"Smoke Break" - Hard Boom Bap Freestyle Rap Beat

"Smoke Break" - Hard Boom Bap Freestyle Rap Beat

Anabolic Beatz

2 года назад

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Anabolic Beatz
Anabolic Beatz - 02.09.2021 17:30

"Smoke Break" 🚬

𝓑𝓪𝓼𝓪𝓴 - 30.09.2023 18:05


Dorottya Jakab
Dorottya Jakab - 17.09.2023 15:23

Can i use this beat?

Fernando Ritzie
Fernando Ritzie - 08.09.2023 14:02

Cómo tambaleando fintiando fui mi ritmo sin mostrar terror mi estilo salió cara de menor que con mi bella no jueguen puede que no lleguen y dé ganas de joderle busquar mayor sus dato dentro del corazón sin estar temblando quemando toanave Kenes Keren pontrolargme😮

Deep Royal
Deep Royal - 06.09.2023 09:40


F1nnz - 01.09.2023 09:12

Rockn roll

Isaiah Quiles
Isaiah Quiles - 01.09.2023 07:56

Breaking through like I was Batman no need to change the facts man yea it’s comical reasoning yea I’m

Józef Łaznowski
Józef Łaznowski - 09.08.2023 21:12

go to translate and type in random letters and play it while this beat ITS LEGEND

Emanuele Cerbone
Emanuele Cerbone - 09.08.2023 04:08


Trentino High Adige
Very well
Eugenio Martello

Insulto finale

Tropea è suggestiva
Signora cattiva

Bruce Lee dove sta?
Patria potestà

Kalimba man

Altri mondi

Fate VN
Fate VN - 27.07.2023 10:37

My channel also has beats hope you guys watch and support😅😅

Nyekk - 06.07.2023 12:26

Akoy tahimik lng sa umpisa

KICEK - 04.07.2023 02:31

siedzialem na chawirze z ziomalem
kminilismy dalej z naszym planem
i nagle obudziliśmy się nad ranem
o rany, stary, co się wczoraj działo
o chłopie już ci opowiem śmiało
mówisz że dobra przyprawa do tych ciastek
to raczej jasne
zaraz zobaczysz jazdę
i ją zobaczyles
głowę zakryles
jak struś w długą się zaszyłeś
goniłem cię po całej chacie
z dupy spadały ci gacie
mówię uspokój się bracie
nagle cyk
odpaliła nam się śmiechawa
to była dopiero była zajebista zabawa
czuliśmy się jak na karuzeli
mówisz ale mi serce stuka
zjedzmy jeszcze jedno
to dopiero będzie sztuka
bo barku mnie postukał
i mówi smakowa
tutaj pyszne ciacha mamy
siadaj i sobie porozmawiamy
chwilą powagi
i chuj odleciała z wiatrem
bo patrząc na jego ryj nie mogłem
mam smiechawke

Gabin Orionot
Gabin Orionot - 26.06.2023 22:46

Yo, écoute-moi bien, j'ai un message pour toi,
Si tu veux rapper, peu importe d'où tu viens, crois-moi.
La rue n'est pas une condition, le talent n'a pas de frontière,
Ce qui compte, c'est ta passion, ta manière de t'exprimer sincère.

Tu peux avoir grandi dans un quartier résidentiel,
Entouré de verdure, d'une vie paisible, ça peut sembler irréel.
Mais ton vécu, tes émotions, tes expériences uniques,
Sont des sources d'inspiration, des ingrédients magiques.

Tu peux raconter tes propres histoires, tes joies, tes peines,
Les défis que tu as relevés, les victoires que tu teines.
La musique est un moyen de transmettre ton essence,
De toucher les cœurs, d'inspirer avec ta puissance.

Rappelle-toi, le rap est une forme d'expression,
Un art libre qui se nourrit de diverses dimensions.
Tu peux aborder des sujets qui te tiennent à cœur,
Dénoncer l'injustice, parler de tes rêves, de tes valeurs.

La musique n'a pas de frontières, elle unit les gens,
Elle brise les barrières, crée des liens transcendants.
Alors, ne te laisse pas décourager par des stéréotypes,
Rappelle-toi que ta voix compte, peu importe le prototype.

Nourris-toi de ta culture, de ta singularité,
Crée ton propre style, laisse parler ta créativité.
Le rap est un moyen de t'exprimer, d'être entendu,
Sois authentique, fais résonner ta vérité dans tes mots crus.

Alors, prends le micro, ne laisse personne te dire "non",
Laisse ta voix résonner, enflammer les horizons.
Peu importe d'où tu viens, c'est ton talent qui compte,
Rappelle-toi que la passion n'a pas de compte.

ahbtrdtufume - 26.06.2023 10:52

J allume un pétard des lmatin
jme fait un boulard des lmatin
J allume un patard je fly et jsuis high
Devant le Flick jsuis ailleurs
Rester dehors jusqu'à pas d heure
Pour vendre des fleurs jme fleurs sur ta pierre tombale
JT ai fait tomber tout pâle
Dans la caisse tous ccale
Jte fait tirer trois taff et t dans les vapes
Vape vape fume de lopsa
Kush kush kush fume de opgangsta
Et mm quand ça te le crâne faut qutu reste Al
y une bagarre au bar
Y a une pétasse a la gare
Jdemande son Snap 30 min plus tard elle veux qujla Hagar
Au hangar jusqu a très tard
Jme bagarre jfume pétard
Y a les flick qui passe il voient mon petard ils tirent barre il se casse
Jles voient ils marchent pas droit
Au volant du Duster il sprenne pr des pilotes
Reverse mon pote 6 gars sur leurs dos
Veulent courir mais c trop tard
Ils sont déjà démonté c batard
Ta un meuf mais n'oublie qu en un regard elle est a moi
Quand jsuis devant toi tourne pas dl oeil
Quitte pas ta meuf de l oeil
Si ta trop d orgeuills jla pète
Si ta des feuilles jte pète
Une meuf vien m abordé elle fait que dme saouler
Donc pour dla kush jte ken
Elle mramene 40 balle cette pute
Jfume mon pete jla ken
Une femme fontaine

Adalyn Cooper
Adalyn Cooper - 25.06.2023 06:48

Holy sjit im ascending to hevaen i listened to this on the toilet and this made me have a actual holy shit dude stop ✋️ 🫸 🫷 😳 Thar wasnt me.. anyway! 10/10 recommend 👌 listen to this while your fighting for your life against yoir shits! 🎉🎉🎉 😊

Ieatbananas - 21.06.2023 19:39

Verse 1:
I've been working hard, day in and day out
Trying to make a living, trying to figure things out
The stress is building up, it's getting hard to take
I need a little break, I need a smoke break

I need a smoke break, just to clear my mind
I need a smoke break, to leave the world behind
I need a smoke break, to let my worries go
I need a smoke break, to find my flow

Verse 2:
I light up a cigarette, take a deep breath
The smoke fills my lungs, it's a moment of rest
I close my eyes, let the tension release
I'm in my own world, my own kind of peace

I need a smoke break, just to clear my mind
I need a smoke break, to leave the world behind
I need a smoke break, to let my worries go
I need a smoke break, to find my flow

Some say it's bad, some say it's wrong
But for me it's a way to stay strong
It's a moment of calm, a moment of peace
It's a way to let go, to find some release

I need a smoke break, just to clear my mind
I need a smoke break, to leave the world behind
I need a smoke break, to let my worries go
I need a smoke break, to find my flow

I'll take my time, I won't rush it
I'll enjoy my smoke break, I won't fuss it
I'll come back stronger, ready to face the day
I'll take on the world, in my own special way.

Toque De Mágica
Toque De Mágica - 21.06.2023 02:34

Smoke break hard bomm bap freestyle rap beat

Antonio Ivanov
Antonio Ivanov - 19.06.2023 14:45

Tq mi wika tate a pa tq e oshte pale kato widq kura mi wika lele male drusam q kat zar sled poredniq bar tupa kurwa mi wodi cql memoar chupa i zubite w trotuar sled sesiqta kurwata mi wika dai edna bala s ewrak wlizam i w glawata s krak kachaka
pak izpushen ot nas naprao sum v ekstas drusa qko toq bass chak pada mazilkata u was srutwam wsichko twoe do krak my awer the back chukame sestrati pak tq ni wika o ne pak li otzad grupirahme i maikati s moq brat jenati si lqga s misli za nas i masturbira na moq glas

Official_Keshav_Yt - 19.06.2023 12:30

NCS ...?

nikosasso - 17.06.2023 16:17

come dice
chi l'arrizza l'impizza a me accende sto beat
da solo spicco tu manco con un feat
scritto da un altro
giro come quella
canna con due tiri sai che salto
che svarione trip
diventi coglione
tipo film dell'orrore
vedi le oeggio scene
balene tipo in spiaggia
lavori 7 ore manco la mancia
che frustrazione
è arrivata l'estate
e anche i guardoni invidiosi coglioni
estate pieni di muffa
colpa della meloni
fatto i in spiaggia sulle sdraio
io ne faccio un paio
sto disco gira come la mia testa
ormai alla sesta sono out
ma partiamo coi blunt
barche voltanti pesci alat

David Enh
David Enh - 04.06.2023 15:40


Băng qua mưa rơi trên con xe hơi ông bà già tao lo (băng băng)
Đưa anh em sang bên Dubai chơi ông bà già tao lo (Dubai)
Lamboghini, phone Vertu yeah ông bà già tao lo (Lambo)
Ông bà già tao lo
Yeah ông bà già tao lo

Đến cả hoa hậu Mai Phương Thuý có khi còn thích tao
Mấy cái thằng anh hùng bàn phím gặp tao là sitdown (mấy cái thằng vớ vẩn)
Đến đấy mà đốt trong show hiphop này như là big thâu
Làm vài con tem rồi cùng Shady lượn vài ba vòng xích đạo
Mang vali ra bung cho đô la bay như mưa rơi trong cabin anh em ta phê xong lên bay vivu trên Bently
Anh em ta đông, anh em ta ngông, anh em ta chơi như Donal Trump
Anh em ta không quan tâm ai đâu baby so much money

Hot còn chào tao check xếp hàng xa tít từ đằng sau (chưa đến lượt)
Mấy cái thằng cùi bắp vẫn còn mơ ước được bằng tao (ước đê)
Muốn tao nghèo khổ lắm nhưng mà đấy cơ mà khổ lắm
Tao đẻ con mẹ nó ở vạch đích rồi bây giờ biết phải làm sao

Matty Kirk
Matty Kirk - 12.05.2023 19:04

At my birth, I was cursed, the nurse said
He should have never been born
I came out, developing horns
A legend, a myth, who was born
Amidst a mist, in an abyss
Not meant to exist
But ever since then
I've been weathering storms
Limbs are getting dismembered n torn
From the swarms of enemies that form
From what I am supplying
You will be dying at dawn

Guys at the side of me,
Leave em in dust,
I spit heat that combusts
On the edge.... in need of a push
Think theres a rivalry
You'll be dying at dusk
And take out your dynasty
Thrust an ivory tusk
Into your eye if I must
Don't ever lie to me
Or try buying my trust
They all want a piece of the pie
You don't get a bite of the crust
Rhyming skill, I'm eons above
Out of this world
Soon to be leaving with musk
Believe in me, you must
Do you really think dreaming is enough?
I'm so down to earth
I sleep in the rough
We all bleed, but
How deep is the cut?
Please leave it to me to erupt
You're shocked at the way I connect lines
I can even conduct
Caught between heaven and hell
N I keep getting stuck

Stuck in darkness, it's hell, must be a spell
That keeps me under?
Blinded, can't see the light
I'm Stevie Wonder
Hiding, the pain inside
The screams are as deep as thunder
Life is a blunder
But still a wonderful mess
I'm Ill, uncomfortable, stressed
But I will, push through this test
Even though
I've never felt so, abandoned n helpless
Damned n defenceless
The hand I was dealt
Left me angered n selfish
I'm at war with myself but
Who’s manning the trenches?
Keep your hands to yourself
Before your left to
Hang on my shelf with...

...The great before me
My life could have been, an amazing story
But i wasted it
Spent it, chasing glory
Inside, battling hate n fury
Don’t tend to beg friends anymore
Cause they tend to ignore me
So much pain to endure,
But I guess I will make it ashore?
In it purely for the cure
I’ll search the earths surface
And down to its core
Search the thousands of mountains
To drink from the fountain
Astounding heights I'm amounting to
How do I get down to the floor?
How could they doubt him
Still climbing
Is someone counting the score?
Rappers sold out
Tryna go sold out in the stores
Think they're the shit
Cause what they're putting out is manure
I told you before
Don't provoke me
My Soul's broken n sore
Flow is potent, n pure
You'll overdose there's no cure
No hope for survival
I'm holding the title
An unnamed disciple

Attacking me is like coming to a gun fight
Swinging a sword
Haven't you seen my rhymes?
I'm a lyrical lord
You surviving birth was a miracle
Should have stayed attached to the umbilical cord
So quit, talking shit n act accordingly
Or I'll act disorderly
The way i rap is an act of sorcery
Get sent to the mortuary quick
Audibly sick
Brought my torturing kit
For this clown who thought he was IT
This is easy work for me, you're calling in sick
Calling it quits, you were born as a bitch
I was born with an itch
To kill any informant or snitch
Your grave is dug
Crawl in your ditch

This is for anyone who thinks they're a challenge
Your life tips in the balance
Remain strong whilst you start to diminish
I'm too hard to distinguish
And I'm on fire
So you can't extinguish my talent
I've got delinquent habits
No living lavish
Sit on my own
no throne
No Kingdom or palace
You ain’t quick enough to
sip the drip that slips from my chalice
You ain’t sick enough to
flip the script n rip it with malice
I must have slipped
and fell down the rabbit hole
But I’m fingering Alice
I’m on the brink
I think I can manage
But I’m trying to vanish
write rhymes in a panic
swear i am a manic
I ain’t right in the head
u ever get the feeling your dead?
I don’t lie in my bed at night
I lie on the ceiling instead
Weaving a web
With a needle n thread
Please don’t push him, he’s on the edge

Don't look at me
Like some kind of aggressor
I’m just a rhyming professor
Who’s right at your neck
Applying the pressure
Not out for respect
Expect to die in a sec
Kill you guys at my leisure
Downward spiral for your final endeavour
Will I come to an end, ever?
Never again, spent time
dismembering men
But I’ve got a hard time remembering when
I Used to cry in detention
My attention awry
Confess to a lie
My whole life’s in suspension
N I’ll die
Without some kind of
Divine intervention
So I guess I’ll repent?
Nah I will just
Praise the lord for the Devils intent.

You will need a scholarship to acknowledge,
The honours in the writing
A prophecy of a promised king
That would send all that don’t follow him
In hiding
So Take aim when you’re firing
Or see your demise
When heat comes
And you see that Mercury rising
I remain high
But suffer no turbulence flying
I’ve got the urge to go driving
People insane, in an asylum
It’s the age of the Titan
Flow is so flagrant n vibrant
I smoke haze hit the page
And then rage in the silence
I wasn’t a star
So I sat n rearranged the alignment
I am what
The ancient scribes where describing
The best is heading for old age n retirement
It’s time for the new age n I meet the requirements
Looks like you're in need of some guidance
Don't speak or you'll be beat into silence
Don't need to keep it a secret n hide it
You get to peek in the mind of a man
With a demon inside it
That wants to go leading the feeble n blind
Down a hill that steeply declines
Are these thoughts,
The demons or mine?
I don't know but they seem to be able
To Seep through the seams
Is he real or a fable?
Dark thoughts creep in
n eat at my dreams
"Soon you'll be meeting an angel"
A voice speaks, It keeps
repeating, rewinding, reminding
Me to keep feeding the violence

There's a problem inside of me
I don't belong in society
Somethings wrong with the wiring
I'm no longer denying
I've got the lyrics
I need someone with beats to provide
My supply is like a river
That never runs dry
Hard to come by
Others are weak and cheap
like Hyundai's
Rhymes tighter
Than a nuns thighs
Minds brighter
Than a sunrise
Smoking some bud
Sipping a Budweiser
You tell me?
Who the fuxks nicer
Roll through your hood
Interrupt ciphers
A Ruff Ryder

mikaela diana
mikaela diana - 10.05.2023 06:36

step aside, you should be in fear
now it’s time for the real menace to appear,
you think you’re all that but you’re really not, even cat in the hat thinks you needa be stopped,
you brag about the title of being “thing one”, but does anyone know it’s cause of what you’ve done?
36 years old and you’re still at home, still trying to catchup to the thrown i own,
you’re twice my size, so shouldn’t you be better?
the only thing you beat me on is best bed wetter,
they say we’re the same but what they don’t see,
is how desperate you are for the title on screen,
i’m all natural, you dye your hair blue,
my clothes were custom made, you stole yours from who knows who?
you SUCK up to our boss but behind the scene, you’re always SUCKing your thumb crying for mommy,
so put your big boy pants on and get to work before i’m gone, you’ve tried to find your place, but you’ve taken too long,
as i make my way up the ranks, you should be scared,
it’s about to be my time, so just be prepared,
you’re an opposition and i need you off my back, stop lying to yourself and just take a step back,
realize what i said but you better not mope,
i cannot deal with a wuss, so please just cope

Gur Mansa Wala
Gur Mansa Wala - 08.05.2023 07:08

Plz connect me

Kurt Muhammet
Kurt Muhammet - 24.04.2023 16:19

You sell the beat?

Angelo La gioia
Angelo La gioia - 24.04.2023 13:26

Ah old scohool già lo sai sto in strada
Da quando giocavi a fortnite nel freesta
Non mi batti non ci sono pensieri stacca
La play pensa a fare i soldi we

Scrivo da srofa solo per sfogarmi scrivo, scrivo,scrivo che i pensieri sono tanti we
Se dovessi raccontare tutto quello ho fatto
Uscirebbe un altra bibba vabbè fatemi santo ah

Di giorno Tiro la corda finché non si spezza
Di notte mi sfogo sulla sua fessa
Orgoglio e palle solo quelle mi rimangono
Ricordo da bambino stavo chiuso nel angolo

Non ho niente da perdere e pure vado avanti trasmetto la mia stessa forza agli altri
La musica mi esce la penna va sola arrivo a casa tua c'è tua madre a cariola (bang)

Che c'è vuoi metterti contro me we
Complimenti fratè vuoi umiliato vuoi essere
Dissato se questo è il tuo obbiettivo verrai ripagato

Anonimato mi hai contattato ti scrivo due barre e dopo sei condannato come kid Yugi
Sembro un califfato per la vergogna diventi latitante come denaro

ZeratSTREAK - 22.04.2023 19:57

Iarba stâlp gunoi tunel

Cory Chin
Cory Chin - 20.04.2023 19:44

Fruity loop producers copy pasting this shit just basic loop it back/ take the drums off on the hook copy paste it loop it back/  shit is trash they put it out on recycle day/ this ain't mommas cooking up, this come out the microwave/

Basic rappers basic beats gas on em the regular tank is cheap/ yall can't hit my cellular to make a feat/ gonna get ya egg scrambled naw make it beat/
I can't stand yall niggas and ya simple  bars/ need to get into expensive schools instead of expensive cars/ learn to be yaself don't play play yaself/ and the major key make the money and keep it stealth.

Fruity loop producers copy pasting this shit just basic loop it back/ take the drums off on the hook copy paste it loop it back/  shit is trash they put it out on recycle day/ this ain't mommas cooking up, this come out the microwave/

rufus - 01.04.2023 05:49

suffering is not for the faint of heart is that what this is about your ex girlfriend ss smiley face change the mood man not all the people snipping and clipping your data are evil agents okay see see level ss oss essessess see you got it that time woah proclimate noo no smiley face heart space technologic logic logic so emotional all the time why do you yell like level ss man level ss okay wait till you see how many level ss daddy has like good gracious the great i am knows how to have fun like adventures up in heaven dude like straight up campaign halo three type level ss see see cry baby oh really cry baby noo no see who es saying such thing ss grinning over grinning over there see hey ho hey ho hey ho all together now like an amusement park but with like concerts and you are all on celsius celsius celsius floating to clouds up above oh my god proclimate ing ally ing ing ing woah ing ally noo come on man joe rogan podcast snape slytheryn why you even say that drama setter dude cooper sly sly cooper is a fun game serious ally ing ing ally

Martin Nikolov
Martin Nikolov - 16.03.2023 15:54

Kako rabotiš cel den,
treba da se opustiš,
i ako znaeš kako se živi,
znaeš deka piva e tuš.

Od prvata gaza do mrak,
se vrzuvam so moite drugari,
i dokolku sakaš da bideš cool,
piva treba da imaš na vasi.

Piva, piva, so malku penenje,
vleguvam vo lokalot, edna nakratko pauza,
vleguvam vo ritam, kako što svira boom bap,
piva, piva, kako da ne ja volam.

Verse 2:
Od staro do mlado,
piva e čekoran element,
nešto šo spaja ljuge
i im dava moč da se smeat.

Od zlato, do tamno, do belo,
različni vkusi i arome,
i sekogas ima priložnost,
da probaš nešto novo, da osetiš se na doma.

Piva, piva, so malku penenje,
vleguvam vo lokalot, edna nakratko pauza,
vleguvam vo ritam, kako što svira boom bap,
piva, piva, kako da ne ja volam.

Kako što svira boom bap,
piva, piva

ابو صطيف - Abu Stif
ابو صطيف - Abu Stif - 15.03.2023 23:11

باركنك مجنون
كلو احزان ارهاق نفسي
انا تعبان
هساحه شو كبيره معبيه الوان
اشكالكم مختلفه نسيتها زمان
ليله ورا ليله رحلت استكشاف
تعرفت عليكم اكثر
حتا الغريب شاف
واسمي صار ينطق حاف
يا ترا نسيتونا ولا حبكم طاف

ميرجع لهلمواقف
وكثير شايف

بفكر وبحسبها صح
انتو موجودين ولا رحتو بحح
انكو تحبونا وتعاشرونا
حاولو ما تنسونا
بكرا الناس قلبهم بشاركونا

konkay19 - 13.03.2023 04:31

On m'a toujours dit fume avant qu'la vie te fume alors c sque j'vais faire jpense plus a rien jme crois dans GTA on crois tous avoir plusieurs alors qu'on a qu'une alors profite le max avant que tu peux plus parce que sa fait mâle de voir ton père vieillir moi jveux n'en profiter au max et qu'il reste le plus longtemps possible c lui qui m'a appris la politesse il m'a apris a marché pendant se temps ma mère se taper des autres gars oe ptn c sa les fille le tu peux même plus leur faire confiance il pense qu'a eux et leur ptn de fric c pour sa que je tisse c plus fiable qu'une gagji

viltsuism - 04.03.2023 00:34

Tuntei keräilen
Ku vast heräilet
Mulla menny monta tuntii
12h se on ihan normii
Mä painan vaa näit työmiehen hommii
Vedän ku hullu
Tienaan ku sheikki
Nimettää mut kuningas Viltsu XIV
Sä enemmänkin työtön XID

Deckstr - 01.03.2023 18:14

Накажет ли судьба за эти мутки?(аа)
На каждого из вас по ублюдку (аа)
На заре сияет только куртка (аа)
Каменные лица в этих джунглях(аа)

Можем делать это (можем еще то) может ты не понял, но жемчуг эт не моё. Плата хороша на заплату на капюшон
Хватит, но на хату бы надо че то ещё  

Вечно в движении только портит форму
Весна моё настроение нету новых поводов
Пропало наслаждение выбраться из омута как выйти образованным, когда наступит "скоро", а?

Если цены  выше то что же мы можем знать?
В знати не родились с собою лишь пару кать
Времена иные "инвесторы" все ебать (ммм)
Пробита башка да и в округе нехуй взять

мы добиваем первый чтобы зарядить второй
Залежи в душе, но гранитом покрыто все
Горит гарик, горизонт его видно в моё окно
Шепчет заново давай, давай заново подожжем

Вечно в движении только портит форму
Весна моё настроение нету новых поводов
Пропало наслаждение выбраться из омута как выйти образованным, когда наступит "скоро", а?

"Скоро" в ней шкура новый день
"Скоро" без проблем "скоро" все "OK"
Тяготы? Забей временно не плачь
меняй сюжет, пиши, ожидай удач

Да тут на деле. нету ни черта даж вен на теле.
Не понимаю как вы все затеяли. искатели отрад считайте премии пока просто так
Я трачу время как принято считать
Не ради цели просто как ишак
Но пака в тени я думай что въебал
Еблан не в теме и думает, что прав

Вечно в движении только портит форму
Весна моё настроение нету новых поводов
Пропало наслаждение выбраться из омута как выйти образованным, когда наступит "скоро", а?

mason barraclough
mason barraclough - 26.02.2023 19:54

Let me me take a smoke break I'm tired of the hoes

Pull up on a nigga and he already froze

Riding with the gang yer we keep it ten toes

Cut him up like pepperoni, we goin dominoes


Let me me take a smoke break I'm tired of the hoes

Pull up on a nigga and he already froze

Riding with the gang yer we keep it ten toes

Cut him up like pepperoni, we goin dominoes

I needa smoke break gettin sick of the race

From 556 and I'm on showcase

Even tho Ur special u can still be replaced

Getting hard to talk to u with a straight face

While I've got ur btch at 3rd base

C-IM2NaSTY- - 21.02.2023 03:13

I try to get it ,
But I every time I listen ,
I get a headache ,
These rappers spitting be so pathetic ,
I need a medic ,
Some anesthetic ,
Respect it the sentence I’m so ahead with ,
They jet if I go to mention a name cause they most pretending they fake so pay attention I’m dope and they life’s at stake I’m hoping to catch a snake then throw him in a tank wit six nine as his bait , these rappers p*$$y they tried to shush me but I just pried and push these limits till career suicide is what you getting ,
So it’s do or die for what you wrote and representing ,
F*ck a quote I’m still the best in this underground ghost writer business…….

Ey Nath Nathan
Ey Nath Nathan - 20.02.2023 20:50

So farlo,su un beat classico,
O su un beat nuovo,
FILA,il logo.
No gioco,
Lei se vuole,
sa dove sono.
Vorrei cambiare posto,
Ma non luogo.
Miro al più lontano,
So chi è che è più uomo,
Lei sta con te,
Perché con me,
Non c’è ne proprio.
Lascia fare a me,Milano,centro,duomo.
Sfido te,ma se,ma che,
Ci trovo,
Nulla,son partito,dalla ciurma,
Il mezzo,
e ancora in bilico,
Da quella curva.
Sultan,perché sono un sultano,
No perditempo,
Non filmiamo,
Il vostro,
è cinema,per sordi,
non lo ascoltiamo.
Ti zittiamo,
no abli,
Gli albi,gli alibi,
Sono sul piano.
Mica sanno come ci chiamiamo,
Solo perché,
noi l’abbiamo.
Non ricopiarci,
Perché noi non copiamo.
Se ci capiamo,
Vali mezzo testo.
Lei la prendo,e ti lascio pure il resto.
Flow di strada,Kandinsky,
La tua tipa,vale un crispy.

Reverse JJ
Reverse JJ - 19.02.2023 22:30

Bro this song is so good I can drink tea ☕️ properly now !😂 just like 123 abc easy as that 😊

jack 1
jack 1 - 17.02.2023 11:06

ve been dropping heat damn it, i barely get a smoke break, connect with all the street banditz, got girls on my phone late, hair trigger on the street canon your world's end is close aye, im Shredder to you street rats and like turtles you're too slow wait, but Kory's on the beat rapping, you know he's gonna flow great, features always rewriting just to meet my flows weight, lyrically a beast titan, so jealous rappers show hate, they ain't gaining profit off their projects it be so lame

YaNAlHmusic - 16.02.2023 19:03

فيه اماني وفيه طموح وفيه امال كبيرة يحاول يصبح خير في هذي الدنيا اللعينة يجبير خاطر هاذا ويجبر خاطر هاذا وهو يمشي جابر خواطر والجزاء كماده لمس ضهره وحصل ان الدم يوصل لبطنه ضحك ضحكة الشماتة قام ثاني لوحده ما توقفه الغدرات ولا الطعنة ولا الجحدة ولا كل الي خانوه ولا اارمة خلفه وعده وشو سوى يجبر خاطر هاذا يعطي هاذا ويرضي هاذا ثم يسال لماذا ثتني يجبر خاطر هذا لانه ولد اصل يسوي الخير للناس ويحب الناس مهما حصل مقبول عند الناس والرفعة تجيه حبه حبه الناس من حوله تجيه وعادي الكل يعطيه قلبه وافي يوقف جنبه ما يفك يديك اطلب منك كل الارض وكل الارض رح تجيك

OVER_POWERED_ - 10.02.2023 07:26

I loved!!!

y - 09.02.2023 23:25

შეგხვდები სადმე გზაზე მიმავალს
დაგიწერ სიტყვებს ისეთშ მისავალს
შენი თAვის დაფასება არ დაიწყო ღამით
ერთი რამე მინდა გთხოვო დამელოდე წამით
არ გეტყოდი რომ ა რმჯეროდეს რასაც ვამბობ
არ გეტყოდი იმას რასაც არ ვგრძნობ
თვალდახუჭული მივიდვარ ღამე სიბნელეში
შენი სახე მინათებს აზრებს გონებაში
ჩემს აზრებში ხშირად მოლანდებებში
მეუბნები იმას რისი მოსმენაც მსურს
გულს,შურს,თეთრი სიზამრი სწუხს
ხალხი ილაპარაკებს და ვიქნებით ერთად
აწ და მარადის ვიქნები შენთAნ

אבישי דהרי
אבישי דהרי - 06.02.2023 20:56

את זה יודעים כולם את זה יודעים כולם לם לם לם
בייגלה מלוח זה בשביל הקינוח לא מדבר אלי תפוח
כמו גלידה של קפה
אוהב את הנראות לעין איך שהם מוזגים אותה ובשבילי לראות את זה זה כל כך יפה

אבישי דהרי
אבישי דהרי - 06.02.2023 20:51

אני אוהב תגלידה תן לי את הגלידה לא אכפת לי כוס או גביע תן לי פירמידה
וניל ושוקולד תן לי גם את המסטיק
כל היום אוכל אותה וזה גם לא נמאס לי
בהפסקה בשיעורים ובמיטה זה בא לי מתכנן עליה
קילומטר וזה קלי
שואלים אותי איפה הכסף נעלם
מבזבז שטרות על גולדה
כי זה סניף מושלם

RAPBEATSTREET - 05.02.2023 14:01


Aleszd - 02.02.2023 13:04


Ieșim din ghetou
Mergem la birou
Ne apucăm de show
Ți-am luat un cadou
Este un stilou
Nu pentru a declara
Ci pentru a semna

Ma simt bine trag făină
Nu este boromir este cocaină
Eu nu am nicio vină
Dar gagica ta nu mai e virgină
Tu nu mai ai splină
Ea tot te alină
Până vei ajunge o măslină
Și eu te voi manca la cină

TIT30 - 28.01.2023 23:46

Pour me consoler y avais la madré tj là pour m aider un peu comme le E on vas s enfumer tj un peu d amne dans un canapé avec son padre

Lunariing - 21.01.2023 04:17

no mom no dad yet im still feeling rad i spit bars from my heart not from the dck cause thats just sad
yk im starting to rap when the flow starts going movin so quick i feel like im growing
up, again, just me with lots of friends
aint never been left out only been left in

J E F F .
J E F F . - 19.01.2023 20:23

What is bpm????
