How I Would Learn Top Lane (If I Could Start Over)

How I Would Learn Top Lane (If I Could Start Over)

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Jo Jo
Jo Jo - 05.09.2023 02:18

Is skill capped mobile browser friendly? I can’t see much of the info on my phone

RITO - 04.09.2023 09:00

This channel is goated coming from a costing 0/2/0 toplaner!!!

ToeConsumer - 28.08.2023 13:04

very well explained even for a new player

MangoBread - 27.08.2023 21:27

Absolutely love the way this video was structured from the simple and easy to understand graphics (red vs green) and quick recaps durring the video. Makes it way easier to follow and doens't force me to watch somehting multiple times.

Villainforfun - 23.08.2023 16:35

Hellos I completely abandoned top lane and my winrate went from 48% to 58%

Alessio Recchia
Alessio Recchia - 22.08.2023 13:18

Im bronze and I just played a Round using this knowledge and I completely stompt my enemie.

Pepperkill Development
Pepperkill Development - 18.08.2023 15:28

i do this every time and winning my lane than look at the map my jungler is 1/5 , adc 0/4 support 1/7 what the point of wining lane when half your team already gave up the game ? basicly losing games with S almost every game

Tristan Snyder
Tristan Snyder - 18.08.2023 02:56

My peewee brain hurts

James Field
James Field - 11.08.2023 18:45

Why is the red player blue and the green player red? Just use red and blue, my guys.

Adam - 09.08.2023 12:15

Don't learn toplane if you want to stay out of jail

cole locke
cole locke - 06.08.2023 23:00

I only came to this video to say one thing from the thumbnail, I miss instant q Darius.

Ziki zik
Ziki zik - 06.08.2023 13:41

I have a question. I have just started ranked and I was wrongly placed in silver II due to my performance with Lux (mastery 7) in the blind games. I should have been placed in iron because I am very new to the game, and now everytime that i play ranked my team just loses and I get super flamed. What can I do, for now I just tried to contact the riot support

Amon Foratto
Amon Foratto - 30.07.2023 01:28

This is actually the most valuable skill capped video.

MoustacheSkeleton - 25.07.2023 23:33

As a returning player after four years, this is a pretty cool video to have popped up for me.

HitmanProduction - 24.07.2023 19:17

what a fake , this entier video get canceled by someone don't know this and wave clear the all wave without having last hit... all this get cancelled by someone don't know how to play.

Kennyfiya - 15.07.2023 19:50

the most important thing is to teach yourself how to group, i can count countless time where the top laner prios farm over objs and most of the games are lost

Stahluminium Stahl
Stahluminium Stahl - 15.07.2023 02:40

in low elo this wins you lane everytime

Abdur R
Abdur R - 14.07.2023 16:34

this channel is like the khanacademy of league.

absolutely insane how comprehensive this guide is. i got to plat without ever knowing this stuff.

CoolzTR - 11.07.2023 12:35

The thing I hate about Skills guide is that they do not cover ever situation and the fact that its not free to just "check out"

Soham Gosavi
Soham Gosavi - 11.07.2023 09:30

Theres one more thing you can do after crashing a big wave: harass as they farm. Especially if you're a ranged champion. Or someone like illaoi. You can punish for every single ranged minion they go for. Thats why you never give the push to ranged champs if you can prevent it

Matus S
Matus S - 07.07.2023 12:48

Hi, I am very new to this strategy. What I dont understand is, why do you say that on stage 1, Darius should stay in the minion wave in order to prevent it from crashing into turret, but in stage 2 you say that Sion should back up and just let the wave come to him? Isnt that the same scenario but on the other side of the lane?

Also you mentioned at one point that Darius should've froze the lane instead of pushing it to prevent Sion from CSing. Why isnt it better to push it once Sion recalls, so he will lose minions into turret (or you can actually take some plates) and then you recall and wait for the lane to push to you? It doesnt make sense to me to set up a freeze in that spot. Thanks for clarification!

Austin Hildick
Austin Hildick - 04.07.2023 06:38

This was super helpful! Thanks. I need to figure out on top of all this how to CS better

Holy Duck
Holy Duck - 03.07.2023 16:28

The amount of theoretical knowledge to apply in real time is quite massive. I'll probably need a few games to learn how to exactly calculate the speed at which waves will be evolving.

Fadhil H
Fadhil H - 28.06.2023 07:08

What is the correlation between rebound and wave management like slow push, fast push, freeze?

Keryan Sahri
Keryan Sahri - 14.06.2023 12:30

Super guide pour la topoane , je commence a mieux dominer mes matchup.
(Les hard counter sont toujours compliqué parcontre)

Juno Cash
Juno Cash - 02.06.2023 23:08

as a beginner I hate it so much that the red player is not red on the map, just the icon

adam - 30.05.2023 14:56

how exactly does this help when your bot lane is 2/14 before 15?

Latrell Jeho
Latrell Jeho - 29.05.2023 00:57

bro i hope you have a good day and God bless you cause this video really useful for me

Hey You
Hey You - 24.05.2023 11:28

Or because you’re soon you just get tower plates when the minion wave crashes to tower. Pretty sure that’s the better move for that champ wether than resetting

Deus Vult
Deus Vult - 24.05.2023 09:07

Using sion as an example is a poor choice because sion has passive and you can never trade 1f1 for wave with him he always gets the wave in passive if you dive him

Alucard - 24.05.2023 01:03

The fact that sion can shove Darius in eraly lvl just Shows that this is low elo..

Raivazz - 21.05.2023 10:15

20 minutes and sadly you didn't mention proxy or how to counter it

gvg870 - 14.05.2023 10:01

From a D2 player - there shouldn't ever be a stage 3 of a rebound. If your wave meets enemy wave right in front of his turret, you're doing something horribly wrong because it leaves you in a gankable spot. You fast push waves to sync the wave crash timer at a point where enemy wave has not yet arrived in their tower. If enemy tries to be annoying and hold it with no minions on their side you take a big fat trade and they can never contest the crash. Stage 3 of your video is something that you should actively avoid in your games. If it happens, just leaves you vulnerable to ganks.

Correction: I agree with the tower diving aspect - in case you have jgl pathing to enemy to help with turret dive, that scenario would make sense. But not in isolation unless you're so ahead of the enemy that you can solo dive but then you should actually be looking to 2v1 as well.

Mario Mikulić
Mario Mikulić - 13.05.2023 00:59

Top lane life hack

Lock Yorick
Push until nexus is dead
Rinse & Repeat

The Dopefein
The Dopefein - 10.05.2023 20:04

confusing video

George - 10.05.2023 09:34

I'm watching your channel around a year , i've learned so much from you and i climbed from g4 to d4 , you guys are incredible ❤

Uri - 08.05.2023 22:10

is there any support or adc video like this?

Jarad Shaw
Jarad Shaw - 07.05.2023 18:58

Id pay 1000 dollars if i could wipe from my memory everything related to League. So i could actually have fun again playing. Now its like a machine task list that rare alters

Whooshmeifgay - 07.05.2023 07:27

All this for your whole team to get stomped and wanting to ff15…

shaco - 06.05.2023 23:48

How does the first successful rebound/recall affect next rebound, for the other player? Let's say both players are aware and utilising the concept, so sion has more hp/mana, and darius got off the first rebound and returns to lane with an item advantage successfully. Sion's wave is supposed to be at his tower, building up off of darius' big wave's crash... Rebound advantage is with sion at that point, but is that advantage enough to mitigate/counter an item advantage Darius has?
I guess my question is, how do you pull off a successful rebound if the other player already managed to get one... I mean it would be similar if Sion died, whether rebound crash happened or not. Darius has item advantage and priority with zoning off, by extension of item advantage... How does that work? Or is minion advantage and rebound advantage(position near tower) enough to mitigate item advantage?

Dap - 06.05.2023 20:34

Hello I went in a game to try this against olaf, he killed me 2 levels down no ult no nothing when i was half an item up. This guide didnt help me win that game

KryptoBlade - 04.05.2023 13:06

The best thing I learned from this video is to play a manaless champ that has a heal ability so you could just stay in lane for ever.

Arrownymouse - 03.05.2023 14:54

What is that red side bot cooking?

Pantakan Ploypradab
Pantakan Ploypradab - 02.05.2023 18:38


K3NEOH - 02.05.2023 04:43

Can this be used in any lane too mid and bot?

Able - 01.05.2023 17:21

I'm guessing all of this still applies for mid lane correct?
