Fall and Rise of China - Cold War DOCUMENTARY

Fall and Rise of China - Cold War DOCUMENTARY

The Cold War

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@bpcgos - 24.06.2024 08:24

We all knew what drug can do to a nation folks...

@wuthichaiauomsin6237 - 22.06.2024 18:24

people also forget that china aren't only country to have the century of humiliation. in thailand we are all taught of territorail lost to the foreign power as well. but when the elite tell the people we will take it back they never did do anything. instead they blame the youth for lack of patriotism and want thailand to be colonized.

@kingwing3203 - 21.06.2024 14:56


@kingwing3203 - 21.06.2024 14:45


@PremKumar-kk9cq - 21.06.2024 13:58


@johnsimspon8893 - 18.06.2024 15:49

The CCP has caused far more harm to the Chinese, than all outsiders put together.

@justsomeguy8849 - 17.06.2024 18:00

Do you have any intention of talking about Ottoman Europe and how it lead to the political situation present during the Cold War?

@xinliu4097 - 17.06.2024 14:31

great depth & breadth with such a big topic, you guys have done a wonderful job!

@DrVictorVasconcelos - 17.06.2024 11:13

Britain and the US together took 1 million fatalities in WW2 (0.5 mi). The USSR and China together took 40 million (24 mi + 16 mi). Yeah, we pretty much tend to ignore it.

@DrVictorVasconcelos - 17.06.2024 10:24

Whoever's wondering, "extraterritoriality" means being able to enforce laws outside their jurisdiction of origin. It's what makes the ICC case against Israel legal, for example.

@DrVictorVasconcelos - 17.06.2024 10:22

I love how history records the (what we, elsewhere, call druglords) British monarchy as doing business with (what we, elsewhere, call drug traffickers) "covert merchants".

@damienpace7350 - 13.06.2024 15:10

Century of awesome 😉

@Skipping2HellPHX - 09.06.2024 18:28

I am interested in the choice to use Communist Party of China rather than the more commonly used Chinese Communist Party?

@reload1ing533 - 08.06.2024 19:08

Although many aspects are oversimplified (such as attributing the main issues of the Qing government to corruption, and delaying the time of warlord conflicts until after World War I, as well as including the United States among the Western countries that stopped exporting goods to Japan), as a video aimed at understanding the Chinese perspective on the "Century of Humiliation," it perfectly achieves its goal.

@Numba003 - 08.06.2024 02:03

Thank you for this longer-form video! I've just recently been listening to some content about the century of humiliation. I'm sorry to hear how many Western people took advantage of China in such detrimental ways, but I'm equally sorry to hear how corrupt the Chinese government at the time had gotten.
God be with you out there, everybody. ✝️ :)

@leehaseley2164 - 07.06.2024 17:44

Hah! China is fighting against imperialism whilst being imperialist😂

@Jesse_Dawg - 06.06.2024 18:40

Please more videos. Thank you and have a great day

@armchairwarrior963 - 06.06.2024 02:55

Actually Chinese rebels defeated Dutch on Taiwan, Chinese Troops defeated Russian troops in Outter Manchuria today's Far Eastern Russia in the 1600's. The Japanese was not the first time.

@armchairwarrior963 - 06.06.2024 02:47

What is not said, US/West as a whole had colonies inside China, with its own laws etc... Another words Westerners were above the law. Chinese could be deleted, no criminal punishment of the Westerner. Until PRC took over.
Love how American's leave their own colonization roles of China.

@volodyadykun6490 - 05.06.2024 12:07

There is hilarious typo in the description

@Jesse_Dawg - 04.06.2024 20:23


@MusashiK2000 - 04.06.2024 11:22

The problem with the CCP is that it thinks it is owed respect by the international community, but respect is earned not given. Xi Jinping and those that preceded him have done little to earn respect due to their aggressive policies, both internal and external. Until Chinese leaders accept that they are the cause of suspicion of China, little will change.

I think this video could have benefited from some views from non-CCP mouthpieces about how China has been its own worst enemy in that respect.

@Jesse_Dawg - 03.06.2024 21:22

Please more videos about China

@Peizxcv - 03.06.2024 18:56

It's not just mainland China, it's all Chinese. Majority of ethnic Chinese overseas, an estimated 60 millions, are overseas because theirancestors were forced to seek opportunity elsewhere during the Century of Humiliation. The only exception might be Taiwan and Hong Kong who believe they've been bred by the Japanese and British into a better breed of Chinese superior to other Asians

@michaelsomething7674 - 03.06.2024 14:10

And if Sun Yat Sen is alive today, he will see a prosperous China that rose to second most powerful in the world or even first depends on what matric used.

@Zealith - 03.06.2024 00:21

The eight nation alliance did nothing wrong.

@gsyoou - 02.06.2024 10:22

为什么老外不懂中国的历史 老是用西方人的偏见去解释中国的近代历史?

@canman5060 - 02.06.2024 09:49

But Mao's great femine cost the lives of over 40 million Chinese. CCP propanganda and their 'best'.

@canman5060 - 02.06.2024 09:46

The Chinese continuously making opium irrespective of the ban but the opium from British East India Company is far better in quality and above all the price is highly competitive.

@rdunc1586 - 02.06.2024 06:29

So much history and understanding packed into one show … well done sir

@chadieccoates6419 - 01.06.2024 22:17

Great video! This shows the strong link of history & current events in the Indo-Pacific.

@caseclosed9342 - 01.06.2024 22:15

Don’t forget the Boxer Rebellion was the subject a movie called 55 Days at Peking that had a catchy theme song…

@deshaun9473 - 01.06.2024 20:11

The PRC has certainly used it as a narrative to legitimize their rule. But that doesn't make the "Century of Humiliation" any less traumatic for the Chinese people. Or to seek to avoid a repeat of it.

@Varangoi - 31.05.2024 23:26

Love your videos. Would you do a summery of the most important events each decade during the Cold War?

@darthguilder1923 - 31.05.2024 18:58

Great video, I wrote a paper about the humiliation narrative before, this is quite well-organized

@tkmmkt6569 - 31.05.2024 06:38

Excellent video. Should be shown in history class.

@seansanchez1245 - 31.05.2024 04:42


@ethanpf449 - 30.05.2024 22:49

More hour long videos please

@tianlezheng6829 - 30.05.2024 20:50

These people are originally part of China. Western imperialism should not invade and interfere in China's internal affairs.

@tianlezheng6829 - 30.05.2024 20:39

In a semi-colonial and semi-feudal country like China, only through the people's democratic revolution led by the vanguard and the establishment of the people's democratic dictatorship can independence, self-reliance, industrialization and national rejuvenation be achieved. We will find that many countries that have held so-called "democratic elections" have essentially become controlled by the landlord class. The landlords then rely on selling resources to seek profits for themselves and become economic colonies of imperialist powers. There is a lack of industrial construction, economic construction, social construction and industrialization in the local area. In Latin America, the country is controlled by caudillos. Therefore, in third world countries, the elected parliament is a tool for landlords and comprador bourgeoisie to control the country. This is actually undemocratic because it represents the interests of a minority or the interests of foreign powers in the local area, rather than the interests of the local people or the interests of the majority of the local people. Under such conditions, if you want to truly develop, you must establish people's democracy. If you want to establish people's democracy, you must first overthrow the old parliament. Only through the people's democratic revolution led by the vanguard can you overthrow the old parliament controlled by landlords, warlords and comprador bourgeoisie, because it is impossible for the parliament controlled by the landlord class to pass any progressive reforms, promote social revolution and carry out industrialization, because industrialization will touch the interests of landlords and compradors. This is determined by the class nature of the landlords. If a country wants to industrialize, especially a late-developing country, it needs a strong leadership core to overthrow the landlord class, establish a dictatorship, and use the power of the state to complete land reform and invest in industrialization.

@tianlezheng6829 - 30.05.2024 20:39

The history of China is a history of national splendor. What is different about the current strong nationalism of the Chinese people is that it permeates the whole society, because it attracts unprecedented numbers of people. It is no longer a phenomenon that is essentially limited to students. At the beginning of this century, it was students who became the pioneers of the Kuomintang and the Chinese Communist Party. Chinese nationalism has now become a mass phenomenon that is determining the way of thinking in the world's most populous country.
This way of thinking has deep historical roots. History has conditioned the Chinese elite to think that China is the natural center of the world. In fact, the Chinese word "China" means "Central Kingdom", which expresses the idea that China is at the center of world affairs and emphasizes the importance of national unity. This idea also means that its influence radiates from the center to the periphery in different levels. Therefore, China, as the center, wants others to respect it.
Moreover, since ancient times, populous China has always had a unique and proud civilization. This civilization is extremely advanced in all aspects: philosophy, culture, art, social management skills, technological inventions and political power. The Chinese cannot forget that until about 1600 AD, China was the world leader in agricultural productivity, industrial inventions and living standards. Unlike European and Islamic civilizations, which have nurtured about seventy-five nations, China has been a single nation for most of its history. At the time of the Declaration of Independence, the United States had a population of more than 200 million and was the world's leading manufacturing power.

From this point of view, then, China's fall from glory and the humiliations it has suffered over the past 150 years are an aberration, a blasphemy against Chinese characteristics, and a humiliation to every Chinese individual. This humiliation must be purged and the perpetrators should be punished. The main perpetrators are Britain, Japan, Russia, and the United States. Their crimes vary in degree: Britain launched the Opium Wars and shamelessly belittled China afterwards; Japan has launched predatory wars for a long century, causing great suffering to the Chinese people, but Japan has not repented of this; Russia has continued to encroach on China's northern territories, and Stalin has been domineering and completely ignored the self-esteem of the Chinese people; and finally, the United States has become an obstacle to China's foreign ambitions through its presence in Asia and its support for Japan.
China believes that two of the four powers have already been punished by history. Britain is no longer an empire, and the American flag has been permanently lowered in Hong Kong, closing a particularly painful chapter. Russia remains a neighbor, but its status and reputation have been greatly reduced, and its territory has been greatly reduced. Therefore, only the United States and Japan pose the most serious problems for China. China will define its regional and global role to the greatest extent in terms of its interaction with these two countries.

However, this definition depends first on how China itself evolves and how powerful an economic and military power it actually becomes. In this regard, the forecast for China is generally promising, although not without some major uncertainties and constraints. The rate of China's economic growth and the scale of foreign investment in China are among the highest in the world. The conventional forecast based on these two statistics is that in about twenty years, China will become a global power, with a power roughly equal to that of the United States and Europe (assuming that Europe has both deepened and expanded). China's GDP has now far exceeded that of Russia and is likely to far exceed that of Japan by then. This economic development will enable China to acquire a strong military power of a scale that will frighten all its neighbors, even those geographically distant but opposed to China's development.
The return of Hong Kong and Macau to China, and perhaps the eventual reunification of Taiwan with the mainland, will further strengthen China, and the Greater China that will emerge will not only become the dominant country in the Far East, but also a first-class world power.

——Brzezinski, The Grand Chessboard

@tianlezheng6829 - 30.05.2024 20:38

The history of China is a history of national splendor. What is different about the current strong nationalism of the Chinese people is that it permeates the whole society, because it attracts unprecedented numbers of people. It is no longer a phenomenon that is essentially limited to students. At the beginning of this century, it was students who became the pioneers of the Kuomintang and the Chinese Communist Party. Chinese nationalism has now become a mass phenomenon that is determining the way of thinking in the world's most populous country.
This way of thinking has deep historical roots. History has conditioned the Chinese elite to think that China is the natural center of the world. In fact, the Chinese word "China" means "Central Kingdom", which expresses the idea that China is at the center of world affairs and emphasizes the importance of national unity. This idea also means that its influence radiates from the center to the periphery in different levels. Therefore, China, as the center, wants others to respect it.
Moreover, since ancient times, populous China has always had a unique and proud civilization. This civilization is extremely advanced in all aspects: philosophy, culture, art, social management skills, technological inventions and political power. The Chinese cannot forget that until about 1600 AD, China was the world leader in agricultural productivity, industrial inventions and living standards. Unlike European and Islamic civilizations, which have nurtured about seventy-five nations, China has been a single nation for most of its history. At the time of the Declaration of Independence, the United States had a population of more than 200 million and was the world's leading manufacturing power.

From this point of view, then, China's fall from glory and the humiliations it has suffered over the past 150 years are an aberration, a blasphemy against Chinese characteristics, and a humiliation to every Chinese individual. This humiliation must be purged and the perpetrators should be punished. The main perpetrators are Britain, Japan, Russia, and the United States. Their crimes vary in degree: Britain launched the Opium Wars and shamelessly belittled China afterwards; Japan has launched predatory wars for a long century, causing great suffering to the Chinese people, but Japan has not repented of this; Russia has continued to encroach on China's northern territories, and Stalin has been domineering and completely ignored the self-esteem of the Chinese people; and finally, the United States has become an obstacle to China's foreign ambitions through its presence in Asia and its support for Japan.
China believes that two of the four powers have already been punished by history. Britain is no longer an empire, and the American flag has been permanently lowered in Hong Kong, closing a particularly painful chapter. Russia remains a neighbor, but its status and reputation have been greatly reduced, and its territory has been greatly reduced. Therefore, only the United States and Japan pose the most serious problems for China. China will define its regional and global role to the greatest extent in terms of its interaction with these two countries.

However, this definition depends first on how China itself evolves and how powerful an economic and military power it actually becomes. In this regard, the forecast for China is generally promising, although not without some major uncertainties and constraints. The rate of China's economic growth and the scale of foreign investment in China are among the highest in the world. The conventional forecast based on these two statistics is that in about twenty years, China will become a global power, with a power roughly equal to that of the United States and Europe (assuming that Europe has both deepened and expanded). China's GDP has now far exceeded that of Russia and is likely to far exceed that of Japan by then. This economic development will enable China to acquire a strong military power of a scale that will frighten all its neighbors, even those geographically distant but opposed to China's development.
The return of Hong Kong and Macau to China, and perhaps the eventual reunification of Taiwan with the mainland, will further strengthen China, and the Greater China that will emerge will not only become the dominant country in the Far East, but also a first-class world power.

——Brzezinski, The Grand Chessboard

@tianlezheng6829 - 30.05.2024 20:38

The history of China is a history of national splendor. What is different about the current strong nationalism of the Chinese people is that it permeates the whole society, because it attracts unprecedented numbers of people. It is no longer a phenomenon that is essentially limited to students. At the beginning of this century, it was students who became the pioneers of the Kuomintang and the Chinese Communist Party. Chinese nationalism has now become a mass phenomenon that is determining the way of thinking in the world's most populous country.
This way of thinking has deep historical roots. History has conditioned the Chinese elite to think that China is the natural center of the world. In fact, the Chinese word "China" means "Central Kingdom", which expresses the idea that China is at the center of world affairs and emphasizes the importance of national unity. This idea also means that its influence radiates from the center to the periphery in different levels. Therefore, China, as the center, wants others to respect it.
Moreover, since ancient times, populous China has always had a unique and proud civilization. This civilization is extremely advanced in all aspects: philosophy, culture, art, social management skills, technological inventions and political power. The Chinese cannot forget that until about 1600 AD, China was the world leader in agricultural productivity, industrial inventions and living standards. Unlike European and Islamic civilizations, which have nurtured about seventy-five nations, China has been a single nation for most of its history. At the time of the Declaration of Independence, the United States had a population of more than 200 million and was the world's leading manufacturing power.

From this point of view, then, China's fall from glory and the humiliations it has suffered over the past 150 years are an aberration, a blasphemy against Chinese characteristics, and a humiliation to every Chinese individual. This humiliation must be purged and the perpetrators should be punished. The main perpetrators are Britain, Japan, Russia, and the United States. Their crimes vary in degree: Britain launched the Opium Wars and shamelessly belittled China afterwards; Japan has launched predatory wars for a long century, causing great suffering to the Chinese people, but Japan has not repented of this; Russia has continued to encroach on China's northern territories, and Stalin has been domineering and completely ignored the self-esteem of the Chinese people; and finally, the United States has become an obstacle to China's foreign ambitions through its presence in Asia and its support for Japan.
China believes that two of the four powers have already been punished by history. Britain is no longer an empire, and the American flag has been permanently lowered in Hong Kong, closing a particularly painful chapter. Russia remains a neighbor, but its status and reputation have been greatly reduced, and its territory has been greatly reduced. Therefore, only the United States and Japan pose the most serious problems for China. China will define its regional and global role to the greatest extent in terms of its interaction with these two countries.

However, this definition depends first on how China itself evolves and how powerful an economic and military power it actually becomes. In this regard, the forecast for China is generally promising, although not without some major uncertainties and constraints. The rate of China's economic growth and the scale of foreign investment in China are among the highest in the world. The conventional forecast based on these two statistics is that in about twenty years, China will become a global power, with a power roughly equal to that of the United States and Europe (assuming that Europe has both deepened and expanded). China's GDP has now far exceeded that of Russia and is likely to far exceed that of Japan by then. This economic development will enable China to acquire a strong military power of a scale that will frighten all its neighbors, even those geographically distant but opposed to China's development.
The return of Hong Kong and Macau to China, and perhaps the eventual reunification of Taiwan with the mainland, will further strengthen China, and the Greater China that will emerge will not only become the dominant country in the Far East, but also a first-class world power.

——Brzezinski, The Grand Chessboard

@tianlezheng6829 - 30.05.2024 20:38

In a semi-colonial and semi-feudal country like China, only through the people's democratic revolution led by the vanguard and the establishment of the people's democratic dictatorship can independence, self-reliance, industrialization and national rejuvenation be achieved. We will find that many countries that have held so-called "democratic elections" have essentially become controlled by the landlord class. The landlords then rely on selling resources to seek profits for themselves and become economic colonies of imperialist powers. There is a lack of industrial construction, economic construction, social construction and industrialization in the local area. In Latin America, the country is controlled by caudillos. Therefore, in third world countries, the elected parliament is a tool for landlords and comprador bourgeoisie to control the country. This is actually undemocratic because it represents the interests of a minority or the interests of foreign powers in the local area, rather than the interests of the local people or the interests of the majority of the local people. Under such conditions, if you want to truly develop, you must establish people's democracy. If you want to establish people's democracy, you must first overthrow the old parliament. Only through the people's democratic revolution led by the vanguard can you overthrow the old parliament controlled by landlords, warlords and comprador bourgeoisie, because it is impossible for the parliament controlled by the landlord class to pass any progressive reforms, promote social revolution and carry out industrialization, because industrialization will touch the interests of landlords and compradors. This is determined by the class nature of the landlords. If a country wants to industrialize, especially a late-developing country, it needs a strong leadership core to overthrow the landlord class, establish a dictatorship, and use the power of the state to complete land reform and invest in industrialization.

@tianlezheng6829 - 30.05.2024 20:34





@manderson416 - 30.05.2024 11:04

The anti-imperialist attitude of China and refusal to be bullied by western powers sounds quite a bit like the US's attitude toward european powers pre 20th century. We also built a big navy to earn international respect. "Speak softly and carry a big stick"

@harmlessratz7151 - 29.05.2024 21:13

amazed how China can be such a economic superpower when almost everything made there are of subpar-standard and not to mention their cardboard apartments🤔

@tonnyscheire478 - 29.05.2024 15:10

"accidently bombed the chinese embassy"??? yeah right! lol

Also this idea that the west has become less imperialist is blatently false, they're arming and defending their genocidal zionist colony right now FFS

@bikkiikun - 29.05.2024 07:34

There certainly was a century of humiliation, but that pales in comparison the millenium of humiliation that China put unto its neighbours... many of whom still suffer from it.
Let's be real here, China was an empire that simply stumbled onto other stronger empires. And had the balance of power different, they would have acted equally "unequal"... if not worse.
And failing to understand that, will be the downfall of the PRC, because the corruption that weakened the Qing, is once again deeply intrenched within Red China... with the very same disastrous consequences on the horizon.

Oh and just to be clear... the suffering of one people never justifies or excuses the suffering of others. What the Chinese people suffered under their emperors, warlords, foreign powers, Japanese invaders is horrible, but it doesn't justify or excuse the suffering that Chinese governments brought (and still brings) unto Tibetans, Uighurs, Mongols, Vietnamese, Native Taiwanese, etc., etc.

@estebancastellino3284 - 29.05.2024 06:01

