Windows 2000 | A Forgotten Marvel

Windows 2000 | A Forgotten Marvel


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Toronto Populist Conservative
Toronto Populist Conservative - 15.11.2023 04:57

If NT stands for "New Technology" then "Built on NT Technology" is a redundancy.

Sygma6 - 15.11.2023 04:42

Windows 2000 had actual user security and built in networking / socks support. Big deal for networking and Internet.

Code Tech
Code Tech - 15.11.2023 04:33

The golden age of home computers has come and gone.

Toxicity - 15.11.2023 04:22

Windows 2000 was just just the successor of the NT Line and itself a professional only, it never had an big market share. Way bigger than NT but still. Newly bought PCs were delivered with an preinstalled ME. To get 2000 on those machines you had to get an 2000 CD and Key. Which was a thing especially since 2000 didn't had online activation and burning CDs were the norm back then. But the normal user had no incentive switching, and it was mainly professionals, who were fed up with the unstable 98 and ME, that installed 2000 on their home PCs.
Thats why nobody remembers Windows 2000.

Iain Shepherd
Iain Shepherd - 15.11.2023 04:15

“What is the greatest OS of all time? … Arguably the most popular consensus is that it was Windows XP”



ghw7192 - 15.11.2023 03:55

My Win 2000 Pro machine died, but the hard drive still lives and may find its way into another computer some day. I loved 2000 and held off getting XP Pro as long as possible.

Simon T
Simon T - 15.11.2023 03:25

all microsoft is JUNK. period. i dont like it

John Evans
John Evans - 15.11.2023 03:19

Yall crazy. Windows 11 is far and above the best. It actually works

mrofinUtortxoF - 15.11.2023 03:07

Vegan leather is as marvellous as win2k. We appreciated almost every new version of windows, but we loved winXP and/or win7 as it gave us bare minimum of stability and/or usability for a long time. Life just doesn't stop there, even if those OS are cool. I have started with win95 back in 98, as an 8-year old kid. It was a tricky yet enjoyable way learning. I remember win2k, but mostly as a patch, not a standalone.

Richard Fraser
Richard Fraser - 15.11.2023 02:41

Windows 3.1

eye776 - 15.11.2023 02:36

Windows XP Professional x64. The one based on Windows Server 2003.

iWhacko - 15.11.2023 02:26

I ran win2k Pro for as long as it was possible before I had to switch to XP for newer games. It was so much cleaner and more stable. and much faster because XP started the trend of bloating up the OS with eye candy.

Yaarmehearty - 15.11.2023 02:10

Was ME the worst? I don't think so, personally that would be 8 but 2000 as the best? Also no, the best is a combo of 98se with some drivers added from ME to get usb mass storage support etc. With 9x you got 20 years of full compatibility, the move to NT and the changes in hardware at the time meant some DOS programs just didn't work well. Today that doesn't matter much so 2000 looks more favourable but at the time the DOS issue was a concern.

Varangian af Scaniae
Varangian af Scaniae - 15.11.2023 02:06

Who the hell has forgotten it? Not the people who used it, that's for sure. This is the second video I got recommended from this channel and it's just as braindead video as the first one was!

Muscles Mouse
Muscles Mouse - 15.11.2023 02:04

I loved this OS. I used XP because of work.

porovaara - 15.11.2023 02:04


Blur4strike - 15.11.2023 02:01

I never used Windows 2000, at the time of its release I was still using Windows 98 both at home and in schools (alongside MacOS in said schools.) Interesting to know that Windows XP refined what was used in 2000.

k24a1 - 15.11.2023 01:45

Windows 2000 is absolutely wonderful. XP since SP3 started getting slower with updates (which is VERY noticeable on older computers) so I prefer 2000 for those machines that struggle with later iterations of XP. I also have a Sony VAIO laptop running Win2K from december of 2000 that still runs fast even after installing updates.

Jeffery Kazimer
Jeffery Kazimer - 15.11.2023 01:36

yea, 2000 Professional was my fav, followed by NT 4.0

Jon Homrich
Jon Homrich - 15.11.2023 01:15

Everyone know that honor of best OS goes to windows vista...

Tall Paul
Tall Paul - 15.11.2023 00:55

Windows 2000 was good, for the time. I thoroughly enjoyed learning Active Directory with Advanced Server and Professional versions. Also, learned to merge and migrate to a 2000 AD server from 2003 server.

Firstnamerequired Lastnameoptional
Firstnamerequired Lastnameoptional - 15.11.2023 00:54

We used Win 2000 at work back then. I might get a copy to play with for memories. Have used everything since DOS3.1. Still use XP Pro for legacy software that cannot be beat by modern software. XP was last MS OS with business looking screens, then Win 7 went to the Mattel Toy look. Win 7 works well, just that MS screwed with the screens and regrouped the functions and options.
Tried Win ME for one week, then took it out. XP 32 bit works great. XP 64bit is a troublesome klutz. MS never finished developing the 64bit before hitting the market.
Presently using dual boot of XP and Win7. They share the same data files.

LavaCreeperPeople - 15.11.2023 00:47

My guy really likes old Windows OS's
nice :)

Tom Simeone
Tom Simeone - 15.11.2023 00:47

I remember when 2000 came out, it was unlike anything else.. But I was a fan of NT4 too....

AlexeiVoronin - 15.11.2023 00:35

Windows XP was, in many ways, a buffed Windows 2000, wasn't it? XP was NT 5.1, whereas 2000 was NT 5.0, so they were close "relatives."

Ren Stimpy
Ren Stimpy - 15.11.2023 00:18

I used it and approve this video

EuphoricBloodLust - 15.11.2023 00:16

I used 2000 between 98SE and XP, and I have a retro laptop running 2K (it's my daily retro driver for most things, have a 98SE laptop for the others) - 2K, in the right hands, is a good solid OS

pcpanik-Musik - 14.11.2023 23:54

Active Directory was also introduced with Windows 2000, as a client. That was a big thing for the business market.

Hard Mommy
Hard Mommy - 14.11.2023 23:51

I had a prebuild Acer with Windows ME installed.
I am an outlier however my experience with the OS was just fine. I remember it only crashing maybe once and remember having some headaches switching to XP because some of my applications couldn't recognize XP so they would complain that they were not being ran on ME. I think it was fixed with later SP1 or 2.
Win XP SP2 was so good though.
Now? I use Arch, btw.

iAlrakis - 14.11.2023 23:41

Pretty sure I sticked with Windows 2000 for the longest time before upgrading. With some tweaking it just kept going on my old machine.

World Class Mind
World Class Mind - 14.11.2023 23:38

I loved thia simple to use, clean, no fuss and ultra stable OS. Im a fan. I loved its gray window so much and somehow it's much better gray compared to Win 9x gray...

LeftyMcFancyFingers - 14.11.2023 23:37

Windows XP was just a reskin of 2000 with hand holding wizards. I prefer 2000 over XP. Active Directory on the server side was a game changer.

pcpanik-Musik - 14.11.2023 23:36

I always find it amazing how well-informed young people can talk about software and products, and wear t-shirts that came out at a time when they themselves were most likely still toddlers or small children. If at all already born.

Omar Kaj
Omar Kaj - 14.11.2023 23:33

Windows 2000 felt different from Windows 95 and 98, and was probably one of my most favorite.

Lutz Albrecht
Lutz Albrecht - 14.11.2023 23:24

We used Win 2k forever on our graphics workstations due to the memory management requirements for our 3D work and MS taking their time with 64bit XP. 3DS Max and Maya were not even running on anything else for quite some time, if I remember correctly.

Alex Cruba
Alex Cruba - 14.11.2023 23:22

Funfact: Authorities switched from 200 to ME and then back to 2000... :D

Stuff - 14.11.2023 23:12

Underrated for sure! One of the last of the "old style grey" interfaces before they defaulted to something a bit more colourful.

Charles Grubbs
Charles Grubbs - 14.11.2023 23:06

I've never once heard anyone say windows 8. Used 2000 for years and was basically the same as xp with the unofficial service packs

REJComp - 14.11.2023 23:03

LOL multi processor support was easily the most important step forward for 2000, especially if you had an Abit BP6 motherboard with dual Celeron CPU's

Malte - 14.11.2023 22:54

Some corrections:
- Windows 2000 was not underappreciated because it was overshadowed by the quick release of XP or the bad reputation of Me. The major cause was that it was not sold with consumer PCs at that time. If Microsoft would have let OEMs ship Windows 2000 in a consumer friendly variant (perhaps instead of Me) back then, appreciation and recognition would probably have been higher.
- The slogan "Built on NT-Technology" was not chosen to differentiate it from the failure that was Me - In fact Me did release 7 months after 2000.
- The backwards compatibility was not an emulation. It changed some variables visible to the targeted program which would make it less likely to crash or refuse to run. You could call it a "simulation" instead perhaps.

Don M
Don M - 14.11.2023 22:47

Loooved my Windows 2000 Pro install back in the day. Stable and quick and was a nice transition between 98SE to XP Pro as the years went on.

Mike Sadlak
Mike Sadlak - 14.11.2023 22:36

A minute in to this video and you can already see how this guy knows nothing about computer timelines or what inspired what. He doesn't even know that ME is windows 2000 for home use or that XP came well before 2000 and inspired it or that XP was actually the lead in to all the advancements in Windows around this time period. This guy knows almost nothing about windows as far as I can tell. I've had every single version and kept up to date for about 25 years now and I can say that this guy in this video obviously doesn't know shit about Windows from a historical perspective.

Imtiaz Sami
Imtiaz Sami - 14.11.2023 22:35

It is Linux

Frostblood - 14.11.2023 22:35

Windows XP was an amazing OS, i loved it during the whole time i used it. But windows 7 was the last OS we ever needed, very little has been added since, that has been worth upgrading over. If it wasnt for a lack of security updates and software compability, i would still be on windows 7.

Leon Legend
Leon Legend - 14.11.2023 22:26

Windows 2000 was the 1st thing I ever saw on a computer.

𒈙𒈙𒈙𒈙𒈙𒈙𒈙𒈙𒈙𒈙 - 14.11.2023 21:56

There are better operating systems than Windows.

Tim Dahl Jensen
Tim Dahl Jensen - 14.11.2023 21:45

Such a weird re-telling of the mid 90’ies to 2000…

Apple was shite, their os was shite. They had to by Steve jobs next and their UNIX variant of an os, Microsoft had to buy $150 mio of Stock to keep Them afloat and their first stable os was ver. 10.

Microsoft was milking the market in regards to new os’ after win95 with incremental development until they had built up somewhat driver support on the win nt side and launched win xp with a more sleek look than the archaic win95 look of win2000.

Michael O
Michael O - 14.11.2023 21:33

I remember going from the DOS based Windows 9x to Windows 2000 after an online friend convinced me it was superior. That stability alone amazed me and I never ran a non NT version of windows ever again.
