Alpha Males & Beta Males Go Head-to-Head on Jubilee | Pt. 1

Alpha Males & Beta Males Go Head-to-Head on Jubilee | Pt. 1

Annamarie Forcino

1 год назад

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Комментарии: - 30.12.2023 09:05

Why was the first part of the video just five men discussing how they're borderline polyamorous and think everybody else is also polyamarous, without saying the word, like what

@RammerHammer - 27.12.2023 20:38

Calling yourself alpha or beta gives me the same ick as saying "im not like other girls" yeah babes you're racist. Go to jail.

@zukostryder - 27.12.2023 12:13

ENM is where it's at I swear

@grampa.jeremybreshears - 21.12.2023 23:57

This was way more chill than I thought it was gonna be. I love videos where people just have a discussion and aren’t yelling at each other or actually do kind of reach some decent conclusions. I feel like if they didn’t use the terms, alpha and beta, it would be a lot less ridiculous in the forefront

@robertwiesner6825 - 14.12.2023 13:26

On the note of submissive vs dominant women - I don't care I'm a switch :P

@Kelly-xv5mk - 08.12.2023 00:50

This video will not play for me. I have the worst luck with tech

@user-nw9og5qi7s - 15.11.2023 04:27

As much as the Alpha males give me the ick i can admit to these ones being less bad then others ive heard like they where willing to talk and listen to the others now i cant say what they would do around women speaking but they seem decent

@emmyhope26 - 09.11.2023 04:08

The only way for women to admire masculine qualities - washing men's underwear

@Midnightbluedragon - 28.10.2023 09:48

I know this is late but the first part is classic ace erasure (what the "alphas" are saying). Asexual spectrum exists. I personally am ace and don't desire sex at all. I'm also in a happy and healthy relationship with another ace individual. Sex isn't for everyone.

@smolvaxxednezuko - 27.10.2023 06:36

"i was a virgin for a really long time"
Everyone's a virgin for a really long time, dude.

@blindn1nj4 - 17.10.2023 13:51

As a Bealphta meal, I disagree with all sides of all topics.

@diana5281 - 15.10.2023 22:12

the difference between this derek and incel derek is staggering. if incel derek had half this mindset and charisma, he would have left the incel label behind years ago

@alixmcclurkan4674 - 12.10.2023 01:20

me @ my bf: your are a squishy man. i must give you gifts and pay for dates because you deserve it and im proud of you
alpha males: WoMeN nEvEr ApPrOaCh ThE mAn Or pAy FoR dAtEs

@Anonymous_47 - 03.10.2023 23:27

Im a Man and I'm not "designed to sleep with multiple women" that's nasty. I rather have one woman only. These "alpha males" clowns doesn't represent as Men as whole.

@Anonymous_47 - 03.10.2023 23:19

As a Man i rather be with one woman only. I don't want any multiple strange woman to "kiss" me on my lips. That's disgusting. Being with only one woman is peaceful. ❤ These "alpha male" clowns are degenerate.

@martemdn - 19.09.2023 02:30

Ey that's Kevin from 'Bling Empire'!

@kidomniman8635 - 17.09.2023 00:02

There are many problems the the phrasing of the question "are men designed to want to sleep with multiple women?"
First off, humans aren't designed because design implies a sentient creator and that the species is not continuing to change over time.
It is also too vague and too specific.
Just saying "men" instead of "most men" or "is it common for men" makes it seem like an absolute statement on all men without exception when obvious exceptions exist. It also ignores that this is reasonably common among all humans rather than just men.
Likewise, saying "women" instead of "partners" narrows the scope of the question in a way that excludes gay, bi, pan, and some other types of men when I don't think that is the real goal of the question.

So I definitely wouldn't say men are designed to want to sleep with multiple women but I would say that it is common for humans to want to have multiple partners and a monogamous relationship does not necessarily eliminate that desire in every human.

So while I have some semantic problems with the question I don't think I actually fully disagree with the question.
Lots of humans want multiple partners and there are enough men desiring multiple women as partners that it is a cliche at this point.

@vanillafire9070 - 15.09.2023 05:40

I did not watch fifty shades of gray because I didn’t like what I heard about it 😭

@cashbanucita0025 - 13.09.2023 06:43

I'm great a sex can we ask the woman cus saying somthing don't make it true

@cashbanucita0025 - 13.09.2023 06:40

Ya know what's funny these alpha guys are almost all single

@wildwesley9328 - 28.08.2023 16:54

I’m sorry, but that dude that works with “domineering” women did not just say that they want to be submissive “regardless of what they say externally” with a serious face. Dude that sounds like heavy projection!

@30kps - 28.08.2023 02:29

Angelo looks like a JoJo main character and I fully approve.

@mocii5349 - 28.08.2023 02:03

i love how civil they are understanding eachothers point of veiws even if they don’t agree

@chimppunk971 - 27.08.2023 16:08

Yup the misandrist hates the misogynist. I truly love how these beta males have been showing beta women there own reflection it really does piss them off seeing someone participate in their same behavior. It really does weird me out that women have a hard time with any form of self reflecting on how they are the ones who have actually been kicking the family unit to the curb sense the 60s it is just in a noticeable lights now in days. If the number of men staying single and not having relationships or starting family is growing how are men the problem still??.

@chimppunk971 - 27.08.2023 15:50

Why do we as men always hear rhetoric that alpha male's despise women 🤨. Women for the last 9 or so years have been telling men to get lost and stop baling women out of the boss life to be there for women and provid for women because they are strong boss babe. So men did what women asked and the actual alpha males and single no children sigma male's are putting women on blast for complaining where all the men at and why are they refusing date at all. Where are we at men hmmm living single and happy far from the actual misandrist that like to point the blame of misogyny on all men. When women are actually demolishing the family unit destroying individuals lives to gain profit aka divorce court and child support.
By the way these channels that she's going to be reviewing are irony channels channels of satire that basically show the same behavior that women have been doing two men for the last decade.

@chimppunk971 - 27.08.2023 15:37

The guy in the blue got called out by a woman who got under his skin when she confronted him on being a pussie-whipped loser and how not being able to control his need for chasing tail and getting laid. So let's see if he fails to maintain his so-called alpha existence in this video.

@soggy7683 - 20.08.2023 06:07

hey polyam person here, ngl i feel like the biggest issue with “alpha” men that like aren’t pure assholes and genuinely want to be with more than one person, is that they don’t realize they are lgbt, and because whether they dont want to associate themselves with lgbt people or because they wanna persevere this idea of masculinity (which can still do if ur lgbt btw) they make it SO much more complicated than it needs to be.

like full stop, if you are polyamorous then ur polyamorous. you want to have a different type of relationship and that is okay. informing and making sure EVERYONE knows what is going on and consenting is, imo the most important thing. being happy and healthy and promoting safe sex habits i think is amazing. especially for younger people who are just trying to figure themselves out. being polyam isnt just like a thing only for men. its for anyone who /is/ polyam.

as a polyam person i am currently in a monogamous relationship, and ik my relationship dynamic wont work for other relationships or families and that is okay, that is another big thing i think should be stressed, everyone is different and we shouldn’t put a blanket statement of what should and shouldn’t be allowed to happen. as long as everyone is consenting and comfortable and adults i feel like everyone deserves to be happy in whatever dynamic suites them and their partner(s) best

@jayL1210 - 19.08.2023 09:38

Instinct to wanting more kids even your partner is pregnant was funniest and dumbest thing I've ever heard. "How do you keep multiplying?' I mean, are we amoeba or some fungi at this point? And if you're so true to your nature why these men keep saying that they are more rational ones?

@sadfairy20 - 17.08.2023 06:49

Wtf is dude talking about? Women literally fought to serve in the military. I served 6 years. I bet his ass hasn’t.

@a7xnObODY - 17.08.2023 00:26

I love how you call you subscribers synners

@carann1115 - 10.08.2023 08:21

every time i hear “alpha” and “beta” i just think of omegaverse 💀

@annaantoinette - 09.08.2023 18:15

As a demisexual i can tell you i desire to sleep with the fewest amount of people possible

@No_longer_human911 - 08.08.2023 22:40

This was so much better then the dumpster fire I was expecting 😭

And I think you did a really great job of reacting to it

@halihal7699 - 08.08.2023 21:10

LOLOLOLOL the industry thing makes me f***ing die. Women are outrightly bullied and discriminated against in those fields since they were opened up only in the 1970s. Also, there is literally more risk of getting r**ed in the military... and most women feminists believe that the military should be downscaled in the first place. The draft just should not exist.

@Fever06contra - 08.08.2023 19:52

Are you a female?

@hufflepuffweirdo9303 - 08.08.2023 19:13

So are the “alphas” sleeping w multiple women to “spread your seed” taking care of any children that results from it and getting testing for any STIs/ STDs?

@beepboop722 - 08.08.2023 19:04

I am a woman, I watched the whole video. Guess who I was more attracted to and who I would feel more comfortable creating a home with ? Anthony and Derek <3. Guess who repulsed me the most and who makes me extremely uncomfy? Yup, you guessed it right.

@jk-jl2lo - 08.08.2023 19:04

i do kinda agree with the alphas that humans can often have the desire to sleep around, especially men. amab people can impregnate multiple people fairly quickly and evolutionary instincts make us want to further our species and create as much genetic diversity as possible. that's just how humans evolved, and the same is true for many other species. HOWEVER, none of this shit really matters much when it comes to discussing modern relationship dynamics because at this point, human brains can understand and act based on a hell of a lot more than basic survival instincts. if people want to be in a committed relationship, there is no scientific reason why they can't be aside from their own emotional baggage. evolution isn't an excuse for cheating.

@tatyanaivanshov - 08.08.2023 18:14

the idea of a nuclear family being supported off of one income was much more plausible 50-60 years ago when things were very different. the 9-5 work day also became the norm when the person working is expected to have someone at home taking care of everything from children to cleaning and cooking. The system is built on this nuclear idea and today that's not only unsustainable but so unrelastic if you're trying to live a life that isn't to work.


@irock123ab - 08.08.2023 15:51

The guy who said hookups don't deserve great sex definitely just jackhammers into women for two minutes then leaves 😂
