Why do we Love the Thug?  #BattleTech Lore & History

Why do we Love the Thug? #BattleTech Lore & History

Mechanical Frog

1 неделя назад

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Thug MF Record Sheet: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/vbudvwteo6nqfawj5m269/Thug-THG-MF.pdf?rlkey=t7jlguwje91hodn0ls88h2w7d&st=48g55u7f&dl=0

Resources: 2750 TRO, 3050 TRO Upgrade, 3025 Revised TRO, Tukayyid 3rd Ed, Tukayyid 1st Ed, Reunification War, TRO Succession Wars, TRO 3039, Shrapnel #11.

Thank you to Dwane Loose, Anthony Scroggins, Matt Plog, Łukasz Matuszek, Bishop Steiner, Flying Debris, Alan Blackwell, Chris Lowry, Dale Eadeh, Harri Kallio, Loston Wallace, Justin Nelson, Rick Harris, Franz Vohwinkel, Doug Shuler, and all the other BattleTech artists that have brought the IP to life through their amazing work.

BattleTech imagery and mech info remains the property of Topps.
Concept Art from Mechwarrior Online and game art from MW5 is owned by Piranha Games.
Imagery from HBS BattleTech and Mechwarrior 5: Clans Trailer
Some imagery/video from Pixabay
Background Music: Purchased rights to use from Fanatical
Intro Music: ABS Sounds - Hard Electro Synthwave - Rights purchased from Fanatical

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