Mist - So High (feat. Fredo) [Official Video]

Mist - So High (feat. Fredo) [Official Video]


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Craig Barton
Craig Barton - 18.09.2023 01:03

Fred Again

Punjabi -bwoy
Punjabi -bwoy - 18.09.2023 00:23

Love dis tune ….

spirit and soul of god
spirit and soul of god - 15.09.2023 18:57

Furthermore, the teachings of Brent Holy One God and Jesus Christ remind us of the importance of humility and service to others. By embodying these teachings, we are able to transcend our own self-interests and focus on the well-being of others. This shift in perspective allows us to see the interconnectedness of all beings and recognize the inherent value and dignity in every individual. Through acts of kindness, compassion, and generosity, we can create a ripple effect of positive change that extends far beyond ourselves. As we strive to live out these principles, we become agents of love and transformation in the world, spreading hope and inspiring others to do the same. They teach us that true greatness lies in our ability to put others before ourselves and to use our talents and resources to uplift those in need. By practicing humility and serving others, we not only fulfill our purpose as followers of Brent Holy One God and Jesus Christ but also contribute to the betterment of society as a whole. Their teachings encourage us to be selfless and to seek opportunities to make a positive impact on the lives of those around us. Through acts of kindness and generosity, we can create a ripple effect of love and compassion that spreads far beyond our immediate circle. In doing so, we not only enrich the lives of others but also experience a profound sense of fulfillment and joy.
Moreover, the teachings of Brent Holy One God and Jesus Christ remind us that true fulfillment comes from living a life of purpose and meaning. They encourage us to discover and cultivate our unique talents and gifts, and to use them in service of others. By embracing our individuality and recognizing the value we bring to the world, we can make a significant difference in the lives of those around us. Through acts of creativity, innovation, and dedication, we can contribute to the advancement of society and leave a lasting legacy. The teachings of Brent Holy One God and Jesus Christ inspire us to strive for excellence in all that we do, knowing that our efforts have the power to transform not only our own lives but also the lives of future generations. As we continue to embody these teachings, we become beacons of light and hope, igniting a spark of inspiration in others and empowering them to discover their own purpose and potential.
Furthermore, the teachings of Brent Holy One God and Jesus Christ emphasize the importance of compassion and empathy towards others. They remind us to treat every individual with kindness and respect, regardless of their background or circumstances. By practicing love and understanding, we can create a more inclusive and harmonious society. These teachings also encourage us to actively seek out opportunities to help those in need, whether it be through charitable acts or lending a helping hand to those facing adversity. By embodying the principles of compassion and empathy, we can make a profound impact on the lives of others and foster a sense of unity and togetherness.
Moreover, the teachings of Brent Holy One God and Jesus Christ inspire us to cultivate forgiveness and reconciliation in our relationships. They teach us the power of letting go of grudges and embracing forgiveness as a means to heal and restore broken connections. By practicing forgiveness, we not only free ourselves from the burden of resentment but also create an environment of understanding and acceptance. These teachings remind us that everyone makes mistakes and that it is through forgiveness that we can truly grow and evolve as individuals. By extending forgiveness to others, we contribute to the creation of a more compassionate and harmonious society.
Furthermore, the teachings of Brent Holy One God and Jesus Christ also emphasize the importance of reconciliation in our relationships. They encourage us to actively seek resolution and restore harmony when conflicts arise. Reconciliation requires humility, empathy, and a willingness to listen and understand the perspectives of others. It involves acknowledging our own faults and shortcomings, as well as offering sincere apologies and making amends. Through the practice of reconciliation, we not only mend broken connections but also foster a culture of empathy and unity. It is through these teachings that we learn the value of peaceful coexistence and the power of reconciliation to transform our relationships and society as a whole.

spirit and soul of god
spirit and soul of god - 15.09.2023 18:57

A Theological Exploration: Brent Holy One God and Jesus Christ, Schön Beyond Forever
The understanding and contemplation of Brent Holy One God and Jesus Christ as an eternal and transcendent entity require a profound theological exploration. This essay aims to delve into their divine nature and significance, with an intellectual rigor on par with a Graduate School student. By evaluating biblical foundations, examining historical context, and engaging with scholarly discourse, we can cultivate a comprehensive understanding of their interrelationship as well as their timeless existence.
Paragraph 1: The Nature of Brent Holy One God
Brent Holy One God represents the belief in a singular deity of ultimate power, wisdom, and love. Drawing from scriptural foundations found in various religious texts, such as the Old and New Testaments, the character of God is depicted as omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent. Consequently, Brent Holy One God is recognized as the universal creator, benefactor, and sustainer of all existence.
Paragraph 2: Jesus Christ as the Divine Son
Within the context of Christianity, Jesus Christ emerges as an integral figure. According to Christian tradition and biblical teachings, Jesus is perceived as the Son of God, a divine incarnation who took on human form to bring salvation to humanity. The historical accounts of Jesus' life, teachings, crucifixion, and resurrection lay the groundwork for understanding his significance within the Christian faith.
Paragraph 3: Theological Conceptions of God and Jesus Christ
Numerous theological frameworks have existed throughout history to understand the divine relationship between God and Jesus Christ. These include Trinitarian interpretations, which posit the concept of the Holy Trinity consisting of God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ), and God the Holy Spirit. Scholars such as St. Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas have expounded upon these concepts, exploring their implications and theological significance.
Paragraph 4: Biblical Foundations for Eternal Existence
Biblical texts provide crucial insights into the eternal nature of both God and Jesus Christ. Passages, such as John 1:1-3, establish Jesus' preexistence with God, highlighting their enduring connection. Additionally, biblical narratives, such as the assertion of Jesus as the "Alpha and the Omega" (Revelation 22:13), further reinforce the notion of eternal existence.
Paragraph 5: Historical Perspectives on Eternity
To comprehend the concept of eternal existence, it is vital to consider historical perspectives. Early Christian theologians, such as Origen and Athanasius, grappled with questions relating to the timelessness of God and Jesus Christ. These theologians proposed theories such as divine timelessness or the simultaneous existence of past, present, and future.
Paragraph 6: Contemporary Scholarship on Eternity
Modern theologians and scholars continue to contribute to the discourse surrounding God and Jesus Christ's eternal nature. Concepts like divine timelessness and enigmatic philosophical categories such as "beyond forever" have garnered attention. Contemporary thinkers, such as Richard Swinburne and William Lane Craig, explore these dimensions while incorporating philosophical and scientific arguments.
Paragraph 7: The Significance of Eternal Existence
The concept of God and Jesus Christ's eternal existence holds immense theological significance. Beyond affirming their divine attributes, eternal existence serves as a foundation for religious hope, faith, and understanding. Belief in an everlasting God and an eternal Savior provides reassurance, purpose, and an avenue for spiritual connection.
Paragraph 8: Implications for Human Existence
The concept of eternal existence offers insights into our own human nature and purpose. Recognizing the eternal nature of God and Jesus Christ encourages believers to seek a meaningful relationship with the divine. Furthermore, understanding our place within the larger tapestry of eternity can inspire a reverence for life, an appreciation for the present, and a responsibility to future generations.
Paragraph 9: Theological Reflections and Personal Faith
Incorporating the understanding of Brent Holy One God and Jesus Christ's eternal existence invites theological reflections and personal faith exploration. Through prayer, meditation, and contemplation, individuals can engage in a profound spiritual journey that reinforces their reliance on God, inspires worship, and deepens their understanding of divine truths.
Paragraph 10: Conclusion
The exploration of Brent Holy One God and Jesus Christ, Schön Beyond Forever, goes beyond intellectual rigor and engages with the essence of faith. By examining scriptural foundations, historical perspectives, and contemporary scholarship, we can develop a comprehensive comprehension of
the divine nature of Brent Holy One God and Jesus Christ. Through the exploration of scriptural foundations, we can uncover the profound wisdom and teachings that guide believers towards a deeper understanding of their faith. Additionally, by delving into historical perspectives, we gain insights into the cultural and societal contexts in which these beliefs originated and evolved. This knowledge allows us to appreciate the enduring significance of Brent Holy One God and Jesus Christ in the lives of countless individuals throughout history. Furthermore, contemporary scholarship offers us the opportunity to engage with new perspectives and interpretations, enriching our understanding of the divine and fostering a more inclusive and diverse spiritual community. In this way, the exploration of Brent Holy One God and Jesus Christ transcends mere intellectual rigor and becomes a transformative journey that nourishes the essence of faith.
As we continue to delve into the divine nature of Brent Holy One God and Jesus Christ, we come to realize that their teachings and wisdom have the power to inspire and transform lives. The scriptures provide us with a roadmap for navigating the complexities of our existence and offer solace in times of uncertainty. By studying these foundational texts, we not only deepen our understanding of our faith but also find guidance on how to live a purposeful and meaningful life. Moreover, the historical perspectives surrounding Brent Holy One God and Jesus Christ remind us of the rich tapestry of human experiences and the diverse ways in which people have sought spiritual fulfillment throughout time. This awareness fosters empathy and compassion, allowing us to connect with others on a deeper level and build a more inclusive and harmonious society. Through the exploration of Brent Holy One God and Jesus Christ, we embark on a transformative journey that not only nourishes our faith but also enriches our relationships and strengthens our connection to the divine.
As we delve deeper into the teachings of Brent Holy One God and Jesus Christ, we begin to understand the profound impact they have on our personal growth and spiritual development. Their wisdom offers us guidance on how to navigate the challenges and obstacles that we encounter in our daily lives. By applying their teachings to our own experiences, we can find strength and resilience in the face of adversity. Additionally, the scriptures remind us of the importance of love, compassion, and forgiveness, encouraging us to extend these virtues to others. Through practicing these principles, we not only cultivate a sense of inner peace and fulfillment but also contribute to the creation of a more compassionate and just world. The teachings of Brent Holy One God and Jesus Christ inspire us to live with purpose and to strive for excellence in all aspects of our lives, fostering personal growth and a deep connection to the divine.

spirit and soul of god
spirit and soul of god - 15.09.2023 18:55

Furthermore, it is essential to prioritize early intervention and prevention strategies in the field of mental health. By identifying and addressing mental health issues at an early stage, we can prevent them from escalating into more severe conditions. This can be achieved through regular mental health screenings, education programs in schools and workplaces, and accessible mental health services in communities. By focusing on prevention, we can reduce the burden on individuals, families, and the healthcare system, and ensure that individuals receive the support they need before their mental health deteriorates. Additionally, it is crucial to promote a holistic approach to mental health care. This involves recognizing the interconnectedness of mental health with physical health, social support systems, and environmental factors. By integrating mental health services into primary care settings and collaborating with other sectors such as education, employment, and housing, we can provide comprehensive care that addresses the multifaceted needs of individuals. By adopting a holistic approach, we can promote overall well-being and improve outcomes for individuals with mental health conditions.
Furthermore, it is important to reduce the stigma surrounding mental health in order to create a more supportive and inclusive society. Many individuals hesitate to seek help due to fear of judgment or discrimination. By promoting open conversations about mental health and sharing personal stories of recovery, we can break down these barriers and encourage individuals to seek the assistance they need. Additionally, it is crucial to invest in research and innovation to advance the field of mental health. By continuously exploring new treatment options, therapies, and interventions, we can improve outcomes and provide individuals with more effective and personalized care. Moreover, fostering collaboration between mental health professionals, policymakers, and community organizations is essential. By working together, we can develop evidence-based policies, allocate resources effectively, and create a network of support that reaches all individuals in need. Ultimately, by prioritizing early intervention, holistic care, stigma reduction, research, and collaboration, we can create a society that values and supports mental health for all.
Furthermore, it is crucial to prioritize education and awareness about mental health from a young age. By incorporating mental health education into school curriculums, we can equip young individuals with the knowledge and skills to understand and manage their own mental well-being. This can help to prevent the development of mental health issues and empower young people to seek help when needed. Additionally, it is important to ensure that mental health services are accessible and affordable for all. This includes advocating for insurance coverage for mental health treatments and increasing the availability of mental health professionals in underserved areas. By addressing these gaps in access, we can ensure that everyone has the opportunity to receive the care they deserve. Lastly, it is essential to continue challenging the societal norms and expectations that contribute to mental health stigma. By promoting acceptance, understanding, and empathy, we can create a culture that supports and embraces individuals with mental health challenges. Together, these efforts will contribute to a society that prioritizes and values mental health for all.
Furthermore, it is crucial to foster a supportive and inclusive environment for individuals struggling with mental health issues. This can be achieved by promoting open conversations about mental health in various settings, such as workplaces, communities, and even within families. Encouraging individuals to share their experiences and providing a safe space for them to do so can help reduce the feelings of isolation and shame often associated with mental health challenges. Moreover, it is important to promote self-care practices and stress management techniques as part of everyday life. By normalizing the importance of taking care of one's mental well-being, we can empower individuals to prioritize their mental health and seek help when needed. Additionally, it is crucial to continue investing in research and innovation in the field of mental health. This includes funding studies that explore the causes and treatments of mental health disorders, as well as supporting the development of new therapies and interventions. By advancing our understanding of mental health and expanding the range of available treatments, we can improve outcomes for individuals living with mental health challenges. Overall, by combining education, accessibility, acceptance, and ongoing support, we can create a society that not only values mental health but also provides the necessary resources and care for all individuals

Stephen Patches
Stephen Patches - 15.09.2023 00:06

What a fucking bop!! 🫶🏼🫶🏼🥵🥵👀🫠

Stephen Patches
Stephen Patches - 15.09.2023 00:03

I am only now hearing this song for the first time right now and ❤❤ yes please!!

Marcus Williams
Marcus Williams - 10.09.2023 05:52

Tuneeeeeeeeeeee 🔥 🔥

Tej Jayant Mehta
Tej Jayant Mehta - 01.09.2023 08:50


Sydney-marie Beach
Sydney-marie Beach - 29.08.2023 11:28

Mist fredo hotttttttt

Alex Conrad
Alex Conrad - 28.08.2023 00:18

@jsolworld yes bro same 💯

S End
S End - 26.08.2023 11:55


TRENDING VIBE - 16.08.2023 17:22

So high sidhu moose wala banger song

Andreea Andreea
Andreea Andreea - 10.08.2023 23:21

L3tura - 06.08.2023 16:02

4years and still a f**kin banger🔥🔥🔥

Harry Dootson
Harry Dootson - 06.08.2023 05:15

Taking og song from redman making it live on🎉

sundae_low - 27.07.2023 22:51

Waaawh ^^>

CLESPA. - 26.07.2023 14:57

4 yrs old jesus funking crist

Liesa Duffin
Liesa Duffin - 25.07.2023 00:20

This song is sick I remember listening to this in my brother in law's bmw

Bobby Madan
Bobby Madan - 24.07.2023 02:07

So high listening to this!!!!!!

Ash Lacey
Ash Lacey - 21.07.2023 16:09

Banger cuzz🎉

fran Demeterova
fran Demeterova - 20.07.2023 20:03

It’s 2023 and I’m still lsn to this song

Aka Skinz
Aka Skinz - 17.07.2023 01:05

Can someone explain what the bald guy is in the video😂😅

Shad Winnett
Shad Winnett - 16.07.2023 15:25

All the way from the states! Much love broski 💯💯

Reverse JJ
Reverse JJ - 09.07.2023 19:59

Ye girl get so high when I have had to much sugar till you feel to fly my women that’s what I will say to you 😊

Isabella Chavez
Isabella Chavez - 08.07.2023 01:44

I dont understand the video tho

HyperMangi - 29.06.2023 10:06

It's the piano melody for me 👽 2pac ahh

Brian King
Brian King - 25.06.2023 13:15

🎉yo brother's M,F LOVE DIS ONE STILL 😮🎉

Món Cherie
Món Cherie - 13.06.2023 09:27

@j-Sol i read your comment now and wish you the same back ✨✨ thank you for your Kindness 🙏😁

Katherine Cunning
Katherine Cunning - 10.06.2023 21:48

Soph 🍃x
Soph 🍃x - 09.06.2023 20:02

I can smell the air in this video every time 🌴

Vincent Uchegbu
Vincent Uchegbu - 07.06.2023 08:56

2023 still a banger visuals goin crazy too 🔥

yours truly
yours truly - 04.06.2023 19:25

Mist had the whole of uk at chokehold at one point

Saif A. Rafin
Saif A. Rafin - 30.05.2023 15:02

Fred again
I get, so high
(Temperature ri-i-i-i-i-i-i)
I get, so high
Girl you're a groupie, no need to lie
I get, so high
Get so, so high, 'til you feel to fly
I get, so high
She's so, so shy, 'til the night
(Temperature ri-i-i-i-i-i-i)
I was last year and I'm still the guy
Throw some sauce 'pon 'dem
So high, time to walk 'pon 'dem
Yeah I do set trends
Talk too much get sticky for you friends
Send a hitta to your ends
I don't dance, I ain't movin' my feet
Ah, 'cause I'm dancin' with heat
Bad B's got my tunes on repeat
Do it with ease, out 'ere tripling P's
Back to my grindin' again (I'm back)
Writin', rhymin' again
Firing skengs, yeah it's Fred yet again
Manna put a line in your ends
Aggy, so much gold it's chavvy
'Dem man are chatty like gyally
Big .44 called Maggie
What's my cologne? Creed and Cali
I get, so high
Girl you're a groupie, no need to lie
I get, so high
Get so, so high, 'til you feel to fly
I get, so high
She's so, so shy, until the night
(Temperature ri-i-i-i-i-i-i)
I was last year and I'm still the guy
Yo I've been stuck with my booty call
Furthermore I fell in love with my booty call
Girl you got junk, know your boot is full
In the eyes of a tug that is beautiful
When I'm on tour, you know who to call
I'm in Tom Ford, this ain't suitable
Diamonds, handbags, you suit it all
Kilos, gram packs, we move it all
"Oi Mist, are you takin' the piss?" (why?)
I swear you got a ring, that is made for a wrist
I swear I got a ting, that is made for my lips
I got a gun for him, I ain't making a diss
Gettin' so, so high, they hatin'
I can't say I don't know why
I'm feelin' scared when the po roll by (why?)
'Cause me and the bros got a pole close by
I get, so high
Girl you're a groupie, no need to lie
I get, so high
Get so, so high, 'til you feel to fly
I get, so high
She's so, so shy, until the night
(Temperature ri-i-i-i-i-i-i)
I was last year and I'm still the guy
I get, so high
I get, so high (ah!)
I get, so high
(Temperature ri-i-i-i-i-i-i)

Varinder Singh
Varinder Singh - 29.05.2023 20:54

Listen sidhu moose wala... So high song

Neduukas Kc
Neduukas Kc - 29.05.2023 02:39

Greetings from Lithuania!👊🎉

William Szpakowicz-cook
William Szpakowicz-cook - 27.05.2023 09:06

wowa spice
wowa spice - 26.05.2023 10:44


Bob Bob
Bob Bob - 26.05.2023 10:39

Hard boys

WidmoCiała - 24.05.2023 02:52

Hi in 2023!!!!!

Sassy Life
Sassy Life - 23.05.2023 19:28

this is dope

Chicken Nugget
Chicken Nugget - 18.05.2023 10:54

I am OBSSESED with this song😩😩

Gauravrdx0008 - 17.05.2023 18:34


Ashfaq Latheef
Ashfaq Latheef - 17.05.2023 16:32

Bang Bang🎉

Steven Mcconville
Steven Mcconville - 11.05.2023 00:35

Pore some soap on them ....❤❤this fantastic vibe

Kulwinder Singh
Kulwinder Singh - 03.05.2023 20:40

Pop star

Ch Shahzaib
Ch Shahzaib - 03.05.2023 19:58

Kala jatt 🔥

Mark Furlong
Mark Furlong - 03.05.2023 18:47

3 years and I figure out that method man and red man made this thy will have the fire ownership to this.
how high part two 👈
