This DAILY BREATHING TECHNIQUE Will Transform Your Body & Mind TODAY! | James Nestor

This DAILY BREATHING TECHNIQUE Will Transform Your Body & Mind TODAY! | James Nestor

Dr Rangan Chatterjee

3 года назад

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Luanne - 19.09.2023 20:54

I always do buteyko breathing though.

Cynthia Lawrence
Cynthia Lawrence - 19.09.2023 18:56


J.A. B.
J.A. B. - 19.09.2023 14:04

So many commercials..long ones..yikes

Teddy Waldo
Teddy Waldo - 18.09.2023 10:11

Get to the Exercises

Charlotte Hewson
Charlotte Hewson - 16.09.2023 13:28

Perfection restricts progress!

Charlotte Hewson
Charlotte Hewson - 16.09.2023 13:14

Yes! The car analogy makes loads of sense. 😊

Charlotte Hewson
Charlotte Hewson - 16.09.2023 12:38

So, so glad you demonstrated the sleep tape advice. Before that I had literally just reached for the gaffa tape and scissors! Oh dear! I think this video should be put into schools. I’ve been breathing incorrectly my whole life. Thank you for doing this fundamentally important podcast.

Mary O'Neill
Mary O'Neill - 16.09.2023 03:40

How much is too slow? I find more than 3 or 4 per minute uncomfortable / too fast, but I am not particularly fit at all. I hold on to the inbreath for a long time. Is this a problem?

Bliss WKC
Bliss WKC - 14.09.2023 14:35


C W - 14.09.2023 14:15

This is amazing and so informative. My breathing changed when I caught Covid 3 years ago. I have gone on to have Long Covid and have had big problems with my breathing for 3 yrs now. It's been totally disabling. I've had many bad chest infections and got dysautonomia and a breathing pattern disorder because of this condition. My diaphragm is tight and does not work properly and my lungs feel like they are in glue. It is like I have forgotten how to breathe. Is there anything else you can suggest for me or would daily deep breathing sessions and trying slowing down my breathing work for me?

Mary Schell
Mary Schell - 13.09.2023 00:48

digestion begins with the senses.then the mouth......

kenneth cheung
kenneth cheung - 12.09.2023 09:14

how about let's chew sugarcane to strengthen our teeth and jaw

Cherylin Norton
Cherylin Norton - 11.09.2023 16:10

Fabulous… Enlightening… Inspiring… Makes me very thankful that I am doing Feldenkrais instead of yoga. 🥰🌬️😌 it has allowed me to breathe into every part of my body for 10 or 15 minutes with total muscle relaxation, focus and awareness on the in and out of my breath… It’s truly amazing the benefits I have experienced. 😊

Intia Henriques
Intia Henriques - 06.09.2023 00:50

Pls recommend who to follow on utube for anxiety breathing. There is so much out there. Dont know who is right.

Kim Hartt
Kim Hartt - 05.09.2023 01:33

Wow. Excellent😊

S Chaitram
S Chaitram - 31.08.2023 18:57

Amazing knowledge here. Thank you.

Freq. Pimp
Freq. Pimp - 27.08.2023 14:49

I’ve been chewing a dog toy for 5 minutes per day for over 2 years., the difference is astounding., my jaw is wider, my face more muscular, and what surprised me the most is my breathing is better.,

V N - 27.08.2023 07:21

Anyone summarise this long video please?

Kristian Paullay-Beazley
Kristian Paullay-Beazley - 23.08.2023 06:02

Try burpees breathing only thro your nose, I have been doing CrossFit for over a decade. I trained my-self to breathe thro my nose only and it gave me the vision of a stallion. When the horse is fully galloping it’s nostrils are flaring and pumping. That was my metaphor for performance.

BeslanIntruder - 21.08.2023 01:42

A 2 hour presentation, I see how you are trying to weed people out.

Choose To Be Happy Now
Choose To Be Happy Now - 20.08.2023 01:09

This fits perfectly with HeartMath institute research. This is about optimal health! I teach the breathing practice in my therapy practice 😌

Cheryl Jefferson
Cheryl Jefferson - 18.08.2023 03:18

Nasal breathing probably increases the production of nitric oxide which is beneficial.

Kristine Hovemoen
Kristine Hovemoen - 13.08.2023 12:26

Brilliant content!

INDRAJEET PARMAR - 09.08.2023 07:28

You don't show how to breath

Kathy A
Kathy A - 31.07.2023 14:19

He’s a climate cook

Georgia Allen
Georgia Allen - 27.07.2023 08:43

Pranayama! Basis of yoga.

Raudel Oropeza
Raudel Oropeza - 24.07.2023 12:59

Mr James Nestor & Dr Rangan, have you guys been through multiple sessions of accupuncture, while fasting/ dieting organics only?
Experienced, practiced postures & mudras?
Are you guys working on your flexibility or have gone through a quiropractor treatment.

What are your thoughts on kombucha, acetic acid, ph, and quantum entanglement, or more key elements for the synthesis of our homeostasis to permanently fix equilibrium/entropy/symptoms. Thank y'all ! 🙏

oopalonga - 21.07.2023 21:41

The sky says he's been a medical doctor for over 20 years... Maybe it's just hard to see on my phone but s*** he looks like he just graduated in med school lol.

Badiya Adamu
Badiya Adamu - 18.07.2023 16:30

Is very interesting

Diego Román
Diego Román - 15.07.2023 15:02

1-Says that the perfect breath is to inhale 5.5 seconds and exhale 5.5 seconds. But then it says that your exhalations should be a little longer than your inhalations. Can someone clarify this for me?

2- Regarding the first doubt, I have two more doubts according to your answer:

a) If the main goal is to get a 5,5 second breath during the whole day, how do I achieve this?

b) If on the contrary your inhalations should be longer during the whole day, how can I achieve this?

3- Talk about excessive breathing and breath holding. Here it would be enough to do the Wim Hof breathing (TUMMO), wouldn't it, because in it you do both.

4- How does this apply in sports?

a) weight lifting
B) running/walking

5- And when sitting for several hours? because the posture complicates the breathing.

Bruno Luke
Bruno Luke - 08.07.2023 00:29

The collapse of Margin debt leads to a decrease in stock prices and trigger a wave of selling as investors try to cover their losses, Buying a stock is easy, but buying the right stock without a time-tested strategy is incredibly hard. Hence what are the best stocks to buy now or put on a watchlist? I’ve been trying to grow my portfolio of $145K for sometime now, my major challenge is not knowing the best entry and exit strategies ... I would greatly appreciate any suggestions

Syed Moinuddin
Syed Moinuddin - 07.07.2023 13:16

The video describes several breathing techniques:

1. Deep belly breathing - He talks about filling your belly first with air before expanding your chest. This is the natural and full body way of breathing that helps maximize oxygen intake.

2. Slowing down your breathing rate - He encourages taking slower, deeper breaths to relax. Taking 5-7 second breaths in and out helps stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system which calms the body.

3. Turning inhalations into exhalations and vice versa - He mentions reversing the breath where the inhalation feels like an exhalation and the exhalation feels like an inhalation. This mental switch can help one let go of tension.

4. Box breathing - He describes a 4 part breathing exercise where you breathe in for 4 counts, hold for 4 counts, breathe out for 4 counts and hold for 4 counts, then repeat. This structured pattern helps create a rhythm that calms the mind.

5. Morning breaths - He talks about taking 10-20 deep breaths first thing in the morning to energize and clear the mind for the day ahead. These full breaths help maximize oxygen intake when the body needs it most.

In summary, the video focuses on techniques like deep belly breathing, slowing the breath, structured breathing patterns, and morning breaths to help relax, energize and build mindfulness around one's breathing. The key is to take full, deep breaths using the full capacity of your lungs.

Abi Shipp
Abi Shipp - 28.06.2023 21:04

White rice are naturally white.

Viktoria Nagy
Viktoria Nagy - 26.06.2023 18:20

Too much blabla reporter😂 do u want to be somebody very much

natthanin dulpramote
natthanin dulpramote - 23.06.2023 07:27

Wars are the only reason why we lost our ancient knowledge

Leroy Babcock
Leroy Babcock - 20.06.2023 03:47

We should blame and criticize the big food companies in the us they are greedy and are inconsiderate of our health. Yet they have made us dependent on them in most cases

iPRO - 19.06.2023 04:21

I’m in stroke recovery and do intensive physical training 3 times weekly and after each hard workout I ado the breathing and my PTs were surprised and actually said my stamina had improved since breathing through my nose at first she I thought maybe I wasn’t pushing you hard enough you’re usually out of breath and panting by now then I told her ohh I’m trying to breathe only through my nose now and she said well keep it up you’re certainly less tired and less in pain I’m guessing it’s the lowered amounts of lactic acid in my muscles that’s preventing tightness and cramps 🙏🏽💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽❤️‍🩹🙏🏽👍🏽

A B - 18.06.2023 04:53

EXCELLENT Conversation! Thank you

A B - 17.06.2023 19:46

I LOVE when Western medicine and science start catching up with ancient practices like yoga and qigong !! Please continue, and make it mainstream

Joana Bensby
Joana Bensby - 16.06.2023 18:04

I have tried the slow breath and it has a good efect , even during training. You feel less tired and more relaxed.

Dylan - 16.06.2023 16:04

Good story but I’m really missing the CO2 part in the foundation of breathing less. Because you’re body is able to transport more oxygen to your cells through breathing less over time because of higher CO2 levels. We need CO2 to transport oxygen to our cells. The more CO2 tolerance, the more CO2 in our lung sacks in our lungs, the more oxygen we can transport to our cells. Buteyko training will learn you these principles en will learn you some exercises to level up your co2 tolerance and through these exercises you will automatically breath less, have more oxygen available for your cells and be able to hold your breath longer & longer through exercise and thus you will be healthier en more powerful. Imagine breathing 4x less and have 3 times more energy ;)!

Shelly Church
Shelly Church - 15.06.2023 17:16

So if you think about it in less industrialized probably wouldn't see mouth issues as much because they eat more or less what the adults are eating.

word2mother - 14.06.2023 23:26

dont breathe with your nose, use it to breathe through, pull the ait in from the stomach, the nose is only a hole, not the actual thing creating the suction.

Lynne Whiteside
Lynne Whiteside - 13.06.2023 17:40

Too much talking. Just do the frigging exercise.

Ann Dyer
Ann Dyer - 13.06.2023 13:19

I did Wim Hoff breathing once… it was very fast breathing and my head got ice cold…. Scared the crap out of me!!

Jagdish Trivedi
Jagdish Trivedi - 09.06.2023 15:53

Breathing is an integral part of yoga,named Pranayam which people practse in yoga.Swami Ramdev mentioned few years ago that in 10 years people will adopt the breathiung like yoga asanas and pooistures

Annie - 06.06.2023 10:34

Brilliant thanks for the video 🌿☘️🌱🌳💚🍀can you tell me a good breathing exercise for raynauds disease please 🌈🌕⭐

Thomas K
Thomas K - 01.06.2023 07:16

I used to always have at least one or two nostrils blocked. Always. I was also snoring. About 18 months ago I started taping my mouth - hostage style (still do). Anyway, initially I couldn't breathe so I ended up getting a nasal spray to help me along. I only did one nostril at a time and after a few days I could give the nasal spray away. After that I did not need it. As I sit here typing, both nostrils are good. Left one is 100%, the right one about 80% open. I notice that throughout the day the nostrils switch in terms of their openness. But my point is, before taping my mouth at night, it would be roughly 40% one nostril, and 0% the other.

Bapsy McDowall
Bapsy McDowall - 27.05.2023 03:43

Thanks both for sharing your knowledge with millions of people around the world...

Bapsy McDowall
Bapsy McDowall - 27.05.2023 03:36

Extremely wonderful topic, thanks so much, will share in my contacts...
