I Bought the Last BMW R1250GS Adventure.

I Bought the Last BMW R1250GS Adventure.

Big Rock Moto

2 месяца назад

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@SteelHorseman - 28.02.2025 03:32

Can’t wait for the mods video

@tomandconnieearly1686 - 27.02.2025 07:18

This is great timing for me and my situation. I just sold my 2015 GS LOW with 35000 miles so I am shopping for a new bike. I was looking at going smaller and lighter as in the 900GSA or the Triumph Tiger 900GT Pro. I am 75 but in really good shape so not your typical 75yr, old. I was in the dealership the other day talking to the salesman. He put me on a 2024 GSA low, Tripple Black for a test ride. It also had been discounted significantly! Other than it being very large in the front, after riding by GS for ten years, I really liked it and liked the additional weather protection etc. I to like the looks of the outgoing 1250 GSA much more than the new 1300. I'm just not sure about the size. I ride improved dirt roads and gravel roads but nothing too technical. I would appreciate any comments from those who have the 1250 GSA.

@tcat0211 - 27.02.2025 05:28

I currently have the same bike but from 2020. I also owned the 2003 R1150GSA for 21yrs. I also prefer the 1250 over the 1300. I'm a big tall guy so i have no need for the adaptive suspension though the radar cruise would be nice. Ironically the R1150GSA was by far the most comfortable out of the all 3. Agree with you totally on the 1300.

@SuperNova2112 - 21.02.2025 23:34

Just upgraded to the big boy 1250 after owning the F750 for over 2 years. Bought an absolutely beautiful (1 owner) 2022 GS adventure with just 4004 miles, and previous owner put some really nice Wunderlich mods on it. So far, I’ve only added the LR headlight protection. Hopefully I’ll work the LR auxiliary lights into the budget soon.
Definitely a new riding experience and the 1250 demands respect to its size and power. The R 1250 GS is a masterpiece of motorcycle engineering in my opinion, and I’m looking forward to clocking some serious miles in the coming years.
If you’re ever near western NC , stop in at Eurosport Asheville and meet the awesome team.

@RomulusReemus - 21.02.2025 08:08

Back when you reviewed the KTM 890 Adventure you had come to the conclusion that the mid-weight class was everything one needed and the GS was overkill. Now it seems despite the logic there’s an irresistible pull towards the big GS. Wish you’d talk about that a bit more at some point.

@sofakingcrazy1 - 19.02.2025 18:20

Congrats on your new purchase, big money!💰

@jgrc73 - 19.02.2025 02:29

everything that's wrong with motorcycling can be encapsulated in your channel's content. Please get into side-by-sides or something

@thehammer3340 - 18.02.2025 02:13

It's more fun and enjoyable watching you ride the Hayabusa, my 2025 coming in 3 weeks..Excited!

@scoutandscooter - 16.02.2025 09:31

There are about 45 2024 1250GSAs on floor rooms in the Dallas / Fort Worth area offering a whopping discount of $1,500. Still want $1,200 assembly and $400 paperwork. Dry clutch. No hydraulic lifters. PLEASE Yamaha give us an update Super Tenere!!

@GioTskhakaya - 14.02.2025 22:02


@TheridingFrenchman - 14.02.2025 18:18

That exactly why my gf and I decided to buy 2 x1250 gsa last week the price were very good
And it is in my opinion the best bike bmw ever so far

If you ever decide to ride north let me know ! Would be nice to meet

@monocogenit1 - 14.02.2025 16:01

"I'm not wealthy.... But I usually buy all my bikes Cash"....ahhh....kinda wealthy.

@mats3188 - 11.02.2025 18:33

It,s really make sences • Your argument for bying the 1250 gsa. I have a 1250 gs 2023 tripple black and i think its really god for everything.I have ride the 1300 a couple of times and it,s amazing but i have trouble to deside if i want to change my1250 Because it have so much comfort and personality and it is so easy to find extra eguipment for it. One other thing was that when 1 by it here in Sweden Bmw offer free service up to 50 000 km for a very favorable price .Wich is not the case for the 1300 . I think its intresting to hear your argument in the wideo why you chose to get the 1250 again. Its allways nice to watch your chanel and your comon sences of whats on the mc market😊👍

@prof.2248 - 05.02.2025 16:59

For me 1300 GSA, I like square shapes and handling is amazing. Another reason is that GS1200 and 1250 are thounds on the streets everywhere. Too common.

@mikealls8938 - 02.02.2025 13:20

Hey Ian when are the GS videos coming mate ?

@markfenlon7049 - 01.02.2025 11:49

Thanks Ian for introducing your 1250GS. Recently retired, need a new bike, I'm test riding the 1300GS next week. Pivotal moment, I'm excited but the price might be the ultimate killer. Currently ride a R1200R and XL1000 Varadero, both of which I love, but its time to invest for a do-it-all bike to last me. Let's see how I feel after the test ride.

@eddieware5225 - 31.01.2025 03:05

Hey Ian, long time viewer and I absolutely love your content! I was curious if the V4 Rally was a consideration after your epic trip in Colorado with it?!

Ps, if people atleast one group of people aren't hating on you, youre doing it wrong 😉

@dongraham9887 - 30.01.2025 23:52

I just couldn’t live with the looks of the GSA1300 either did the same as you & bought one of the last 1250’s it’s an awesome bike

@seamuscooke651 - 29.01.2025 08:31

I like watching your stuff, gives me an idea of what if anything I'm missing, and bikes I really should try and ride. I've got a 22 1250GSA 40th anniversary and it is far and away my favorite motorcycle ever. I think they look fantastic, and it serves the purpose for everything I ask it to do. From all day on the pavement to gravel and even some true off road. I have had 6 BMW's, a KTM 1290SAR, a bunch of Honda's, Yamaha's, and 3 modern Husqvarna enduro bikes. I buy bikes that I want to ride and look good to me. When I had my R1150RT and the 1200RT came out, I told my dealer I'd never own one, it was too ugly. He told me you can't see it when you are on it, but I do have to look at it in my garage and everywhere I take it. I still don't like the way they look to this day. That's kind of how I feel about the 1300GSA, I wont say NEVER, but god its ugly! Certainly no new bike envy with that thing.

@DearMajesty - 29.01.2025 04:34

Excellent, thank you Big Rock Moto! Now I can ask a little more for my 1250GS Adventure haha!

@jwkm6918 - 28.01.2025 13:39

The R1300GSA looks like BMW styled it after a Yeti cooler with wheels....it's butt ugly no matter how you slice it or dice it!

@UnicornMoto - 27.01.2025 06:33

Am I crazy for seriously considering selling my 23 R1250GSA for a blowout sale priced KTM 1290 SAR ?

@christianfekete - 26.01.2025 20:43

Got one yesterday with amazing upgrades all the way through in triple black, I am so pumped, a dream come true. I think they look great

@JackedJokerVlogs - 25.01.2025 12:48

You dont need to explain yourself so much. Keep delivering amazing content like always and we all go through these decisions and not everyone will try to understand them so to hell with them. You do you!

@overwatch65 - 25.01.2025 02:00

Switched off when he said happy holidays instead of Christmas

@Cartsp70 - 21.01.2025 09:10

Ian can you PLEASE PLEASE 🙏 do a review on the new 2025 Triumph Trident 660 ? 👍🏾 thanks 🤩 and happy new year 🥳

@markjennings-principals.p.5870 - 21.01.2025 00:53

I've had my 2023 1250 GS for a little over 2 years. Absolutely Love it. No need or desire to buy a 1300.

@xcesta - 20.01.2025 14:43

Love the video. I bought my 2024 1250GSA Triple Black for the same reasons (upgrade from 1200GSA). Awesome bike!

@RichGordon-c9z - 19.01.2025 22:50

Are those bags the 35L and 25L offset?

@ksb24dan - 16.01.2025 20:33

Love your choice. Love BMW as a company and their bikes are fantastic; safe, reliable, fun to drive, easy to work on. Love how easy a valve check is. BMW stands behind its bikes. Recent drive shaft warranty speaks loads. Visited amazing factory in Berlin last year. 90% of parts sourced in Europe. Not like KTM that hides when it's Chinese cams and valves go south, its tubeless rims leak from the factory or won't start when cold. Couldn't sell my 23 KTM 890r fast enough.

@stefangrell6916 - 16.01.2025 13:26

I just bought mine in December and could not be happier. As far as I understand the driveshaft on the 24 will be checked every 12000 miles, and replaced every 36000 miles under warranty...for the life of the bike. Thanks Motorrad 😂

@rickheist1819 - 16.01.2025 11:17

I couldn't agree more on your choice for the 1250GSA. Regarding future content: I look forward to your videos for upgrade to the TracTive suspension. I am considering the full TracTive suspension on my 2013 1200GS and, to educate myself, I have been binging on videos from Ted Porter's Beemer Shop.

@functionalfitness1013 - 13.01.2025 15:54

The new 1300 is HIDEOUS!
I don't care how great BMW says it is, if i can't stand looking at it, its a step in the wrong direction.
GSA 1250 for the win!

@123limelight - 12.01.2025 04:19

1300 are ugly never will I buy gs 1250 love it

@kramr7012 - 11.01.2025 15:23


@JC-jw6dp - 11.01.2025 01:04

I completely understand your decision. I bought my new 2016 GS and I don’t plan on parting with it. Hopefully you will keep your 2024 GSA for a long time. Stay safe

@nateperkins7534 - 09.01.2025 22:11

100% spot on you are with "why" the 1250 A and not the new 1300 A. Everything you said about personal comparatives to the two are exactly as mine are. I can afford any bike I want. My '22 GSA makes me grin and love it more every time I ride it. It also pleases me to look at when its parked in my garage. I love the damn thing. My dealer has three 1300 A's on the floor, I looked at them yesterday, spent an hour there. Bottom line: No way in hell I would have one in my garage. I absolutely cannot get past the look of the package. I think BMW completely dropped the ball with it. I know it is technologically superior, and no doubt it's stellar to ride. But I...just...can't. Great review. And to hell with the schmuck posting garbage about you. Keep doing exactly what you are. And Thanks!

@joshuamoninger2792 - 09.01.2025 21:59

Just put a deposit down on a '24 GSA. Pick it up on the 18th. Why? All the reasons you mentioned. Replacing a 2010 GSA which was itself an incredible bike (RIP... my bad)... lol

@johnasbury9915 - 09.01.2025 00:12

Congrats on your Employee of the Decade award. Strong work! I love my R1200GSA.

@skiphalbakken6499 - 08.01.2025 23:16

Why? Because it’s one of the coolest adv bikes ever. The new R-1300 doesn’t look like a GS. Great video Ian. Cheers from Texas.

@RichardKingham - 08.01.2025 19:12

The 1250 GSA is by far the better bike IMO. Enjoy your bike

@Tcflohr - 08.01.2025 04:18

I’m STILL on my 1150GSA. I love it so much, my wife bought a matching one. It feels mechanical, it feels clunky, it feels like it has character. And I feel proud to hump it along everywhere. Running into guys on the Alaskan highway with brand new bikes, I felt like a dinosaur in the best way.

@austinmatthews347 - 05.01.2025 01:49

i have tried both the 13 gs and gsa and i dont agree with you on the 1300 being better than the 1250. issues i found the 1300 cramped also the engine noise is dreadful the menus are dreadful i also think the tubular frame on 1250 is gorgeous

@ismailsiglam3544 - 04.01.2025 18:03

Man you are as emotional purchaser as we are. I bought 2 bikes based on your reviews and before I knew you changed your mind. Still my favorite reviewer on the net 👍

@cozysouth - 04.01.2025 17:23

Why did you choose this over your Africa Twin? I’m going to buy one or the other this winter and am leaning towards the AT.

@DuarteMacedo - 04.01.2025 03:03

Tenho 69 anos e gosto cada vez mais da minha Gsa 1250 Adv triple Black. Sempre que vou á garagem ela e eu temos que dar uma volta. A última grande “volta” foi de 12.000Km até ao Cabo Norte (Noruega).

@luucb929 - 04.01.2025 02:01

Hi Ian. I'm curious if you considered the Ducati Multistrada as well. Personally, I also like the design of the 1250 better than the 1300. But maybe my opinion will change after a while. Keep up the good work Ian!

@NoTengoIlusiones - 03.01.2025 18:52

I'll choose an Africa Twin over ANY GS. Go Japanese ❤ GS. Bulky, expensive on buy, expensive on parts
