I wonder if it's possible if The Rebellion has some pilots use this or ordinary soldiers? I was j😊ust wondering since I am not sure if it's a good ship for a jedi to use during the Galactic Civil War of Star Wars since I made a jedi oc and I am Star Wars fan
ОтветитьI've been trying to find the micro galaxy squadron v-wing. Great looking ship!
ОтветитьThis just appeared in The Mandalorian season 3 flashback section.
ОтветитьThis has always been my go-to ship if I was to ever be in Star Wars.
ОтветитьYou are such a fracking nerdiod! watched this twice. Love it .... thanks
ОтветитьI still think the Arc-170 looks better I don't like this design....
ОтветитьV wing might take a hit and survive. Where it's the father of the ties. However ties can't take one shot without blowing up. Trapped in a mini pod with no shield.
ОтветитьI really enjoy the V-wing. It certainly has had a lot of ambiguous attributes over the years. I'm still unsure of how the wing rotations work. Sometimes they depict the wing folding forward together and in the one wide shot clip here, the wings are folded backward. But then it also has the wings as landing gear feature where the whole thing stays open but rotates down. Are all of them true?
Great video.
I always thought the Eta class was the predecessor to the Tie Fighter? as least visually they looked similar
ОтветитьOkay so to fighters don’t have life support so the pilots need sealed suits but what about when Poe and Finn took the tie fighter from the first order and didn’t have helmets
ОтветитьThis just spark some question for me. Why did they name ship after their shape based on roman letters when it should have been Arabesh
ОтветитьThis was my first lego starwars set. It is what started my love for the franchise and will always hold a special place in my heart.
Ответить3 months ago
ОтветитьThe wings are depicted to fold either forwards, backwards, or outwards. I wonder if there is an official way they are supposed to, or if they can do whatever depending on the situation.
Ответитьid say the jedi interceptor was the true father of the TIE fighter, For forces sake you can hear the TIE sound when anikin and obiwan fly by venators in ROTS
Ответить🅱️igh Explosive Squash Head
ОтветитьIf this is the father of the Tie fighter, who’s the mother?
Ответить8.35 does it have nictin in them?
ОтветитьWhere is that footage from with the landing v wing?
ОтветитьV wings do really remind me of the Starfox Assault Arwing
ОтветитьIve always hated the V wing because of its S foils
ОтветитьOne of the coolest looking starfighters of the franchise, at least of the Republic.
I know some people before said that the Arwings and Cornerian Starfighters of Star Fox Assault are very similar to the Nimbus V Wing (with the latter being basically a clone of it), but here's the thing: Star Fox: Assault was released over three months before Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (February 14th vs May 19th). So either someone at Nintendo/Namco saw production material for RotS and added the Cornerian Starfighter as a reference, they're both based on a previous ship or it's just a coincidence.
I wonder if anyone reverse-engineered it and produced their own.
ОтветитьIt's so ironic that logically empire is stronger while republic make some of the coolest shit ever
Ответитьmy favorite, even though I don't know why in Bad Batch it's vipada without a shield even though it should even have a palpatine escort and a hyperdrive
ОтветитьHey, not sure if you're gonna update this video or not. But like I said before. It also appeared in star fox by coincidence, but also the main thing is that it appeared in crimson Empire 3 comic calling themselves the second imperium or something. Just thought you should know
Ответитьthe shot of v-wings screeching as they fly past the camera was always so silly to me
ОтветитьGreat video MetaNerdz, truly a fascinating starfighter.
ОтветитьOne of my favorite Star Wars fighters. If you think about it, it's the perfect fighter for planetary defense forces. It is fast, shielded, and with the high rate of fire you don't have to be super accurate. It's also got an Astromech to help the pilot do things like fly and angle the weapons for firing. The mech can also be used after flying for maintenance and repairs, as well as to get the preflight done when the scramble alert goes out. Put in the bomb launchers and you have a low-end superiority fighter that can dogfight AND bomb larger targets.
ОтветитьI personally interpreted the "Besh" and "Esk" variants of the V-Wing as the solutions for the inconsistencies. The B version is the bomber seen in BFII, a fast-moving ground-attack vehicle designed to fly in, drop ordnance on a ground target, and then get out. The E version is the escort seen in Revenge of the Sith, which has been noted to have an in-built hyperdrive.
ОтветитьThe real father of the TIE fighter is the Mark VI Supremacy-class starfighter which share the TIE look and feel.
ОтветитьThe empire should have kept these instead of the tie fighters...
Ответитьone of the first lego sets i remember back in 2006
ОтветитьLove the vwing
ОтветитьThis was always my favourite ship, next to the N-1 of course. Such sleek and beautiful starfighters
ОтветитьIf I could fly any Star wars fighter it would have to either be the v-wing or the Jedi varrient
Ответить~Tobacco product ad? Really? A man of your talents?
ОтветитьProjectile Launcher?, Star Wars Battlefront II? no not Star Wars "Sucessor" battlefront IV.
ОтветитьNot TIE-style fighter; it is armoured and probably better variant of Awing
Acceleration and speed are similar
I still find it hilarious they decided to make this ship the republics bomber in the old Battlefront II. That is the exact opposite of what this thing was supposed to be.
ОтветитьUSAF needs these mf’s asap
Ответитьmy favourite GAR fighter, alongside ARC-170
ОтветитьI have a Lego V-Wing. Its a cool lego model
ОтветитьV wing is just combined x wing and tie fighter 😂