YouTube’s Science Scam Crisis

YouTube’s Science Scam Crisis

Kyle Hill

1 год назад

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Kyle Hill
Kyle Hill - 23.06.2023 05:11

Hello to all the people potentially from Ridddle. As you will see, I left a comment on their "rebuttal" video apologizing for any missteps. However, I still believe their response video grossly misunderstood my points, and contained numerous fallacies. I stand by what I actually said with my mouth in this video. That being said, I'd like to put this behind me -- drama is NOT what I care about.

Léon Witteman
Léon Witteman - 06.11.2023 23:17

helping this video to reach more people

TanksRPrettyCool - 06.11.2023 15:32

What is worse there are MANY MANY more channels that do the same with military news in Ukraine and Israel as well as channels that AI read fake news about US Military tech and such

Tanuj Ravichandran
Tanuj Ravichandran - 06.11.2023 13:43

In these videos, just 30 secs in and you can hear the AI Voice eff it up. Mispronounced words. By an AI! Its just funny.

Rebecca Free
Rebecca Free - 06.11.2023 13:37

There's a problem with script plagiarism too unfortunately.
Simon whistler who is an amazing presenter who you can see is quality content will post them about 4 days later there's a top something channel that does a very similar video, but the points are word for word from Simon's channel.

Josiah Sharkey
Josiah Sharkey - 06.11.2023 11:10

You also misinform people you say nuclear power is completely safe without talking about all of the real dangers like nuclear reactors are all dirty bombs if they lose pressure in the reactor and start generating steam you also said nuclear waste is nontoxic that is true if it doesn't leak but steal rusts and concrete crumbles eventually so eventually all of it will leak and it still stays toxic for billions of years and it is concentrated way more than natural uranium so it is more toxic than natural uranium it is still less toxic than burning stuff for energy unless something goes wrong but you completely mislead people by ignoring those possibilities in your videos

Tapiwa M
Tapiwa M - 06.11.2023 06:59

Its surprising how popular these AI channels are getting. Like bruh can people not tell or they can tell but enjoy the content and these channels end up being forced down everyone's throats.

Paranormal Gambler
Paranormal Gambler - 06.11.2023 06:50

Glad sum1 is pointing this bs out it's sad I hit dont recommend on it least 3 or 4 these channels and they still keep showing them to me

RogueGunn - 06.11.2023 06:09

I've noticed this for a while not just in science videos but history and geography too. It's like fast food but in video form.

I just don't watch many channels where there isn't someone in front of the camera anymore.

fgoindarkg - 06.11.2023 05:04

What this video needs, is MORE COWBELL!

fgoindarkg - 06.11.2023 04:50

Those deep fake Musk paid videos are fraud by YT.

fgoindarkg - 06.11.2023 04:47

Will's feral boy ringin' that cowbell!

Dreamgeist - 05.11.2023 23:16

So true, thanks for doing your part in exposing those corrupt, fake news spreading channels

Kousuke Masuhara
Kousuke Masuhara - 05.11.2023 21:51

100% noticed this in my feed, I tend to watch science stuff from reputable channels but fall asleep to them - I wake up and it's on some wild auto picked video of nonsense and conspiracies. How do I get from John and Hank Green to aliens?!

I try to stick to content that has real people presenting and known names like Astrum. I don't mind like thought experiment type videos but these fake AI voiced ones are just crazy and never get to the point so I just click away as fast as I can. I love learning new REAL science.

ジャック - 05.11.2023 15:12

I see so many of these its always the same thing either a realistic or not realistic tts over stock footage or ai images with some fake or clickbait title and thumbnail

izzy - 05.11.2023 13:06

My dad literally refuses to believe voyager or the other farms are fake. He gets so mad at me when I try to tell him what he's watching is fake. He says he's not stupid and that he understands which is just scary
