25 Years - A SUSE Music Parody

25 Years - A SUSE Music Parody


6 лет назад

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It's Been 25 Years - Parody of Lukas Graham's 7 Years

Vocals: Shaun Barrowes
Directed by: Russ Dastrup
Filming/Editing/Producing: Scott Dastrup
Audio Mastering: Stoker White
Lyrics by Shawn Zumbrennen

Back in 1992, the idea you could make a business from Linux seemed little more than a pipedream. Three German students, Hubert Mantel, Roland Dyroff, and Burchard Steinbild, and software engineer Thomas Fehr, thought they could make a go of it, and formed S.u.S.E, "Software und System-Entwicklung" -- in English, "Software and systems development."

Today, under the name SUSE, it's one of the three most successful business Linux distributions in the world.

Today, SUSE, the oldest Linux business still running, is a long, long way from its humble beginnings. Then, the first SUSE Linux was a German port of Patrick Volkerding's Slackware, the world's longest surviving Linux distribution.

Like Red Hat, which would follow SUSE into business in 1994, these early distributions relied on both support contracts and boxed software for their income. As time went on, the days of individually packaged operating systems were drawing to a close. So, SUSE shifted over to enterprise Linux distributions and support contracts.

This move, thanks largely to IBM committing to SUSE and three other Linux distributors in 1999, would set the company's direction firmly to enterprise Linux. Today, as SUSE CEO Nils Brauckmann told me in an interview at SUSECon in Prague, "IBM's mainframes are still a big part of SUSE's business. SUSE has also seen good progress on IBM POWER servers, works well with SAP on POWER, and is making further moves into IBM's Bluemix cloud."

It wasn't always an easy path to its most successful fiscal year to date, 2017, with its $400-million in revenue. In 2003, Novell bought SUSE. This move would end up causing both a major victory for Linux and a major controversy, which would pre-shadow Microsoft's embrace of Linux.

First, by buying SUSE, Novell, with its Unix copyrights, would place itself firmly on Linux's side. When SCO tried to destroy Linux with its IBM copyright attacks, Novell and SUSE would ride to Linux's rescue. By proving that Novell, and not SCO, owned Unix's copyright, Novell would end SCO's seven-year assault on Linux's intellectual property (IP).

Few people really noticed Novell/SUSE's major role in ending the SCO threat at the time though because Novell had partnered with the "Evil Empire" Microsoft a year earlier in 2006. While Novell and Microsoft partnership was loudly condemned in its day, one of its chief goals was to enable Linux to run on top of Windows. This early virtualization work would prove the foundation for Linux not to merely run on Microsoft's Azure cloud, but to put Linux on more than a third of Azure's virtual machines.

While this was happening, SUSE continued its march into the enterprise space. The company didn't want to leave its individual users in the lurch. So, in 2006, it released SUSE Professional under a new name and as a pure open-source project: openSUSE. Today, openSUSE remains a vital community Linux distribution.

While SUSE continued to do well under Novell, the larger company found itself under pressure from its stock-owners. In 2010, it appeared SUSE would end up as a division of VMware. That deal fell through. In the end, relative unknown AttachMate, with Microsoft's help, bought SUSE.

During SUSE's Attachmate years, the company did well, but didn't make many headlines. Things started to change when Micro Focus acquired Attachmate in 2014. SUSE was spun off as an independent division. Since then SUSE has been doing better.

In its first major move from being a pure-play Linux distribution company to a cloud power, SUSE, via Micro Focus, acquired HPE's cloud software development team. This included HPE's OpenStack Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) and Cloud Foundry Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) cloud assets.

As SUSE celebrates its 25th birthday, it appears to me that the company can look forward to at least 25 more years as a strong open-source company.

Source: ZDNET


#SUSE #suse_25_years
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@profetik777 - 14.12.2023 22:55

This sucks.

@ancogamer - 26.11.2023 23:43

Is been 31 YEARS.

@Jasiwardas - 19.08.2023 05:13

2023 🎶 now you are 30years old...

@AquilaLuiz - 20.07.2023 19:20

Gostei demais parabéns

@webflyer035 - 20.07.2023 16:35

Once we were 30 years old, we forked RHEL 😂

@Cyber_Gas - 11.05.2023 16:36

now your 30 years old

@rinnakuro - 04.04.2023 03:17

SUSE.30 years, Now I moved to openSUSE and stick with you. Your distro have BEST KDE supported, more than Neon.

@JonathanSteadman2003 - 13.03.2023 19:34

The best operating system is Linux mint. 🥰🥰🥰🥰

@franciscom.e.9780 - 18.02.2023 07:55

In 1993, I think, I suddenly had at work a Sun Sparc before me, and I felt in love with Unix. By 1995, a provider told me about a new Unix-like operating system: Linux. By 1996 I had already installed Slakware Linux 1 in a wonderful Olivetti 486 DX50, resembling Sun's Openwindows environment. I spent the following two years trying with different hardware in my own IBM Aptiva to run Linux as I wanted, first with Red Hat, until I stayed with SuSE Linux 5 or 6 —and in German, because I was learning the language then—. I'm building a new-old computer at home right now and, having very fond memories of the time I lived in Berlin in 2001, I have just purchased a brand new box of SuSE Linux 7.1 today (eBay is a time machine), explicitly chosen due to the period. Viele Grüße aus Mexiko!

@MrRedTux - 14.02.2023 17:32

Who would have thought in the 30 years you've been here you would be purchased, spun off and still going. Meanwhile your biggest competitor was purchased by a behemoth and is slowly being dismantled.

@laughingvampire7555 - 18.01.2023 09:04

you made your ridiculous video about how to pronounce suse but you cannot pronounce Torvalds correctly, 🤣🤣 you clowns

@tiki_linux_user - 31.12.2022 18:36

When I first listened to this 4-5 years ago I just got started with SELS and I had a neutral feeling about this song. Now that I've been their user for a long time and seeing how much they care for their customer this just brought a tear to my eyes. SUSE forever. Thank you mom for recommending such an amazing company. And, thank you SUSE & OpenSUSE for your hard work. I use Arch, btw.

@CyberInfosec184 - 31.12.2022 11:29

This song is all about Linus Torvalds the creator of Linux OS

@Alexander-ix2jp - 08.06.2022 23:17

Made in Nuremberg. <3

@lramonserrano - 25.05.2022 21:46

Pues lo que llevo con Linux, y no he instalado nunca Suse. Y eso que se manipularla

@linuxtennyson - 14.05.2022 23:13


@TheSpiritG9 - 31.03.2022 22:44

and here they are 30 years old :)

@sdasifhossein2578 - 15.03.2022 21:48

BTW, I use Arch.

@falongor6836 - 12.03.2022 08:54

Ash! Torvaldos Lenus us ganaus! Halosed! Bardoraen!

@hotsauwz - 27.02.2022 15:44

One of the only companies that actively make good music.

Love SUSE and the linux community.

Happy 30th anniversary SUSE. Lets go for another 30.

@inadaizz - 20.09.2021 00:42

I don't wanna be 30 ='[

@yashodhanmv - 30.08.2021 15:57

This is the one of the awesome song I ever heard. This song let you feel the hard work of founders of open SUSE. Behind every successful business there is a crazy dream and not the money.

@kickstartnetworking3347 - 23.05.2021 02:00

Is it possible to use these parody songs as background music for opensuse related videos?

@ahmadchaka-carneyjr.3914 - 22.05.2021 12:36

You should do an updated one.

@yashahamdani6724 - 04.12.2019 18:50

Damnn this so Inspired me To learn Suse,can anybody Tell me,the best online learning our either about this??

@vincentzhang57 - 09.08.2019 17:46

Suse is a great team in desktop market, and i think it deserve a great future , we will look

@phsieben - 10.07.2019 05:19

That was really nice.

@viktorvalky9772 - 03.07.2019 11:42

Excelent !! made my day totally

@rizwanvk1795 - 28.02.2019 19:09

Fav song like if it is yours

@grzegorzbrzeczyszczykiewic1636 - 04.02.2019 12:53

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called “Linux”, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project. There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use.
Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine’s resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called “Linux” distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.

@irgeeksauce4165 - 13.01.2019 09:00

I would totally ask my company to switch to SUSE just because of this video.
Amazing guys.

@creativemindsjoinproductio7837 - 10.01.2019 06:13

ok ok I done seen it all I'm a partner to suse, and I am a musician maybe I should do a rock metal tune for them.

@lukeh.790 - 06.01.2019 14:14

Once I was 14 years old, were I thought Linux was crap. Now i am 15 years old and i am using Linux and i love it.

@thomasdeangibsonhanstobias2665 - 12.12.2018 12:18

Also Im Ernst Im Bösen "Nürnberg" In Der Bösartigen Reichsparteitagstadt Der Nazis Machen Die Einen Trittbrettnaziversion Von Dem Bösartigen "Konrad Zuse" Der Typ War Ein Kriegsverbrecher!

@alessiosusi - 02.12.2018 23:26

You are great and fucking Genius...

@stevenswall - 08.11.2018 00:12

Seeing this on your Glassdoor profile... Time to change industries!

@mygorgeousmedia - 10.10.2018 21:40

Guys you did amazing work on the video!💯 ❤ 👑 💪 shyt is str8 🔥 🔥 🔥 💯 💯 💯 It's not just the video/song etc. What moves me with this video is the fact that you can do it 25 years isn't a joke At all.

There are countless businesses that have failed in that time. You guys have seen a lotta come and a lotta go!💯 Congrats. I am extremely happy for you. Thanks for the awesome Vid!

@andreydestroyusa115 - 01.09.2018 15:46

Hah idiots from europe sold everithing to us.

@MihaiOprean - 14.02.2018 02:08

dem memories doe!

@nikitka666 - 06.01.2018 07:42

Мне 5 лет было, когда SUSE была основана.
С компьютерами я познакомился через 2 года.
С SUSE познакомился в 2003.
Блядовал долго, вплоть до 2012 года,
перепробовал туеву хучу разных дистрибутивов, но постоянно возвращался к SUSE.
С тех пор только SUSE-семейство и 2 года как openSUSE Tumbleweed

@user-hj6qk5dl9j - 24.12.2017 02:27

Для меня - однозначно лучший дистрибутив! Кто из России - плюсаните этому видео!

@tux9730 - 09.12.2017 21:37

I'm not a GNOMie, I'm an LXDE'ie. My PC isn't fast enough to make me a GNOMie

@Narwaro - 02.12.2017 02:15

Its been 25 years since the early nineties? Man, I feel old now. But okay, I wrote September as the date on a paper last week.

@tux9730 - 29.11.2017 00:11

I almost cried.... *That moment you realize you're crying about software*....

@kurtisodonnell321 - 12.11.2017 16:51

Without Linux, many people won't jobs, the few that do would have to pay for Windows and lose money and piracy. Without Linux, we would be slaves to Apple and Microsoft!!!!!!!! If you think of it, we should all thank ATT for making Unix in the first, then Minix was created, Linus wanted Unix/Minix on a PC and then created Linux ;)

@tengkuizdihar - 31.10.2017 18:31

This is why people use your OS.

Not the main reason I mind you.

But one of it nonetheless.

@AkumetsuOne - 30.10.2017 22:12

Nice music, use openSUSE since 10.1, and not gonna change and after leap use TW.

@zijingviolet - 27.10.2017 11:20

I'm so moved.
I worked at SUSE. And I was born in 1992. So I'm at the same age with SUSE. I hope SUSE will grow well.
