A life of purpose | Rick Warren

A life of purpose | Rick Warren


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@carolyn5360 - 19.12.2023 14:57

It's about right relationship to Father God, The Lord Jesus, and The Holy Spirit, doing God's will, and giving God glory.

@CharlesDorman-uc5sf - 14.11.2023 21:26

Now Jesus is coming tomorrow
So send in all your money today

@CharlesDorman-uc5sf - 14.11.2023 21:24

Jesus is the devil

@CharlesDorman-uc5sf - 14.11.2023 21:23

The Christian god Jesus is Satan the devil and he is not coming back
Christians worship Satan with a human sacrifice of Jesus to Satan
You’ve been deceived
Repent accept jahovah and do good works

@BobF510 - 26.10.2023 04:02

This content is an eye-opener. A similar book I read was equally enlightening. "Mindful Mastery: Living Intentionally in a Chaotic World" by Kyle Ash

@KeiaLB - 24.10.2023 00:23


@SamPaul05 - 11.10.2023 16:32

Anybody watching this in 2023 October?

@IsaidwithaC - 20.08.2023 23:24

Rick says: "You're not given money or fame for your own ego, ever."

Kim Kardashian: "Hold my beer"

@Fdhaule - 05.07.2023 08:47

Being good, Doing good.. thank you pastor Warren

@zigulimiguli - 01.07.2023 10:34

...but there was something that soon will God bring into his and his family life , ...

@samanthatermizi - 09.04.2023 06:14

Amazing 🤩

@jeraldbaxter3532 - 03.02.2023 14:58

Within the first 4 minutes, he mentions how successful his book is 4 times.

@umapathijeevan5914 - 26.12.2022 20:37

Thank you Pastor

@RinoMacEight - 18.11.2022 20:31

Rewatchting this after many years but "Priests are like doctors" still gets me 😅 Because priests go through a decade of tedious academic studies and interships to learn about human biology and/or psychology.

@lwdcourt - 17.11.2022 17:18

Very motivational but you don't need God to know your purpose. You need God for the forgiveness of sins and only then do you find your purpose. Chasing purpose without forgiveness is like making coffee without water.

Also it seems the fundamental point here is to focus on using the shape "God made you". However, the bible is replete with examples of God using men and women who were not qualified or "shaped" to do the work He called them to do, in order that God be glorified. Ironically in the example Pastor Rick gives here, Moses, he was not used in his shape! First he was shaped to be an Egyptian ruler but he ran away from that. Then he was shaped to be a shepherd of sheep but God asked Him to do something He was not trained to do, didn't and indeed couldn't identify in himself that he had any qualities to do, in order to rely on the power of God to do what was being asked.

For clarity, you cannot find your purpose or your shape by any human means. Indeed it is highly likely that God requires you to do things that are not your natural shape!

@darenarumugam4817 - 09.11.2022 12:44

I hate reading but I'm trying to read this book I'm only on day 3 it's changed my mindset so much this far god bless this man

@maryrosedacut6042 - 23.10.2022 16:14

I love this talk. One of the best out of the many I have watched already. <3

@carmensheffey-mills799 - 29.09.2022 22:18

Mr. Warren I have a perplexing question that I feel I need to ask. I don’t know if you will understand my question but I know I have to ask it. In Revelation it speaks about a war breaking out in heaven between Michael and Satan and there was no place in heaven for Satan and his minions anymore and they were cast down to earth. Some 30 some years ago I asked why demon possession isn’t mentioned in the Old Testament but as Jesus comes on the scene and begins his ministry he begins to expel the demons. Could this imply that Satan and Jesus came to the earth at the same time? And what would this mean for the biblical time line?

@deenahbernales9456 - 16.09.2022 05:11

can someone send me a reflection of this video in 200 words so ican understand more

@pray4daves - 09.08.2022 08:14

Thank you Pastor Rick.. All praises to God for using you mightily to win perishing souls like me.

@pray4daves - 09.08.2022 08:13

“Whoever acknowledges me before men, I will also acknowledge him before my Father in heaven, But whoever disowns me before men, I will disown him before my Father in heaven.”
Matthew 10:32-33 (NIV)
We are living in a world that will pass away someday. Our real Home is a place where there are no tears, agony, or strife and this is for sure. God has given us little time to live on this earth and let’s use it for His glory.
Once a man loved his horse so much, but the horse felt like the master was exploiting her so she ran away from the house. Years rolled by, both the man and the horse grew older. But this old man still had a hope that his horse will return back to him and was longing. Finally, the wandering horse returned to his master. The master rejoiced and he hugged the horse with tears and caressed it, they lived together until death separated them.
Many people like me think to return to God after growing older like the horse did. Let’s not wait like the horse did, as time is precious. Today might be ours, but there is no guarantee that tomorrow will be ours because tomorrow belongs to Jesus and He will decide.
What is the life span of a human being? Do we find anyone from our old generations living? Hitler who hated and massacred the Jews now lies in the grave. He has no power or authority and is gone forever. He cannot repent for his sins, as the time God has given him is over. Nevertheless, we are privileged, because we still have a chance to repent because we are LIVING NOW!! We may be worse than Hitler, we may be worse than any other cruel person on this earth, but God knows who we are and how to deal with our situations. He is the way maker, promise keeper and the light in the darkness.
I was questioning why God made me a writer, he did not make me a writer to write the stories of others, but He made me a writer to write my own story filled with dirt, filth and garbage.
During my childhood, I wasn’t good at my studies and my father used to beat me for not concentrating. Once I attended a healing prayer meeting and discovered believer’s speaking in tongues. I thought this is a great idea to grab the attention of my parents and even I started speaking in tongues and my father stopped beating me. I cheated my family several times until a preacher told them that I was possessed by evil spirits.
I’m the youngest in my family of five siblings. My mother always said she has six diamonds but she did not know that I was the ‘black sheep’ in the family. I hated Jesus for no cause. I kept sinning deliberately having a hard heart. I committed my whole youth life to Satan. I visited temples in order to please my friends. My conscience always kept pricking me that I was doing wrong, but I hardened my heart.
I grew up sinning, despite knowing that Jesus is the only Lord and Saviour. Finally, I found myself as the most wanted person on God’s offender’s list. I hated Jesus for no cause and enjoyed worldly life. God saved me multiple times from accidents and dreadful situations, but still I was hard heartened and stubborn and immersed in sin. Stealing money from my house finally made me rob God’s money in various ministries. I drowned myself in sin and sin caught me firmly that I did not find any direction to escape. The devil kept persisting me that I am his and I cannot escape from his control. It also reminded me that there was no forgiveness for me neither in this world nor the Kingdom to pass as I have deceived the Holy Spirit numerous times. After knowing that I had no forgiveness, I completely surrendered myself to Satan as I had a misconception that even God will not accept me as His child any more.
I was troubled within, evil spirits haunted me, and fear gripped me. I thought the spirits would kill me so I made an agreement with them that I will be on their side on a condition that they must stop troubling me. The devil visited me at least once or twice a month and it used to feel my body and I could also sense its presence. Whenever I was guilty, I prayed, I cried and shed tears but I did not find deliverance, as I was a hypocrite.
Once during my youth stage, my father requested me to take him for a prayer meeting in Gymkhana grounds, Hyderabad. Actually I wasn’t willing to go with him, but I thought if something happens to him I will be accountable so accompanied him. I did not listen to the message, but during the prayer time, the preacher prophesied, “who is that person who deceived God’s Holy Spirit, God loves you and is telling you to turn to Him or else He will cast you into the lake of fire.” Immediately my whole body started shivering, my knees kept knocking together and I realized that the preacher was talking about me.
Immediately the next day I went to the prayer meeting get prayed over me and the man of God placed his hands on my head and said Lord deliver him from his “lustful eyes” But this conviction only lasted for a few days and I went back to my own life. I tasted cigars, I didn’t like it, I tasted alcohol I didn’t like it and the devil began testing me in which way I will be comfortable with him. Once my friends took me to the internet café on the pretext of chatting and there I got attracted to obscene images and as days passed by this became an addiction and I spent hours together to fulfil my hearts desires.
I pretended to be a very righteous person in the sight of my family, pastors, and believers. I took baptism in 2001 to get rid of my problems, but frankly speaking guilt kept following me wherever I went and the addiction did not leave me.
I got married with a wonderful child of God, and I promised that I will not indulge in bad things anymore, but the evil one wasn’t willing to leave me from his grip. I had bad dreams, the evil one kept visiting me but the desires reduced but never stopped.
Terrible dreams shook my life. Once I died and I met Jesus and He looked at me and said ‘Come it’s time for judgement’ and I suddenly hid something from my eyes so that the Lord must not see it and I woke up trembling and woke up my wife and told her to pray for me. I shared with her all that was troubling me and even shared my dream. It was not easy to give up my addiction, but I believe that God touched my life because of the reverent prayers of my wife and my family especially my godly mother.
I wanted deliverance as the sin in me came up to the brim. I thought this is not the life I must live, the evil one became even stronger and during this time I cried out to Jesus with a true repented heart, He came to my rescue and this helped me to pen down my testimony. I wanted my mother to ready my testimony first and she was overwhelmed with joy.
I confessed all my sins at Jesus’ feet, and poured out my frustrations and Jesus delivered me from all satanic snares and I began sprouting in the Lord.
Now I realized that we have a better place and we will be worshipping the Lord with other saints. I strongly believe because God shed His blood for me to forgive and redeem me. He knows us better than we know ourselves. I thank Jesus for giving me this inspiration so that people somewhere in the corner who are struggling like me will know the truth and get delivered from various addictions that has held them hostage.
The devil is a liar, it only comes to steal, kill and destroy. Don’t believe when Satan prompts you, and do not get agitated because when God is with us, no one can be against us. Romans 8: 38-39 says, “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
We are not alone in this battle against evil foes. The battle belongs to the Lord and we must just give Jesus a chance. I am not ashamed to tell my story as Jesus has cleansed me with His blood. The satanic barricades have been destroyed and Jesus set me free and he cleansed all the scars that Satan has afflicted on me. I want to commit the rest of my life to Jesus who saved my life.
Pastor Rick Warren’s messages gave me a lot of comfort and it strengthens my faith. Thank you Pastor for your encouraging messages. God Bless you.
All praises be to Him alone for He deserves all glory and Honour! Please forward my testimony to all your family, friends, relatives and WhatsApp friends you know so that the prince of this world (Satan) would be put to shame and God’s (Jesus’) name be glorified for ever. Amen!!!

Kindly pray for me and my family.

@doctorpete1 - 05.08.2022 23:08

There you go!

@huntspencil - 08.07.2022 00:33

You talk more about money and your fame that it suggests you are more of an egotist than you claim.

@birukmoges4519 - 05.05.2022 10:52

We need such a person, to make a difference in z whole world
God bless you ...love you

@easylawonline - 24.04.2022 04:27

"Leadership is stewardship." Yes!

@marziyepakniyat9577 - 25.03.2022 00:24


@hansangelo779 - 04.03.2022 16:44


@temesgengetahun2708 - 16.02.2022 13:43

What a mesmerizing speech it is. I am an African-Ethiopian 61 years old- living at the middle of civil war with the entire my life. I did not get a chance to read the book, but I understood my life of purpose from the speech your are making.

@leslieelizabeth8406 - 10.02.2022 00:22

Fantastic! Sure thankful I listened

@davidforbregd2096 - 01.02.2022 23:23

Great Video!!

@toddk1461 - 08.12.2021 19:13

It would be interesting to listen to a discussion between Sadhguru and Rick Warren; two high profile thinkers with different perspectives on the meaning of life. I would like to see how their perspectives overlap and differ and how they would discuss the meaning of life.

@claspuse3167 - 08.11.2021 21:43

Although I believe there's a lot of truth in this, I had a friend who co founded a multi million £ business who was soon after killed by a freak accident when a tree collapsed on him. They say God works in mysterious ways..

@JoylieC - 01.11.2021 19:10

I am reading his book right now and it is exceptional. This would be a terrific book for young people as well as all of us.

@jemartejero7536 - 29.10.2021 16:57

Our life is not merely acquiring things but knowing who is the author of our life. Purpose driven life is based on knowing Jesus Christ as Our Lord and savior. Knowing Him means reading, reflect and live the teachings in the Bible. The moment we grasped those lessons from the Bible it will create a multiple perspective wherein we will be guided in our life.

@caliyxn - 25.10.2021 10:04

I'm here to write my reflection paper 😃

@merchieobordo8744 - 21.09.2021 13:54

His words 😗👌

@haroldtagal5016 - 04.09.2021 16:49

The book change my life. I've learned not just to live but to had a purpose centered with God. Thank you so much Pastor Rick.

@MCGaar - 09.08.2021 23:49

Praise Jesus!!

@Bravosmom1 - 12.07.2021 10:49

I love Pastor Rick’s video episode of “Let Go and Let God”. When you step away from what you are battling, take a calming breath , quiet your mind…..no, really , quiet your mind, stop thinking about the problem…listen to your heartbeat or your breathing, anything to take your mind off of your issue…in other words, decompress……regroup…..reprogram….give yourself a gift of pure “loving yourself oxygen” and then step slowly forward reenergized and know you are protected and not alone in your situation. You are worth this gift. And we can all take five minutes to love ourselves.

@Bravosmom1 - 12.07.2021 10:32

I’m from the Monterey area and I was so proud to have Pastor Rick bring his message to us. So profound. Years ago my daughter gave me his book, Purpose Driven Life, as a Christmas gift. I have cherished and read it at least once a year. It never gets old! I love Pastor Rick and Kay Warren. Great human beings !

@Naphakade - 19.06.2021 03:19

Thank you for the book♥️ God bless you abundantly.

@America2gether - 07.06.2021 15:30

Have you taken his spiritual inventory test yet??? Look to Jesus for your answers and read the BIBLE. This charleton references only interpretations that matches his feel good talks. Same league as Osteen.

@pausing99 - 24.05.2021 05:56

❤️ Dear Bro, Grace to you & Peace be multiplied... 😇😇😇😇😇

@RielinREALife - 04.05.2021 07:21

I remember seeing this book in my aunt bookshelf. I believe this inspired her to raise her kids and her sister 4. Thank you God ✨

@apnflr8051 - 12.04.2021 12:20

"There are accidental parents but there are no accidental kids." He got me from there already. 😮

@akitaxxx8248 - 30.03.2021 03:34

Sir Rick Warren was GODs instrument for me to focus on GOD more.

@DrFarazHarsini - 05.03.2021 04:46

"God" lol

@nivea123 - 25.02.2021 16:54

Watching at playback speed x1.25 seems as if it's normal LOL
