isn't great for morale

Why would you need to concentrate your forces into the smallest area possible? Having a longer more spread out line literally would allow you to encircle the enemy.

Why don't they use fortifications? Dig a damn hole. Suddenly you can stand, cavelry is useless and you're like 90% less likely to be shot.

Greg T
Greg T - 19.09.2023 03:39

I've gotta say war in general seems quite ludicrous so fighting in lines isn't that much more of a stretch

Lazy - 18.09.2023 23:20

Attack the D point!

ProudVirginian - 17.09.2023 05:04

Horses wouldn't impale themselves.... And they were valued more than the average soldier

Javi Wan
Javi Wan - 16.09.2023 13:51

Apart from how interesting are your videos, I really appreciate the clear English that you use. I am no native speaker and I don't need subtitles in your videos, they are pretty easy to follow, even when you use the more technical languange. My most sincere thanks.

sherri Bervil
sherri Bervil - 16.09.2023 03:24

It's not that why every time one get shot the other soldiers don't care

P H - 15.09.2023 07:16

Also, honor was important or at least the appearance of honor and fair play during this time period. Using such tactics that differed from these formations was considered dishonorable, crewed and barbarous—not the act of a “gentleman.”

Eli Ellison
Eli Ellison - 15.09.2023 02:11

I get there are different points to every story but there is no one who can convince me that way of fighting is a good idea. Even an ancient soldier could rely on his skills and have a better chance of surviving then just standing there in the open hoping you don't get shot.

SoleLime - 14.09.2023 07:09

Sharpe: 3 rounds a minute
Armchair historian: 4 ROUNDS A MINUTE

Gerrosimo1 - 14.09.2023 06:19

A massive reason that wasn't really touched on, is that most soldiers at this time were conscripted. They had very little training and were not used to battles or really anything team related. It was/is significantly easier to control a block of men, most of which didn't want to be there, in the chaos of battle, than a bunch of spread out guys doing whatever seems best at the time (which usually was to flee).

Mitch TheRonin
Mitch TheRonin - 14.09.2023 02:54

Hello. One question. I have seen in movie that there were also people playing drums and music in those line while going towards enemy. Why was that?

MADMartinQc - 12.09.2023 22:59

One simple reason.... they were : stupid lol
Still great video

DeezNutz - 12.09.2023 01:07

A good soldier can fire 3 rounds a minute

Isaac Robson
Isaac Robson - 11.09.2023 21:57

Vimy ridge was a line battle iirc. Canadians walked in a line behind an artillery barrage clearing whoever got spared from the bombs

Jessy D
Jessy D - 11.09.2023 18:31

The real question is why didnt soldiers just lay down when the enemy was about to fire and then get back up after the volley

Roland Fischer
Roland Fischer - 11.09.2023 04:35

Send this to Joe Rogan please 😂

Captain Pebby
Captain Pebby - 09.09.2023 21:06

he should of mentioned that the russian white army would form in lines and march to the enemy

gatocles99 - 09.09.2023 12:09

They fought in lines because it was easier to have the peasants kill each other that way.
Wars are so that the Ruling Class can reduce the population of the Peasants and cull all of the bravest and most aggressive Peasants who would rock the boat.

Vuk - 09.09.2023 09:19

until WW1 military officers cadre suffered from hubris (and high casualties), going back to line infantry era, the highest combat casualty percentage was due to artillery hits. So it is today, if we talk about the real war where both sides are able to fight conventional war. But nowadays armies know that with certainty.

robert o
robert o - 07.09.2023 16:24

Because if they fought in squares or circles they'd shoot each other 🙄

Jose - 06.09.2023 02:50

I still think there gitta be a better way. Than to just stand there. Maybe make urself some cover or idk.

Joseph McCourt
Joseph McCourt - 06.09.2023 02:07

I cannot stress enough how much I enjoy this channel but the way they sell their knickers to mobile games is sad

ftroop2000 - 05.09.2023 21:12

The Prussian punishment for disobedience, sounds eerily similar to the punishment we used as children in England, at least where I lived in SE London, in the 80's.
We called it "The Tunnel od Death"😂.
The loser of a game would have to run a guanlet of kicks of the other players.
Wed create a tunnel against a wall, using our bodies.
Both arms against the wall, and the loser would have to run through to the other side.
The choice was The Tunnel of Death, or run through 300m of Ivy😂😂😂

Nathan Bedford Forrest
Nathan Bedford Forrest - 05.09.2023 00:32

A minute in and he doesn't even have the proper name for the war of northern aggression. No thanks

Collin Rezac
Collin Rezac - 01.09.2023 06:58

I dont understand how people dont realize why people marched and fought in lines

LtVictory - 01.09.2023 01:13

I didn't know about the steam game!

Ori Peer
Ori Peer - 28.08.2023 23:07

I have actually wondered why many infantry corps fought in straight lines, and I always taught it was only to reduce damage to the unit should it get hit by artillery shells. Thanks for expanding my knowledge on the subject

Maxim Kretsch
Maxim Kretsch - 28.08.2023 22:34

Bismarck was by no means against the annexation of Alsace-Lorraine, he was much more actively promoting it. He complained that the Germans were fighting "the fifteenth or twentieth defensive war in 300 years against this intolerably glory-seeking and quarrelsome people" and that France would remain eternally vindictive after a lost war, so he was keen to "move the base for the inevitable next French attack as far west as possible".

Caustic - 22.08.2023 11:20

I'm happy this video exists. I just link it to my non-historian friends whenever I'm fumbling the intricacies of fighting in formation!!!

Xi Jinping 习近平
Xi Jinping 习近平 - 18.08.2023 01:20

I disagree partly with your conclusion here. Americans partly won their revolution by using guerilla tactics and not using formations, though often they still would use them, and this was before the industrial revolution. What actually allowed them to do this was the terrain, not technological advancements. One could argue that while the colonial armies hadn't yet adapted to war in the Americas, those that had lived there for multiple generations would know how to use the terrain to their advantage.

Mario Rodriguez
Mario Rodriguez - 16.08.2023 21:19

Dude your videos are so cool

Penees Longchamp
Penees Longchamp - 16.08.2023 14:29

As a man from 2223, I just wonder why you put humans to kill each other. You can send cyborg or gundam to war.

Derva - 16.08.2023 13:00

Why didnt they Take portable Walls with them?

Dan Fenn
Dan Fenn - 16.08.2023 06:04

My grandfather told me why. It's weird I can't comment on utude

Dan Finnegan
Dan Finnegan - 16.08.2023 02:20

The more rounds on the ground the higher the casualties on the other side thus reducing morale and fighting efficiently. They reckon the British army during the wars against the French the British could fire 3 rounds a minute compared to the French 1-2. Even now we try to suppress the enemy with faster heavier firepower.

Zigzidee - 15.08.2023 12:57

Oh thanks gods we found better ways to kill each other so we can reach highest KPI.
