Why Eternals Failed?

Why Eternals Failed?

Watch Culture

2 года назад

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@lucialing3897 - 01.02.2023 20:22

How funny any dc or mcu movies that hav e a diverse cast they always flopping it Time for us to stop bigging up all white cast and support more movies with diverse stars

@RevJoe98 - 01.05.2022 02:52

I subscribed because your review stood up to woke insanity. Thank you.

@emmour9288 - 11.03.2022 13:24

Oh !!!!!
Finally someone is against the woke crap !!!!!
This is why i didnt go se this movie :)

@mikhabef5402 - 14.02.2022 05:25

Woke shit

@devondarden3033 - 06.02.2022 02:52

Because never in Marvel has the higher cause been sacrificed for immortal children to be human aka Sprite

@roofingengineer4538 - 23.01.2022 20:57

Because they were replaced by colored actors? What do you mean ? Your saying this is one reason the film flopped?

@SuperOmnicronsj44 - 16.11.2021 06:22


@SuperOmnicronsj44 - 16.11.2021 06:22

Who do you think could lead the Avengers ?

@mahmutekinci9857 - 10.11.2021 15:31

Because mcu have toxic fanbase

@avrinrose5457 - 10.11.2021 07:55

Can you talk about Kaitou Joker?

@Believe_on_the_LordJESUSChrist - 09.11.2021 20:23

God bless you.

Honestly, the gospel is very understandable. The gospel of Jesus Christ is that Jesus Christ is the Son of God that came to the world and lived a perfect life with no sin , and he willingly chose to give his life for us, he went to the cross and died for our sins, for all the sins of everyone, for everyone's sins, once and for all, the perfect sacrifice once and for all, and he was buried after he died on the cross, and on the third day he came back to life, he physically rose from the dead and resurrected to life; his body was no longer buried anymore because his body resurrected and he lived again and he ate food and taught his disciples more things, then after 40 days he ascended up into heaven and he is in heaven right now.

All that YOU have to do is stop relying on your own strength and abilities to save yourself and admit that you are a sinner and that there is absolutely nothing that you can possibly do to save yourself; and completely surrender to God totally out of a pure heart and accept that Jesus died for ALL of your sins and rose from the dead and that ALL of your sins are completely forgiven and you are not condemned but are saved because you believe the gospel of Jesus Christ the resurrected Son of the living God. Will you do this?

If you do truly repent and accept the gospel of Jesus Christ by faith , you will be born again and The Spirit of Jesus Christ will be in you forevermore and you will never perish but have everlasting life because God loves you. Pray to God in the name of Jesus Christ and God will send His Spirit and He will enter and be in you forevermore.

If you are a born again believer and The Spirit of Jesus Christ is in you right now and you know it with 100% certainty, then you are saved and will never perish but have everlasting life. Now do the best that you can to not sin anymore, but if you make a mistake and sin, just get up continue to run the race and if you make a mistake and sin again, get up again and again and continue and continue to run the race and do the absolute best that you can possibly do to not sin anymore, but know and be confident that you will never perish but do truly have everlasting life because you truly believe the gospel and are completely forgiven and The Spirit of Jesus Christ is in you of a truth.
